241110 �- - �� � OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�. ��y�-�-�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � � - COUNCIL R U ION—GF�E L FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson �' �/ COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City ' of Saint Paul� m�y pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, WHEREAS, It has been determined that the following described pa�i-ce-ls of property be relieved of the following amount: DESCR I PT I ON AMOU Nf' Lot 8, Blk. 156, Robertson's Add: tO West St. Paul $ 99.96 Lot 9, Blk. 156, Robertson's Add. to West St. Paul ; $ 94.08 , East 7 Z ft. of Lot 15 and all of Lot 16, Blk. 10, Tuttle�s Re, of Blks. 10, 11 , 13 F, part of Blk. 4, Jackson and Bidwell 's Add. to West St. Paul $1b2.92 ' Ex. E 7.5 ft. ; Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Blk. 11 , Tuttle's Re of Blks. 10, 11 , 13 and part of : Blk. 4, Jackson and Bidwell 's Add. to West St. Paul . $177.40 ` (Ex. N. 25 f t.) E 1/3 of Lot 2 and E 1/3 of Lot 3, Bl�s. C, Jackson �. Bidwell 's Add. ' to West St. Paul _ . $102.98 n Lot 12, Blk. B, Jackson � Bidwell 's Add. also Subject to Esmts. , W 2 of Blk. a�dd all of Lots 1 � 2, Blk. 148, West St, �aul $ 38.56 �V � , � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish _ Approved ' 19__ Meredith Tn Favor � Peterson Sprafka Mayor � Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O � , ; ��_�.0 . •OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRIC ���-..-.. . � • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. ,Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF Description Amount Lot 6, P. R. McDonnell 's Re of Blk. 66 , of Banning � Oli�r's Add. to West St. Paul , $158.36 p .. Lot 12, P. R. McDonnell 's Re of Blk. 66 � of Banning � Oliv,�r's Add. to West St. Paul $156.26 Lot 7, Blk. 55, Dawson's Re. of Blk. �5 of Banning and Oli�r's Add, to West St. Paul • $193.04 Lot 16, William M. Bole's Re, of Blk. 54, Banning � Oli�er's Add. to West St. Paul $150.87 ' Lots 1 � 2, Sache's Re. of Blk. 65 of Banning � Oli�er's Add. to West St. Paul $158.77 Lot 16, Sache',s Re. of Blk. 65 of Banning � Oli�er's Add, to West St. Paui $156.67 Ex. E 8 f t, of North 50 ft. Lot 4; The North 50 f t, of Lots 4, 5 � 6, Blk. 64, Banning � Oli�r's Add. to West St. Paul $193.85 North 2 2/3 ft. more or less of West 75 ft. � of Lot l , Blk. 11 , Woodbury and Case's Add. and West 2 of Lots land 2, Blk. 126, West St. Paul, $148.90 West � of Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, � 18, Blk. 12, West St. Paul Real Estate � Imp. Syndicate Add. No. 1 $199.92 r�. ��- `-`� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ,` �O . . ��.� � � / OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ���` ��� ` • - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $2,192.54; now therefore be i t,, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 • the amount of $2,192.54, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Const�tuction under the 1967 Sidewalk Contract 67-M-397, Levy No. 8, District No. 3, L-6g24, in the amount of $2,192.54, said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Sha�a� of Local Improvement Aid Fund,Og20-701 (1968} NOV 2 7 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays '�V 2 7 19�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith 1_ Tn Favor � �.. , Sprafka � Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr.President, Byrne PUBLISHED �OV 3 0 196� �O ,+' DUTLICA'R TO lRII�T[R /�,� � � � Cln OF ST. PAUL couHCi� ��� �-°-�'-•-� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '�Ft F�� �t�P�iOrl COMMISSIONER DATF � � WNEREI!IS, BY �uthortty q� t�M 4� �f Min�wt� ¢or fhs ys�r 1959, Claa�t,�tr � �i0�1, .kl.F. �ij and ratit�iad by_C.R. !�. 19��16. +I�rt�vsd M+�I �. 19�9. tt� Clty E�f S�Iltt� Piula Mlil�y �/. � �C?I't-#4tti .Of t� #��#�4�b1,�; c,o�t�. Q� Sldwpilk �o�tEr�tlo� whi�n� suah �e: ��d t�e bet��F�� �o th� ,��c�sr�ty,p�ftr, , WHER�AS� lt� h�#�, b�u��r di►��t�+1�.d: that. �hs fol lvr►lr►�� ��.pE�,d �araitl� af ` {�irops�ty lo� r�lt I�+►vlyd o�. ttN gbl.l aw i r� �u�t s � p�,�CRiPTiON '� , ,_�� � � � 1 . Lot 8� d�k. �l��i,� Rabi►rf�onf� Add: �'�lilsst St. P��1 '�k S 99.96 � I.or 9, Blk. 156; Robi�rt3'vn�� Add, ta 1,1�st sc. P,rui ; � �4.os E+wi�t 7 � fr. qf l.ot )5 �nd alt ofi L,o� i6� Btk. it�;. Tu�tl+�'� R�. bf Blkf. 10; )t, i� �. �►art of Bik. �� .11�ls�q� and B�c�wit'� Irdd. tc �+tw�t S�. P�ui ' $16Y.92 �ac. E f.5 f�.f l.dt 9 �nd �1 i of �,o�t 4, �lk. I1 . Tu�tl*�* R� of 81k�. 10. ll , i� �� part of Bltt. $� dac:ki�on *n� D1cl�il's Add. to lil�t St. P�u1 �177•� (E�c. N. �� ft.) E 1!9 04 Lc� t and � i/3 . of Lot 3, B 1�. C� .f�lc�on �. s i dMa l l'� Ad�. �o {�lii�� �t. +�wl $lOZ.98 r L.ot 12 r �1 k. D r JitGkioh 8• B 1 dMS�1�!{ Add. a 1 so , �ubJ��t to ��"s., w � of 81k. ai�dd �11 of 4ots 1 t �, Blk. 1�8. wa�t S�. ��ul s #8.�6 COUNCILBZEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carl�on � Dalglish Approved 19� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor � Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Bqrne �� � � DUrLICAT[TO ri21NT[R ��.� � � 0 I • CITY OF ST. PAUL cooNCi� Na. '---'- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY ,��rt ,F. Pe.t�r�or� COMMISSIONER �ATF D�iCI'��i�tOR• ��� I.ot 6. 'p. t�.� �,c�r�na i 1�'�, Re a� �l.k, 66 .�, . o# l��r��n�. .g pl tw1F's lldd. to M�e�t St, paul �t5�.,�6 . . � L�t ��, P. R.� Mcponn�li�� R� of �1k. 66 � , of Banni�g 6 O1 tw�r'� Add, tv I�h�� �t: Paal ;�156.26 , . � , !-.ot �,: el k. 55 r D�+�on'� f�. of B1 k+ �5 of . . Bsnnin� a�d� O1 iwr'� A�d. to liF*st St. Ra�f �1,93.8� t,of, 16� wt 11 t�a M. 8o1a�,� R�. o� B1�C. 5�, B�r�nf,ng � Oltv�r'� Add. to We�t St. ��w1 $1�0.�7 Lo�s 1 �. 2 f. �hfi'� R�. of B 1 k. 65 0# � � . Bannirrg 5.' Ol tv�r's �Idd. �o M�I�t �t. P�lul $1y8.77 La� 16, S�t��s Re.. �f B 1 k. b� �f , , , . b�mning �. �1 iv�r'a, Add. �a lias� St. P�ac�l � $156�67 Ea�. �; 8 f t`. of North y0 f�. !ot �;�7h� . Ilortb �@ f t., ofi 1.ot� 4, 5 � 6, dl k. 64�, � B+�r�ing S� 011v�r!� Add�. ta {ife#�,�,•St. Pae�t . S193.�5 North 2 2/3 f�r,.�r* �r J4�� 01`, Ws�t:7S ��. of 4ot 1, diia. 11, 1�dbury and Casa's Add. . , and I�isst. } of Lot� lrnd 3, Dlk. 126, I�I���t Sc. P+��1 � . , . . $14�.90 ��t � of Lo�s`14r 1�, 1�. 17. a 18� `Blk. 12, 1�s�t St. P*ul Real �state � t�p. Syndtt�te . • Add. No. 1 $199.9� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc>> 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco NIr.President, Byrne . �� Y , � DUrLICATt TO rRIN� - � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� �"���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��t �• P���i��Op COMMISSIONEQ DATF MHE�EAS; Th� totai a�aur�C af ����s�61s co�x� the City �y .�a�► i� �2w1�' :54,,.._nc� t�n�for� be1 i�i. � . ��St1�.�f�9, Th�t !hs Ca�t��tor:0+� of Publ i� iiork� ba and t�a is bsnby �e�tbor��rd to j�ay frv� tbs P�►nw��t Iwpwvs�pt Rsvolvin� Fu�d� Cods 6�0 tt� �ot�n� og �Z,�19�.5�. .� portion qf th� asq��abte �Itts of �id�ralk Cc�nsta�ctton und�r tM�► 19�� ,Sid�rik Contr�� 67�M��97i 1.�vy No. $. Qtst�ict tlo. 3, L-G934, tra t�s asoc�n� of $�,19�.5�� �si� Prr��t I�rowwaat �tsvolvt� Fund to be n 1�6u��sd f roM the C i�y's SF�i1�;e ot l.c��a 1 1 a�r�wtw�n� A 1 d FuAr!�09�a•701 (i 96a) � � ���V 2 ? 196� COUN�ILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Car�son '��V 27 196$ Dalglish Approverl 19__ Meredith Favor �e�,graon �� Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � �O