241085 ` ����SS
Councll File No. 241085—By Robert F.
Resolved, That upon tkie petition oE
Robert J. an�l Alice C. Mitsch, and
others, that section of public street
hereinafter described'be and the same
hereby.is vacated and discontinued as
a public street:
That part of North Albert Street
lying between the south line of
Canfie�d Avenue and the north line
of Almond Avenue; �
subject expressly to the following ton- -
ditions and reservations:
1. That the;vacation be subject to
all the• terms and conditions oP
Section 228 of the Legislative Code,
as amended;
2. That speciflc easements be re-
tained to,.protect the interests of
� the Northern States Pow�r Com-
pany and the Northwestern Bell
' Telephone Company; �
3. That the petitioner pay the City
�. the sum oi y3,200 as compensation •
for the vacation and provide the
City qrith a bond in the amount
oE $2,600,
Adopted by the CounCil November
26, 1968. �
Approved November 26, 1988. .
(November 30,.1988) -