241092 ORIGINAL TO C1TY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ����U9� 1 �' �LE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � '�- - -' � - � � COUNCIL RES LUTIO. —GE ERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco November 19, 1968 COMMISSIONE WHEREA.S, the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the single family dwelling at 1740 Old Hudson Road («New File«), more particularly described as the west 95. 30 feet of the east 409.10 feet of that part of the southeast one- fourth lying south of Hudson Road and north of Highway 12 in Section 34, Township 29, Range 22, because said building is reported to constitute a hazardous structure, and WHEREAS, it appears that the last lrnov�az record owners of the property are Raymond and Clara McGraw; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be he�ld by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said city at 10 a.m, on Thursday, December 5, 1968, to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of the structure on the above described property because said structure is reported to constitute a hazardous building and a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, notify by mail the record owner of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record, of the date and time of the hearing. , _. -^-- � �` - NOV 2 b 19&$ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays NOV 2 6 1968 Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson � ' ,,l Mayor Sprafkz - V q gainst , Tedesco - - Mr. President, Byrne ' PUBLISHE6 NOV 3 0 1968 � �O � D�JPLICAT6 TO PRINTER ^��O�� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nca NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY viCt01' J. Tedeaco No�remher 19, i968 COMMISSIONER �ATF WI�R�AS, the City Architec� ha� requested the Cit�y Council to ho�cl a public hear#ng to �coneider th� a,dvieability• sad neceesity of the correction or wrecking and remov� of the eingle family dweiling at 1740 Olc� �-Iuds,on Ro��. ("New File")r, n�ore particula�rly deecribed ae the � we�� 95. 30 feet of the ea�t �409..14 �eet ,of that �ar� of th�e �Qnthe��t ane- . . fou�th lying south of Hudson Road and north of Highway 12 in Sectioa 34. � Townehip 29, Range 22, because eaid buflding is reported ta con�titute a hazardous structure� and WHERE.A.S, it appears tha� the last knov�record ownere of the property are Raymond and Clara McGraw; therefore, be it RESOLYED, that � public hesring be hald by �.nd before the Council of t11e CiLy of Saint Paul, in the �ouncil ChaYnber of the Court Houee in eaid dty �.t 10 a,m. on Thu��day, December 5, 1968� to consider the advisabi]3ty and neceeaity of ordering the correc�ion or wrecking and removal of the etructure on the above deecribed property because eaid �tructure ia reported to conetitute a hazardoue building and a haza�rd to public health, eafety and welf�re; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, noti€y by mail the record owner of the prope�ty in queetion at the laet known addresa� ae welY as other intereated persons of record� of the date and time o€ the hearing. . NOV 2 �6. 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �. �:�'�� ��i �5�� Dalgliah Approver� 19— Meredith _1n Favor Peterson • Sprafka (� , Mayor ✓ A gainst /' Tedesco ' / Mr. Preaident, Byrne � r . , �� � - �+V�" � � � 1 1 � o � � �