241112 � ' 1--_ . -• � OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ��R�� �_�� ' / � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0, d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE TI N—G� L FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson �- � COMMISSIONE F WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300 H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul� may� pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction when such costs exceed the benefits to �he property owner, WHEREAS, It has been determined that the following described parcels of property be relieved of the foilowing amount: Description Amount Lot 1 , � East � of Lot 2, Blk. 12, Harrison � Handy's Add. $190.4b Lot 30 � East 30 ft. of Lot 2g, Blk. 12, Harrison S Handy's Add. $159.99 Lot 17, Blk. 5, Lane's Phalen Grove Add. $171 .35 , West 50 ft. of Lot 18, Blk. 5, Lane's Phalen Grove Add. $171 .35 Lot 1 , Bik. 6, Lane's Phalen Grove Add. $171.35 Lot 28, Blk. 6, Lane's Phalen Grove Add. $171.35 . Lot l , Blk. 3, Cloverdale $164.88 , Lots 14 � 15, Blk. 4, Cloverdale � $164.80 Lot 16, Blk. 4, Cloverdale `$143:21 S 80 ft. of Lots 28, 29, � 30, Blk. 2, Kuhl 's ' Second Add. $162.91 Lot 7, Blk. 29, West St. Paul $110.26 �lv � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ' � Carlson Dalglish . . Approver� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � � : . , " �O . - . �- - . -_ � i OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ���� �^'� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO a ' %� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson ' COMMISSIONER DATF Description Amount � West 40 ft. of Lots 4 £� �`/ Btk. 30�West St. Paul , , $141.36 Lot ,7, Fulton's Re. of Blk. 70, Banning and Oliv�er's Add. $155.32 Lot 6, 61 k. 71 , Dawson's!( Re. of B1 k. 71 of Banning � Oliv�r's Add. to West St. Paul $155.29 WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs theCCity may pay is $2,233.88; now therefore be it� RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubiic Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 the amount of 52,233.88, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction uhder the ig67 Sidewalk Contract, Levy No. �"i, District No. 3 L-6924, in the amount of $2,233.88, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid Fund Og20-7o1 (1968). � f���l 2 � 19�� CQUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 6��V 2 7196� Carlson ' Dalglish Approver� 19—_ Meredith �n Favor '�et�� . Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEQ NOV 3 Q 1968 � �o _ _ _ � ������_�2 DUPLICATC TO rRINTlR CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Itobart F. Pst�rs�n COMMISSIONER DATF MHEREAS, �y an�hori�y of ti�s Lae�s of Minnssota for ths ys#r 1959. Ci���sr !00 H.F. 217 �rrd ra�f#isd by C.�. Nv. 192416. apprawd Wly 2� 1959., tia� C t ty of �i�� P�ui R. �yt paar a pa►rtio� �€ thi �rssr►ssal�l� �t; of �idsrr�ik tonstrdction �n lt�h �oi�ts �c�d ths b�r�ftts� to �t� pro�rty c�r, WH�REA�. It t�as b�n a{�t��it�i� tihat �� follaric� di�crlbid p►�rc+rls cf � �rop�rty bs r�1 tiy�d �f �t� fol lowlnq i�pwunts r��ti$n_ . ,I . ��t 4.ot iy. i. E+�,st � 4f 1.ot 2, �lk. it. H��rtson S. �l�n�ty'�{• Add. �190.,16 !A� �Q ; Ea�tt 30 �t. sf I.Qt 2g, �t k. 12� Har`riscm t Hs�dy'� Adal, $159.99 lo� i7, �lk. a�. L+�r�s's �ha1�n 6ro+o�! A�d. $171.�5 Ysst 5A ��. �f f�.ot 18� �lk. 5, �'� �hs1�a 6ro�rs Add. $171.35 �.o� i� ��k. 6, Lane��s P[�al�n 6t•dv� IAtld. $171.35 Lo� 28, Bik. b, I.ana�� P�1�rn Gro�s lld�. $171.�5 Lot 1 , Blk. �� Cl�wrdai♦ 416#.�6 Lot� 1� t i5, Blk. 4, E�ovr�rdal� • $i�.88 4 . LoC 16,� �ik: *� Cloverdati $�����Z1 3 80 ft. .�f k:ots ��. 2g, s 3�� dlk. 2,. Kuhl's Sar.onc! Ad�. $16�.�1 tot 7, Blk. Z9. �lest iC. Paul $ttt�.�6 . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlaon � Dalglish Approved 19� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedeeco A Sainst Mr. President,Byrne �O _ DUPLICATt TO TRIN7'[R ���.� �',�� CITY OF ST. PAUL cour,c�� N�� ��r _ aP r � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �OI»I�L' F• Pet�C'�t1E1 CO M M I55I ON ER DATF Ds �r tor� ��� litsst 40 �t. 'af 4�t#� +� i� �;� AI.k. .3p Wr�t � St. P��1_ .. . . �1�#.36 . t.�t 7;. Fu i te#►�'s R�. �� B 1 k. 7.8, �a�n i rrg and d1 iv�r�'#t l�dd. $155.�2 . lot 6. �llk. 71� D�n��K �. o� �tk. 7i � of A��innirty i O1 Evirrlt Ad�. ke t�l��� �t. �at�X $i�5.�9 . i�HER�AAS� Th�r tota� a+�oitnt o� �sfi�s�is r.cas.ts tbi�City �iy �ay ts �2.,���.SSr now fitNt�fors 6� it. , , R�$41.��D, Th�t t� Co�i.s#.torwr •of, Pubi [Q Morks bs � tw Is har�eby auti�riz+�� to,psy f�*�a �h�► Per�r�nt t�rova�n� ltsv+oi�r tnq �u�d. Codi 6t�O8 th� �o��� o� $2,2�;.$8. • �ortlon of th� �s�rssabls c�rs�� af Sicl�►w�k Con�tr�t�on $h�ar �h+� 1967 �id�rw�tk Csr�tr�t, I.�+vy Mo. �S, Oi:trtc� llo. � t�i92�+� 1 n y.hs aa�ount oP ��.2�;.$$. sa i d P�raa�c�t 1�rvwwwn� lt�tvol v i c� Fwnd .to 6r r�.t�burs+o�d �rt� Cha Cityrs Shar� � locai I�pr�w�int A1� Fund 09����01 (1968) NOV 2 t ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays r�;'�V � � 1��1� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith Favor Peter-se�-- Sprafka Mayor O A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ��