241150 � � � 241�50 _
� Couaoil File No..�..�....
. and
Theundereignedhereby propo�eethemalcingof thefoliowIngpublioimpmvement by the City of 8aint Psul�vis.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on the south side of St. Anthony Ave. from Cretin Ave. tc
to Finn St. and b.y doin� all other work which. is .necess� and incidental to com-
�le�te said, im�rovement. ,.........»............................».. . . ..............................».........�.... ........_......_....
Dsted thie.......29th•......dsq ot....................:..November__ � . 19
.................�'�J. .. ..............
� Counoilm�n.
WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following imprnvement� vis.:
reconstruct_the._sidewalk..on_.the. south side,_of_.St�.Anthony._Ave: from Cretin Ave:_to
� ............................_........ ................... ..... .....................___.... ..... ..... ............... ........ .._..........................._ .._..
Fina St�and�by�doing.all..other work.which is�necessary�and..incidental to complete
said improvement. �
� ..............�.........................................................----...........................................................--•--•--...................._.....
I hsving been preeented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul..............._..........._..._............................�.._._ ......
therefore, be it
RE80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted:
1. To inveetigate the necessity for, or deairability of,,the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveatigate the nsture� extent and eatimated aoet of eaid improvement� and the total aoat thereof.
� S. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketah of said improvement. •
� 4. To et,�te whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked for on�he petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon ttill of 4,he goregoing mattere to the f�ommieeioner of�nanoe.
Adopted by the �'onnail........................»............���...._� i9s�......
� r ,
" YnA6 � .
�;- - Councilman .Carlson. D�� 3 19��
� R Da 1 g 1 i s h , Apptoved..................................................................
' ,�, " Hari�'d�
, " Meredith
� ' ' � Peterson
- s Tedesco �"� ----..-.. . .. '.. -----
. ` Mr. President, B.grrre ' ' Mayor.
. , �oo0 7-sa
� •— � PUBLISHE� ��� 7 1���