241163 ORI6�INAL TO CITY CLHRK 241�f 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "- COUNCIL RE U ION-G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Feterson COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, In tba ma,ttnr��f Comptroller�s Coatract L-7061 for Grading and � Surfacing of NORTH HAZSL STREET f�om Kim Flace to 34�� Northeast aad NORTH PARK DRIVE from 300' Westerly of Faye Street to North Hazel Street, W. J. Ebertz Company, Contractor, the apecified date of completion is November 15, 1968, and - !- , WHEREAS, The Contractor has pro�ecuted the work diligentlq bat due to an unusual .emount of inclement weather�it was not possible to complete the � contract bq said date• of completion, therefore be it � ' , � - R$SOLVED, That the proper City Officials-�be and theq are hereby author- ized and directed to eYecute an amendment to said contract extendi�g the time of co�npletion to Jana 30, 1969, provided however, that this resolutioa shall have no force or effect unless the suretins on the Contractor�s bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing �aith thc City Conptrnller, and be it FfJRTHSR RBSOLVBD, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waivea_ all claiv for liquidated da�ages �and that no engineering and inapection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such eatended period. _. � -- = ... .�.� _ -- ;'�: ��_*-���._� -. __ . ., . -,�. .._` . , __ - - --• - - - - _._--- - . ��� 3 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � Carlson ���� � Dalglish Approver� 19—_ Meredith , n Favor Peterson l ' Sprafka 1� Mayor Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISktE� D�c � �9�� O •DU�it(CATR TO PRINTER 24�.�.f 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DY COMMISSIONER �Ob!!t F. Psti�rsan DATF � i�ERSAB, Xu the �att�ru�if Gc�pt�:olLer'� Contract 1,�7061 for Gzadin� wnd Surfaaing of lIORT� �AZBL �TREbT �rox Ki.r P�laea to 340' 1(orthea�t and 1pAT�t P�C DRIVE firoa 300� Weaterl�r of ��y� Strsst to NorCh Hats�l 5tr�et. �T. 3. �barG. �o�pany, Contrector, th� sp�cified date of �pl�tion is �(ovs�ber 15. 1968i �nd �A�, �bs Contractor has pro�ecut�d th� Mork dilig�ntly bnt du� to �n unusue�l �ounC of iacl�nt �+ea�h�ar it Maa aot poaaibl� to coaplete ttr� contract bq said dat� of ,coaplstion� th�r�fbre be it . RES�OLVED, That tho propsr City O��ici�ls b� and thsr �r� her�bq author� i��d and dir�ct�d Co �x�cut� an msend��nt to said contract extsndi,n� tt►� ti� of eo�pleC3on to Juns 30, 1969, pmvid4d ho`rev�r� that this re�olt�Cion shall hava no force ar ef�eet unless •tl� sur�Ci.sa on tha Contr�etor's boAd aona�c�ti ther�to �nd fil� auch con��n� in Nriti�n� vi.th �hs Citq Coaptrnller� �nd be it � RB80LV�D, �he� tt� City of 8aint Pwl her�by �a�ives all clai� for liquid�eed daaag�t� arni tlut no s�p�inesrfng and fnapection costa on tbia pro j�at �aill i�e cl�rgad to �h� Gontractor lor 4uch �ctsudad period. � �'E� � 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� � �9�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O