241046 OR161NAL TO CI7Y CLlRK 241046 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK `` � - COUNCIL ESO UTION— EN RAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE DATF � WHEREAS, The Minnesota Highway Department is about to prepare plans •,� and specifications for a portion of Trunk Highway g4 between Mounds Blvd. and Kennard Street within the City of St. Paul ; and - � . WHEREAS, The existing highway bridge over Johnson Parkway has architectural features that blend well with the parkway character; and ' � WHEREAS, The City of St: Paul 's long range plan .includes street widening and improvements on Earl Street and along the Johnson Parkway alignment; � o-�, therefore be it�. - RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul upon the recommendation of the Chief Engineer does hereby request that the bridge at Johnson Parkway be construc_ted with architectural treatments to retain the Parkway characteristics and to accommodate a future street width of 44 feet with 8'walkways to be used jointly by pedestrians and a proposed bicycle trail ; and be it further RESOLVED, The City requests the •proposed bridge at Earl Street be construct- � ed to accommodate a future street widening to 44 feet with sidewalk to match the existing bridge walk widths. , . �' ' , . 1 Nov 21 �g COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL � 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �J�� � .� 19G8 Dalglish � Approved 19__ Meredith � Tn Favor Peta�sea. Sprafka ,u GB$Adt� Mayor � A gainst ���1'"r;ES%den�;;B'",y�Eie:�;;;;;�; PUBLISHEQ �QV 2 3 196E � .�,: �- k Mr. Vice President (Petereon) °�'� DUrLICAT6 TO TRINTHR �� 24�046 � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ROFHI"t �� ��e�':Q�1 COMMISSIONER �A� bMER�IAS� Tf� Minn�sota Highway D�par�nt is abaut to pr�pars plans and sp��ifi�attons for a portion of Trunk Highway 9�► b�t+�n Mounds dlvd. and 1Ganruird .�tre�t �vithtn ths City o� St. Paui; and � WH�FtEA�� '1'M sxtsting hlgi�►ay br�dg� owr John�on �#rkway h�� archit�ctura{ f�atan� that bli�d w�s11 Mith fit� parkway charactsr; and i1FiEft�� Th+� Clty of S�. �aul'� long rang� pi�n tncl�s stnKt Nld�nin9 and i�row�m�nts on Earl Stre�t and along th� Johnson �arkray aliQ�x�ant, therrfor�l b� t t' - ' RE�EILV�D� That tha Citjr of S�. P�ul upon th� reco�sr�clation of the Chisf Engir�sir dou h��-�rby reqwst tha� ths brldg� at Johnson Parlawy b� constr�Cad . � Ntth •rchT��tttural traat�ents to r�tiln the Parkway ch�racterlstics and to � accoe�od�ti a futura straet width o€ 44 fe�t with 8�walkw�ys to b� us�d Jolntiy by p�d�rstrians and a propo�d blcycle trali; and be it fiurth�lr RESOt.VED. Tt� Ctty requests �s proposed bridga at Earl Strs�t ba eon�truct- ed to aCCOrr�od�ti e future street widsning ta 44 feat with i�lciewalk to �tch ' � the �xi�ting bridge �lk rvidth�. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�'��� 2 � �9�� 19— Yeas Nays car�son ��1Y � � 196� � Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith ,� Tn Favor P-e�e�se� Sprafka O , Mayor T��� A gainst (���y��y���!"Pr.eaiderit;`;,�,'�,�1,�11@•':,r.aee IIiC"��� ...W -. „_naiwi:. cc�:.w Iylr. Vice President (Yetersonl �0