241113 ti.�..._ : ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK ��� � '�3 . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �`"'�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4• , � COUNCIL R UT N-GE FORM PRESENTED BY RObe�t F. Peterson COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, By ac��hority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300 H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 19�9, the City, _ _ of Saint Paul� may pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, WHEREAS, It has been determined that the following described parcels of property be relieved of the following amount5: Description Amount South 60 ft. of Lots 28, 2g �. 30, B1 k. 3 J. N. Roger's Fourth Add. $161 .36 South 60 ft. of East 120 ft. of Blk. 62, Lyman Dayton's Add. to St. Paul $305.70 West 50 ft. of East 220 ft. of South 120 ft. • of Blk. 62, Lyman Qayton's Add. $170.52 � lJest 50 ft. of East 270 ft. of South 120 ft. of Blk. 62, Lyman Dayton's Add. $ 50.26 Ex. North 10 ft; Lot 14, W. J. Godfrey's � Subdivision A $107.83 Lot 11 and NW � of Lots 10 and 12, Blk. 64, Dodge's Sub. of Blk. 64,� of Lyman Dayton's Add. $297.60 Lot 14, BIk. 64, Dodge's Sub. of Blk. 64,� , . . of Lyman Dayton's Add. $229.32 Lot 15, Blk. 64, Dodge's Sub. of Blk. 64, Lyman Daytons Add. $138.18 ��. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays CarLson • Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � il S ` ' � �O , , r ' • '�O 161NAL TO CITY CL6RK , ��P��.t�� + � 4 ., CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENC�L NO. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF Description Amount NW' ly 44.5 ft. of Lot 19, Dodge's Sub of Blk. 64, Lyman Dayton's Add. and NW' ly 44.5 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 12, Suburban Hills $348.14 Lots 1 , 2 and 3, Blk. 2, G. W. Bacon's Add. $398.98 Lot 1 , Blk. 76, A. Gotzian's Sub, of Blk. 76, Lyman Dayton's Add. $2�$.92 Lot 30, Blk. 76, A. Gotzian's Sub. of Blk. 76, Lyman Dayton's Add. $�l.��g� � Lot l , Blk. 75, Rolfer's Sub. of Blk. 75, of Lyman Dayton's Add. ' $166.66 South 79.50 ft. of Lot 13, Blk. 75, Rolfer's Sub. of Blk. 75� of Lyman Dayton's Add. $177.35 � -"�T � � WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $2,977.79; now therefore be it,� . . RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publtc Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 � the amount of $2,977.79, a portion of.�the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1967 Sidewalk Contract 67-M-397, Levy No. 5, District No. 3 �-6g24, in the amount of $2,977.79, said Permanent Improvement Revolving . Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid� Fund, 0920-701 (1968). k��" �VOV 2 7 ����$ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� 2 7 ��s� . CarLson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith /� Tn Favor , Mayor Sprafka � Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISNED NOV 3 Q 196� • �O � 'DUPLIWT6 TO TRIN'ftR �����_`�(3 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '�Q�t"t. F• PCt���Ci'i COMMISSIONER DATF WH�REA�� By ��'�hority cf the L� of Mtnn��ot� �`or thi �y�er 19��, Chapt�r �E�{J H:F. �T7 and r�tif�bd by C.F, p�. 192��6, �pPt�oved t�t�ly 2, ���r tl'M C�ty of �int P#�1. �y p�y � �rtic�n o� tt� ���t�sAbi� �Q�t� p$ Std�1ya114 CorlS�rs�ctiOn � �n au�h ��� a'xce�d �t�e b+�ir�f f ts tp ttHe pr�r�y a�er,. . . , . , � NtfER�AS;� It la� t�n �tiflo�i�ed t�a� �tt� foi l�ei�g d�s�rtb�� p�re�l� �f prp�rty b� rrl i�v�d o4� FhIR. Fol,lowin� �naount: � , Dssarip�t lon � unt .�,�..��. . � , � , SoutF� �4 �t. ofi I.o�� �8, 29 g 30. 81 k. 3 J. N. Rog�r�� Fau�tE� Add. �161.3� Sou�h 60 �t. of E��t 120 f�. 4f B�k. �2. !ym#n D�y�ani� mdd. �� 3t. �aul $�05.70 1�e�tt 5� 1`�. +�f �a�t 7�0 ft. of �ottth 1�4 f�. . 4t Blk. 62� 6y�n Dsyt�n'�i Add. . �170.$8 t�fa�� 50 ftce s�' �wi�� 270 �t. qf Sauth 120 ft. o� B�k. d�' Ly�n �ayton's lldd. $ �p.26 Ex. Nc��t1� 1Q 1��; I.ot l�#. W. J. Godfr�y':� � 5ab�ivisictn A ¢147.83 �ot 11 and Mii +� +�fi Lots 10 �nd 1�, �1 k. 6�4, Dod�s's Sdb. af �1 k. b�� qf I,y+Min O�ytan+�t Add. $297.60 l.ot 14, �k. 64, Oc►dQs�� Sub. Q� p 1 k. 6�,, . . ef L�n p�yton�� Add. $229.�2 Lot 1�, Btk. 64�, pod��s Sub, of �tk. 6�. Ly�+en D�rytons Add. $l�8.t$ . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Meredith Tn Favor ' Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �� . � 2�� � � 3 DUrLICATS TO TRII�6R � ��� � . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RQ�p� f'• ,��r�� COMMISSIONER DATF �cr i�t 1�n . l�wtlnt ����� .��w ��� MI'iy �1F.S f�. df I.ot i9, Dod�N'� Stib of �lk. 64, Ly� Baytor�'s Add. and NY�1y . k4.� ft. if Lo� �. �tk. t�, Suburbiin N111� �348.1'� lot: 1. 2 �n�! �, �lk. 2� 6. Y. B�coA's� Add. 5398.9$ � l.o� l, �lk. 76, A. 6otzt�n's. Sub. of 81k. � 76. LYwa� DiYton�s Add. $278.93 tot 1�, �ik. 7b! AI. Gotzlar�'� Smb. +�f �1 k. 76, ly+�a� Dtytax�'� Add. �1�6.97' E.ot 1, B1k. 7�• Rolfwr�� Sub. uf D1�C. 75 � of lyr�an Dayton'� Add. � $���(,6 • Sou�l� 79.�b �Ft. wi� 4at 13. �lk. 75, Roi�sr�s � � . S�b. of s�k. 75., of Ly�an Daytan�s Ad�. � $177.35 � VHEREA�� Th� total �wo1��.t of assei��rbt� costs xh� City �y �ay 1� $2.977.i9; nar tlKrs�er� b� it,� RES06YED. 1'�t�t thr Coa�is#�i�rier o:f Puhii�� liorks be a�l h� 1s htr�by sutboNu� to �►ay fx� t!� p�nNansnt l�r�rov��t R�volvi�p Fund, Code 6t�00 tM w�wnt of $2�977.79, � portloc, ef th�� assa;sabls co�ts of Si�lk Const�actioti ctndsr tl�a 1967 Siclawlk Con���t 6�-�M-397, Lrvy Ib. 5, Di#trict �• 3 t+69��y� i n �he �naunt ef ��,977.79. �.i d ��nNa�pt I+�rovi��e�t R�r►ol v t ng Fur�d to bt r�l��r#ad �ro� ths Clty's S�re of Local l���n`s�at At� F�and, 6920-70i (1,968) � � . �d�01� � r �96� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays '�,�,i��7 �96$ Carlson Dalglish Approver� 19__ Meredith _� Tn Favor P-e�rso� Sprafka C Mayor Tedesco A gainat Mr.President, Byrne �O