241203 + OR161NAL TO CITY CLERI} ' n�y
° � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�. �+`��'��
r �
, .
� . HEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Section VII B of
. Ordinance• N�o. 6446 of the salary formula, a review o# contracts in industry
� indicates the following hourly rates for the classes of positions in the '
respective groups:
Group B
Air Compressor Operator $3. 85
; , Backfiller� Operator 4. 52
Bituminous Curb Machine Operator 3. 87
; Bituminous Spreader� Operator 4. 52
; Garbage Collector 3. 82
�' Hoisting Engineer 4. 52
Mi.xer Engineer 3. 96
Motor Equipment Operator 4. 30
� Motor Equipment Operator--Water Department 4. 30
Motor Patrol Operator 4. 52
t �
_ Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer° Operator) 4. 52 �
Power Shovel Operator 4. 71
_ � Pulvimixer Operator 4. 52
� Pumperete Operator 4. 61
' Road Machi.nery Operator 3. 82 �
� Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons� 3. 96
� Roller Engineer (6 tons or over� 4. 52
� Sno-Go Operator 4. 52
' Sweeper Operator 4. 52
+ Tractor Operator I 3. g6
Tractor Operator II 4. 52
Truck Driver 3. 82
Track Owner-Driver 3. 82
, , _1_
� COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19—
� Yeas Nays �
• Carlson •
� Dalglish Approved 19__
Meredith Tn Favor _
i Peterson
� , Sprafka Mayor
� Tedesco , A gainst
� Mr. President, Byrne �'�
i ��,�,�
� �
i ' , �O
t '
r � • •/�)���i��
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j • • 7�
� �
� Gr oup E
� Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engi.neer $�;,�a $ : 5�
Custodian-Engi.neer (Public Safety Building) L}.9� 9
Power Plant Helper ' 3.90 3 8A8 � ��
Pumpi.ng Engineer I 4.2�, _ 4. 3
Pumping Engineer II �+.45 4. � p��
Refrigeration Engineer (Steam-Electric) �+.25 4.�2 ��
Stationary Enginee r , �+.25 4�`�2
Sta.tionary Fireman �+.10 4�. 08�
� � �
Group G
Asphalt Raker $4. 20
Asphalt Shoveler 3. 89
Bridge Crew Leader 4. 09
Bridge Laborer 3. 89
Building Laborer � 3. 81
� Ditch Digger 3. 89
; Jackhammer� Operator 3. 94
+ Kettle Fireman 3. 89
� _ Labor Crew�Leader 4. 01
� Miner �� 4. 39
� �� Miner--Water Department �; 4. 39
� Mortar Mixer .'� 3. 94
� Public Works Laborer 3. 81
� Rooferts Helper 3. 81 .
� Sanitation Laborer 3. 81
�� Sewer Crew Leader 4. 09 .
Sewer La.borer 3. 89
� Sewer Maintenance Laborer 3. 89
� Sewer Pumpi.ng S`tation Operator 4. 19
1 5weeper Helper 2. 60
� Tamper 4. 07
s Tunnel Laborer 4. 02
� . Vibrator Operator 3. 89
! Water Serviceman I 3. 94
r -
t '
; Unskilled Laborer 3. 81
� �
� • 2
# � ,
t ". ' �.
I, .� . . •J/
{ Group A'
+ Glazier $4. 52
� Now, therefore, be it
� RESOLVED, that the hourly rates payable to each of the classes
� in Groups B,, E, and G, and the class of Glazier in Group A, of Section II
� of Ordinance No. 6446,' are hereby increased from the hourly rates
currently in effect to the hourly rates indicated above and in accordance
with Section VII B of Ordinance No. 6446; and that such higher rates shall
t become effective as of December 28, 1968.
} - —-.. .. _.�.—�.r—_. _ - .
! -3- �EC 4196R
, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
; Yeas Nays
` Carlson ���, �+ 1�
� Dalglish Approved 19—_
� Meredith �____In Favor
Sprafka J
� Tedesco A gainst
� Mr. President, Byrne p�BtISHE� DEC '� '���
f "
' `� � Af f idavit of Publication
� -
County of Rahnsey, }ss.
, 4 -
� .. ; - - - --_ _ — - .
, �
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Ga le Shar
...............�...........�.................................. being dul sworn on oath
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says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated hes beea clerk of the North-
����� weat Pnblications, Inc., pnblisher of the newapaper kno�vn ae the St Panl Diapatch; St
Paul Pioneer Pre.gs, and has full l�owledge of the facte hereinafter atated
,. That for more than one year immediately prior w the publication t6erein of the
pr;nted ....��$�.�Q�r�.C.E'............................................................
........�.................................................. Hereto attached, said newspaper
was printed and pnbliahed in the English language from its known of�ce of pnblica8on
ia the city of S� Paul in the Connty of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it
pnrports to be issned daily, at leaet siz dnye of each week in column and eheet form
" - ' eqnivalent in space, to at least 450 rnnning inches of single column two inches wide;
hae beea issued from ite }mown office as above stated, established in eaid�place of pnbli-
�^' Y�IJgLIC NOTICE ' �tion, equipped with akilled workmen and the necessary materiel for preparing and
' � printing the same; hae hnd in its makeup twenty-five per cent of newa columns devoted
Pursuant to direction of the Council to local aewe of interest to said commnnity it purporta to serve, the press. work of which
of the eity of Saint Paul and piu'snant hae been done in its said ]mown office of publicatioa; has contained general newe, com-
to Ordinance ##6448, as amended, 04 ment and miscellany; hna not duplicated whollq, any other pnblication; hes not been
said City,public notice is hereby g'jven
that the Council has set a hear�nB on entirely made up of patente, plate matter and advertisementa; has been circalated in and
December 4, 196s at its regular meeting a� �� �d place of pnbliCation to the eatent of at lea8t 240 copiee regulnrly delivered
on said date for the PurPose of con-
sidering rev�sions.of salaries bf em- to a a subecribers; has had, and now has entrq as 6econd class mail matter in the
loyees oY said CitY in,the Ungraded P Y� g
�ivision. • local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there hes been and is on file in the
HARRY E. MAR CiH�Clerk, office of the County Anditor of the County in which said publication was mnde, proper
(rrovember z3, lss8) proof bq one having ]mowledge of tbe facts, of ite quslificndons as a newspaper for pub-
lication of legnl noticea.
Tbat the ..LeB81.............. NOTICE .......��4��........... hereto attached
wee cnt from t6e columns of said newspaper, and wae printed and pnbliehed therain in
the Englieh lnngunge, once each weelc� for ...........................:..eaccessive weeke;
that it waa fiist so publiehed on ...S8t1L�C�Ap......... the .....23L'(�........... dny o!
� . 8ovember.........., 19.� and thereafter on .........................of each week
� to and inclnding the ........................ day of ....................... 19... and
., .;
that the following ia a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclnaive,
and is hereby acknowledged aa being the size and ]dnd of type used in the compoaition
and publication of eaid nodce, to•wit:
a b c Q a f � h 1 � t 1 m a o D q r s t a ♦ w z � s
� . .�. . . �::.��.. . .....................
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� Subecribed and swom to before me .25t�l.day of ...gQV�IDbET.............. 19..�8
` \��,�,,... ,.. y � •
� ' ,��1��` �.' � ...............e�.'.......... ....................
� ;� �` ' - Notary Public, State of Minnesota
�116� Ramsey County��{�
My commission� ��,f§1@R�6Xplre&{I11W: ........ 19....
l�brm 136
r' � �
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{ .iu.i.�l.�.� I�i�in.
November 14, 1968 ����
� �
To the Honorable Mayor
and Members of the City Council
347 City Hall and C ourt Hous e
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� Gentlemen:
� In accordance with the provisions of Section VII of Ordinance No. 6446, the
"Salary Formula--Ungraded Division", we have reviewed and surveyed the
contracts in industry pertaining to certain classes of employment in the
Ungraded Division, and herewith report our findings. The following is a
list of classes for which we find indicated changes in rates:
Group A Present Indicated
Rate Rate
Glazier $4. 22 $4. 52
Group B
Air Compressor Operator 3. 72 3. 85
Backfiller Operator 4. 31 4. 52
Bituminous Curb Machine Operator 3. 74 3. 87
Bitumi.nous Spreader Operator 4. 31 4. 52
Garbage Collector 3. 64 3. 82
� Hoisting Engineer 4. 31 4. 52
Mixer Engineer 3• 83 3• 9b
1 Motor Equipment Operator 4. 11 4. 30
Motor Equipment Operator--Water D. 4. 11 4. 30
�Motor Patrol Operator 4. 31 4. 52
Pavi_ng Breaker(Hydra Hammer Oper.) 4. 31 4. 52
Power Shovel Operator 4. 50 4. 71
pulvimixer Operator 4. 31 4. 52
• Pumperete Operator 4. 39 4. 61 -
� Road Machinery Operator 3. 64 3. 82 -
Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons) 3. 83 3. 96
Roller Engineer (6 tons or over� 4. 31 4. 52
- Sno-Go Operator 4. 31 4. 52
� Sweeper Operator 4. 31 4. 52
, Tractor Operator I 3• 83 3• 9b +
� Tractor Operator II 4. 31 . 4. 52
I Truck Driver
3. 64 3. 82 �
jTruck Owner-Driver 3. 64 3. 82
� ��. _
� MEMBER � _1_
� fublie f�rsonn�l Assoei�fion � �
� ��
� � �
c � . ,
Hon. Mayor and
� Members of City Council -2- November 14, 1968
# Present Indicated
Rate Rate
Gr oup E
Chief Refrigeration and Operating Engineer $4. 30 $4. 58
Custodian-Engineer (Public Safety Building) 4. 65 4. 93
Power�Plant Helper 3. 60 3. 88
� pumping Engineer I 3. 95 4. 23
Pumping Engineer II 4. 15 4. 43
Refrigeration Engineer (Steam-Electric�! 3. 95 4. 23
Stationary Engineer 3. 95 4. 23
Stationary Fireman 3. 80 4. 08
Group G
Asphalt Raker $4. 02 $4. 20
Asphalt Shoveler 3. 72 3• 89
Bridge Crew Leader 3. 92 4. 09
Bridge Laborer 3• 72 3• 89
i Buildi.ng Laborer 3. 63 3. 81
Ditch Digger 3. 72 3. 89
Jackhammer Operator 3. 76 3. 94
Kettle Fireman 3. 72 3. 89
Labor Crew Leader 3. 83 4. O1
Miner 4. 22 4. 39
Miner--Water Department 4. 22 4. 39
Mortar Mi.xer 3. 76 3. 94
Public Works Laborer 3, 63 3. 81
Roofer=s Helper 3. 63 3. 81
Sanitation Laborer 3. 63 3. 81
Sewer Crew Leader 3. 92 4. 09
Sewer Laborer 3. ?2 3. 89
Sewer Maintenance Laborer 3. 72 3. 89
5ewer Pumping Station Operator 4. 02 4. 19
Sweeper Helper 2. 50 2. 60
Tamper 3, 89 4. 07
Tunnel Laborer 3. 85 4. 02
Vibrator Operator 3. 72 3. 89
Water Serviceman I 3. 77 3. 94
Unskilled Laborer $3. 63 $3. 81
i ' _
,i� �
- Hon. Mayor and ,
� Members of City Cou.ncil -3- November 14, 1968
In accordance with Ordinance No. 6446, these findings are submitted to the
City Council and a copy has also been filed for public record with the City
Clerk. The ordinance further provides that thereafter the Council shall set
a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing existent wage rates, which
hearing shall be not less than ten days nor more than twenty days after such
public notice as the Council may deem necessary. After such hearing the
Council shall, by resolution, determi.ne appropriate hourly rates for the
indicated position. Upon receipt of the Councilis determination this Bureau
will prepare the proper resolution for the Couneills consideration.
Respectfully submitted,
John S. aider
Chief Examiner and Director of Personnel
cc: Joseph J. Mitchell
Harry E. Marshall
��� - . -- - .
��,;. ,_� ' ` - _ n s . ,
�# . _
. - Novemba� 14, 1q68 _ • - ,
, - �
± - To tl�e I�oaoza.bie Mrcyo�r � � � _ ,, ' _- . �
� : ' and M6mber� of the �City Couac�l _ _ .
_ ��7 City �a11�and �our� �atiae . , '
! St. �sul� ���iane�o�a, ��1Q2 _ . - � . •
- Gtntlernat�: _ _ ' _ - � � _ -
L -
, , �a accordanc� wikh the provi�idns of Sectfon VII of Ordiaance No. 6��6� 4he
- "Saiary Fo_ri�zul�=-Un���ded Division", w�e hsve r�wis�red �►nd. �urveytd tk�e
co�tr�ets �z� induetr� peatainiag to cextain claes�es of employment in the �
, . Ungrs�ded Divlsion; and here�trith report oqr tind�ngi. Th�e following is a �
list af clas�ea faz� wl�ic6 we fi�sd indicated ehange� in+ra#es: -. . - " '
; � Group P� � � _ � �reaent . Indi,c�ted =
� _ - � - ' Rat� Rate . _
_ _ Gla�ier _ r - � . , � $9. Z2 �4. 52 � -
DGroup B _ � - " �
• _ Air Corn�resror Op�rator 3. '�2 ' 3. 85 _ , - ,
- . � $�►ckfiller Op�ra,tor ' • , _ 4. 31 4. 5� - - .
' Bituzninous Cuxb Machins_bperaLor 3. 74 3. 87� , _ �
_ � Bituminou� Spreader Operator `_ 4. �1 . � 4. 52. " -
. Garbs�e Co�lector 3. 6�E - 3. $� , �
= - Hoisting Engfneer . , - 4:31 � 3. Z� °
Mfuer Engineez 3. 83 3.�+�6
- - Motor Equipinemt Oparator . 4. 11 9�. 30 ` -
- Motor Eqnipment Oper�tor--WaterD. 4. 11 `• _ , - 4. 30 . . - -
� I�totar Patroi f3p�rstor � . �. 31 �- 4. 52 '
Povfe� Braak�z(Hydra Ham�sar Opera 4. 31 _ - � 4. �2 - �.
- � . , - Powar Shovel Operator 4. 5fl ' 4. ?1 "
' Pulvimixsr �ptrator 4. 31 �. 5� � -
� . Pumper�te Operator - �. 39 4. 61 .
- � _ Ra�d I�I�chi�ery Operztor 3. 64 3. 82 . .
�Aller �ngf�ne�r (Uadez b�tons} - 3. 83 � 3. 96 .
_ -� Roller Engiaesr (6 tons or over) � ' �4. 31 .� 4. 5z
- Sno-Go Operator - 4.31 � 4. 52
- , Sweeper Operator 4. 31 4. 52 " �
- , T�r�►ctor Oparator I . , , 3. 83 3. 9b �
- 7ractoF Opsrator Ii � - 4.31 , 4. S2
Truck Driver • 3. 64 � 3. 8Z �
Trnck Owa�r-Driv�r - 3. 64 - - , 3. $2 _ �
. � _i_ - , -
� - � . , _ .
, . , . _ _ , .
� - _ �
'4,� , .t_ ` ' _ ' _ �ci ` 1, • ' ' ^ _. _ -
,� - ' '
�oa. Ms►yor •ad _ _ . . �
� {� Member• .of City Couiici� , , •2- " , . Nov�a�b�r 14, ,1968.
; . - _ � . ' ' . : � - Pr���ut Indi�ted
' - - - - " - - - ' Rata Rst�
. -. CrQUp�E ' � ' ,� ` - _
'r . � . Chie4 R�efrigers�tion and C)peraling �'n�inaer - �4. 30 �4. 58 '
� - Cuetodian=Eagineex (Public ,Safety Buildiag) _ . 4. b5 _ _ 4. 93 . -
. - - � �Powe� Plan� Halper _ . . - 3. 60 - 3. 8S
- Puznping�Ea�fa�eer I . � 3. 95 - - 4. 23
- . �'umping Enginemr II ' . � . +4. iS ' 4."43
- � Re#rigeratton Engi:ieer (Stearra-Electricj , i � 3. 95 �!. 23
� . � ' Stationary Engineer � � _ ; "�1. 95 4. x3 �
- St�tioaary Ffr�ma►n- < - 3. 8Q� "{` �. 0$
� � . - . . _ � �
. , Group G . � .- - • � - -
. - �isphalt Ffaker , .� - � �4. Q2 . $�. �0
• � A�phalt Shov�l�r � " - • - � -3. 72 . 3. $9-
� ; - Brfdge Crew L�ader - - - 3, 9�= . � 4. 09
� • Brid�e Lsborex _ � _ 3. 72 3. 89 : '
� ' Buildi�g Labo�er � , - . , . 3.. 63 . 3. 81 -
� � 2��ixch Digger _ . - - . ' 3. ?� 3. 89 ..
� Jackhazrinq�er C7p�rstor - 3. 7b . 3• 94.
,_ ' "_ E�ettle �"ir�maa . •. _ , . . - �3. 72 : 3. 84 �
Labor Cr�w Leader ` 3. 83 " 4. O1 ,
- - �!Ilinar .- � _ � 4. �2 - �4. �9 - �
: � D . ._ ._ . . _ .
. Minez�--W�te.r"Depa►rtment , � - - 4. 22 � - '�. 39
. - - ° . . Mor-fiar Adixar - - - _ .. ' 3. T6 •_ 3.94 �
•Public 'Work� �.,a►borer ' - - - � ; - 3. 63 _. 3. 81
� , Roafer'a I��Iper � � :� , � 3. 63 3. 81 ° , -
� � Stnitation Laborex _ � ' . � 3.b3 9. S1 _
� , � Sewer Crew Leadar _ ' , . '• . � �. 92 4• Q9 - _
- Sewar Lsb�rer _. . � � - _ � 3. 7� _ 3.. 89
� � Sswer IVisintena�ce I.,�bo�rer_ . � 3. ?2 . 3. 89
� $ew�r Pumpl�tg 5tat�on Opex�►tor - • 4. 02 � 4. 2q .
� $v�+eeper H�lper , ' � 2. *�0 2. b0 _
- , . -. �
- _ � • Tamper . - . �- , - s - 3. 89� �. OT -
Tuanel Labore� = - � . 3. 8� 4:02 _
, . Vibrator Opsr�itor � , � ' . � �. ?2.. 3. 89
. i+�ater �esvicernan I � - - � � 3. 77 � 3. 9� . .
. _ , . _ .
Un�killed LQbore� = : • � $3. 63 • . $3. 81 _ • .
, , • . , . -
. , t. , . , . . �
F . � s '
a _ .. - ' - ' . . . •
<'�--� ^ ` ,� �� ':" _ ` .." " - , `' - .. - ' �
f'� f - . .
� `A " ' . � � '� •- � -
' �Otl• Mij/Ox AQC� • . . _ ' , '
- _ . M�mber� oi City Conacil , L-3- - - Novembsr 24. 1968
_ • , i ' ' - i
� In acco�dsac• �rith t�rdin�nce No. 6446� the�e fiadtngs ar. ..ubmitted �o th+��
_ - - -City Counci�. and a copy h��_also b�en filed for public_recorr� with th� Citq
Clerk. Th� ozdinsn�• further provide� that theresiter the Cauncti sha►11 set � -
• � s public h�sring fo� tha purposa of revi�wfz�g �xistent wage r�Ees._ wh�ch � .
: ' , h��►r�n� stw�.l be aot le�s thau tea d�ys nor msre tbza twenty day� �tfter a�ch �
public aotic• a� the Gouncil may da4m nmceasary. Aft�r st�ch�hb�ria� the . �
. �ouacil •hall. by reiolution. d�t�rrr�3n� apprvpriste haurly rates far the
indicated posftion. Upoa recaipt af tha Coancil's determfnatia�n thfs Bureau
� � witl pr�pare �he prop�r x�solution for thm Cauncil's cansideratior�. � � -
. ; . . _ , � . . -
. � t. -= Rcrpectfully rubmit�ed, - -
, - t. � . . . - � � - • .
-_ � - ° ,Tohn S. �-Iaider = . " � .
; _ ` ' - - � • � Chief E�csn�iner and birectar ot Pes�oanel '"
� _ , ' ., . . _ ' ` �
- . _ - . - • - -
► � . _ • - '
, _� � cc: Jo�spti J. Mitch�yt _ � - . . ' � �
. - Harry �. Ms�rshatl� � � . �
� = : D . � �- � � - - - _ � - � - � -
.. ; - � . � _ - - � - -- . �=
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