241019 Orieinal to City Clerk ' � O��RDINANCE ���� ��� � ' COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � �i����z' ORDINANCE NO D , An. ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1400g, C. F. No. 240515, approved October 23, 1968. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Ordinance No. 1400g, C. F. No. 240515, approved October 23, 1g68, granting permission to John W. Adler to grade and surface Arkwright Street from Floyt Avenue north approximately 250 feet and to construct a public sewer in Arkwright Street from Hoyt Avenue north to the 'cul—de—sac is hereby amended by deleting there— from Section 3, Subsection h, and substituting the following in lieu and in place thereo�: "h. That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (�10,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless the City from all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expense that may accrue to persons or pro— perty occasioned by the maki�ng__ of the improvements �, �._. � authori�zed herein or arising out of the same; " . _� " � " .��. �` Section 2. That all of the remaining terms and conditions of said" Ordinance No. 1400g, C. F. No. 240515, shall remain in full force and effect and binding upon the parties. Section 3. This a.mending ordinance shall be conditioned upon the filin.g by John W. Adler of a written letter of acceptan.ce hereof within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, together with a ' bond in the amount and subject to the conditions above within said thirty (30) days. Section 4. This ordinance shall take ef�ect and be in force thirty (30) days �rom and after its passage, approval and publication. • --- �- - - - - - ,-b - �_• _ _ _ .__.....__ � i�E� 61968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �...,- Dalglish n Favor Meredith Peterson � � Sprafka Against Tedesco r. President rn DEC 6 196g - Approv Att t: Ci Clerk May �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED D�C 14 �9�8 Dnyltute to Printer � � ORDINANCE ���0��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO l '�p b An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1400g, C. F. No. 240515, approved October 23, 1968. THE COIINCIL OF TIiE CITY OF SA�NT PAUL DOES ORDAINt ' Seotion l. That Ordinance No. 14009, C. F. No. 240515, approved October 23, 1968, granting permission to John W. Adler to grade an.d surface Arkwright Street �rom Ho�rt Avenue north approgimately 250 feet and to construct a publie sewer in Arkwright Street �rom IIoyt Avenue north to the aul-de-saa is hereby amended by deleting there- �rom Section 3� Subseotion h, and subatituting the following in lieu and in place therso�s � "h. That said permittee ehall fui•nieh a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum o� Ten Thausand Dollars (�10,000.00) conditioned to oomply with all the terme of this ordinance a.nd to indemnify and eave harmless the City �rom a11 liability, lossi �udgments, suits� costs, ohargee and ezpenae that may scorue to persone or pro- perty ocQa�ioned by the making o� the improvements authorized herein or arfsing out of the eame;" . Seetion 2. That a11 of the remaining terms and conditiona of said Ordinance No. 14009, C. F. No. 240515, shall remain in full �orce and effect and binding upon the partiea. Seetion 3. This amending ordinanoe ahall be conditioned upon the �iling by John. W. Adler of a written letter of acceptanoe hereof within thirty (30) days after the paseage of thig ordinanoe, together with a bond in the amount and sub�eot to the aonditions above within said thirty (30) days. Seation 4. Thia ordinance shall take effeot and be in �orQe thirty (30) days from and a�ter its paseage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the -ouncil ��� � 196g ���se$ � Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson a Against Sprafka Tedesco ��C � 1968 Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By St. Pau]., Minn., Dec. 17, 1968 To the Honorable, the City Council, Saint Pau1, Minn. , Gentlemen: We, the undersigned� do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 2�+1019, being I Ordina,nce No. 1�+067, adopted by the Council on December 6, 1968. " JOHN W. ADLER, W . i .. _ — . _ __ _ _ .. .�.- ----- - - - - _ - - � ` —� ' . . o ' �'y' • � � ' • -_ f . .. � ' / ` - _ ' -' ' . � � . - - ' � fS_ � �Y � �.. _ _. '..= .�� - L ' ' ' _ _` . ' _ ` ' 4 :_ , � , `_` ' ' � ' ' � � l � - : . - • : � � . , - " ,, . .. � . �_ � .. , ' , a ' . �1 � . , • . , ' - � - - -. - _ _ � ' ' _ -- - ' - . ' } „ _ ` , ' - � ' _ , � _ ' ' - � ' -- - ' , ' • - .. . - � ' ' ' � ` _ ` . , ' " � " -- 'a_ = .. , _ � � _ - . - ; ' , . .. � , � ' - . ' • •' , ; . _ - . - y _ . - ' - : . � � -- ' ^ ' - , DCC. 1'T, 1968 ' ' . _ _ . � - . , . _ . . . _ , , . -� _ ; . _ - _ . -, ,. . - - ` . . ., . . � . . = - , - - _ � . � -. _ � T . , _ ' � . , ' � _� - , � - ,. - � � - . t_- - . . _ - . � � . ._: - � . - _ . - . � ,� � � . , . • , � � . _. ' - - - _ ._ _ .. - � - - ' . Mr. John W. Adler, � `_ - - = - �. - = � � � - . - � l�ll Hillcrest A�re., . ° ' � . " - . • 1 . � - � - • � ,-- $t. Paul,, Minri. . - T , .. " . - • ' - . .- _ - Dee�r Sir: _ � ' • � , - •_� - �, ° ,- _-_ ` , � - � .. �� �- ,. �_ . ,. � We enclose�a copy of Or �ncx o. "1�+Q6�, a,mending �� • : � � � . � - � . - - Orditm,nce No.� 1�009, granti yot�. io� to_ grade and=t�urfnce �. ; . ' - = ' ' _ �" a p�xt of Arkwright.,3tre ^ ill the aum oP �7.3.95 to . � � � � ' - cover the cost of publ ion o is o ance. . - - ' , � � . � , - � � - We call yo pecial �att tionM1to Section 3 whi'ch - ' '. � _, � ' = - - - requires the fi�.ing o bond,� and o.the �iling of an accept�nce _ . � . of_the terms of thie -o � nce. -acceptance .must be Piled in - _ �- ' � .: � � -- -thia o�fice, 6,, within 30 de�ys. �I! not,so filed, - the ordina canes,_void. - . � - ` . ' • - s _ . � _ " _ � r . • - _ - ` ', _ . . � ` _ - < _- , - ` r • `/!CI'y tY'ta.�.y yCUI'8� - _ I _ ~ _ _ . '. ' ' - - ^ ' ' � � • - '- . z ' _ ' ' ` < . ... - � �. . - ' �. _City Clerk� ", _- - ` . . . _' - - _hp ' � �. --- - • - - " - . - . - -- A . ' , � - , ' . „ . .� - • , : • - . - - ' .- ' . - - . - _ $:, _ ' " . _ . - - , : � , ' ' . . , . . , ` � _, . ti_ ' - _ _ - �_ • ti . _ � , _' " . ' • e- - _ . . ,�- .. � ' ' ' � ' , ' , ,. . ' ' � . . • - � .. . _ ,". � . , - �- - . . . , ' • 'v , -• - ._ " - '- .. , . • . ' , � -- ' + �. .. - ' ' � , N , '•` . . • ' . -r.�-- _ . - : .- .� • .- • . ; ;. . _ ` . _ _ • . + �.' 4 • .�-` � . � �, - . . . � � 1�' y �'� - - . , � . D: �� � . - : . . , �, \ , �, p - . . � - _ , - � �. . . � 1� - . . � � � 1 . _ . _ - � � � � �fb � c� � � _ . � r_ _ . � ' � Deaember 5, 1968 � � Cit9 of S�. Pau1, ' . � De artment of Public Works, . 23� -City Hall and Court House, . • � . � - " st. Paul, Minnesota. 55102 " At�entiun - arege Beakett, Local` Improvement E'�gineer � ___•_--- - _ _r - �- ._ _ .:-_ - _ � _ T�� Sub�eot: '�erformaboe Borid-�on A�kwright Street"�� �� - From Hoy� Nort4 �o cul-de-sac Please refer to your, letter_ of November 20th and letter � _ to you of November 19th Prom Jerome J. Segal, �3ssistant - � Corporation �Counsel. ;, - .' � " _ ' :y;�1 Flease acoept �bis letter''as� ap 'eaaeptance to tbe amend- - ibg ordinance, whioh reduces tkie �tiew boad to �the sum of ' $10,000.00, inatead of $20;000.00. �hen we file a new - ,bond we will request the Comp�roller to oancel the f irst � � bond. Thank you for your;�'help.< � .. , -_ . � = yar t.;�� .. j ;� E ' .f�, . Incidentally,� I didn '��� see in Mr., Segalr� s let�er where . �be wri�ten a.aceptar�ce slaould go, but a`'sk if you are pot � _ the one to get:.i`t,�" if. gou -a�ould�Ypl"ease�. see a�ha t the proper person does. ' �` F �_ ' €•` f�:� �_� .s �� , - � . ° . . .. � .��� • . :� _ . �t • ' , � , �_ .. .. . ��'� . '` �'j g`.Very struly your,.a � . • . , - � , .� .,-_ ___-. -� -. ;--_ ---- - . -. .::�-'r's,.x=:�, �-,- ��"� _z�.- ' --��.l�J".�.`� - _ - --.- �_ -_ .-=---_ � - - - - . � . . ; _ �� ;r i �'. � '. .t°�'_e �. 11 + �� . ,Z - .'r . '-� , -r J 4 `,�.�. �Adler z d" _ _ - � �''�� 311' HiTlares� Ane. . • - . J6d�;kd ,;�t. Paul_, Minpesota. 55ii6 � , ,. . -- � - •- - �.� : .�k�. - . - - ��., - _ . � „ Y�il�'t� . �` � � � .Sp . r � ..�Y� • �•�• t -,� . , r � ,�.+j � , .,{t.. 'r�T' �� . s - 3�, - ., , - # �* _ . � �' �. .. . .� ' _ . " r ^. .. . . }:'-r�. . s:. � . " _•_ _'_. . . .. '- _ ."_ � � . ' ' _ ._„'. - -- . _ : - � � t.� -__ _ ' , `' . . � � ` " � f J CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CULVERTS FOR METAL FLUME AIRPORTS,SDAMS AND ��� �� � ������� � � �9 ���• MUHICIPAL CASTI.N�GS �i DRAINAGE ASPHALT PRODUCTS Phone-336-9629 IIII Nicollet Ave., Room 370 � Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403 ' Deoember 20, 1968 Office of Tqe City Clerk, - �ity of Saint Y'aul, Bure�u of Reaords, 386 cit9 xaii, st. Paul, Minnesota. 55102 � _ Quotations eubjecl to chmige wlthout notice. All quotations and aqreements are contingent upon strilcea, accldente, and otl�er causea beyond our control and are eubject to the approval oE home office. Any taz, or other ch�qes, imposed by �y present or future laws, on the sale or ahipment of our materials, shall be paid bp purchaser. The posseesion of our price quotation is not to be construed as an ofter to sell the producta listed therein, at the prices stated, �d anp ordera or deliveries thereunder are subJect to all regulationa �d requirements of the United Statea Govemment �d �sy dep�tment thereof. Attention - Harr9 E. Marshall, City Clerk �ub�ect: Ordinance No. 14067, amending Qrdinance No. 14009, Grading Arkwright �treet � and Invoice No. 9-388 of 12/17/68 I have your letter of December 17th. Enclosed please � find John W. Adler �roper�y Cbeck No. 228 , in the amount of $13.95 to pay for t4is. Also enclosed please find the Permit Bond, whicb has been revised to $10,000.00, execu�ed on tbe 16th of �ecember 1968. �ould you please re�urn to us the origitial bond for this pro�ect, which was $20,000.00. Our bondin g com- pany wants it returned. �e thank you for your courtesy in tlais matter. Very truly yours, , ,������-�/� � � J4TA :kd - ohn W,. Adler Enc. check 1311 Hillcrest. Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota. 55ii6 . . 1 ` TRIFLES MAKE PERFECTION, BUT PERFECTION IS NO TRIFLE • ORIGINAL clTr oR sA1NT PwUL TO PAYOR OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER RECEIPT N° _ . 2639 .�c�,�--� � 1 19109 RECEIVED OF � C�'��-` ' $ 1O° I , FO �v.� �.u.)r� �' ''� ���A'�- �. �� ,� 1('. C �r , a � ���°� ' CITY COMPTROLLER �O � eY �' �`�'�'�' I/ '"` � � 11 . . Ist ' " ' 2nd Laid over to 11 ��1� 3rd and app �dopted Yeas ` ' Nays Yeas Nays �Carlson -Garlson--� i \ Dalglish �Dalglish � Meredith , �leredith -_.�-1 ��v���� � � Ra#er�e� terson \1 Sprafka � �, prafka I r 1 T�edesco- Tedesco � ,,, F�Qe���Teiii'''B;yr.ne:�°:;�:��Mr. President Byrne Mr. Vice President�(Peterse�� i 1