241105 .. 2�� �, r� ' ��.0� ORI�INAL TO CITY CLERK i � • . CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor of the Gity of Saint Paul, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of said City, "License for Non—Federal Use of Real Property, " a copy of said Lice�.se being hereto attached, marked '�Exhibit A" and incorporated hereby by referen.ce ; be it � FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Clerk is directed to transmit to the City Comptroller a copy of this Resolution and said Exhibit A, so that the same may be filed with the Lease Agreement pertaining to Navy Island heretofore executed between the City of Saint Paul and the Federal Government. \ • � PPROVED i s Ass . Corporation unssl ' � � _ � , 1�10V 2 7 �96� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ��` Yeas Nays CarLson ��W 2 � ��5� Dalglish - Approved 19—._ Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � � Mayor Sprafka � Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PI�BLISHED ��v � Q j��� .. ._, ., _ �O • • b • i •- • •� � �, ��� `• ' LICENSE� FOR NON FEDERAI USE OF REAL PROPERTY LICEnSE XUHBCF \�`��� r� �• MaYDOCKS 2260 (1-56) 0104-802-6500 _ • THIS LICENSE TO USE THE U.S. GOYERXHENT PROPENTY HEREIN DESCBIBED IS ISSUEU BY THE DEPARTlIEXT OF THE, ' ' NAYY TO THE LICEqSEE XAHEO BELOa FOR TNE PURPOSE NEREIN SPECIFIED UPDX THE TEaHS AHD CONDITIOXS $�T , FORTN DELOW AND THE GEXERAL PROYISIOHS OX THE REYERSE SIDE HER�OF• 3Y THE EXECUTION HEREOF THE LICE1f3EE AGREES TO CO4PLY MITH ALL SUCH TEP,HS, CONDITIONS AYD GEHERAL �ROYI§IOYS. . lReJer to BuDocks Instr. i�o>>.i8 and any succeedinq changes./ , 1. MAVAL ACfIYITY (PrOperty (O:ationf 2. OATE$ COYERED (In[IuSivel ' Former s�iaval �eserve� Trainin� Cen_�er, St. Paul, I•�innesota 55111 From 15 i;o�r 1968 to 30 Ju.n 1969 . J. DCSCRIPiIOn OF PROPERTY (I�.clude rooa ard Duiliinp nu�Ct�� m.lere aDCroyriateJ Formex i?a�ral ?eser�re Trai.nin; Cen�er, T1a,fif Island, St. Paul, i�:i.nnesota .�� ' . . \ i. PURPOSE OF LICEMSE ' To formall� lzst custod;� znc? con�rol of described proaertif 7..I7 Cit;� of St. Pau1 until suc�� tinle as a c�ecision bet,•reen the p�.r-ciss as �o its � diso.osition is resolved. 5. IICEX50R Sa. LOCaL 3EPRESENTATIVE, DEPT. OF X.1VY OFFICI�I (fitle and ad3ressl • Comr,i�ndin� Oiiice?°, �sat�rest Divis�on, i�a,,al t�ac�liiies UNITEO STATES OF AMERICA �C�r_eerir_- Comma�zd Bl�. L�1 Grea� �•a?ces Ill. 6008� DEPARTMEiiT OF THE qAYY o 5 � �• � � 6• IICENSEE (danc and addressl 6a. �OCAL REPRESEXTAiIYE (Paae and eddreasJ - Cit;� of St. ?aul, :•Iinr_eso�ca � 7• CASH PAYHEMT BT LICENSEE (Payable in advance) (If no easA Oay�enc is requ{rei, ¢nter "Aone" under tten �o "Anount") e• Ar{pUxi (6ach D. FtEGUENCY P�YNENTS c. FIRST DUE D4TE d. TO (Address of DP:OJ yayaenCl DUE, , NOi�TE � - E• DEPOSIT FOR UTILITIES AMD SERYICES (Payable in advxnce) (If no cask b�ya¢nz i� requirt3, er,ter ".IOnx" urder {ten 6a "Aaount"1 a. A!IOUXT (BoeA 0. FREOUEXCY PAYHiNiS C. FIRST DuE DATE d. TO (NailirtQ a:dresal ' Sepoeisl DuE NOAtE 9• INSURAMCE REQUIRED AT EXPENSE OF LICENSEE (If on or zii tir.surartca re :sirei:z;.s Aave beer. watved, enLer ",►ane" {n a,b,c, or d ss a04ro4rintel TYPE MINIh!UM Ah10UVT TYPE ' MINIMU�A Ah10liNT a. FIRE AND EXTENDED c. THIRD PARTY PERSONAI COVERAGE _ S j�jOi`�i iNJURY PER PERSON S 1�TO1��E b. THIRD PARTY d. THIRD PARTY PERSONAL PROPERTY DAMAGE S 1�TOS� INJURY PER A�CIDEN7 = I'fOIY-E - 10. GENERAL PROVISIOhS (See Feve�ae Side) 11• EXELUTIqI OF LICEq3E FOR BY - NAf.�c AND TITLE (Tr�cd1 SIGNATURE DATE DEPARTMENT j'j• �• T��1-_"�J�a.!'i�� 171x'E.'C�0=� ?ea � � ^ \ � ` � ��N��E Ls�ate I7ivision, i•�id?•*est Div., � ,, ti 1 8 NOV 1968 � P�i a v a l �'a c. E n r. C o:�a r_d �' , ��w�,L{,��,�•..-�- ��=� THO1�i�S �. BYrZ:�L . L I CENSEE T;a.�Ipr' " If Licensee ts a Coryoratton, Cerit�fcation oJ siPnature fs aitached � - - - • :_� -- -�-.- :.. —__. ._:- > - �. , �� -_ - EXHIBIT.A - . ' . ,. � ' .' ' ' __ . - - - . _ r _ . •- '•�-`. 10. GENERAL PROV IS I ONS • � - -'.. ` . ._ _ .. ■. The Licrosor herehy Rrents�o the Lic£nsee th�,qor�.e:elu- Li�ensor mny elect. If the cost ot sueh repeIr, reh�5ldinQ, or eive rIght to use'the premis�s or facilifi4s deseribed iri-Item replaeement excceAs tl�e liability of the Licensee !or sueh loe� 3 to¢ether vith the.necess�ry riglits of inQreas anc��egre�p. � . � or �lnmaee, tlie Licensee she11 e((ect such repair, retuildin�or b. This Lieense.shall he etlactive for the perio� stated In • item 2anA is revoeable at nny time�w�ithout notie� at tl�e o tion • L .. �eploeement if required so to Ao !ry the Licenaor, ur.i tueh excest P o( cost shall he reimbursed to the Licensee by the Lieensot. In ■nd �iiseretion of the Liemaor or its .Iu1y euthorize�l repre- tl�e event the Licensee sl�ell have effected any repoir, retwilding sentative. or repinceinent vihich the Lieensee is re�uire�l to effect rursuent e. ihe use slial! be IimiteA to the purposes specifie�l herein. to t��1s paragr�ph, the Lieensor shall rllreet paya,ent to the �I. Thia Lieense shall be ne3ther essipnable nor trensfernble Licensee of so much of the proeeeds o! any insuronce�cerried by by the Liemaee. the i.ieensce an�i made avsileble to the Government on eceount of e. I! ulilities �nd serviees ■re (urnished the Licensee !or ' loss of or rianege to eny ltem or pnrt ot tlie premises or fac31l- Its use of the premisee the Licensee shsll reimburse the ties es mey be necessary to enable the Licensee to ef(ect such Lieensor for the eost thereof ns determinerl by the Llcensor repnir, rebuilding or replacement. In event the Licensee sh�ll ' in eccor�lenee vith npplieable stetutes and reeulatiaie, pot lisve been requireA�to effcet sucli repair, rebullding, or re- f. 'Ihe Lieensee, et its ocn cOSt end expense, sliull protect, pleceo:ent, nn�i the insurance procee�is elJocable to tl�e loss or maintain, •nd keep in qood or�ler, the prenises or faeilities darage wliich I�es created the nerd for sucl� repair, rebullding or licrosed hereby. At the r�iseretion of tl�e I.icensor tliis oblig�- replxeement hnve bcen paid to the Licenaee; the Liceneee shell tio� sh�ll in�lude, but not be limlte�! to, eontritxition tovarrl � the e:pense of Im g-term maintennnce o! the premises or laeili- Promptly refund to tlu Licensor the avaunt of such proceede. i. 'Ihe Lieeneee shel l in�termi fy anrl seve harmless the Covem- ties, the neeeasity for mhieh eccrue�l during the period of !ts ment, lts offiecre, agents, servanta and empJoyeee from ell uee. 7he anount of expense to be borne Fy the Licensee she11 liebility unrler the FeAcrel Tort Cleims Aet (tiY Stat. 869, be determined by proratine the totef cxpcnse of the ite�a of long-term meintenanee on the besis of (rectiona! use b the � 982'28 U.S.C. Sec. 4677, ?680) or otherwise, for denth or injury Y to ell persons, or loss or damege to the property o( a11 persons Lieaisee. 'lhis fractionol part o( the totnl ezpense shall he resulting from the use of the premises by the Lieen�ee end ehell prorated further i( the Stem of long-term mrintenance di�i not furnisli the insurence spceifierl in Item 9. Eaeh policy of in- •ccrue in its entirety during tlie Licensee's use. ! on � de- k' , surnnce rer�uire�i in Item 9 covering lwdily injurtes and third �ermination by the Lieensor that the neressity exists !or a� party property damage shell eontain an en�loreement reeding eub- e:penditure'of funr�a for meintenance, protection, preservation stnntially as folloas: or repeir, the Lieensee shall pey to the Licensor its propor- "'the insurer waives ony right of subroQation ngoinst the tionate sh�re, on denenA, United States of Pnerica afiich might ariae by reason of any � g. No addltione to, or alterstions of, the premiaes or fa• payment mude un�iet this clli[ien shall he made without the prior eonsent of the Llcrn- Poliey." . eor. Upon revoeation or s�rrender of this Lieenee, to the �' A�� insurence required by this License �hell be In auch form, for euch perioda of time, and with such insurera aa the e:tent directeA by the Licensor, the Liemsee shal] remove •11 Licensor may require or approve. a eerttficate of insurence or alterations,. edAitions, bettertnen[s nnd improvements mede, or o certified copy of en�h policy of insurnnee token out hereunder inetallerl end reetore the premises or Eecilitiea to the seme, shnll bede or as gooA condition es ex3sted o`n the date of entr wider thla P�siterl :ith the Lieensor's loeal representative prior y to the use of the premisen and (acilities.. 'Ihe Lieensee egrces• License, reasonsble aear an�1 tcar exeepted. thet not less thnn tl�irty (30 da s h. The Lieensee shnll be li�ble for any loss o[, or deme e ) Y prior to the expirotion of C any insurnnce required by [his License, it Wi71 delfver to the to, the premiaes or feeil7ties incurred ee a result o! its use Licrosor's locol representative a ecrti(ieate of ins,.rnnce or a an�l shall make such restoration or repair, or monetary eompena�- eertifieA co tion ns :nny be direetcA by the Licensor. 7he Lieen�ee'sli�- PY of ench renewal policy to eover the eame risk�. k. Yo mem6er of or Delegate to Congress, or Resident Conmis- b;lity (or loss or AoneQe to.the premises resultinR [rom risks sioner shell be admittcd to en share or exprcaaly-requiced to be insurcd.he"reunder.sh�ll not exeeed Y pert o( this Qrent or to the nrtrount of insurence ao requireA. The Licensee shell not be B�Y benefit thnt mny erise therefrom; but ihia provieion ehall o liahle for lose o!, or demage to, the premises arisin� from tO1 h�oT°i�snic�l to extend to tni� grent i( mede aith a corpora- eaueea beyond the eontrol of the Lie�naee ancl n�ensioned b e���� � - . °n 6�neral �enefit. 9 . �� • • 1. 'Ihc Liccnsee aorrants'.[ha�t it'has not employed�uny person� risk not in faet covered by ineurenee en�1 not cuatonerily . tp solicit or.secure thia Lieenseiupon any agrecnen[ for a com-.. covered by insurance in the locnlity in uiiieh the prcmises ere' • ���mission, ereentn e, " ' ' � situaterl. �othing conteined herein, hoxever, shell relieve the P 6 brokern�e or contingent fee. BreBeh�'o( thieV mnrrnity shell give the Covernmentthe right to annul this License Liemsce of liebility with�respeet to any losa or.domage to the or in its discretion to recover (ran the Lieenaee the emount o( premiees, 'no[ fully'chnhenenteN for hy insurance, whicli results such cor.mission,pereentage,brokerage or continernt !ee in eAdi- from villfut misconrluet,.lack�of good foith, or fnilure to�_ : ' ;_tion`to the�ronsirterotion fierein eet forth:�'Thia rarranty eholl exercise due diliyence, on the part oF tlie Lieensee.� ,l,11 . � ' insurwee req�ire�1 of'4he Licenaee�'on the premiees shnll be�for • ' _ � not �pply to cormnission� payable hy the Llcensee upon eontracts - or salessecured oi�mnde through•twnn fide estebliahed conmerciel the proteetjon o( the Licensor anA the Licensee againa[ their or sellinQ agencies mnintained by tlie Liecnsee lor the purpone of respective risks md liebilities in connection sith the premisea. aecuring buainess. Eech policy of insurance a¢einet loss or dnmage to Goverrmene m. In �onnection with the performonce of vork under thi� property �hall neme the Licensee and tbe Unite�i Statea of License, the Licensee ngrees not to diaeriminate agninst any Anerica} Departmrnt of tlu�Nn�y, ns tlie insured enrl ahal.l eo�-• _ ,�rmployee or applicnnt for employmen[ beenuse of r�ce, religion, tein a losa payuble eleusr reading�suhst�antiolly•ne•folloWa:L' � ' ' color,�ornationeloFi ' 'L osa, if on R�n. Thc nforesojd provisidn shall inelu�fe, y, under this policy aholl be odj w ted aith but not hc limited to, the follox•ing: m�ploymmt, upgr�ding, de_ GNane of Litensee)pnd the proceede�, et the,direction of the motion,or transder, rocruitmmt or recruitment aAvertiaing; lay- Covernment, sholl Ue"peyal�le to (Vamr of Liceneee), end - off or terminntion; rates o( pay or otlier forma of compen�etion; proeecds not poi�l to (lame pf L'icensee) :hell Le pnyeble t4_,' end aelection for trainin . the 7reaeurer o( the United States of hnerica." � � B• i^���i�iny apprentiecship. The Li- eensce egree9 to poet hereafter in conspieuous pinee� nvaileble In the event thot nny item or part o( the prcmisea or fnclli- /or cmplopers ond app�{�nnts for em lo ties ahall reGuire repoir, rehuilAin� or repleeeeient re�ulting vided b the Licensor scttin P ����' ^otieee to be pro- from loas or Aamnge, the risk of ofiich is assua.cA under this Y R Jorth the provisione of the non- . diseriminntion�Imise. ll�e Licensee (urthcr ngrees [o lneert the parogreph h, the Lieenaee �hall proroptly give notice thrreo( to foregoin� provision in oll subcontracta h�reunder, except �ub- the Liemsor end, to the extent of i[� liability as provided in controrts for stnidord cortmerciel supplies or rov muteriala, • this parag[aph, slinll, upon demand, e1[her com- n. All ectivitiea suthori:ed hcreun�ter al�al! be aubject to Pensale the Govefnmen[ lor such loc9 or JamaRe, or au�h rules end regulotiona a� rcger�l■ superviaion or otlierviae, rehuild, replaee or repe�r the i[em or iiems of the e�moy, lrom time to tinK, he pre�cribeA by the Ioc�1 reprcaent�. 1+ premises or fatilit.es so lost or damaged, as the tive of the Liccn�or os de�ignnterf in Item Se. ' , . , - e DUlLICATt TO lRINT[R hd ��� �,s�� ' . - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRFSENTED EY COMMISSIONER �ATF RESOLVED, That the Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor of the City o� Saint Paul, is hereby authorized to e�eoute, on behal� oY .eaid City, "Lioense �or Non—Federal Uae of Real Property, " a Qopy of eaid Lioense being hereto attaohed, marked "Exhibit A�� and inoorporated hereby by re�erenc�e; be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk ia direoted to tranamit to the City Comptroller a oopy of this Reaolution and eaid F�hibit A, eo that the same may bs filed with the Lease Agreement pertaining to Navy Ieland heretofore ezeouted between the City of 5aint Paul and the Federal Qrovern�ent. N�v 2 � 19�.� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ���f � t ;�s8 � Dalglish ' Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor �gainst Tedeaco 112r. President, Byrne �� � � , � LICENSE NUMBCR ��� ,�/ / ' • ,LICENSE FOR k0+� FEDERAL USE OF REAL PROPERTY , . ' ��� � - � xavDOCKS zi6o �t_;e� 0104-6�2'6500 , THIS LICEHSE TO USL ihC U.S. GOYEAHNEHT PROPERTY HEREIH DESCHIOEU IS ISSUED 0Y THE DEPAR7lIEHT OF THE �MAYY TO iNE L�C(R�([ ��NCO DELON FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN SPECIFIED UP9N THE TERH9 AHD COMDITIOHS SET FORTN BEIa/ A�� T?�[ G[NERAL �R�AL��SUCH TERNS,RCONDITtOXSEAHDRGEHERAIr�R VISIOXSTIOH HEREDF THE i10E113EE AG�ECS 10 CC"�►�Y w�TM fS�l�r to BuDocks Instr. �ioii.18 and any succecding chnnges.J {ocotionl 2. DATES COVEBED (Inctusiotl 1. MAY�I t'i1��7� (!•ti�•fy ' For^:�*_• :�v-�al Reserve Trainin� Cen�;er, 15 �lov 1968 to 3o Jun i969 S�. i'��;.11� i.]..T1116aOta. 55�i1 From � J. CCSCPIIi�t• Of �4���qiY (Inttude roo� and 6uildtinp nn�DRa W�1ere o04ro9r{atcl F�,L;��� �Iaval Reserve Trainin� Cen�er, T1aTr�,T Island, St. Paul, i•linnesota �e b , �u�Iio��fo�r;nallf ves� custodf ancl control of described pro�.ertf in Cit� of J�, n�,� �til such ti.me .as a d.ecision be��:reen -the par�cies as to i-ts u;s�osition is resolved. Sa. LOC�L REPBESENTATIVE, DEPT. 0� XAVY�OFFICI�L (fittc and uddre5tl p. �tCC•+D' I;� . Comm?nclin� Oiiir,e-r, ridti•rest Division, i�Tajral �,acilit�es UNITCD STATES OF AMERICA �ineering Command, Bldg. L=1, Great �a�ces, Ill. 60088 DEPARTHEMT OF THE MAYY 6a. LOCAI REPRESEx7ATIYE (/aa� a� addre�sJ 6. LICC�+(C (/�+: ami a1l.essl Cit� oi �t. Paul, '_`�innesota . 7• CASH PAYHEMT BY LICENSEE (Payable In advance) � (If no cash paY�ent is re0uire:, enter "Fone" under itea 9a "Aaount"/ � 44_���� �y�j�A C. F�EQUEMCY PAYHFXTS C• FIflSi•DUE D�TE O. TO (Address of DP�O1 Oiyaer.:l DUE rTG'A?� . . � 8• DEPOSIT FOR UTILITIES AHD SERYICES (Payable in advance) flf no casA bsya?nt {� re9uire3, er.ter ".POne" un.ier iten 6a "Aaaunt"/ d. A4JUMi lSucA D. FREO�EXCY PAYNEYTS c• FtRST OUE DATE d. TO (NailinP a:dressl � , �eDosit/ DUE ' ; NOi�Ti � 9. INSURAqCE REQUIRED AT EXPElISE OF LICENSEE , _ (! an or nl! insuranca re uire;ents Aave Deer. uxiived, ente*TYpE' tn a.b.c, o*d 65 °��'Oflr{MIN(b�UPd AMOUNT TYPE MINIMUM AMOUNT a. FIRE A�:D ExTEtiOED c. THIRD PARTY PERSONAL s j�JO1�jF • COVERAGE _ �T�1� INJURY PER PERSON d. THIRD PARTY PERSONAL b. TH I RD R.1RTY I NJURY PER ACG I DENT s I�OI��I�i PROPERTY DPMAGE s 11OS�E 10. GExERAL PROVISIOnS (See Aeverse Side1 _ ��. EXECUTION OF LICENSE gy DATE FOR NAtAE AND TITIE (Tyti�d) SIGNATURE � ?,J. �. iIU�•!��C,Ai1D, Dixec-to-r �ea � 1 DEPARTAIENT � � 1 8 N OV 1968 OF THE Ls�ate Di.vision, i•iid*.�rest Div., �J��, ��`L��``�,�^_ , """'� i:aval Fac. En r. Comrnan.d . THOj'iAS �.. a�.[�L ' . L 1 CENSEE F�a�or . ►j Lfcensee Is a CorQoration, Certt�icaiton o� siynature is attaehed ❑ � ' ' r _ _ ' _ _ _ - - -- _ - - - - �' ' EXHIBIT A �O - --- .-------- --- -- ---- ----- --- � .,R - . . � ' • J` �� , • _ .._, 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS - . , • - • - e. The Liemsor hereT�y grents to the Lic�neee th�no�-exclu• Li�ensor mny eleet. I( the cost of sueh repair, rebuildinQ, oi aive right to use'the premises or fac'iliti'Es �iesctibed in-itcm replacement excceds tl�e liabili[y o( the Lieensee for such loas � 3 toQether with the�necessery riehta of ineress end�egres;. - � ' or demege, the Licensee shell e(fect euch repair, rehuilAina or b. ThIs Li�ense.shell he efteetive (or Che•perio� atated ln ` rcplaeement if required so to Ao by the LScenaor, arr! sueh exeest item 2enA is revo'eeble et any tine without noticE at tlie option - of coet shall he reimbursed to the Licensee by the Lieensor. In ■nd �liscretion of the Licrosor or Ita rluly authorizerl repre- tl�e event the Licenaee sti�ll heve effected any repair, reFuildin� sentative. or replaeonent w}�ich the Liecnsee is require�t to e(leet pursuant e. 'lheusesliall be limiteA to the purposes specifie�l hercin. to t��ie peragraph, the Licensor shall rtireet peyment to the �1. 'lhis License ahall be nefther aasig�eble nor [ranaferable Licensee of so r�uch of the proceeds of any insurenee e�rried by by the Licrosee. the I.icensee anrt merfe availeble to the Government on eccount of e. If utilities end services sre [urniahcd the Licenseq (or ' loss of or �lanage to any item or pnrt o( tlu premises or feeili- its use o( the premises the Lieeneee shall reiirburse the ties as mny be necessery to eneble the Licensee to effect euch Licensor for the cost tliereof as determined by the Licensor rcpoir, rebuilding or repla�ement. In event the Licensce sh�ll in accordenee with npplicable statutes and regulatiaia. not li�ve bcen required to efleet sutli repeir, rebuilding, or re- f. The Licensee, at ite own cbst end expense, sliall protert, plecesent, unA the insurance proceeds slJocable to tlie loas or maintain, and keep in Qood or�ler, the premises or facilitics demege vAiieh has created the need for sucli repair, rebuilding or liernsed hereby. At the discretion of tl�e l.icensor tliis obliga- repleeement heve becn peid to the Licensee; the Li�eneee shall tion shell inelude, but not be limite�! to, eontrikxrtion toyard pranptly ro(und to the Licensor the aiaunt of such proceeAe. , the expmee of Im g-te m meintennnce of the pranises or taeili- i. 'Ihe Licensee shell in�lecnify en� seve harraless the Cnvern- ties, the neceasity for ahieh accrueri during the periwl of ita ment, its o(ficers, egents, servants and employeea [ron all • use. Yhe miount o( expense to be borne hy the Licensee shell liebillty un�ler the Fedcrel Tort Claim� Act (ti2 Stet. 869, be determined by proretinQ the totai expense of the Item of 982:Z8 U.S.C. Se�. 4671, ?680) or otherr�isc, for death or injury long•tetm maintenance on the basis o( (ractional use by tlu to •11 persons, or loss or danage to the property o( all persona Liemsee. 'Ihis (rectional part of the totnl e:pense shall hr resulting from the uee of the premises ty the Licensee nnd shell proreted (urther if the item of long-term mnintenence rfi�1 not furnisl� the insuren�e speeifie�l in Item 9. Each policy of In- a��rue in its entirety durin� tlie Licensee's use. !��on v de- surance remiireri in Item 9 coverinQ l+odily injuries and third terminetion by the Lieensor that the neressity existe (or pn party properly damege shall contain ea endorsement rea�linQ sub- expenditure bf (unAa for maintenance, protection, preservution stentially as folloa�: or repair, the Licensee shell pey to the'Licensor its propor- "7he insurer r�nivee eny right of subrogatlon ageinst the tionete share, on danand. L'nited States of Merica ahich r�ight arise by renson of any g. No edditiona to, or olteretions of, the premises or f�• • peyment made unrier this policy." • cilitiee shall be oade rithout the prior eonsent of the Licen- j. A1l insurenee required by this Lieenee shall be in such � aor. Upon revocation or surrender of this Licenae� to the form, for auch periods of time, end With such insurers as the extent direeterl by the Licensor, the Lleensee shall remove all Lieensor may require or epprove. �certifieate of insurance or eltereCions,� additions, bette mmts and improvements mode, or n eertified copy of each policy of insurance tnken out hereunder � � installe�l end reetore the prcmises or (eeilities to the snme, shnll bedepasiteri w�ith the Licensot's local representative prior • or es C�� ��dition as existed on the �inte o( entry wider this to the use of the pre9ises end (acilities.. The Licensee ngrces License, rcasoneble wear an�1 tcar exccpted. thot nbt less thon tl�irty (30) da�•v prior to the expiration of h. Ihe Licensee shnll be liable (or �ny loss of, or deme�e eny insurancc reGuired by this License, it w•ill deliver to the to, the premises or fecilities incurre�l as a result of its use Lieensor's local representetive a eertificate of'ins..rnnce or a an�l shall meke such restoration or repair, or monetary co:cpensa- certifie.l copy of eoch reneu�nl policy to co�•er the eume risks. tion as mey be directc�i hy the Lieensor. The Lieenaee'slia- k. Vo mert:ber of or Delegete to Con6�ess, or Resident Curnts- bility for losa or �faneQe to,the premises resultinR [rom risks sioner shall be admitted to eny shere or pert of this erant or to expresaly requir.ed to be insured f�ereunde r sh�ll not e:eeed eny bene(it that mny eri�se thercfrx; bu[ thia provieion sh�ll the artaunt of insurence so require�l. The Licensee shell not be not he construeA to extend to tnis ernnt if mnde W�ith e eorpore- liahle for losa of, or de�aaec to, the premises arising (ran � tiop for its,�gcneral bcnefit. ew�es beyond the eontrol of the Liceniee on�1 a�easionqd fiy���•, ' � � � _ 1. 'thc Lieensee d�rrnnts�iho[ it'hea not employeA�eny person� risk not in (act covered by insurenee end not eustomerily tG solicit or sccure this Licensc,upon any agrement for a eom••. eovere'd by insuronec in the locality in wfiieh the premises ere' � ' V�nission, percentage, brokernge orcontinecnt tee. Breheh�'of tliieV situate�l. Nothin� conteined hereln, hor'ever, sliall relleve the varrnnty shell give the Governmcnt the right to onnul this License Liemsee of liability vith•resper.t to m�y�los� or.rlamaCc to the or in its discretion to reeover (rom tlie Lieen�ee the amount o( premises, 'not fulty'e6m¢enenteN for Fiy insurnnce, w'hicli results �uch cor.mission,pereentnge,broke�age or continZent fee in addi- (rom vill�ful misconrtuet,:�laek of good feith, or (et'lure to� �. _ _ -,tion�eo tlic�ronsirferation herein set lorth:�'This xerr�nty shall e xereise due diliQenee; on the pert ot tlie.Liacnsce.� ,�+Il - -- not epply to cor.missiona paynble.by the Lieensce upon contrects inaurnnce req�ire�l of'Ihe Liecneee'on the premises sholl Ix tor �' � •' ' or snles se�vred or�mode through�bona fide citebliahed eo^rxrcial the proteetion o( the Licensor enrl the Licensee a�ainst their or sellinR •Cencies mnintained b�the Licensee for the purpoee ot respective ricke a�d liabilitie�in conneetion .ith thr prenisea. aecuring tv�iness. Eech policy of insuronce n�ainst loss or �lnmage to Goverrment m. In connection �i[h tlie per(ormence of u•ork under thie property alinll name the Licensee �an�l tl�e Unite�l Stotes of Li�enee, the Lieensee ngrees not to di�eriminete n¢einst any Amerieay De�attmmt of the �in�y, ns tlie i�isured anrl shall cor•` _ rmployee or n�+plienn� fot enploymrnt beeauae of race, reliaion, tain a los� p�yu6lr elousr rcodinQ iuhstuntially•ns•fo�lawa: ` � eolor,�ornntio�nl origin. The ufaresaid provision sliall inelu�fe, 'Los�, i( eny, under this poliey �holl 6e o�ljusted with I�ut not Lc limiterl to, the folloa•ing: m�ploy�r,en[, upgrading, �1e- , (Nnx o(Li'eenvee)and tl�e proeee�i�, nt tlie direction o!tlie motion,,or trans(er; reeruitment or recruitnent edvertising; 1ay• �• Government, shol! Ue�payal�le to (Vam^. o( Lieen�ee), nnd • off or termination: rates o( pey or otfier fo�m� of'eompen�etion; . proeeerfi not poi�l'to (\ame of Licrnsec) shall�e poyeUle t9_,� •nd selection for training, inelu�ting apprcntiecahip. The Li• • the Treaaurer o( tl+e l4iited States of hr.eriee." � eensee ugreea to post herea(tcr in conspicuous pinee� nveilnble In the evm t thnt eny itrm or pnrt of the prenises or fneili• (or employees ond wpplicxnts for eaploy.nmt, noticea to be pro- tles ahall require repnir, rehuilAin�or replecment result�nQ vidrd by tl�e Lic�naor �ettinG forth thp provisiona o( the non- froa loaa or dvnn¢e. ihe riek of wiiich I� A]SUIf,pA �mder thie diseriminntionolm�er. Tie Licrosee fartl�er ngreea to In�ert th• - p�rogrepli h, the Lieensee shnll promptly give notice thereo( to (oregoin� proviaion in nll subcontracta h�reunder, e:eept aub- the Liemeor en�i, tq the extent of its liebility ov proaided In eontrorts (or slmidnrd cor.mercinl eupplie� or raw muterinlf. this parngraph, s1�u11, upon demand, el�her edm- + n. All ectivitiea authorired hereun�fer alioll be auhjeet to pensale [he Guvernment �or such losa or dama�ee, or �uch rule� end regulotions ee reR�rde.supervi�ion or othervise, rebuild, repinee or repntr thr ilem o� iicroso( thc eemey, from tlme to time, be prexribed by the local repreaent�• k premises Or facilit�ee so lost or damnged, a; lhe ti.•c o( the Lltcnaor ns de�i�inted in Item 5�. . � l . � ._ _� g � . , '.w.a'.'� �`J"'' / �� ,.r�' 6 F,NT OF ..:-«- l�tM Ty�,y DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY � � � *� ,�,irl`. * MIDWEST DIVISION . NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND ' � �� �� ,'; BUILDING NO. 1-A , ��i,f � GREAT LAKES, ILLINOIS 60088 • �N REPLY REFER 70: • '. _ �''��'�� - Code 07 � • � AIo-Y�-�)-�3225 � � t 8 NOV 1968 �Ionorable Thomas B. p-,J?��ze � � � �� � � � � . i��iaJor� of the Cii f of Saint Paul ��u ��j��� • . �cecutiive �en�r�:�en� 3�7 Cit;� Ha11 2I1d CoLLY't F?ouse �`��t��'� ���d�� - U�Zi..lditi� . � � � Sain� ?aul, T�irnesota 55102 • _ ��e: Lease ii�-y(�)-�.3225 co;rerin� - I�TtiTC; resto-ration of ?Iava . . zsi��a Dear i�yor ��riie: F.efere�?ce o�r let�eM of 15 �ugust 1968 concusrin� ti•ri.th ;yTour request � tha�'c action -re;arciing denolition oi our forr�er i�Iav�1 ��eserve Trainin; • Ce�zte= on i;av�,l Island be held in abeyance for � period of at leas�L � tt•ro mon�hs to afiord �he Citf of St. P�u1 the o5portuni�;� to revieti•r propos�ls Tor develop:�er_� of i�Tazr,;r Isl��d b� private intierests. Since *.�re have no� heasci irom you since that ti;ne, z•re assu��ne developmen� � � pro�osals �re s�ill under considera�ion. i:re have no objec�ion to . continued deferr�e_2t of a decis�on in 'cn.e ma-cter, buti reeues� tha�, ir_ order to es�ablish resnonsibility for -�he buildin;, the at�ached license be executed on behalf of �he City. � Cur �ands for naintenance of the idaval and �•Iarine Corps �eserve �ra�.nit2g Centers in �he I:intn i1av�1 i?'�_strict have been so drast�ca]1�r red.uced „ that z•:e jas� ca.�znot e�uend ��y oi" -�hese fund.s for tihe care an.d protiection � of tn�s deactiva�ced bu�lclina. In this connection, attentio� is invi-�ed • to the fact tha� tine builcling is not heated and 'nas not been :�interizea. � - Very trul;l yo�rs� r . ' - � - . . � �--�/. i ��l' A. STP0�3, JP.. , CDR� CEC� N � � (1) �r000sed lice?�se� Er.ecu�:v� Cf}icer ' ori�i.n21 s�d �t�;o copies Mic:a:et Di�rision. . ' Naval Facilities Engineering Commaad � . ( ' � - • ; • , � , f `: ' . .. - • ._.._ ._.._ __ - .- -- - •- - ------ -— - -. --: _ . - •-- . ._.___ ..._. _.__ --- ..----------�-- _--__._.__- - -.____ .__.. ._ �--_ . . . , - - l . - , _- ' ' _ . _� _ ' ' �Y � � , _ ' _ _ • • - - _ - " _ .. - _ ,- . . '.1y'^ _ _� ' . _., - •' _ ' r _ . ' , , _ . , Y ' • . , . . . . - - : . • . � - . ' ' • " � � . - _ ' - - . -' - p+.`, �: - . - ` � � ` ' - S� " _ � • , • . . , - { ''� ' ,- _ _ _ Nonrember 2I? 1968 , ' . � , . : : - • _ . , - _ - - , . - , • . -_. • "� . , . _ .- -- ; - _� •t- � , _, .� . � - . ._ .`: � - , ' . _ - � .' - " _ ` � - � , ' • ', ' . , � - � - .- - _ - . _ i . , .. . _ . Hon. Jame� J.. Dalglish _ - . • - • _ - T -_ ' . _ - Chairman, Iand Co�ittee = ' : - - - � . . � _ � � .Building . � . . • " -� ' - • _ - .� ' - ' - , • . ,- Dear Sir t - , ° � , _ �: . . - - � . � . - - - - - � _ . - y , � Attached for�your information i c Y a letter o�' the Depart- '- _ . , � _ ' ,• _ - - ment -of the Navy, pert the position of the {'`"� � � Navy Is land.:� '. � - � . � . - � � ,_ _ ,• � �- - - ,-�j`� T .- . , - - .+ �� ,y � = A��n.g - . , ' � , / � . ' � . - _ , - . _-�. . , - - � r , . - . . '� ... . � - '" , ' . . - _ � ♦ � . ' . . .1 • , ,. � . ' ` _ „ . " � . , _ _ .. . . t�� , ' � � . t. . - - ' ' ' _ � �, ' ` ' ' • ' � Y ' } . •` ' • - . _ . �- ' �i e. ' . :- ' • ' - . ' • - , - ... '" . - _ - t' � . y . - � ' — _ • , ' s ` , - ` ' i ' , . t . , ,- . . ' . _ ` t " ' K " { . ' -. ' ' ` .. _ ' - - . , . � '� . - ' � . � _ . .�y � . -' ' -- _ . . � - � � �- • "� - , � . _� - Nwember 21.� 19� • � - . � _ y _ . - - : , - _ • t. - - - � - - • - . - . - • ' - - � , �..,', ,. ._- , , - � ._z, - � _� _ - . - _ _ Mr: Robert L. .Ameg - � - � . . . . , ' - - . . - City Architect .� � � ' . • - _ ` � - � • : ° , Building • =' . -..' R ' : - - � � - = - - . - - � " � � � -� -_ - ' � - � . . _ � - • Dear Sir: - � - �.- - : , - �. • � _ - . - 4 ; • _ � . .- .. . . . _ - , . . .-_ - . _. > , . , - _ . - . _ • , _ , . - - . Attached for your inforinatidn a copy �,�l�etter of the Depart- - _. - _ _� � ` ment of the Navy, pertatning to =d sition oP the building on � � - . � , � PJavy�Island, _ _ - _ ' ' . . - -,_ _ , , , • , . ._ : -. _ � . . � _ - , � - . , ,- - � � , - - _ . - � . _ . - _ � _ . � - Ve ` ruly yours, . , , - -� . . - " - - " � . i _ _ , r -- City Clerk - , • , _ , , - . ~ , . - _, " � . AO�ng ' � - -- . ' - _ . , .- . - � - � . , , _ _ � _ . � . . � .- -. - . . - ' �_ � :�>_ . .` � =- - _ - . . - � � - - - . _ - - . . _ • _ . _ - � - _ ' - - ' " - , _ _ - � _ � . • , ._ _ '��. � - - _ ' , �- . . - - _ .. - - - -- - . � . . - - - � : - . ; _ s .,� . - - - � . : � ' - _ , � � � .." - � - ' � - � � . - + . � ` .0 . . - -_ _ ,: • .. ' . _ . ' { � '_ i,' r ' . � . . .. ^ ~+� � , . � ' " . _ . .. � • �� �• ' ` � � �ti ` � , 1 y b - , -` _ �t . •' � � �" . • " •' � '`_• , I .. ''_ J _ - .. . K . '"+` _ ^a - i __ ."� " _i._ . - � _' � , , .. _ , ' J . � � - • T y " ' � Y ' r � � � " . .- y ^ l . . ' _.. ' + � ` , '� _ � w � �. . _ 1 ' ' � � _ - "! : - � . • _ S� _ µ �t- � � .4 ' - - - ' _ �3' .._ - _ � � ' _ • . . " � w ' . �. . � � � _ _ , c • � ' - � - . + • - _ _ _ - ' ' r . J - ' � - ' ` - � . . ' _ � . { .r �� � � . . • , • • - • ' . ` . . _ .�. .� SY � .i - , . ._ . � � ' - L�.` - ."Ndvember��21, 1968. - � - . � _ ' - ' � , `- . . � t - -" � ' � _ . . , �. � > .� , - - .. � " �- � � _ • _ _ - . _ . - . - ` , - . � . � , . - - - _ _ ' . - . ; - � -- - . . . . . ' _ . , ti ` ; - ` . .., , r _ . } - _ . - • ' - _. ' '} , ' � " ` '_ _ ..' . 1 � -- 4 ". " • . r �4 t _: . � . ... � - " ' i - } s�" � � , . � ' � " _ _ " y '� ' • ' ' - ' r . . Mr.' Jo�eph P. 8ummers ' -- .4 . _ ` - . _ � � _ , •: • � � � ,. Corpora,tion Counsel . } -- - _ ' � - . _ _ - ' . ' - - -.- ' _ 4 �_ Bui lding • �- _ �. . _: �- - � • . , - :_ , _ , . _• - _ - - � Dear Sir s � °` .- -� . ' .` :. ' ° - -- _ . - . r : -�", � . ' _ = � : =- . _ - - - : ,- -_ ; ' , " � ` - The City Council requests that _ �prepar� � ha proper resolutian � , � _ ,� . - � in connection with-the reques the tment of the Navy for - , - - . � ' � . . a License Agreement in conne,cti,o � t e reaponsiblity �or':the � " ' : _ - - . - • �building on Navy I�land:� � - � ' - _ , _ - � � -' � ' ,- . . � -' i , - � - i � = •t. ` ; _ �- • -. - • . ' - _ _" • -t _ � � . : . . - _ � - . - : � . , ' Very truly youre f - : ~ - . " , - _` ' _ . ' • : • -. ; ~ _ � . ' -� � _, - , �� . . . � ! - - - � f �- . ._ �.- _ . � _ � : _ ,o . .. : ` ` - ,` - - � - _ City Clerk - ,; - . . � - � ' AO�ng - . � - �- - ` , , . : . �-_ - , - ' . , - ,_� _ _ . - , . - - . . , - - . . . � , � . . � . . � �, , a ' . � . ' e- S " " � � y._'�' ' - . _ � ' � ` t � ' ' " ' ' � " _ ' �' ' � _ � s' " 4 ' . " _ 7' • . .' ' , - t.: . _ ' , ' ' __�-_, 4 . . :. y i� � • , ' :. . . _ ' , � ' � ^ ..i � _� . . '.r '� : .. - {' _ _ � , ` . ' . L '" . ' - � _.t .. . ' � - � , ' + - . •-' � . . . ' ; ' - � ,' - ` _. ._ - � _ ` s �,.-° _ ` .. _: � • � - . - -� ' �� ' t'. G ' • ' . _ ' '_ . , . . � . '_ - ' . . a � i . . s t ' ' . ' ' ' ' .. . .. � ^ 'S ° __ - -� • v ' - � - . _ ,. - Y ' 1 ' ' ' '` 1. � � .. - . � � i ; ' r . _ z . . _ � ._ . a ' 1 - , _ - _ . + . . ' � � _ ' . � . �Y r .i� � . . � � • • '� e - '" 1• . ` ' .` • - ` ... . � + � _ ` . • ` _ 5 - - > .� �" � ' - • ."� � . - ' ` - . " • _ � .:-� � • ` ' _ _ _ . ' ' _ i - � .� _ � ` ' . :� �� � � � r. • > . • ! •, � • �' ^ ' ' � ' `� C , ` _ � .� ` , ` Y� ' � - •{ , �' - `., • '• �_ ' t 1 _ � � a - . T . •♦_ , �' _ ,j •. � . ' '_ ,• _ : �- ' � " _j , _ .f, , ` _ ' _ ' � - _ r ., _.y _ . . . � _ . ` . n . � .. , _ , _ �• _ .. , - ��� � _ . , � � • . . . . � , � . . . _ - �- J+ � ���+ _.,1n.. 1 - • . LICENSE FOR NOµ FEDERAL US� Of REAL PROPERTY • �icehse xUMBER ,MavooCKS 21eo (t-56) 0104-802-6500 THIS LICENSE TO USE THE U.S. GOYERNHEHT PROPERTY HEdEIX DESCHIBED IS ISSUED BY TNE DEPARTNEflT OF i}IE � . NAYY TO THE IICENSEE NAHED BELON FOR TNE PURPOSE HEREIN SPECIFIED UPON THE TERHS AND CONDITIOHS SET FORTH 6ELOH AXD THE GENERAL PROYISIONS OH THE REYERSE SIDE HER�OF• SY THE EXECUTION HEAEOF THE LICE113EE ALREES TO CO4PLY NITH ALL SUCH TEP.HS, COXDITIOXS AHD GENERAL �ROYISIOXS. • (Rejer to BuDocks Instr. 1�osi.18 and any svcceedsnQ changes.l 1. hAVAL ACTIViTY (P*cDe*ty iocationJ 2. DATES COVERED (Inclut{veJ Former i�iaval t�eser-Je Tr�inino Ceni�er, St. Paul, I•�innesota 551u. From 15 ilotr i968 to 30 .Jun 1969 J. DESCRI►TION Of PROPERTT (InCLude roo+i ard buildinp ny�Ders where aypro0+ta��1 . Former I•;aval �eserve �raining Cen�er, Nav�T Is?and, St. Paul, i"i.nnesota � � � ••--� - t. PURPOSE OF LICExSE • To formall� ves� custod;l and con-trol of descr�bed propertif in Cit� of � St. Pav1 until suciz time as a �.ecision bet:�reen t'ne pariies as �o its disoositio-r_ is resolsed. � S. LICEMSOR Sd. LOCAI REPBESEMTATIVE, DEPT. OF HAYT OFFICI�L (ftitle and uddreSSJ Comm�ding Giiire�, �•2di�rest Division, i�laval �'aczlities UNITED STATES OF ANERICA �hrineerin� Comrnand Bld L� Great ?,akes Ill. 60086 � DEPARTHEi1T OF THE qA4Y o J � �' > > 6. IILEMSEE (lane and a3dressl 6a. IOCAI REPRESENiATIVE (Aane and addreasJ . Cit;� of St. Paul, ?��Iinnesota • • . 7• CASH PAYHENT 6Y LICENSEE (Payable in advance) � (If no eosA fay.ent ts requ{red, ¢ntar "Aor.e" under tte. 7n "Aaount„1 e. ANOUNi (racA 0. FREOUENCY PAYMEM75 C. FIRST DUE DATE 4. TO (Addrsi5 Of DP701 9ayaer.tJ DUE NOl`� , E• DEPOSIT FOR UTfLIT1E9 AXD SERYICES (Payable in advance) � (If no tasA bayaent ia requi+ed, enter ".IOne" un3er ttea fia "Aeount"1 � a. ANOUNT (SacA , D. FREQUExCY PAYNErTS t. FIRST DUE DATE d. TO (Hn{iirtp a�dressl deDostcl DuE - , . NOATE � . . . ' 9. INSURAMCE REQUIRED AT EXPEN�E OF'LICENSEE (I an or ni[ insuranca re uire.ents Dave been natved, enter ",1ons" in a,6,c, or d os apyroDr{atel TYPE MINIMUM AMOUNT TYPE MINf�MUM AMOUNT ; a. FIRE A�iD EXTENDEO c. THIRD PARTY PERSONAL COVERaGE S ��Z;f�+ INJURY PER PERSON S jQOiJE b. THIRD PARTY d. THIRD PARTY PERSONAL PROPEHTY DAMAGE S �TQ;�i' INJURY PER ACCIDENT s IdOTT�' 10. GENERAI PFOYISIOnS (See Aeverae S{deJ i � i � 11• EXEWTION OF LICEtSE � BY _ " FOR Nn�.+E nND riT�E (TrDed/ SiGNnTURE DATE � OEPAFiTMENT ?'T. �. hti�_�-�4 a.i•dD, �irector, �ea t� OF THE T •..� � � � �� � 1 8 NOV 1968 � NAVY Estate I}ivision, i�;id.sest Div., ,. � ti ' i•iaval Fzc. Er_ r. Corrmiand w � �i .1�.��.�•�-�--- . THOi�i�1S R. Bi�� . � LICENSEE �i2y�01' • IJ Licertsee ts a Coryoration, CeriiJfcai[on oJ si�nature is attached � - - - - - - - - -- - - - - � - -' - - --------- --____..___. .A—._-.-- �,.,-, • . . � . � ' . ' ' � ' ty _ � �b • . . . . - � .-„- . - , , ,, ' ' 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS � � , . • . .. . ' •. The Liernsor herehy grents�o the Lic4nsee tliC,non•exelu- Lteen�or may eleet. If thc eost o( such repair, rebulldinQ, or • sIve right to use'the premiees or (atili(i�� �leseribed in•itcm �� replaeement excceds tlw li�bi(ity of ttw Licensee for such loss 3 toaether �ith the necessery rigLte of inQresa end egro�}. • or dama�c, the Liceneee ah�(1 e((eet auch repair, rehuilAinQ or b. This Lieenae.shall he elfective for !!�e perio` atated ln � -• replaeement if required so to�lo by the Licensor, arr! suth ezcess • ltem Z�nrf ls revocnble ut nny tine Kithout notice et tlic option " of cost shall be reimFwirsed to the Licensee Ly the Licenaor. In •nd diacretion of the Licrosor or its duly wthorized reprr- the event the Lieensee shell heve effee[ed ony repair, retuildine arntative, or replacr.nent riiich the Liecnsee ie rcquired to e((eet pursuant e. 7heusesliall be limiterl to the purpo�es specifie�l hercin. to t��i� parograph, thc Lieeneor sholl �lireet payment to the �I. This Licmae sholl be neither aasi�ob(e nar trenefernble Lieeneee oi so much of the proeeeds o( nny insuronce e�rried ty by the Liernaee. the i.ieenaee an�i merle uvaileble to the Government on ■ccount of � e. If utilities ■nd services arc furniyhed the Liceneee for Loss of or dnnage to any item or pnrt of the premiaes or (ecili- its use of the premises the L[censee shall reim6urse che tie� as moy be neceseury to enoble the Lieensee to e(fhct such - Lieensor for the eost tliereof ns determinc�i by [he Lieensor repair, rebuildinQ or replaeencnt. In event the Licensee shall In ■ecordnnce rith eppliesble statutea and reeulatio��s. aot Imve been required to e(feet such repair, rebuildine, or re- ' f. The Lieensee, ot i[s oan �oet und expense, sliall prote�t, pleeement, ai�d the insuranee procee�ls allocable [o ti�e loas or maintuin, a�d keep in good or�let. the premisee or facllities dam�ge wiiich hes ereated the need for nucli repair, rehuildin� or • licmeed hereby. At the discretion of tlie I.icensor tlii� obliga- repince.:ient lieve been yaid [o the Lieeneee; the Lieensee shall i t;on ehell inelude, but not be limited to, eontribution toword promptly ro(und to tlm Lieeneor the a�nount of eueh proceede. the e:ymse of Im g-tern meintennnce of the premiees or facili- i. The Licenaee eh�lt in�lecnify anr� seve harmless the Gover�- tiea, the neeeaslty !or dhich nccrueA during the periwl of ite ment, its officers, egents, �ervants and employeea (ron all ' uee. The anount of e:pense to be torne hy the Liceneee �hell llnbil[ty unrler the Federrl Tort Claima Act (ti2 Stet. 869, be determined by proratinQ the total cxpcnse of thc Iten of 982:28 U.S.C. Sec. 4671, 4680) or otncrvisc, for death or injury long-term msintenence on the basi� of frectional use hy tlie to ell persons, or loee or da�na¢e to the property of all persons ' Lleeisee. 'Ihia frrctional purt of the total expenae �hall he resulting from the uae of the premises by the Liceneee and ahall prorated Iurther if the i[en of lonY-term mnintennnce r1i�i not furnisl� the inaurence speeifie�i in Item 9. Each poliey of in- aecrue in its entirety during tl�e Lieensee's use. 'lpon � de- surnnce required in Item 9 envering lwdily injuriee and [htrd termination by the Licensor that the necessity exists (or an party properly damage �halL eontain an endoreement reerlin{ �ub- eapenaiture'of funr�a for maintenanee, proteetion, preservation atantinlly os followe: or repair, the Liceneee shell pey. Co the Licenaor its propor- , "The insurer reivea eny riQht of aubrogation ageinst the . tionate eh�re, on dm�end. United Stetes of Ameriea �fiich miQht ariee by reeeon o( azy �. No addltlon� to, or alterations.o(, the premiees or fa- p�yment made unrler thit poliey." eilitiea aha(1 be made mithqut the.yrior consent of the Licen- J. AI1 insurance required by thie Lieenee ehell be in sueh for. Upon revocation or surrender of this License, to the • (orm, tor aueh perioda of time, and vith sucli inaurers es the � eztent direeteA by the Licrosor, the Liemsee shall remove ■11 Lieeneor may re4uire or approve. A eertifieete of inaurance or •lterations„ adrlitions, betterments end improvements mede, or ■ certi(Ied eopy of eoeh poliey of ineur�nee iaken out hereunder inatalled��md restore the yremises or Eacllities to the aeme, ah�ll bedepoeited aith the Lteensor's loeel represrntntive prior or ea �oorl eondition aa existed on the dete of enGry wider thia co the use of the premiees an�1 feellltiea.. The Licensee aQrees Liecnee, rea�oneble �cear an�l tear excepted. that not le�s thnn tl�irty (30) deya prlor Go the expiration of ' h. The Liemeee ahall 6e lieble for any loas of, or dmoeQe any Ineuronce required by this Lieense, it will del5ver to the . to, the premises or f�eilities incurre�l ■e a result o[ ita uee Llemsor'� local repreecntetive a eetti(icate ot ine..ronce or a •nd shall euke sueh reatoration or repair, or monetary compenee- eertifierl copy of each renewel policy to cover the aame risk�. � tion as m�y be dirFeted by the Lieensor. The Licenaee'sli�• k. Yo mem6er o( or DeleQate to CanQresa, or Reaiden! Ca�.siis- bility (or losa or dan�ge to�the premiees reeulting from riske eioaer shallbe�dmitted to eny ehare or part of this �rent or to ' eiyreaaly required to De insured.he�eUnder shell not exeeed any 6m efit thet mey •rise therefrom; but thie provinion eh�ll � the exunt of insurenee eo require�l. The Lieenaee ahall not be not he eonatruerl to extend to thie arent if made alch e eorpora- 1i�1+(e [or loae of, or daoaQe to, the premises ■risin{ from , tlop for it�_Qenerel �enefit. � etueea beyond the control of the Lieeneee and oeeeaioned Ay i , • • r' � ' • � ��. 'Ihe Liceneee warcuits��ehet It�h�s not employed�any pereon, • risk not in faet covered by insurance and not euatomarily •• -. •t0 aolieit�or.eecure thia�Licmee�upon ¢ny aQreement• (o� a com- eovered by ineurenee in the loeality in ufiieh the �remisee are'�� � ' ' • �'mlaaian,�pereent�Qe, brokeraQe or contingent tee. 'Hreaeh�'ot thiay situoteA. Nothin¢ eonteined herein,- hodever, shall relieve the werrunty shall Qive the Government the ciQht to ennul this LIeenee Lieenseq o! liahility with resper.t to any-lo�p or.rlenaee to the or 5n its diseretion m reeover from tl�e Lieeneee the amount o( premisea:'not fultyeco}�enaateN (or�t+y insurence, vhtcli resulta aueh eommisaion,percent�Qe,broke�aQe or continQrnt fee in addi- r_�,• from �ill�ful miseonHuctr�laek oE�•eood faith, or tailure to�_- _ __._ _,.t�oo.:to the'eoneideretion fiecein�aet forth.�:7liia warr�nty� ahell �zereise�due dlliQence� on.the patt,ot tlie.Lieensee. All •• r•,eot,apply„to.eomnissione p�yable.by the Llcensee upon eontractf inauranee require�l o('tke Liemaee on the premieea sholl be (or ' � - ' 'oi ailee aeatred oi�mede throuQh•bono flde esteblished tormereial the protectyai ot the Lieeneor enA the Lieeneee a�einst their or eelline aQeneiee meInta[ned b�rthe Llcensee (or the purpoee o( respeetive rlek�a�d Ilabilities in eonnection *ith the premiaes. , ' aecurine bueinesf. E�eh poliey of infurance egainst loss or damaee to Cover�ment m. In eonnection with the peeform�nee of vork under thia property ahall neme the Licensee anA tAe Uniterl Stetee of Lieense, the Lieensee earees not to dieeriminste eQsinst any , Amerie��, Departmmt of the�Nnay, es the inaured anrt �hall eop•: _ ,�•empinyee or, applicen� far employment beeause of raee, reli�ion, t�in • los��payable clause readin¢eufiatentiully•ee•followa:`� • � • � 'eolor,�ornafional oiigin. The-eforeaa[d pro'vision ahall inelu�fe, . 'L oaa, If �ny, under thia poliey ehall be urlju�[ed vith but not he limited to, the followinQ: eoiployment, upQcadinQ, de- , .,(N�e of Lieen�ee)nnd[he proceed�, at.[he.direction of the „mot}on,�ar transfer; recruitment or reeruitment adver[isinQ; lay- �•Coverncunt, shal! bevpayable to(Veme of Lieen�ee), and - 'o[f o� terminatian; rates of poy or otfier forme of'eortipeneation; � ..proeeerls not peid'to"(�ame:ot Lieensee) shull be payible �0,'�3 �nd aeleetion for trnining, ineluding apprentieeehip. The Li- � the 7reawrer oC the United States of America." ernsee aereea to po�t herenfter in eonspicuoua placea •veilable In the evm t that any item or part of the prenise� or (ecili- for employee� nnd applicante (or employment, notieea to be pro- - ties �hall require repair, teFwilding or repleeement reeultina vided by the Licenaor eetting forth the provisiona of the non- [roa loes or AamaQe, the risk of �fiieh ia aeeumerl under this discrimination clause. The Lieensee furtl�er eQreee to inaert the p�reQraph h, the Lieen�ee ahalt promptly Qive notice thereo( to +�.� foreQoine provision In all s�ibcontracte h�rcunder, exeept �ub- the Liemsor mri, to the extent of ita liahility aa provirled in eontrar,ts (or atandar�l eomnereial supplies or rav materiala. . - this paragraph, shall„ upon demand, elther eom- n. All •ctivitle� •uthorized hereunder �hell be aubjeet co ' pensate the Go�ernment Eor such loss or damage, or �uch rulee �nd reQul�tiona ■e regard� supervision or othervise. ' � r�ebuild, replaee or repair the item or iteme of the •smaY. fraa tlme to time, be prescribed by the loeal repreaenta- premises oc facilit�es so lost or damaged, as the tive o[ the LIemaor n� de�i�ateA in Item Se. r • '__ - '. ' ' _ '-- --. ' , ,--"—_" '-- --- '- . �_....-' ""- -.-^'- -._ . ..�. _�._._.._ . - •.-- , -� ' �,._' �,