241184 l.a ' ' �riQinal to City Clerk� � r '� ORD.INANCE 2�����4 �;� ;�f r COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO � � � I . � � i An. ordinance granting per— mission to construct and maintain a canopy over the public sidewalk at 2169 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul, � Minnesota. • � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Horst of Austria to construct and maintain a canopy including two supporting posts approximately two feet inside the cur�b'Z�' line of the property located at 2169 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit , said permit being expressly subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The canopy and supporting posts shall be con.structed in. accordance with the specification.s approved by the Department of Public Works; b. The permittee shall pay the costs o� inspection and publication of this ordinance; c. Said permittee shall expressly agree and undertake to fully indemnify and hold harmless the Ci"ty of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and ' ` � ��employees from��any and 'all' clai.ms, d�a�rages, cYemands,� - " - actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature arising out of or by reason of this permission and authority and by reason of the continued presence and existence or removal of said canopy and , supporting posts. The permittee shall file a � surety bond' in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (�2,000.00) in a form to be approved by the ' Corporation Counsel, which bond shall secure the performance by the permittee of all the terms and conditions contained herein; d. Said permittee shall provide public liability insurance and shall protect the per-- mittee and the City of Saint Paul from all claims or damages for personal injury, including accidental death, which may arise -from the opera-- tion, maintenance, coi�.tifiued presei�l.�e and existence or removal of the aforesaid canopy and supporting posts or arising out of the same, '. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council , Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith . Peterson ' `` Sprafka Against , Tedesco • - Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: � City Clerk A�f1�g Ma r '. " � ��-=�'`, �O � J� — Form approved Corporation Counsel By --. � 1 �., . _ � ; , �.. . �' �1lrlrinal to Cit�Clerk / , �.-� w .. � ~ ORDINANCE 241��� +`,t�, COUNCIL FILE NO � /1 � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO which public liability insurance shall be in an. amoun.t not less than Fifty Thousand Dollars (�50,000.00) per person for injuries including accidental death, and subject to the same limitations for each person in an amoun.t of not less than One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars (�150,000.00) on account of any single acci-- dent or incident, and in an amount not less than Fifty Thousand Dollars (�50, 000.00) for injuries or damage to personal property, which said policies of insurance or certificates relating thereun.to shall be filed with the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; e. That whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its resolution, shall deter� mine the discontinuance and removal of said canopy and supporting posts necessary in the public interest and accordingly order the dis�- continuance and removal •f the same from said , location, the said canopy and supporting posts , . shall be discontinued and removed from the subject public sidewalk area, which public sidewalk area shall be restored by the permittee at the permittee' s sole cost and expense; f. That the said permittee shall, within - - thirty (30) days .after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval ' and publication. � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council OEC 2 0196� Carlson � Dalglish T� Favor Mer-�e�ee�— v ��� O Against �� DEC 2 0 1968 ...�� ���� `� A t: - � fc� Pr ' ( on) Appro d: ty Clerk ,����� yor �O � • Form approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLISHE� DEC 2 8 1968 Dupltcate to Printer . i � � . ORDINANCE 2���_�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��p An ordinanee granting per- mission to eonetruot and maintain a oanopy over the publfo aidewalk at 2169 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul� Minneeota. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAINt Section 1. That permission and authority are herel�y granted to Horst of Austria to eonstruQt and maintain a canopy inaluding two aupporting posts approximately two �eet inside the ow�b iine o� the property located at 2169 Ford Parkway, Saint Paul� Minnesota; and the Commisaioner o� Public Worke ie hereby authorized to iesue a permit , said permit being espressly sub�eot to the .�ollowing terms an.d conditiones a. The canopy and supporting poete shall be constructed in aecordance with the apeci�icatione approved by the Departm�nt of Public ��TOrks; � b. The permittee shall pay the oosta o� inspection and publieation o� this ordinance; o. Said permittee ahall espresely agree and undertake to Yully indemnify and hold harmlesa the Citp of Saint Paul, its agenta, o��icere an.d employees �rom an.y and all olaima, damagea, demanda, aotions or cauaes of aotion o� whatsoever nature arising out o� or by reason of this permigsion and authority and by reason of the continued preaenae and ezistence or removal a� �aid Qanopy and aupporting posts. The permittee ahall file a surety bond in the sum o� Two Thousand Dollars (�2,000.00) in a �orm to be approved by the Corporation Counsel� whiQh bond shall seoure the performanQe , by the permittee o� all the terms and oonditione contained herein; d. Said permittes aha11 provide publio liability insurance and ehall protect the per- ,mittee and the City o� Saint Paul from all claima or damage� �or personal in�ury, including accidental death, whibh may ariae �rom the opera- tion� maintenanoe, Qontinued preeence and existence or removal of the a�oresaid aanopy and supporting poete or arieing out of the eame, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By DaD1le+te to Printer � . .7 , ORDINANCE 2���_�4 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY . ORDINANCE NO / � whioh publio liabilitq ineurance ahall be in an amount not lese than Fifty Thouaand Dollar� (�50,000.00) per peraon for in�uries inoluding accidental death, and sub�ect to the same . limitationa for each person in an amount o� not less than One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars (�15U,000.00) on aeQOUnt o� any �ingle aooi- dent or incident, and in an. amount not less than Fifty ThouBan.d Dollara (�50,000.00) for in�uries or dama�e to personal property, whfoh eaid poliQiee of insuranae or certificates relating thereun.to ahall be filed with the Comptroller of the City o� Saint Paul; e. That whenever the CounQil o� the City of Saint Paul, by its resolution, shall deter- mine the disoontinuanoe and removal of said canopy and �uppo�ting poste neceseary in the publi.o interest and aceqrdingly order the dis- contin�iance and removal o� the same fron eaid location, the said canopy and supporting post$ shall be discontinued and removed �rom the aub�eat public eide�,ralk area, wh3ch public eidewalk area shall be restored by the permittee at the permittee' s sole cost �nd espense; f. That the said permittee shall, within thirty (30) days a�ter the passage o� thi� ordinanQe, tile a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Seotion 2. This ordinance ehall take e��eot and be in force thirty {30) days �rom and after its� passage, approval and publicatian. DEC � 0 1968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed bq the Cou cil Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith ��_��� � � Againat `a`a;," C 2 � 196� �r,.�����By�r,�'���::::�� Approved: �E A.�st' •�'sc• Preeid�at (2eteeaon) City Clerk � Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counael By /� Ist � � � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app , dopted ��,I�b Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �Garison Carlson � is Dalglish �—�eredith Meredith � , 2���84 .-�,�- � �,- 5prafka S�ef1!'C � \Tedesco i+el� sa r�»e}. �E�,��rlr-:�,P'resic�'eri#"Byrne;� ;..:r,; ::::�•• ' ;:: ee'vi.■,.�,c. c„ "i .., � l.^ : �:Ee�e::;� �il�z.Vt�an , .�.,...'s:s3;�3 ���eE° . s�i .�^..ei..:;:� =1+.3:.i+1-�.::t• ��AV1L. Vice Presideat (�eterson)