241215 c OyIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � f- � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL --` '°� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. C /� L RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM _� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF 1 .;, WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Pa.ul acquired title for alley pur- d� poses over the following described property, to-wit: A triangle of land in the ' northwest corner of Lot 8, D. W. Moore's Addition, said triangle measuring 8 feet ; on the west line and S feet on the north line of said Lot 8, as evidenced by Cer- tificate of Titl.e No. 189650, on file in the Offiee of the City Comptroller; and WHEREAS, The Cou.ncil of the City of Saint Pa.u1 did subsequently cause the va- cation of the alley across said triangulax paxcel of land, per C.F. No. 203671, adopted�August 25, 1961, the intent being to relinquish all right to the easement � for alley purposes across said parcel of land; and � � WHEREAS, It has been de�ermined by the Office of the Corporation Counsel that ' the execution of a quitclaim deed by the City of St. Pa.ul is necessary to present . , cleax title to the subject triangulax parcel of land to the present owner of the abutting la.nds; W • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the proper City officials be authorized �` to exe.cute a quitclai.m deed to the present owner of Lot 8, D. W. Moore's Addition, �,;;. ;:�,,,,-X��;Y,�jping, '�h��W. j: Smith Tire and Ba,ttery Co., Inc.� a Minnesota Corporation, to the - ., following described portion of Lot 8, D. W. Moore's Addition, described as follows: "_ ' —��-�-�--:—,_�.- - - — — _ -�-..a..,.._�-..�.;— - — - --�-=�-=_ _° ,�` s� _ „� _, — �--r ... "w..� . � . �, .#`�;; .2,,' ;� That certa.in triangle of land in the northwest corner of Zot 8., D. W. • � �:��"'�=` Mo,ore's Addition, measuring 8 feet on the west line of said lot and 8 feet ., ,�.,•� .. � �°,�,, ` - on the north line of said lot� said conveya.nce to be made without com- � ,��� pensation on the paxt of the W. F. Smith Tire and Battery Co., Inc. w .i� 4 • EORM PPROV ps poratio u e{ �.�. �hE� 51��� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc� 19— Yeas Nays ~ ' y • ��� � Carlson l�s� R { Dalglish ' Approved 19�_ . _. ��� 6 , Meredith � • _ � �, n Favor J � Peterson -- ' � � Sprafka � • , ' Mayor A gainst ' Tedesco ._ Mr. President, Byrne � PUBLISHE3�: ��� � � ' . t: . � �� � ( .f � � - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ��� �;,. MINNESOTA � I13 Court House,6b102 _ JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4646 _ December 2� 1968 �� i To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 Gentlemen: � The undersigned, as members of the Committee on I,ands of the City of Saiut Pa,ul, established by the City Charter of said City, being � duly authorized in the premises hereby concurs in and ratifies and adopts and incorporates herein as its reco�unendation to the Coun- ci1 of the City of Saint Pau1, the recommendation of the Valuation Engineer, relative to the disposition of certain City-awned lands. The Council of the City of Saint Paul did vacate a certain alley � , described as - the east 16 feet of Lot 6, D. W. Moore's Addition, � per C.F. No. �g4g43, approved December 9� 1959, and ftiirther, as a { � condition to said va,cation, required the owner to deed to the City of Sa.int Pau1 a certa,i.n triangle of land in the northwest corner of ' Lot 8, in said addition, measuring 8 feet on the west line and 8 feet on the north line of said I,ot 8, for alley purposes necessary for complete utilization of the remaining existing alley, as evidenced by Certificate of Title on file in the Comptroller's office. The City Council did then vacate that portion of the remainin� alley described as the east 16 feet of Lot 7, D. W. Moore's Addition, and also the 8-foot triangle of Lot 8, said addition, per C.F. No. 203671, - approved August 25, 1�61, the intent being to relinquish all right and interest of the City �of Saint Pa.u1 to the easement for alley ` purposes, across said above described parcel of land; but because the City of Saint Paul has received a deed to subject 8-foot triangu- , lax parcel of land, it is necessaxy to execute a quitclaim deed from ' the City of Saint Pa.u1 to the present owner of the abuttir� lands, being the W. F. Smith Tire & Battery Co., Inc., a Minnesota corpora- tion, to comply with the intent of said C.F. 1Vo. 203671, as agproved ' August 25, 1961. . The undersigned, therefore, recommend to the Council of the City of Sai.nt Pa.ul that the proper City officials be authorized to execute a quitclaim deed to the present owner of the abutting land, being the W. F. Smith Tire & Battery Co., Inc., a Minnesota corporation,' to the • following described parcel of land, to wit: That certain triangle of land in the nortYYwest corner of Lot 8, D. W. Moore's Addition, measuring 8 feet on the • � �._ west line of said lot and 8 feet on the north line of , � . � . �O ' � � • . �. -2- said lot, said conveyance to be made without compensation on the part of the W. F. Smith Tire & Battery Co., Inc. Respectfully submitted, May, / �,�� ��(/ ' sing A nt issio of ina. /,y� Co�nissioner of Pu lic 4�orks PFD�jt i