241079 t OR�GINAL TO CITY CLBRK �(.,,'I_�O�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO � �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O NCIL RES U ON-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul proposes to reconstruct the intersection of Marshall Avenue and Mississippi River Boulevard (S. P. 6228 (TH 212) and S.A.P. 64..166'05 (CSAH 166) ; and because a portion of��he�•�City'��s���work �is �to-be performed on state trunk highway, it is necessary to obtain 'the consen.t and approval of the Minnesota Highway Department; and W�iEREAS, The Minnesota Highway Department, by letter dated � November 13, 1968, addressed to Eugene V. Avery, Chief Engineer, City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works, and signed by E. 0. John.son,- Distri.et Engineer, notified the Gity that the plans and special provisions for the City' s project �,ve been approved by the Minnesota Highway Department subject to four conditions as more fully set out in said letter, a copy of which is attached � hereto; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul does her•eby agree to accept and comply with the conditions as so expressed in the letter referred to above and attached hereto; �and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized, on behalf of the City, to agree and sign the said letter and return the sa,me to "the Minnesota Highway Department. -- --� -� --- - — .--_._. ._ FORM A PROVED Asst. orporation� ns t, d,' ' � �vov 2 6 iss$ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays IVOV 2 6 196� Carlson ' Dalglish pprove 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor � Peterson � ' Sprafka � ,C Mayor ' V A gainst Tedeaco • Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEB NOV 3 0 196� �O . • `a�c ouy� . • . -r 8 .+,'.S �� O�k� :� '' A�Z� rhw/�C...���} cyyf'ikW. ' ` , ' - ' . '���;��,f .��. - .��������,�-��." - STATE OF MINNESOTA , - , DEPARTMENT OF HIGHINAYS � ���/��/� ;/ G� ST. PAUL i, MINN. / . • � - , . . � . . ' t�Ir. Fu�ene V. Aver� Chie� F.ngineer , . ' . City of St. Pavl , De�ar[a:ezt of PubTic idorks � • 234 City Eall and. Court P_ouse � St. Paul, xlinnesot� 55102 In reply refer to: 319 S. P. u228 (T:3 21?) an3 5.�1.P. 64-16�-�JS (C�?1H 1€�5) ' _ Located on *i�rs'z�?.1 Avea�.ie t�,,, ?�tississi�pi ��ver ;Plvd. City �f St. paul Dear 'x-r. ?lvery: . You are .hereby notifiPd that the plans and special provisions for the a�ove noted rroject fiave been approved by the rlin;�esota IIighway Aepartment. With this approval, th� City of St. Paul is aut?iorized to perform caor�c on Trunk Hi�h;�ay �i�o. 212 (t*;arshall AvenUe) bet�4•een the east e:.d of the ?�?arshall . �!venue-Lake Street Bridpe and approximately 225 feet east, sub�sct to the • follo��ing conditions: . ' � 1.- No state trunk higho�ay funds will be use3 for financing tiie work � on Trun.� H�.ghGay r?o. 212 (I�arsh�ll AvenuE) . 2. The City of St. Paul indeg.nif.ies, save� ar�� ho?dq h2r�less the State and all i�s ayer.ts and er�ployees fro� nny �n;i all clair�s, demands, actio;�s,, or causes of action of wnatsoev�r nature or character arisin� out af or by reason of th� e�:��ution of perform.a�c� of the . work sgecifie3 ta be don� on Trunk �Iigh�.��ay �o. 212 ('_•'ars}:all Avenu�) ' a�d further a�rees to 3ef�nd at its sole cost•.�r_d expense any action or proceedin� co�enced for the purpose of as�erting any claiti of whatsoever ctcaract�r arisi�g frc+r� sai� k�or�c on said Trun.c Hi��1FJSy �TO. 212 (i'.ars`all �lve:ae) . � . �. � .. �� . . � � • . ' _ . � . . • hir. �ugene V,. Avery � � . �, , • . Ttao � � Noveu�ber �3, 19b3 • 1 � . ' • � 3. It is €�srt�er und�rstood that any and all .e::�ployees o� tlie City of St. Paul and all other employces wiiile engaged in the ' �S�rforr�ance� .of the ��rork or services reRuired to be done by the City in con�unction with ttie construction on Trunk Hi�hr��ay No. ?_12 (t•iarsh411 Avcnue) shall not be consid�red as employees • , of tne State, and that' any and all claims that may or mi�ht • , arise under the Z�4orkmen's Conipensation Act of the State of • � ltinn.esota on behalf of said employees while so en�a�;ed and any and all claims �ade by any third parties as a'consequcnce of. any _ . act or ori3r�ion on the part of said employees whil� so en�a�ed ' • .. on an}* of the =.�or?: nrovided. or rendered in conjunction with the construction ofi Truni: Highway �Io. 212 (�tarshall Avenue) st�al.l in - no i•�ay be the obligation o� responsibility of the State. . , 4. The State trill desi�nate a temporary trun�. hi;hF�ay cleLOUr and the . City .of St. Paul shall assume the maintenance of tlios� portions of the detour located on city streets between s�farshall Avenue and � I:�terstate Hi�h��ay PTo. 94 at its sole cost and exper,sz. � The City shall notif.y the State at least two waeks in a�var�ce , of t?:e date th3s detour will be required. • The condt.tions enur�erated abov� are sinilar to those included in our coonerative agreer�ents iv�th muuici�alitie�. If these condition� pertaini�ig to wrork on Marshall Avenue are agreeable to the City of St. Paul, please sibn the 3tatement . on the botto� of the attached copy of this letter and retur:i It eo our office. . If you have any questions or if I can help you in any Fray, please feel free to call me at 221-3795. - - Sincerely, • ' ' _ � E. 0. Johnson • � � District En�ineer - The conditior_s set-'f.orth in your letter of � , 1968 authorir.i�;, ��ror?c on ?�larshall Averue (Trunk Higti*.�ay 212) are agraeablc to . the Cit3� of St. Paul. , . • � Signed Title DEPARTT�NT OF PUBLIC t��ORi�S c? DUrLTCATt TO rRINT'LR `' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ��O j 9 - � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF • W�REAS, The City of Saint Paul proposes to reeonstruot the inters�etion o� Mar�hall Avenue and Missisaippi ftiver Boulevard (S. P. 6226 (TH 212) and S.A.P. 64-166-05 (CSAH 166) ; and because a portion of the City' s work is to be perio�ed on atate trunk highway, it fs neQeasary to obtain the oonaent a.nd approval of the Miune$ota Highway Department; and W�REAS, The Minnesota Highway Department, bp letter dated November 13, 1968, addressed to Eugene V. Avery, Chief Engineer, City o� Saint Paul, Department of Pub1iQ Works, and signed by • E. 0. Johnson, District Engineer, no�ified the City that the plan� and speQial provisions ior the City'e pro�eot has been approved by the Minne�ota Highway Department sub�ecst to four Qonditions as more �ully set out in said letter, a copy of whioh ia attached heretoi now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the CounQil o� the eity o� Saint Paul doee hereby agree to aQeept and vomply with the conditions ss eo � eapreesed fn the letter re�erred to above and attaohed hereto; and the Co�miasioner o� Publio Works ia hereby authorized, on behalf o� the City, to agree and aign the aaid letter and return the $ame to the Minneaota Highway Department. � �y�j� 2 6 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - Carlson �;;C��/ �►�i 19fi$ Dalglish Approver� 19— Meredith Favor Peterson Sprafka I� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��