241155 ° 241�55 ORI6INAL TO CI7Y CL6RK ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RE TI N—GE L FORM ' PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson � COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, The final costs for the resurfacing and widening of Minnehaha Ave. from tiamline to Lexington Pkwy. Comptroller's Contract L-6757 have been determined and, WHEREAS, Upon final allocation of funds fran whicb the above improvement was to be paid it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and th�t an additional amount of $6308.64 will be required, therefo�e'be it, • RESOLVED, That the amount of $6,308.64 be applied from ' the Municipal State Aid Suspense Fund to finance the additional cost of the above improvement. : - P-224 ..� _.s,.-��----�-� --_ . _ . ---- - _ _ -. _ _- - -~ �.,�- _. -_.-r�- -- �� • � � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council D�C � 19.— Yeas Nays CarLson Q�� � �9�� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Favor Peterson ' Sprafka (� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P����S�� DEG 7 196� 0 DUrLICAT[TO TRIHT6R 24��55 i CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8Y Ikobsrt F. Peteerson DATF COMMISSIONER 1�1EREAS� The f ir�al costs for ths r�surfaaing and widening of Minnehaha Avs. fro� Ha�lins to l,exinqton �kwy. Cc�ptroller's • �o�tra�t ��6757 haw besn dst�r�aic�d and. MF��R�AS, Upor� ftr�ai ailoc�tion of funds from which th� abow ia�prov�sa�snt das to I» p�i d i t rvas found thst the a�ount or i g i nal l y set up for its #inanc�ng is insufgicisnt to a�eat tha fir�ri costs �n� tt+�t �n addi tton�l suaount o�F $6308.64 wI t l b� requl red, thanf,q�+�b� it, RESOkV�D� Tlaat ths soaou�t of �6,308.64 b� �p�l imd from ths Mu�i c i pa I S�+�ts �1i d Su�p�nse �`und to f i naacs the add i t i ona 1 co�t of tha �bove improvsa�nt. P�224 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii �E� 3 �96�g_ ' Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 31968 Dalglish Approverl 19—_ Meredith �Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � ��