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�f'bR10INA��TO CIT)C CL6RK ,
. �-_- -
WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1g49, as amended
(herein referred to as "Title I") , the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development is authorized to extend fina.ncial assistance to
local public agencies in the elimination and prevention of the
• spread ,of their slums and urban. blight through the planning a.n.d
'_ undertaking of urban renewal projects; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the
Flousing and Redevelopment Authority of the Ci'ty of Saint Paul,
_ Minnesota, make surveys and prepare pla.n.s, presently estimated to
cost approximately Six Fiundred Fifteen Thousand Three Hun.dred
Seventeen Dollars (�615 ,317) , in order to undertake a.nd carry out � '
a.n. urban. renewal project of the character contemplated by Section
110(c) of the C 'ity of Saint Paul , Coun.ty of Ramsey, a.n.d �State of
Minnesota, which is described as follows:
Exhibit "A" Attached. `
� .
_ _- _ -��:_-.. � . _ _ , ,_ . _. -', _ - "'�'� - - - �
l . � That the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is a
blighted, deteriorated and deteriorating area appropriate for an
urban renewal project and that the un.dertaking by the Flousing and
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint PauT , Minnesota, of
surveys and p'lans �or an urban renewal project of the character
contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I in the proposed Urban
Renewal Area is hereby approved.
2. That the financial assistance available un.der Title I is
needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
of Saint Paul , Minnesota, to fina.n.ce the pla.n.ning an.d undertaking
of the proposed Project, which Project could not be un.dertaken with-
out the governmental assista.nce to be so provided. -
COUNCILMEN FORM PPROVE Adopted by the Counci] 19—
Yeas Nays q eorgora n Cou ' el
Carlson -
Dalglish , Approved 19—_
`, _ Meredith Tn Favor
Sprafka ' Mayor
Tedesco Abainst '
Mr. President, Byrne '
' �O
�. R
= 2��0��
� . OR161NAL�O CI'�Y CLHRK '
3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed
in the un.derta.king a.nd carrying out of urban. renewal projects
with Federal financial assistance un.der Title I , including those
relating to (a) the relocation of site occupants, (b) the provi-
sion of local grants-in-aid, (c) the prohibition of discrimination
because of race , color, creed, or national origin, and (d� the
requirement that the locality present to the Secretary of Housing
an.d Urban Development, as a prerequisite to the approval of the
application described below, a Workable Program for Community
Improvement, as set forth in Section 101 (c) of Title I, for
utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate
and prevent the development or spread of slums and u:rban blight.
4. That it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible
method. for the relocation of individuals and families displaced
from� the Urban Renewal Area, in conformity with Title I , can be
prepared, and (b) that the local grants-in-aid can and ,will be pro-
vided in a.n. amoun.t which will be not less tha.n. one-third of the
Net Project Cost of the Project a.n.d which, together with the
Federal capital gra.nt, will be generally equal to the difference
between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project
, land sold, leased, or retained for use in accordance with the
urban renewal plan. '�'
� �� _ .
5 . That the fi3ing of an application by the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Min.nesota, for
an advance of funds from the United States of America to enable
it to defray the cost of the surveys and plan.s for a.n. urba.n renew-
al project in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is
hereby approved.
NOV 1 � 1568
COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson P��V 1 � ��.�$
Dalglish / Approver3.� � t� • ,; . ., 19--
Meredith �
Tn Favor
Sprafka v Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHE� ��v 2 3 �96�
� -! � �
� �O
'r � 1'� � ' e
. �' �
' •� ^ � • id L_�VV�
Comunencing �t the point o£ inter�cctio;� of the center
line of Em�r�ld Street �aith the southcrn ri�he:�of-kay
line ot the Norther�l Pacific �:ailway, then norrheasterly
- . along, sz�id sot:thern righ�-o`-�aay line o£ the rorthern
Paci£ic Rai.l�Yay to the point aL itiCer�ection ��ith the
eastern ri�ht-of-;aay line of He�:sey Stree�, then southeasterly
Alon� suid lirtz to the point of intersectior_ c�ith a goint
approxiu:�tel.y 185 fee� north of �he northern right-o�-:��ay
lin� of C�py F.v4ri, then sou�herly r long �a�.d Zine to the
poin� of intersection t��ith rhe noxther.n ri�ht-of-ca�y line
of Capp Foad anr� the �;estern ri�rt�of-;•:ay line of the
t�linneso�a Tr�nsfer Rail«ay Cc�spany, ttien southerly along
said ;:*estern right-of-�•ray linc o£ riinn��oea Tr�ns¢CY
R2il��ay Co:���ny to th� point oL intcr�ection �aitti the
northern ri�ht-uf-�•:ay lin� o� Charles Street exten�ed,
t�tan south�zsterly along a line to � goinT; on the �outh�rr,
r�ght-oi-sray l.�n� of Uni.vLrsity Avenu� and ap�roxin�:;tely
300 feet east o� the easl-�rn righL-�oi-;aay lin� of Clevelancl
A��enue, t11en south_rly along a line approfim�tely 1,350
£eet to the paint of inte,:s�ction wiCh the northern
riglit-of�wu�• line o£ rti►inesotl Transfer F.ailw��y Co:inany,
ttren southeasterly along s�ict line to the pdint o; ,
� intersection uith tne t�estezn ri�t�t-of-c�ay line of Prior
Avenue; thcn southerly a�.ono said li.ne to tha point of
• inte"rsectio�l �z�th the nortli�rn right••o��way line of
. Interstate Hi��-i:�ay Numbar 9!a, then nort}i��resterly alono
• said line to the poinr of intersLct�on �•�ith �he cent�r
. lin� of I:ner�Id Street, th�n north�rly along saic li��
. ' � to tite poitit v= iat�rs�cCion �•�i�h the soutl�ir_rn ri�ht-of�t�;�-�y
lir� of the ,Io_t?n�.rn Pacific Ra�lway, �•:hich is the point
of b�:ginn�ng. ,`- ��,,
' _� . - . f - - , -
. ,
- ,�-.-_
. ,� _ �
--- •.
Exhibit "A"
��FUBLISHEfl �0� 2 3 196�
� •
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 02. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director.phone 223 5218
_-.,ti -
� - - I
�, ; � � r ����
- a ,
� • �.
t `
Honorable Harry E. Marshall November 15, 1968
City Clerk �
Citq Hall and Court Houae '
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Re: Surveq and Planning Application
Proposed Weet Midway Urban Benewal Pro�ect
' ----_
Dear Mr. Marshall:
Under aeparate cover the Authority has submitted the above-referenced Survey and Planning
Application for Council conaideration. It would be very much appreciated if the matter
could be placed on the Agenda for Tuesday, November 19th. Mr. 0'Connell has been advised
and requested to prepare the necessary 8esolution.
The Authoritq will •require ten certified copies of the Resolution as adopted and approved.
Yours very trulq,
� l
:Jamea T. art
„�Chief Legal Counsel i �
Lawrence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J. Dalglish, Victor J. Tedesco
Chaiiman �
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 02. f Edward N.Helfeld,executive director.phone 223 5218
� , � ,
Honorable Mayor and City Council � . ; November 15, 1968
c/o City Clerk � ' -
Citq flall and Court Houae � �
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 , .
i • -
' , Re: Survey and Planning Application
' Proposed West Midway Urban Renewal Project
Gentlemen: '
During the past several years, the City Planning Board has completed two ma3or reports
relating to Saint Paul's Midway area. Theae reports include a general planning studq of
the area, as well as an Econanic Study undertaken as a part of the Community Renewal
Programs. Both studies identify the vast� importance of the Midway industrial complex
to the City's economic base, but also identify the serious problems that must be met in
the Midway if this area is to retain its viability. A renewal program has been recom-
mended to meet these needs of t�ie area.�
The Planning Board tranamiCted theae reports to the Mayor and Council with the recommen-
dation that they be referred to the�appropriate implementing agencies. As a reault of
this referral, discussiona were held among" the staff inembers of the Port Authority, the
Planning Board, and the flousing and Redevelopment Authority, and it was determined that
an application for -Surveq and Planning funda should be prepared and submitted ao that
basic renewal planning could begin as ;soon as possible. It is proposed that continuing
diecussion and study by these three agencies during the planning periad will serve to
further delineate the role that might be assumed by each agency during the implementation
of the program. ,
The Survey and Planning Application has been prepared, and its basic content has been
reviewed with the Midway Civic Club, representing the Midway buainess and industrial
community, and the staff of the�Port Authority and the Planning Board. The boundaries ,
delineated include all of that portion of the Midway area generally located between the
City limits on the west, Interstate 94 on the south, the Minnesota Transfer Railway yards
on the east, and the Great Northern and Northern Pacific tracks on the north. The area
contains 627 acres, 403 industriai and commercisl buildings, and 294 residential buildings.
Building and environmental deficienciea are scattered throughout the area, and the area
is eligible for renewal treatment. The request is for a Federal advance of $615,317.00
in planning funds. '
The West Midway area is one of those under conaideration for inclusion in the proposed
Neighborhood Development Program application. However, preparation of the Surv�y and
Planning application (not required under NDP) had alreadq advanced to the point where
it was nearly complete by the time NDP became a strong potential. - Therefore, the
Lawrence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orville E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J. Dalglish, Victor J. Tedesco
. �
,l '
West Midway Renewal Project -2- November 15, 1968
application has been completed and is ready for submission to the Department of Housing
and Urban Development. Its early receipt by HUD ahould; in any event, expedite HUD's
review of the West Midway portion of the proposed NDP application to be aubmitted at a
later date. • �
Your review and favorable conaideration of the filing of the Survey and Planning Appli-
cation bq the flousing and 8edevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,
with the Departm�nC of Housing and Urban Development is therefore requested.
Respectfully aubmitted,
'V '
Edward N. Helfeld
Eaecutive Director
; `
� r
. .� . �
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�i,' :1'�.r ±''� n'�'"�!� -��.L�� .'.,'.i-•�t ,,�r=Yr,� .}..:C,y.2_"�+a+:;�.f1.',�.�..•.�ti:('rv.-,..s��s����as�^:5���T'�s-:
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G-7 �
10/20-60 '
. _ • t, • , ,
, �, . .
. . �'�, , � s,
. � .
� � .
Y ,
� The undersigned hereby certified, as follows: ; .
(1) That he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the
Housin and Redevelopment Authorit of the Cit of Saint Paul, Minnesota,
g y y
herein called the "Local Public Agency" and the keeper of the records of
� the Local Public Agency;
(2) That the attached Resolution No. 68-11/14-5
is a true and correct copy of the resolution
as adopted on the 14th day of November ' , 19 68_;
, (3) The seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the
Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under 'such �
official seal;
- (4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this
Certificate'. �
� � IN WITNESS WI�REOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand .
this 15th day of November , 19 68
� ' � � �
� "� Secretary
i � � - , .
- � , � J
- � .l
� y� _!
- i ' i .f
I . . (SEAL) , _� .` � , .
� �.
( �
� . ,.. ; �
r/ :� • ' .
�-a .
RES OLUTION N0. 68-11/14-,�
1 �1
WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein
referred to as "Title I"), the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
is authorized to extend financial assistance to Zocal public agencies in
the elimination and prevention of the spread of their slums and urban blight
through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal pro�ects; and
WHEREAS Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination
on the basis of race, color or national origin under any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance and Executive Order 1I063 prohibits
discrimination on basis of race, color, creed or national origin in sale,
� lease or other dispoaition of residential property (including land intended
for residential use) or in th� use or occupancy thereof; and
WHEREAS it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority at the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota make surveys
and prepare plans, presently escimated to cost approximately Six Hundred
Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($615,317.00) , in order to
undertake and carry out an urban rene:aal project of the character contemplated
by Section 110(c) of Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area,
situated in the City o� Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota,
whfch is described as follows:
. See Extiibit "A" hereto attached.
1. That the propased Urban Renewal �1rea described above is a blighted,
. deteriorated and deteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project,
that the development of such Area for predominantly nonresidential uses is
necessary for th� proper development of th� crnr,�nunity, and that the undertaking
by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of �aint Pzul, Minnesota
of surveys�and plans for an urban renewal project of the cnaracter conter�plated
. by Section I10(c) of Title I in the proposed Urban Renawal Area is hereby
2. That the financial assistance avaflable under Title I is needsd to
enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota to finance the planning and undertaking of tne propose�i Project,
which project could not be undertaken without the governmental assistance to
be so provided. .
i �
+ �
� 1
^1� . "
^�. • .
. �\ -
3. 1'hat it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the
undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial
assistance under Title I, including those relating to (a) the relocatian of
site occupants, (b) the provision of local grants-in-aid, and (c) the r�quire-
ment that the locality present to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
as a prerequisite to approval of the application described below, a workable
- � program for coimnunity improvement, as set forth in Section 101(c) of Title I,
for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent
� the development or spread of slvms and urban �light.
4. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and
Urban De�rElopment b�, and t:�2y her�by �are, assured of full compliance by the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota with
the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and applicable Executive Orders.
5. That it is thQ sense of this body (a) that a feasible method for
the relocation of individuals and families displaced from the Urban Renewal
Area, in conformity with the requirements of Title I, can be prepared, and
(b) that local grants-in-aid can and will be provided in an amount which will
be not less than one-third of the Net Project Cost of the Project and which,
� together with the Federal capital grant, will be generally equal to the differenca
, betc��een Gross� Project Cost and the proceeds or value of pro3ect land sold�,
leas�d, or retained for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan.
6. That the filing of an application by the�Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for an advance of funds from
the United States o£ Ameri�a in an amount not to exceed Six Hundred Fifteen
Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($615,317.00) for surveys and plans
for an urban renewal project in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described
above is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director is hereby authorized
and directed to execute and file such application with the Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development, to provide such additional information and to furnish
such documents as may be required by the Secretary, and to act as the authorized
r�preser�tative o€ the Housiag and Redezelapment Authority of the City of Saint
Pau1, Minnesota.
� '
- C
, ,a '
: ��� " . .
. . �
, �
Co�nenc.ing.ar .the point of intersection of the center
line of Emerald Street wirh the southern right-of-way
line of the Narthern Pacific Railway, then northeasterly
- . along said southern right-of-way line of the Northern
Pacific Railway to the paint of intersection with the
eastern right-af-way line of Hersey S•ereet, then southeasterly
along said line to the point af intersec2ion H�ith a point
approximately 185 feet north oi the northern right-of-way
line of Capp Road, then southerly along said line to the
point of intersection with the nort'hern right�of-way line
of Capp Road and the western right-of��aay line of the
Minnesota Transfer Railwap Company, then southerly along
said western right-of-way line of riinnesota Tr�nsfer
Railway Company to the point of intersection with the
northern right-of-way line of Charles Street extended,
then southeasterly along a line to a point on the southern
right-of-way Ifne of University Avenue and approximately
300 £eet east of the eastern right-of-way line of Cleveland
Avenue, then southerly along a line approx3.mately 1,350
feet to the point of intersection with the northern
right-af-way line of Minnesota Transfer Railway Company,
then southeasterly along said line to the point of
intersection raith the western right�of-way line of Prior
Avenue, then southerl3r along said line to tl:� point of
intersection with the northern right-of-way line of �
Interstate Highway Nnmber 94, then northtvesterly along
said line ro the point of intersectfon with the center
_ line of Emerald Street, then northerly along said line
to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way
1ir►� of the Northern Pacific Railway, which is the point
of beginning.
_ , � .�
, • . ,_ � - -- ;- -- - � - - - �-- ���
- - _ '� ��
G-7 ' �
� .
� The undersigned hereby certified, as fol.lows: . �
" Assistant �
(1) That he is the duly qualified and acting/Secretary of the �
' Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,
herein called the "Local Public Agency" and the keeper of the records of
the Local Public Agency; �
, (2) That the attached RESOLUTI,0�1 N0. 68-11/14-5
is a true and correct copy of the resolution
� as adopted on the 14th day of November , 19��; '
� , (3) The seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the
Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under ',such
�� .
i official seal;
� (4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this
� Certificate. �
� IN WITNESS WE�REOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand
� this 14th day of Nwember , 19 68 .
I . '
I .
�` , . .
' . . . - , � ' �
� •
i - .
� , _ , _ Secretary ( ista •
� � .
� • -
� ` .' . _
� - ' ' " , •
i .
. �„ �
� (s�.,) -
� � Y .
I �
� � �
t � .
. . _ � _ . . . . . - -- - -- - -
. ' ' . , • '
. R E S 0 L U T I 0 tI N 0. 68-11/14-„�
WHFREAS, under Ti�le I of thp Housing �1ct of 1949, as amended (herein
referred to as "Title I"), the Secretary of Housino ancl Urban D2velopment
is authorized to ex.tend financial assistance to local public agencies in
the eliminarion and prevention of the spread of tlieir slu:ns and urban blighC
through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects; and
4lHEF�EAS Title VI of the Civil Ri�hts Act of 19b4 prahibies discriminaCion
on the basis of race, color or national origin under any pro�r�m or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance and E�ecutive OrdEr 1I063 prohibits
discrinin�tion on basis of race, color, creed or national origin in szle, �
lease or other disposition ot residantial properry (including land intended
for residential use) or in the uce or occupancy thereoL-; and
WHER�AS it is desirable and in the public interzst that the Housin� and
P.edevelop:,i�nt Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Mzanesota i��ak� surv�ys
and prepare plans, presently estir��ated to cost approximately Six Hunrlred
Fifteen Thousand Tiiree Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($615,317.00) , in order to
undertake and carry out an urban renr:;aal projec}t of the character cc�nte;aplated
. by Section 110(c) of Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban P,ene�•�al Area,
situate3 in tha City of Saint Paul, County of P.amsey, and State o£ Minr�esota,
� .which is c�escribed as follo:�s:
See Exhibit "A" hereto attached.
1. That th� proposed Urban P.enewal Area described above is a blighted,
deteriorated and deterior4ting area appropriate for an urban renewal project,
that the development of such �1rea for predorninantly nonresidential uses is
necessary for tl�e proper developa�ent.of the co�uaunity, and that the undert�k�ng
' by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, riinnesot�
� of surveys'and plans for an urban rene;aal project of the character contemplated
. by Section 110(c) of Title I in the proposed Urban Renew�l Area is hereby
� approved.
2. That the f�nancial assistanc� available under Title I�is needed to
enable the Housing and Redevelopn►ent Authority af the City oF Saint Paul,
Minnesota to finance the plannin� and undertaking of the proposed Project,
which proj4ct could not be undertaken without the govern:r.ental assistance to
be so provided.
• i .
�-� ' .
� � '
•' , • i
i � � � •
3. 1'hat it is cognizant of the conditions that 1re imposed in the
undertaking and carrying out of urban rene��al projects with Federal financial
assistance under Title I, including those relating to (a) the relocati.on of
site occupants, (b) tti� provision of local grants-in�aid, and (c) the require-
ment that the locality present to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop�ent
.as� a prerequisite to �pproval of the application described below, a workable
.' _ � program for cor�munity improvement, as set forth in Section 101(c) of Title I,
for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent
the developnlent or spread of sluris and urban blight.
4. That the United States ot AmErica and the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Develop�a�nt be, and they h`reby are, assurecl of full compli.ance by the
Housing and Redevelo�sr:�nt Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota with
, the regulations of the Departr�ent of Housing and Urban Development effectuating
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 19b4 and applicable E�ecutive Orders.
- 5. That it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible method for
the relocation of individuals and families displaced from the Urban F.ene���al
Area, in coniorciity �•�f.th the requirements of Title I, can be prepared, anc�
' (b) that local grants-in-aid can and �•�ill be provided in 2n amount c�rhich will
� be not less than one-ti�ird of the Net Pro�ect Cost of the Project and orhfch,
together with the Feder�l c�pital grant, will be generall.y equal to the di�ference
1 betwe�n Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land sold,
, leased, or retained fo� use in accord�nce with the urb�n renet�al plan. . -
' 6. That th� filing of an 4pplication by the'Hcusing and Fedev�lop:,i�nt
' . AuLhority of the City of Saint Paul, 2•finnesota for an advance o� funds from
' the United States of Arr.arica in an a�ount not to exceed Si}: Hundrecl Fifteen
� . Thousand Tnree Hundred� Seventeen Dollars ($615,317.00) for suL�eys ancl plans
� foY• an urb�n rene:ral project in the proposed Urban R�net•ral Area described
� above is hereby �pproved, and that the Executive Directar is hereby authorized
, and c�irected to e:�ecute and file sucli 4pplication o�ith the Secretary o� Housing
and Urban Dzvelop�ent, to provide such �dditional inforni2tion and to furnish
such docun�nts as may be required by tne Secretary, and to act as the authorized
represer_Cative of the Housino and P.edevelopment Authority oE the City of Saint
Paul, riinnesota.
, ,
• ..�,-:.,.
' - � _. _ �
_ - �.
, ' }
�� ;
� 41�ST �fID��'AY U:'t}1��N FENE4•IAL PROJ�CT •
Comunencin; at the point o� intersection of the center
line of Eme��ld Street �aith the southern righG-ot-kay
line of the Northern Pacific F.ail�•�ay, then northe�sterly
- . alon� s«I�l southern rigIiC-of-���y lfne o£ the Norti�ern
Pacific Ftailcaay to the point ot intersection wi�h the
� eastern ri�ht--of-taay line of Hersey Street, than sautheasterly
along said line to th� point of intersection t�ith a point
�pproxi�r.atel.y 185 feet north of the northern right-of-way
lin.� of Capp Foari, then souCherly r.long �ald line to tl�e
point of intersection c��ich th� northern right-of�c�r�y line
af Capp road an�3 the o�estern ri�ht-of�;aay line o� the
t�linnesota tr?nsfer Railway Ca�lpany, then southerly alang
saicl t:*estern r�ght-of-�•�ay line o� rii.nn�sota Tr�ns��i
. R2i1F�ay Co:�3pc,ny to th� point oP intersection �aith the
northern right-oi-zaay line of Charles Stree� extYn�ed,
t�IQri SOUt11nZS�eily 310rig �? LI.i1C t0 u �O�,RZ Oi1 tt1E 50llttl8rii
r�ght-oL-.�ay lina of University �lvenue and ap�ror;imutely
300 feet east flf the easl•ern right�of-way line oi Cleveland
Avenue, then southerly along a line appro:�i,mately 1,350
. feet to the point of inteLsection with Che nozth�rn
• r3.ght-of-�vay line of llitinesota Trans�er P,ailw��ty Company,
t�:en southeasr�rly along s1i.d li.ne to th� point of
, intersection ��rith the ��estern right-of-cray line of Prior
Avenue, then southe�ly along said line to the point of
t intersectiun F�ith the northern ri�ht-•o�-c;ay line of
� Interstate High:��ay Number 94, then nortnwesterly alono
� , • sai� line to the point of intersect�on witii the center
, _ � liriA ot En�rald Street, th�n nort'n��rly �lc�ng s�id line
- . to tlie point o= intersection c•�ith thz soutllern ri;ht-of-S�;ay
_ lir*a of th� .Iortn:.rn Pacific P.ailway, F�hich is the point
• o� bngi.nning.
, -
1 �
' . • �.--� .
. .Y� .-- � r'
. -- ��
� • r^
, ~ --- ' - -- -- - - . . .,_ .
G-7 .
. . , ,
� � .
, � •
� The undersigned hereby certified, as follows:
• Asaietant
(1) That he is the duly qualified and acting/Secretary of the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, �
herein called the "Local Public Agency" and the keeper of the records of '
the Local Public A enc � � `
g Y�
(2) That the attached RESOL�TPION NO�. 68•11/14-5
is a true and correct copy of the reaolution
as adopted on the 14th day of November , 19 68 ;
, (3) The seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the �
Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under ',such � ,
official seal;
(4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this
Certificate. ,
IN WITNESS WI�REOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand -
this 14th day of November - , 19� 68 .
�i� 1 , • .
. � , ; Secretary . stan
- , �
� • .
, , .
, � � . .
� (SEAL) . .'
, .
II� i ,
_ � _ ,:_.
_ ' '� • �
;: � " - ' • ,
RESOLUTION N0. b8-11/14-5
WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein
referred to as "Title I"), the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
is authorized to extend financial assistance to local public agencies in
the eLimination and prevention of the spread of their slums snd urban blight
through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal projects; and
WHEREAS Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination
on the basis of race, color or national origin under any program or activity ,
receiving Federal financial assistance and Executive Order 11063 prohibits
discrimination on basis of race, color, creed or national origin in sale, -
lease or other disposition of residential property (including land intended
for residential use) or in the use or occupancy thereof; and
WHEREAS it is desirable and �.n the public interest that the Housing and
Redee�elop�ent Authority of the City of Saint Paul, M�,.nesota make surveys
and prepare plans, presently estimated to cost approximately Six Hundred
Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($615,317.00) , in order to
undertake and carry out an urban renewal projec�t of the character centemplated
by Section 110(c) of Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area,
situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota,
which is described as follows:
See Exhibit "A" hereto attached.
1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is a blighted,
deteriorated and deteriorating area appropriate for an urban renewal project,
that the development of such Area for predominantly nonresidential uses is
necessary for the proper development_of the community, and that the underta'�ing
by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
of snrveys'and plans for an urban renewal project of the character contemplated
. by Section 110(c) of TitLe I in the proposed Urban Renewal Area is hereby
2. That the financial assistance available under Tit1e I is needed to �
enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City o£ Saint Paul,
Minnesota to finance the planning and undertakin� of the proposed Project,
which project could not be undertaken without the governmental assistance to
be so provided.
�-� I
� • ��� � - �.
� ^ .
r j .
3. That it is cognizant o£ the conditions that are imposed in the
undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial
assistance under Title I, including those relating to �a) the relocation of
site occupants, (b) the provision of local grants-in-aid, and (c) the require-
ment that the locality present to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
.as a prerequisite to approval of the application described below, a workable
� • program for cormnunity improvement, as set forth in Section 101(c) of Title I,
for utilizing appropriate public and private resources to eliminate and prevent
the development. or spread of slums and urban blight.
4. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the
, Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesoea with
the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development eft�ctuating
� Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and applicable Executive Orders.
5. That it is the -�sense of this body (a) that a feasible method for
the relocation of individuals and families displaced from the Urban Renewal
Area, in conformity with the requirements of Title I, can be prepared, and
(b) that local grants-in-aid can and will be provided in an amount which will
be not less than one-third of the Net Pro�ect Cost of the Project and which,
together with the Federal capital grant, will be gener�l�y equal to the di€ference
between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land sold,
leased, or retained for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan.
6. That the filing of an application by the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for an advance o£ funds from
the United States of America �n an araount not to exceed Six Hundred Fifteen
Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($b15,317.00) for surveys and plans
for an urban renewal project in the proposed Urban ltenewal Area described
above is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director is hereby authorized
and directed to execute and file such application ��ith the Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development, to provide such additional inform2tion and to furnish
such documents as may be required by the Secretary, and to act as the authorized
representative of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint
Paul, rlinnesota.
� r'`,
� ' �� ` , `J , "
�,3 � ,
Commencing at the point of intersection of the center
line of Emerald Street with the southern right-of-way
line of the Northern Pacific Railway, then northeasterly
. . along sa3d southern right-of-way line of the Northern
Pacific Railway to the point of intersection with the
easCern right-of-way Iine of �iersey Street, then southeasterly
along said line to the point of intersection with a point
� appro�:imately 185 feet north of the northern right-of-way
line of Capp E�oad, then southerly along sal.d line to the
point of inters2ction with the northern right-of-way line
of C�pp Road and the western right-of-:aay line of the
MinnesoCa Transfer Railway Campany., then southerly along
said western right-of-way line of Minnesota Tr�nsfer
Railway Campany to the point of intersecti�n with the
northern right-of-way line of Charles Street extended,
then southe�sterly along a line to a point on the �outhern
right-of=way Zine of University Avenue and app�oximately
300 feet east of the eastern right-of-way line of Cleveland
A��enue, then southerly along a line approximately 1,350
feet to the point of intersection with the northern
right-of-way line of Minnesota Transfer Railw�y Company,
then southeasterly along said line to the point of �
intersection with the western right-of-way line of Prior
Avenue, then southerl� along said line to the paint of
intersection with the northern right-of-way line of
Interstate Highway Number 94, then northwesterly along
said lina �o the point of intersection with the center
. � line of Emerald Street, then northerly along said line
. to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way
lirie of the Northern Pacific Rai2way, which is the point
of beginning. - '
421 VUaSasha Street, Saint Paui, Minnesota 551 02. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director. phone 223 5213
� � .
Mr. Thomas S, Kilbride December 4, 1968
Acting Assistant Regional
Administratox for Renewal Assistance
Departnent of Housing and Urban Development
, 360 North Michigan Avenue •
Chicago, Illinois 60601
, re: Survey & Planning Application .
West Midway Area � •
. Dear rlr. Kilbride: �
� � Transmitted herewith for your review and consideration is a Survey and Planning
� � Ar�plication for the WesL- Midway area of St. Paul. This zrea is basically an
industrial area, containing some of the largest and most importan� industrial _,
firms in the city. It is a:� area constituting a major segment of the econamic
� b�se of the city, and pxoviding a major segment of the industrial empioyment
, in the unskilled and semi-skilled categories.
. �
; The Midway Civic Club, an indigenous group of business and industrial firms,
� together w3th the city, has iong been concerned with the continued viabilitiy
of the area, rlany industrial firms have had to relocate out of the �rea b�-
cause of an inability to expand and adopt modern industrial procedures. A
! totally inappropriate street system has sided in frustrating ti�e ef�icient
operation and gro�ath potential of these firms. Pockets of old residential
uses have deteriorated hecavse of the industrial environment And have also
prevented expansion of industrial operations with its attendant expansion oF
employment opportunities.
Recognizing these problems, the city, through the Planning Eoar3 �nd the Com-
munity Renetaal Program, has completed a general planning and an economic study
af the area, these studies having been undertaken with the involve;,ient and compleke
backing of the rlidway Civic Club. Both studies indicate clearly t'ner a renewal
program is essential if the economic health of the city and its resideilts is to
be preserved and enhanced, The proposed program is entixal� consistent ��ith the
balanced renewal program ua�der�aay in the City of Saint Paul, and in addition o�ill
make a najor contribution to the employment opportunities for unskilled and ser�3.�
skilled workers, aZl as established under the national goals for rene�ral programs�
Your review and approval of the West Aiidway Survey and Plann.ing Application is
requested. .
1 .
� Sincerely, s
�r , .
c� ��,��6�� � M1, -`�'
E. N. Eelfeld . I
Lav��r�c u,�'f�'�je��iarry�.°gtrong, Jr., ONille E. Anderson, Henry R. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lyncli, James J. Dalglish, Victar J. Tedesco
Chrr:man I
I ,
• � � • � •
_ � •
Form approved . N-6101
Page 1 oi 2 b..dget Bnrean No. 63-R883.3 (�62�
(in Support of Form H-6100, Survey and Planning Application) DAT6 RECEIVED
. �
INSTRUCTIONS: Plaee oriainal and 1 copy in Binder No. 1, and one topy each in other Binders.
A. Accompanios Form H-6100 executed on o�'1 J O 'ryo with regard to an application for (Check one)
Date •
B. AREA HkhtE OR DESIG!lATION (fron Fore H-6100) '
About five miles west of the St . Paul Central (Check on� e�ion� �
Business District, oii the Minneapolis city line . ,
4 (Check one belom unlrsa "Area" is
r "Opcn")
17 EM
TOTAL 6`L7.2 614.0 13 .2 697 458 65. 7
1. Streets, alleys, public rights-of-pay
:::::::::::::.::::::::.: ::::::::::::::::: ::::. •::::::::::
204.4 204.4 0. 0 � "
............ ........... ........... ..... .....:: :.:::::::
........................ ................. . . ........
'2. Aeaidential (ineluding related pu6iie
o� :�ntpublc� purposes) 49.2 49 .2 0. 0 294 182 61 . 9
3. IVonresidential (includina related '
pu6lic a� s�atpu6�io purpoacs) 373 . 6 3G0.4 13 .2 403 276 68 . 4
� Sources of estimates:
• Land—Use Maps , City Planning Board . �
� 2
�X� XOT PREDONIHAIITIY RESIDENTIAL USES 1. Clearance and redevelopment 1 1 4. 6
2. Rehabilitation and coaservation 5 1 2 . 6
• R-10 2
, ' � r .
• � I • � �
• '_- �
_ .
� • ' � � � H-6101
Page 2 oi 2 � ' (9-62)
1. F°mili°s �20 417 3
693 286 407 � a.To be displaced 124 124 -
Source of data: 2. Individuals
; ' 80 79 1
Year •� 3. Buafnesa conceras 3 0 7
I ..................... .....................
, ................. ... ................. ...
Source of eetimates: •
Field Studies, August, 1968 1960 HOUSING CENSUS
(Cive source of infor�ation. I� additionai spaee is required,
eontinue on a plain sheet and attach to this fora.)
Th�ere are small groupings of residences or
1. Overcrowding or ic,proper locatioa of single residences OII small ZO�S scattered
structures on the iaoa among considerably larger light to heavy
�varehousin� and manufacturin� arcels .
. i
2. Excesaive dwelliag uait density � • N/A �
3. Converaiona to incoopatible typea of
uses, auch as roominghousee cmong N/A '
family daellings �
4. Obsolete buildinq types, auch as large There are numerous frame freight �'lOUSE3S WY11C�1
reaidences or other buildinga phich have deteriorated and lack necessary fire-
through lack of use or maintenance have proofing and/or load carrying capacity t0
a blighting influence
support efficient freight or storage purposes
There is •a basic admixture of industrial and
s. Detrimental i�a uee9 0� condition¢, residential uses in the project area . - Resi-
such aa incompatible uses, structures
in mixed u8e, or adverae in[luencee dences are adversely affected by noise, smoke
from aoise, smoke, or fumea odor, and heavST truck ±raFfic , and the indus-
residences .
6. Unsafe, congeeted, poorly designed, or Street system 1S generally poorly designed� •
otherwfse deficient streets congested lIl industrial areas fOY' truck traffic �
�x�d of inadequate construction . -
7. Inadequate public utilities or �om- The area 1S deficient lIl storm drainage throu tl—
munity facilities contribiiting to ua- OUt trle north side . . The only SC�'1001 111 US@
satisfactory living conditiona or
economic decline has been identif ied as needing replacement .
The residential portions have inadequate
e. Other equally aignific�t environeental recreation space . General lack of off-street
• defici�encies
parking and loading. � -
I � FHLBB-Wa�hinglon, D.C.
, I �
- 2 R-102
. i .
. . � � - : . M� .
� R-1•03 Report on Urk�an Renewal Areas , � �
� .,. ' -� ��� � � ' •
- � • � l . Sta.tement explaining selection of the area and
� • � delineation of its boundaries .
a . The project boundaries are based upon land-use
• and man-made separations : Railroad trackage ._
� on� the north and east , Interstate Route 94, � � �'
� now under construction, on the south, and the
. � city limit on the west . Apart from delineating
• a political boundary, the city limit also marks
� a major land-use change�, from �heavy industry
within the project area to single-family resi-
dential on the Minneapolis side . ,
b. The West Midway Area is a portion of a larger
neighborhood that has been under extensive study
• and analysis f or several years . This represented
activity supplementing the Community Renewal
Program currently underway . �
The first major element of the study was a report
� by the City Planning Board of St . Paul entitled
� Midway B�tween Two Cities , in September , 1966 .
- In transmitting the report to the Mayor, Donald
: S . Haarstick, Board Chairman, provided a con-
° • text for the subs�equent activity, including this
application . '
" "The IVlidway� is a vast , sprawling complex
� containing a variety of functional areas :
� - � ' surrounding it are large and important resi-
dential entities . Thus , Midway solutions
must be formulated with careful considera-
. ` tion for the area 's internal complexity and
I for its compatibility with the extremely
• - v�.tal fringe axeas .
. . � � �
� � R-103
� � � �, �
• � • . �
"It would be difficult to overemphasize the
impor�;ance of the I�Tidway in the economic
life of St . Paul . Ho�vever , time� has wrought
. changes in the tenor and temper of its
_ economic activity. For some time , the dis-
� turbing nature of these changes has been
i •
� . clearly evident to many businessmen in the
area . Their concerr. was transmitted �;o� the
St . Paul City Planning Board s�veral years
ago, with the request that an .attempt be made
to study the land-use , traffic, and zoning
condi�tions and to assist them in setting a
. persp�ctive for possible future development . "
That report contained recommend�d planning goals
and policies , includ�.ng those especially
� addressed to the `9est Nlidway Area 's problems .
; . �
- The preparation of this application �vas also
• strongly influenced by an economic study pre-
- pared for the City Planning Board, pub-
' lished in September , 1967, Economic and Marlcet
� Implications of the I�Zidway Area .
i . This stuily focused on an a;ea e�t�nding generalZy
' � west of Lexington Parkway, north of the hlilwau-
, - kee Road Railroad , south of the Northern Pacific
Railroad•, and east of the city line . West _
h7id�vay comprises most o� the western one-third .
of this area .
, The 117idway area is traversed east to west by
University Avenue . It is the principal exist-
ing arte-ria�l between do«�nto�4•n St . Paul and do�vn-
� 2 R-103
. E
� - ' • - �----
;- a , ,
, � ' � • �
, ` .
• � , , town Minneapolis . With the railroads , it forms
� , . a major transportation corridor within the Twin
Qities metropolitan area .
, "
These transportation facilities will soon be
" � expanded by Interstate Highway 94, which will ' '
; intersect with Minnesota 2.80, an expressway
; . ,
: ' which will join I-94 and I-35.
. The economic report, prepared by Real Estate
, � � ftesearch Corporation, considered these pro-
: grammed improvements in its analysis .
• The conclusions regarding the entire Midway ,
area may be summarized as follows : �
Housing : Approximately 1, 050 to 1 , 200 units
-by 1970, 3 ,300 to 3 , 700 units by 1975, and
4, 800 to 5, 700 units by 1980.
Industrial : 300 acres would be absorbed by
Retail : Very little potential for expansion of
. retail space, except for expansion of automobile
� dealers . �
Office Space : 400, 000 square feet by 1975;
, 350, 000 square feet more betwe�n 1975 and 1980.
, Transient Housing: �Vith other development, 150
_ • to 200 motel rooms by 1975.
Other Demand : A general oversupply of commercial
land ; modest expansions of institutional and
public recreational uses . �
3 R-103
; j •
. t
. a
i . _ l�:,....
i , �.
� •
. � , - .
� • � . In its recommendations , the report observed :
� "We are in general agreement with the pro-
posal of the report 'Midway Between Two
Cities ' that efforts be made to strengthen .
� the industrial land-use potential . �'� 4�
, ' -
; � " . . . There is a strong demand for indus-
• � trial sites in the Midway. . . '
� "The improvement of the general physical
• condition is desirable . It is also desir-
� able that conversion to off-street loading
, •
facilities for industrial establishments be .
. initiated . This would help to relieve the
t � congestion which exists on the streets in
. the area . . . Nonconforming uses , particularly
' ' residential uses should be eliminated , "
Also relevant is the comment that "it would be
a good policy toward the elimination of the
strip commercial district along University
, � Avenue . " Commercial uses more properly belong
' • in concentrations rather than strung along
traffic arteries . They can be more effective
� .
� if they are grouped -in shopping center-type con- -
' centrations with adequate off-street parking
facilities . Furthermore , we believe that the
long-range plan should call for the elimination
. � of access , except for cross streets , from
University Avenue . Street parking on University
Avenue should be eliminated so that the avenue
can be more effectively utilized for the movement
of traffic . � �
� 4 R-103 �
, �
_ ' • . . tz,,...
, ' r
� , • ' � '
. . � . ,
' • , • • , Of the West Midway Area specifically, the report �
. ' � } .
. said : '
, � ` �
. "West Midway Subarea
� Redevelopment of t�he West Midway Subarea , .
� � � focusing on (1) areas where industrial ^�
! blight has been determined "considerable"
� , .
• or "extreme"; (2) areas where low land-
use intensity, underutilized industrial
• facilities predominate is recommended . As �
suggested in the Midway land-use study, •
the redevelopment should include spot
� clearance of residential properties where
they conflict with needed expansion of sound �
industries .
"Redevelopment in the West Midway Subarea ,
- together with substantial improvement in
the quality of street circulation, improve-
� ment of the general level and attractiveness ,
of streets and surroundings , provision of
,rail access , truck loading facilities , and
- � adequate off-street parking could substan-
tially enhanc� the prr�fitability of the
area for industry. Elimination of the ,
- . . . blighting influences in this area and the �
� � improvement of city services would undoubt-
. edly increase the rate of private investment
' ' � in the area .
� - "Efforts should be made to find approaches
that would serve to encourage growing "
• industry in the area to remain within the
' Midway. Redevelopm�nt should be oriented
� . 5 R-103
' Ik .
3 � - ` -
_ t
. � � ' � �.
. - �
to (1) identifying the needs of industry
� • within the area for future expansion space
• ' �, and , (2) orienting renewal action to�vard �
-the retention of firms experiencing growth.
"The improvement plan for the West Midway
Area should be attuned to its attraction � �
� as a major distribution center, particularly
• for wholesaling activities .
j � _
. "The long-range development plan for the
� � Midway should have a maximum flexibility
; and retain as many options as possible .
"The success in attracting new industry and
� � retaining existing firms in the Midway area�
` through the development �fforts proposed
� ' should be carefully evaluated . In addition,
� comprehensive efforts should be made, in
, � _ conjunction with private groups , to identify
the problems facing industry in the Midway
� ' area and to find solutions . "
� The specific area boundaries were determined
� , • after analysis of building conditions , reported
by the City Planning Board in conjunction with
. �
� the Community Renewal Program. These data are
� reported in two reports :
City Planning Board of Saint Paul , Standard
. , , for Measuring Blight--Technical Study l ,
Community Renewal Program, Saint Paul,
Minnesota , April, 1967 .
� City Planning Board of Saint Paul , The
Character of the City--Community Revitaliza-
tion Program Report 1 , Saint Paul , Minnesota ,
July, 1967 .
� 6 . R-103
• ' k - - - �- - .. �:..
: • • , ' � '
' . . . "/ ' ' ' ,
Both of these reports strongly suggest that a
. �• � - variety of structural and erivironmental defi- -
- ' ciencies exist within the �Yest Midway area .
� Exterior building surveys of nonresidential
� properties also were undertaken by Barton-
, Aschman Associates, Inc . , the Authority 's A
Y '+�
� consultant, in August, 1968 .
! � - .
c . Relationship to national goals (see Code R-103, 15) .
� 2 . Criteria for Eligibility
The City Planning Board data on residential units
was based upon data contained in the 1960 Census of
Housing . The reported statistics for residential
properties between Raymond Avenue and Minnesota .
• ftoute 280 north of Territorial Road are based on
this data . •
, All other structures were covered in field surveys
in August , 1968 .
Buildings were evaluated on a system that identi-
fied building deficiencies and rated their severity.
' The type of deficiencies include : '
' • a . Defects to a point warranting clearance .
' � b. Deteriorating coridition because of a defect
� � not correctable by normal maintenance .
� c . Extensive minor defects which, taken collectively,
. are causing the building to have a deteriorating
- effect on the surrounding area .
� , d . Inadequate original construction or alterations . '
e . Inadequate or unsafe plumbing , heating or ,
, electrical facilities .
7 R-103
� �
• I
. • � , .
• . � '�:._._
� . .
. • �
. . � - ,
. , f . Other equally significant building deficiencies .
` . �
• ' The rating of deficiencies , as reported on the Area
Conditions Map, is based upon a three-part scale .
a . Absence of any significant observable defi-
. ciencies .
..�. --
� b; Presence of deficiencies of the type contem-
� - plated by RHA ?205. 1, Chapter 1 , with severity
• • not at a point warranting clearance .
c . Presence of deficiencies to a point warranting
clearance . To be rated in this category, the
, def iciencies must exist in the primary struc-
tural components such as foundation, load bearing
. wall , and roof or roof structure .
The area is also afflict�d with the following
_ environmental deficiencies : �
.a . Detrimental land-uses or 'conditions .
There is a basic conflict between residential
� use on the one hand , and nonresidential on
. the other . This conflict is of two types .
• (1) Intermixed small scale uses . Houses are
. . distributed throughout the industrial areas ,
� single residences or small groups of resi-
dences . Some of these are in poor condi- .
• tion, and all are adversely affected by
industrial noise, traffic , and odors .
� � (2) Unprotected residential area west of Raymond ,
� a basically well-kept residential area ,
mostly one- and two-family homes . This �
area is too small to maintain basic neigh-
borhood services and facilities (it has
only a K-4 school and one recreation area )
' 8 " R-103
, � .
• , , • � M
and the on�y recent residential construc-
' tion has been apartments . The trend for thE
entir� project area is away from residential
usE and effective steps must Ue taken to
� - halt the erosion of the remaining residential
, •
a area .
� �b. Unsafe , congested , poorly designed, or other-
wise dEf.icieiit streets .
Streets throughout the project area are poorly
� � designed . The area was develop�d years ago
� ' . on the basis of subdivision plats which pro-
vided street rights-of-way to serve the subdi- ,
vision without regard to a complete traffic
system, even on a local basis . This street
network will be under pressure with completion
± . . .
• of I-94 and Minnesota 280 . A full interchange
, at University and Route 280, plus a diamond
' intersection of Vandalia and I-94 �vill radically
; � .
' alter existing patterns- of movement , particularly
� ' trucks servicing the many industries and truck
, �
� � terminals in the area .
� ;ti'ith a• few exceptions , the stree±s �:�ithin the
, .
, . - . project area were constructed well below modern-
day standard . In some instances, the streets .
are merely a layer or two of blacktop over a
wooden block base .
c . Inadequate public utilities or community facili-
ties contributing to unsatisfactory �livin�
� conditions or economic decline .
� 9 R-103
1 . .��
�.... . • • � • " W:u-.
� • �,
� . � ' �
' � ,. Extensive storm sewer improvements have been ��
'� . �
� . � programmed for the northern part of the project
area . , .
• � The one remaining school in the project area
' has been identified as being in need of replace-
. ment in a city-wide evaluation completed
! � � recently.
• d . Other equally significant env.ironmental defi-
• ciencies .
' The residential portions of the area are grossly
� deficient . Only the school playground and the
, nearby playfield are available to meet the
re.creational needs of chilciren within the area .
(Children south of University commonly use
parking lots after hours , and summers . )
Other Criteria
a . The area is of a size which can be promptly �
planned and executed within a four-to-six
year period . Market projections to 1975 fall
' , , within this period .
� � .
• b. The area is situa�ted an.d the project boundary .
� delineated to constitute a stable area in itself .
c . The area itself is not subject to flooding .
d . Pollution . There is no reason to believe that
renewal treatment will increase the pollution
load in the sewers . Storm and sanitary sewer
• separation is programmed for a -portion of the
, project area . tiYastes now receive secondary �
treatment .
10 R-103
. } -
• � i �
• � • � �
Title I and Treatment Eligil�ility
The area quali�ies as a Category V Project . '
� It is built up. Of the total of 627 . 2 acres
� witliin project . bouudaries , 614 . 0 acres or 97 . 9
percent are improved with buildings or street and
� alley rights-of-way .
i �
• Its existing use is predominantly nonresidential .
Of the total of 627 . 2 acres within the project ,
' 204.4 (32. 5 percent) are given over to rights-of-
way . 0� the remaining 422 . 8, a total of 373 . 6
' acres (88 . 4 percent) are in nonresidential use .
' The proposed reuse is predominantly nonresidential .
: The are thus qualifies as a Nonresidential Excep-
tio�l ProjECt .
' The area .is eligible for. Title I assistance in
; that more than 20 percent of the buildings (exclu-
+ , sive of auxiliary structures) a�re deficient .
1 •
i The project contains 697 buildinbs of which 458
� or 65. 7 percent are deficient . Of these 458 deficent
� buildings , 182 are residential (294 total) , and 276
are nonresideni;ial (403 total) . One hundred twenty-
, four of the deficient buildings (17 .7 percent of al_1
buildings) are substandard to the extent warranting
� clearance .
Said buildings and environmental "deficiencies are
generally dYStrib.uted over the entire project
. area , and are present to a reasonable degree in
all parts of the area . .
11 R-103
._.. . _ �,:.�
T � • • •Y ' �
. �
� � ' ' .
� � , �Building deficiencies exist at a level in the
� • residential portion barely in excess of Title I
� •
. requirements . However, no reasonable boundary
short of the railroad tracks is possible to bring
. � the project to a sound boundary. ��� �
S � �
� The area identified for clearance is eligible on
the following basis : of the 190 buildings in the
. � clearance area , 155 or 81 . 5 percent are deficient ,
.- 59 or 31 . 0 percent are structurally substandard
to a degree requiring clearance , and an additional
54 or 28.4 percent are considered to be blighting
influences . The blighting influences incl.ude
� residences in an industrial setting resulting in
- an incompatible land-use relationship, obsolete
- building types (mostly warehouse structures) and
an inadequate street layout which will require
realignment , and consequently, property acquisition .
The remainder of the area would be eligible for
' rehabilitation and conservation activities on the
following basis : of the remaining 507 buildings,
368 or 72 . 6 percent are deficient (many of which
� . would require rehabilitation treatment and not
normal maintenance) . Of these deficient buildings ,
� 65 or 12 . 8 percent of the total are structurally
substandard to a degree requiring spot clearance .
,A few additional buildings will be required for
clearance in order to meet the objectives of the
urban renewal plan and to remove blightin� ' r
. influences . .
' 12 R-103
� � . ,
. t
� . ,
. � , �
; . t ' • �
. � . � -
� • • - � • _
; , . ,
3 . Workable Program Statement
• . ' 'As indicated earlier , this application and the
� ' � :, work which will flow from it are the latest in
' a series of orderly planning steps reflecting the
interest of c�fficial bodies and private organiza-
• tions based in the neighborhood on sound planning . ,
For example , the Midway Civic Club provided $6, 000
� . for the economic studies mentioned above . .
� The neighborhood analysis , as defined in ftHA 7204. 1
� has been completed as follows (see generally, the
� Neighborhood analysis section of the St . Paul
WPFCI submission for 1968) :
a . Housing conditions; The Charact�r of the City,
WPFCI Exhibit 34b.
b. Characteristics of families ; ibid.
c . Conditions in nonresidential areas ; Commercial
and Industrial Physical Quality; published
September , 1968 .
d . Adequacy of facilities and services; see variety
of studies completed and process listed in
� WPFCI, page 13 and following .
� e . Causes of blight; Standards for Measuring
. Blight , Exhibit 32 . .
f . Steps to eliminate blight ; overall city policies
- and programs are still progressing, as the
� - WPFCI indicates . �
� • ^ - �
. Moreover, use of urban renewal �as a basic and
. necessary technique to accc�mplish the Midway
program (and especially the tiYest b7idway portion
of it) has been cited in both the 1966 Planning
Board Report and the 1967 Economic Report .
� 13 R-103
' � � . �...
, • • •l .
' � • � . , _
- 4 . �See R-103 2 . , above .
• .;�
• • I �
5. Map of Locality Clearl Identif ing :
a . City limits .
� b. Boundaries of urban renewal area . r
; c . Loca�ion of other urban renewal areas .
� d. Central business district .
e. In that part of locality in which urban renewal
� is located . .
(1) Major thoroughfares, identifying whether. in
existence, being constructed, being planned
or contemplated . Indicate whether f ederal -
aid is being or will be received for plan-
ning or construction .
. (2) Railroads .
(3) Industrial districts .
(4) Blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating
areas other than urban renewal area .
6 . Land-Use Map
a . Boundaries of project . �
b . If the project involves both clearance and re-
° habilitation, boundaries of sections tentatively
. proposed for each- type of treatment . •
� ? . Area Conditions Map
' a . Boundaries of urban renewal area .
b . If the project involves both clearance and re-
. , habilitation, boundaries of each section of area
• tentatively proposed for each type of treatment .
�c . General distribution of blight and deteriora-
tion in urban renewal area and the surrounding
area inf luencing it . .
I 14 R-103
a � �•
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,� �`°� '� � .`� �� _J�' ��"�'�--�x-j,='`°`! r. �; MODEL CITY AREA
-.�,��'f�"'�9r � o�:,i�'�,. k�1� l�M...��j`��`, �: � -I - '
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F _ _-_ ` -"._.� ., �-� �r � �r �I; � —.���"'j ' _ �
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,-.�,�., : �� _ . � ;�_ �-��,�. �� \����.:�-;:-��., WEST MIDWAY PROJECT
� �A...w�,�.�1 � � •�. .� x_x_ 1.. �r
��- `�� � � � � � � �` �� �� ,,�t�I City of St. Paul Housin and
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FORT 511ELL` '1��� ��..�__'_'s� r _ � S•�!'
���� ���, � y��r �,� f �, : --=��,,.,=�:I Redevelopment Authority
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�� �1, A \ , '� ``t��'��� y(f'� ' � 'F �� September 1968 Code No. R-103 (5)
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� ��� y �S °� ' September 1968 Code No. R-103(7) �
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^"n`,;, ' ¢ ���/o �Jy � o I
�.� r`_ � ,�, �
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r.;o�.'}`s i,'a J,'•,`'_� G '
��l1nr,,'l^c� :n � .
i ^ •i�f'�,�,�r a �� ¢"�,o �%'�`,
'�.;��� _.�^s
. �.
; -
� • • , �
� . ,
. _ 8. Flooding � -
� - " The area is not subject to f looding.
9 . Section 112 Eligibility �
Not applicable. .
• - . . _,.� ..
10. Designation of Urban Renewal Area
State law does not� require designation by any
� agency other than the governing body of the munici-
. � pality, in this case, the St . Paul City Council .
The required legal documentation is contained in
' Code R-145.
• 11 . Unusual Subsoil Conditions or Topography
No particular subsoil problem is known to exist
in the project area .
12 . Minority Group Report
, a . The program contemplated herein will not
� directly contribute to a reduction in the con-
centration of minority group families . Such
. reduction is not f easible in view of the fact
. that o�nly one minority group fami].y and one in-
' dividual are known to reside in the project� area�
, nor is an expansion of housing anticipated as� a
� result of redevelopment . .
� b. There will be no substantial net reduction in
the supply of housing available to minority
. . group families as a result of this project . .
c . Not applicable in this case.
� .
.13 . Sta�ement Concerning Proposed Residential Reuse
- of the Projec� Area
Not applicable.
� - -
C 15 R-103 �
, � .
i i � C
• II • �
• � , �
14. Sewers _
l�2uch o� the existing sewer system in the project is
combined, The extent of any polZution problem that
new exists will be solved by the cons�;ruction of
. separate storm and sanitary sewer facilities , and
by a new storm sewer trunk line extended from
� St , Anthony Park scheduled for 1970-71 construction
� ' in the 19G9 Capital Improvement Budget , � . .
- ' 15 , Relationship to National Goals _
The West ll7idway Urban Renewal Project is a direct
. response to the national goal of developing areas .
: of employment opportunities . As such, it represents
another step in St . Paul' s overall policy program
� , to ful�ill , to the best of its ability, the stated
national goals of expansion of lo�v- and moderate-
. income housing supply , employment opportunity , and
� renewal of areas �vith critical and urgent need.
Current renewal programs which respond to one or
more of these goals are as follows:
, Eastern Redevelopment Area (11�Iinn , U,R. 1-1)
� The largest development and the major employ- �
ment resource in the Eastern Area is the St , Paul-
, . Rams�y Ilospital, which is the public hospital,
� serving both the City of Saint Paul and surround-
� • -
� . • ing Ramsey County. Under the Neighborhood Youth
. . Corps Program of the Economic Opportuni�ty Act ,
the hospital employs 50 to 55 young people as . .
' . as orderly, ward, clerical and laboratory aides .
This number is to be increased in the near future .
hospital also employs a number of welfare re-
cipients under the jYork Relief Program, as well
as providing on-the-job training for persons �
� 16 �R-103
• • �
� , �
referred by the Rehabilitation Department of the
of the Saint Paul Public Schools . In the non-
_ professional job categories , such as dietary ,
• � housekeeping, clerical, laundry, orderlies and �' •
_ nurse aides , the hospital maintains a staf� of
� over 850 people . There has been a continuing �
� turnover in the availability of positions in
these categories and they are filled on an
, r equal opportunity basis.
The Housing Authority has also provided job
� stations for two Neighborhood Youth Corps en- �
� rollees at the Valley Ap�r`tments iow-rent
housing for the elderly, - '
�Vestern Redevelopment Area (1�Zinn . U,R, 1-2)
' The management of the Holiday Inn blotel has e►n-
' barked on a program of in-service training f or
' ' its personnel , to be provided by the State De-
: partment of Education , The Distributive Edu-
� cation Section of the Department will present a
. course in Customer Relations to the motel staff
. in an effort to upgrade the skills of those em-
, ployed b;� the motel in lower level positions
� , and to prepare them for pQSSible advancement , �
� The motel management has worked with. the State
' _ Departments of Employment Security and of Labor
. and Industry in obtaining job applicants and � �
with the inception of this training program,
� will be able to broaden the availability- of jobs ,
to those not otherwise qualifiedfor employment
by affording them an opportunity to obtain mar-
� ketable skills .
. � 17 � R-1�3
• • • � �
The Sears Roebuck and Company d�partment store
, and automotive center is the major development
in the project , employing over 450 full and part-
time employees . Many of these are persons who
reside in the neighborhoods immediately adjacent
� to the store , most of which are designated target
, areas for the local poverty program (EOA) . The
- store also accepts referrals from the State De-
� , partment of Employment Security and the St . Paul
� Vocational Technical School. Nearby high schools
provide part-time workers from their student en-
s rollment under a special work-study program. '
, The Ober Boys Cltib is operated by the Union
Gospel Nlission , which purchased land in the pro-
� ject for expansion of its �acilities. The Boys
� Club provides space for members of the staff of
� .
t • the Juvenile Probation office . The probation
� .
. staff has been able to arrange for employment
� - - for boys under 18 in cases «�here the court has
� directed that immediate employment will be ac-
� � .
� cepted as an alternative to detention . Many of
4 � " .
; these young people have been placed with a local
i �
� food market c�ain , particulwr'y in the store • .
1 •
, � which was built as part of a .neighborhood shop-
' ping center in the project . In less urgent �
circumstances , the youths are directed to the �
Youth Opportunity Center. Most of these boys
' are either from minority or low-income families
. residing in the nearby �poverty program target
areas of the community,
� ._ " �
, . 18 R-103
' ' � i .
• • , • � �
_ Cathedral Urban Renewal Project (Minn . �,-25)
One of the most significant recent developments
in Saint Paul is the new Saint Paul Area Voca-
tional Technical School, located within this
project . The school maintains a daytime enroll- �
ment of 1, 300 to 1, 500 full-time students and
. serves .over 10 ,000 enrollees through its evening
clas.ses, These classes are designed to upgrade
; � or retain persons presently employed or temporarily
unemployed. Persons �vho desire , may receive
assistance in securing employment . Over 94 per-
� cent of s�udents available for emp.loyment have
' been placed on jobs.
� .
' The Neighborhood Youth Corps Program has shown -
very gratifying resul.ts and has been recommended
f for expansion . The enrollees are regularly as-
: signed jobs as teachers aides and clerical aides ,
i .
� - as well as positions in the school cafeteria .
� � Under the 1�Zanpower Development and Training Act ,
� 'the school maintains an average enrollment of
; 150 people . Candidates for this program are se-
� cured by the Departmeiit of Employment Security ,
k . ,
Y •
; many of whom are placed through the Youth Op-
portunity Center.
Among the� various other special programs in
operation at the school are the following: �
Program Average Enrollment
. Reading Handicap 250
� Physical Handicap 130
Veteran !s Training .175
� 19 R-103
. i
' � � .
• • • • �
Program - Average Enxollment
State Vocation Rehabili-
. tation (Ramsey County OEO) 30 �
State Institutions 15
Bureau of Indian Affairs 15
� 630
The school administration has noted that• the en-
rollment of students from schools in the city' s
predominantly minority and low-income areas has �
� at least doubled over that experienced at the
, school ' s former locaticn . In some cases the '
� increase has been five to ten-fold.
; '
- Do�vnto�vn lJrban Renewal Project (Minn. R-20)
, Although no specific instances of the types de-
_ - scribed above can be cited, it should be noted
- that the d�velopments ir. the Do;�ntown Project
� will eventually generate an estimated 9,000 new
� jobs, most of �vhich will be in the clerical, re-
tail and service catagories.
i '
1 It can be reasonably assumed that a substantial
� . percentage of these jobs will be available to
; the jobless , under-employed and low-income persons.
� Riverview Industrial Project (Minn . R-26) -
� .
i .
, � � No new developments have as yet been completed
j � �
� in this project ; however , it has been estimated
. that through new construction and expansion of �
. existing firms in the area , 2,000 new jobs , mostly
, in the non-technical fields , will be created. -
1�Zany of these jobs should also be available to
those most in need of steady , gainful employment .
� Auditorium Proj ect (1�7inn . R-53)
This project , also in its final planninb stages�
� - will provide a large number of new service
� � I
� 20 R-103
: �
• • ! • �
, , �
. employment opportuni�ies. •
Summit-University Urban Renewal Project
� This very large combined residential, rehabili- .
. tation , and redevelopment projec�: is in its final
planning stages. Its major thrust will be to •
� provide substantial numbers of new low- and mod-
erate- income housing units and rehabilitation
of those to remain . As such, the effort being
, � � put forth in this one very large project repre-
j sents what one might expect from three of four
; normal sized projects.
; - West 117idway, the subject project , has as its �
� principal objective the provision of additioi�al
jobs throubh ne�v and enlarged industrial develop-
i �
` ment . Because of its strategic location with
� respect to employee location , and the type of
i . '
+ job opportunities that are likely to be obtain-
i �
� able , i,e . , manufacturing, warehousing, service ,
t � ,
atransportation , et.c , , we feel that this project
� � �meets at least one of the stated national goals .
; .
'; � that of providing new employment opportunity
. for the "underemployed" or "hard core" unem-
� . . �
� . ployed.
. This project should likewise be interpreted to
f it into the broad framework of a ba lanced pro-
gram of renewal and housing activities , Not
only have the above mentioned projects a�n urgent �
and critical need for renewal treatment , other
areas of the city qualify. Likewise , these
federally assisted projects are providing large
. number of low- and moderate-income housing.
� 21 _ R-103
• • . , • � �
Therefore , this praject , along with those men-
tioned above , is going a long way toward meet-
.. ing the third national goal, that of new jobs,
aild a balanced overall program.
� R,eference is also made to a letter dated October �
� - � 10, 1967, sub�ect being the Civic Auditorium
, Project , Minn . R=53, from Dean Swartzel, Assis-
_ tant Regional Administrator for Renewal Assistance .
Said letter concludes that St . Paul 's urban re-
: � newal program contributes to each of the national
i goals established in LPA Letter TT�. 418.
i ,
� �
i •
. . �
; -
i � • '
! " •
! � ' ' .
� � _
; � � 22 R-103
i .
. i �
. • �
� i • r � �- �
1 . Form HUD-6101 (R-102) shows the number of families and
individuals residing in the West Midway Project area,
- together with estimated displacement of 124 families
(123 white and one nonwhite) . It is estima�:ed that 80 .
individuals (79 whi�;e and one non�vhite) will be dis-
2 . Narrative description of• the housing supply in the lo- .
� cality: ,
a . Overall supply of rental and sale housing by teilure:
- Jan . 1 • Jan . 1
1967 (1) 19G8 (2)
Total Occupied Units 104, 000 104, 716
Percent of Total Inve:�tory 96 .7q'o
O�T�ner Occupied 61, 550 61,�992
Percent 0«�ner Oecupied 59 .2°jo
, Renter Occupied 42,450 42, 724
40 .8q'o .
Total Vacant Units 3 , 600 3 , 625
Percent of Total Inventory 3 .3% .
- Available Vacant Units 2, 000 2, 015
For Sale 250 252 -
For Rent 1, 750 1, 763
Other Vacant Units (3) � 1, 600 1, 610
Total Housing Units 107, 600 108, 341 ,
Sale Housing , 62; 000 62, 043
- Rental Housing 45, 600 46,298
�1)Estimates of 1967 housing inventory were obtained
from an Analysis of the 147inneapolis-St . Paul,
- `A7innesota Housing 1��larket as of January l, 1967,
by the Federal Housing Administration, based on �
Postal vacancy survey data .
�2�Estimates of 1968 housing inventory were prepared
by Barton-Aschman- !!ssociates , Inc . based on adcli-
tions to the 1967 housing supply, resulting from
' the number of single- and multi-family units auth- .
orized by building permits , less demolitions of
each in the City of St . Paul during 1967 . The
1967 distribution of tenure and occupancy was as-
sumed for the 1968 inventory .
�3�Other vacant units include seasonal units , dilapi-
� da'ted units , units sold or rented and awai�ing oc-
cupancy, and units held off the market .
- R-104
I . f.�_ .
� • • • �
Total supply of standard and substandard units
In 1960, there were 102, 310 housing units in St .
Paul, of which 20, 167 or 19 . 7 percent were sub-
, standard or deficient . �4� �
In 1966, it is estimated that there were 18, 568
� � substandard units, or 17 .3� percent of the total .
housing stock. �5�
b. Public rental housing units '
There are 2, 190 units of public housing under man-
agement, of wrich 1, 212 are designed for the elderly.
Another 1, 313 units are being developed for the
. - � elderly, of which 482 are under construction and 831
are in the pre-construction stage .
- . The Housing and Redevelopment Authority has author-
ized leasing 1, 185 existing pri.vate units for use
. as public housing (210 for the elderly and 975 for
• families) . Funds have been allocated for 535 units
of leased housing. During 1967, the Authority also
approved an application for ?50 units of new housing
for the elderly . �
� Recently approved increases in income limits for .
admission to public housing -will widen its availa-
bility to displacees .
�4�U.S . Census of Housing, 1960.
�5�Community Renewal Program Study: The Character
of the City, prepared by the City Planning Board
of St. Paul, Minnesota (July, 1967) . '
2 R-104
� .
. . • • .
c. Annual turnover rates
. , Recognizing the limited applicability of utilizing
''- annual turnover rates to determine the availability
of private housing, private relocation resources
will be based on vacancy rates in the net hous- `
ing supply, as described in Paragraph d. , below. -� '
During the 12-month period ending March 30, 1968,
the turnover rate in public housing was about 23 ,
percent . About 70 percent of this turnover was in
. two- and three-bedroo.m units .
- d. Vacancy ratio in standard private rental and sales
. housing units . '
��As of January 1, 1967, the homeowner vacancy rate _
was 0 .4 percent and the rental vacancy rate was
4 .0 percent . �6�
The Housing and Redevelopment Authority is presently
conducting a research study to deter.mine the current
vacancy f actor in the private housing market .
This study, based on sampling techniques and survey
interviews, will provide estimates of the volume
• � and type of private dwelling units available on
todayts market . The results of this study, which
should be available early in 1969, will enable the
� Authority to identify the specific size-price cate- •
. � gories of available resources . Where deficits are
revealed in a particular category, action programs
, will be initiated to produce the volume and type of
housing required to meet relocation needs . '
�6�Analysis of the Minneapolis-St . Paul, Minnesota
Housing Market as of January 1 , 1967, Federal
Housing Administration, Departmeni; of Housing
and Urban Development, tiVashington, D. C. (October,
" 196?) .
; 3 R-104
, � - - - - - . _ . . ..
i I . ,
� • • ,• • � , , ., , • _ .
, , � , ,
e . Ftesidential construction--City of St . Paul, 1966 ��
, and 1967 �
� � ' Total Units Private Public
_ Constructed Housing Housing
1966�7� 778 778 -
. 1967�8� 1, 156 1, 156 -
Two-year total 1, 934 ' 1, 934 - --- -
, The price ranges for new private rental units are
, as follows : . '
. Number of Monthly Rent �9�
� � Bedrooms Minimum Maximum Median
0 ' $ 80 $100 $ 90
: 1 90 140 115
, • Z 125 250 188
' 3 150 300 225 •
New sale housing was distributed in the following '
price ranges: (10) ,
: . ' Price Percent
$15, 000-$17,499 g
r . 17, 500- 19, 999 21
20, 000- 24, 999 21
25, 000- 29, 999 41
30, 000 and over 9
Total � 100
f ., Other potential housing development
� Six potential developers (four of whom are nonprofit
organizations) are interesteci in developing 221(d)3-
type housing on land to be made available through
' the Early Land Development Program in the Summit-
� University Project Area (Minnesota R-47) . It has
been tentatively decided that six sites will be de-
veloped as follows:
�7�Ibid. , Table IX. -
�8)Building permit activity, City of. St . Paul, 1967 .
�9�Monthly rental ranges are based on a survey by �
' the Authority in March of 1968 of multi-family
• units constructed during the 1965-1967 period.
_ � (10)FHA Housing Market Analysis , loc . cit . , p. 52 .
� ' �
I 4 R-104
i . - - ' - - � _
+ ' - � � - - - • - -
� r • ,
. , � `
. .� � . f . � . . . � � _ ` .
� Units by Number of Bedrooms �
. s ` . -
- . � -' Total
- Site 0 1 • 2 3 4 5 Units
A , - - 15 30 - - 45
B 8 28 24 13 5 - - ?8
C 10 23 42 21 8 8 112
- D - - - 30 13 - 43
E 20 45 40 10 15 - 130 � • �
� F 2 12 15 2 ' - - 31
� Total 40 108 136 106 41 8 439
, � There are also 138 units of 221 (d)3 housing being
. developed in the Concord-Terrace Project Area . �
. A Rehabilitation Dcmonstration Program proposed
• _ in the Summit-University area would provide 100
units of 221(h) housing for sale to low- and moder-
ate-income families .
• The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 will
expand the opportunities for providing low- and
. moderate-income rental and sale housing. The Auth-
' ority is exploring the availability of new programs
for providing housing that will fall somewhere be-
tween the price ranges of public housing and 221(d)3-
. type housing.
g. Racial availability of housing
' . All public housing and FHA housing with below-
market-interest-rate financing will be available
without racial discrimination.
� State and local laws prohibit racial discrimination
� in housing, except owner-occupied single-family res-
idences and duplexes .
� 5 R-104
. . . � . _ . _ �.:�.
• . . �• ' , . • �
. ;
' � . 3 . See Form H-627 (Code R-131) for estimates of Relocation � �
. • Planning Costs . ' , . "
4. See Code R-121 for estimates of Relocation Grant require-
ments . - '
� `
. � "
1 6 R-104
. f - -
-- -- - - — .;_ � ._: �■l��l■�`.-:�.��,,
Sonorable Harrq E. Marshall •
�� City Clerk
City Hall and Court House
• Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
. � ,
Mtrn+u�.�--.�+.�' • �w.,o.wr- ":-.=.c_� ....�.-.rr�--�...-„-- � -. � �.-• -. . � .....- -.� ' .a ..��...,..�t...�.-•-r-�•.ne----.•—T'
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G-7 • ,
10/20-60 ' � '
� , . .;� . t�z " ••(< . , • • . .
�� ir ^ •; . ,
. � , � - y� � fi . .
� " ,. •
I�� ' The undersigned hereby certified, as follows: ' ,
(1) That he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota,
herein called the "Local Public A�ency" and the keeper of the records of
� the Local Public Agency;
(2) That the attached ResoluCicn No. b8-11/14-5
is a true and correct copy of the reaolutioa
as adopted on the 14th day of Novaa+bet , 19 6g ;
, (3) The seal affixed below constitutea the official seal of the �
, Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under'such � .
I official seal;
(4) That the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this
Certificate%. �
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand
� this iSeh day of N°vs�b°r , 19 68
" ' . : � , '_ � ,
I � Secre.tary '
� ' = � .. . , '
. - � � - ' � • .
. , _ . ,
. . (S�) ' .
, r .
, ' ` � !
, ' ,
t • •
". 4.
RES OLUTION N. O. 68-11/14- 5
� WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (herein
referred to as "Title I"), the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
is authorized to extend financial assistance to local public agencies in
the elimination and prevention of the spread of their slums and urban blighe
through the planning and undertaking of urban renewal pro�ects; and
WHEREAS Title VI of the Civil Rights ,Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination
an the basis of race, color or national origin under any program or activity
receiving Federal financial assistance and Executive Order 1I063 prohibits
discrimination on basis of race, color, creed or national origin in sale,
lease or other disposition of residential properry (including land intended
for residential use) or in the use or occupancy thereof; and
WHEREAS it is desirable and in the public interest that the Housing and
- Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota make surveys
and prepare plans, presently estimated to cost approximately Six Hundred
Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($615,317.00) , in order to
• undertake and carry out an urban rene��al project of the character contemplated
by Section 110(c) of Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area,
situated in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota,
which is described as follo�as: �
See Exhibit "A" hereto attached.
1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is a blighted,
. deteriorated and deterforating area appropriate for an urban renewal project,
that the development of such Area for predominantly nonresidential uses is
necessary �for the proper development of the community, and that the undertaking
• by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,, Minnesota
of surveys and plans for an urban renewal project of the character contemplated
, by Section 110(c) of Title I in the proposed Urban Renewal Area is hereby
� � 2. � That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed to
enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul,
2linnesota to finance the planning and undertaki.ng of the proposed Project,
which project could not be undertaken r��ithout the governmental assistance to
bp so provided.
. _ -_ '_'.-. '=�'_ - ' ' -_ .-' .. ' _ -
� • I •
. 3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the
undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial
assistance under Title I, including ehose relating to (a) the relocation of
site occupants, (b) the provision of local grants-in-aid, and (c) the require-
ment that the locality present to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
as a prerequisite to �approval of the application described below, a workable
program for community improvement, as set forrh in Section 101(c) of Title I,
" for utilizing appropriate pcblic and private resources to eliminate and prevent
the development or spread of slums and urban blight.
4. That the United States of America and the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development be, and they hereby are, assured of full compliance by the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, biinnesota with
the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and applicable Executive Orders.
5. That it is the sense of this body (a) thar a feasible method for
the relocation of individuals and families displaced from the Urban Rene�•�al
Area, in conformity 4�ith the requirements of Title I, can be prepared, and
(b) that local grants-in-aid can and will be provided in �n amount which will
be not less than one-third of the Net Project Cost of the Project and which,
to�ether 4�ith the Federal capital grant, will be generally equal to tha difference
between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land sold,
leased, or retained for use in accordance with the urban renewal plan.
6. That the filing of an application by the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota for an advance o£ funds frona
the United States of America in an amount not to exceed Six Hundred Fifteen
Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen Dollars ($615,317.00) for surveys and plans
for an urban renecval project in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described
above is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director is hereby authorized
and directed to execute and file such application with the Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development, to provide such additional information and to furnish
such documents as may be required by the Secretary, and to act as the authorized
representative of the Housing and RedevelopmenC Authority o£ the City of Saint
Paul, Minnesota.
. '
� . .-
.> . . 1 " ` ' . ,__ ..' .
` � • i
�, ,
- �.
' . , EXHIBIT "A"
Commencing at the point of intersection of the center
line of Emerald Street �aith the southern right-of-way
line of the Northern Paci£ic Rail�oay, then northeasterly
_ along said southern right-of-way line of the Northern.
Pacific Railway to the point of inCersection with the
eastern right-of�way line of Hersey�SCreet, then southeasterly
along said line to the point of intersection with a point
approximately 185 feet north of the northern right-o¢-way
. line of Capp Road, then southerly along said line to the
poinC of intersection c�ith the northern right-of-way line
' of Capp Ro�d and the western right-of-:aay line of the
Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, then southerly along
said western ri�ht-of-way line of t%iinn�sota Transfer
Railway Company to the point of ineersection with the
northern right-of-�•�ay line of Charles Street extended,
then southeasterly along a line to a point on the southerr.
right-of-way line of University Avenue and approximately
300 feet east of the eastern right�of-taay line of Cleveland
Avenue, then sou�lierly along a line approximately 1,350
feet to the point of intersection wirh the northern
� right-of-��ay line of Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, ,
then southeasterly�along said line to tha point of .
intersection �aith the western right-of-way line o� Prior
Avenue, then southerly along said line to the point of
intersection with the northern right-of-way line of
' Interstate High��ay Number 94, then northwesterly along
said line eo the point of intersection caith the center
line of Emarald Street, then northerly along said line
to the point of intersection with the southern right-of-way
line of the Northern Pacific Railway, which is the point
of beginning.
• ' ft��,43 EX�i�BS:: �'�,��
. • �
� � • . .
� -
� ^ '. _ ' . • _ , " (Page 1) . . .
_ . , l. � . . � , _ . . .. . , ^ � .. : . ., . . . :
' � � ' � ' ' • •' h��ring'be!ore •the Bo�rd o: Appeslsl �
, Council File tio. 25;1�71—Ordinar.cc No. on aI( mattcrs sct torth'in such noticc; ! � �
' � _ 13825—$y 7homas R. Eyrne, �tay�or— Pr�ti•ided that sucli pecsaei sh�tl file � -
• with the Bo�rd oF Appc�ls a writtr.n '
. An ordinance arr�endin�� the 5aint Pzt<<ton requesting sucn h��ring and '
, Paul LcEts!ati�:e Code by adding a se:lin� for:h a bricf s:�;ecricnt of thc ' �
• . erta➢tec thereto crcatir.z' a Eoard oC� S�our.c'.s therclor tvithin ten (10) calen- �
' - • • ADp eals ar.d F.c�•ic�ti• for ttie HousL1„ dar days a!ter the day the netice lt'35 �
. Bullding aad� F'ire Prc�•c�tioa Co�es sc:vec!. Thc filir.g Eee for such a pctl- � '
, _ . Lnd estab!ishin5 the po•.vcrs, duttes,�'tioz snall bc fivc dollzrs ($i.00�, e�ce�,t
' IeEuT=_tions a:1 procedure� therctor, �hat �rhere the:e 1; fiz�ncial hardshi� '
and aCicr recomric�ncation o! t.*.e er.-
' - - � . �T'h�CounciI ot tnc City of Saint PalI t��'-t"' o.ctce:, tnc A�pzals Boa;d r�ay •
. Daes OId2L1: • watca tn^ i�lin,; Cee sub;ect to the ap-
pro�•al'o: the City Co�nc;l. [ipul r2-
' • _ , � SECTION'1 celpt ot sucn petition, t�e Elo�rd oi "
That tnc Saint Paul LcoisI�t:�•c Cod� �`��c�l� sha!t set a time and pi�c� :o;�
. M and the san�e i� hercby arn:nd�dl such hearir.; znd s��tl give .ne p:;i-
by adding a ci:a�ter to bc desi�r.�ted; tion_r k•:•i:tei: ro::ce ;::c-eo:. AC su�;� .
' . . Chaptec Si as fo!lov:s• I hcaring tRe pr.tltioncr s:�zil 5c gi�•en
• ' dS.01. C01iPOSITtO\ OF BOARD. �paortunity to bc 'r,eard ar.d to s4ov; �
• . (a) There is hereLy crea!ed a Eoard° �hY sucli notice sno;i:d b< modii�ed or
tei.:�dra�vr.. Tlte Y.ca,-ind siiail bc co:;-
. , ot A�cais which shall consist ot se�•en menced r.et ]a:ec :han chirty d�ys a:te:
• Yotin menibersµ•ho sh�ll bc app ointed •trc day on �vhicF t4e pc:ition �•as
_ bY �� Dfa Tor and appro�•ed by thc g�e,1• prc�•ided, thai �p,;:� ap�licz!ion
, City Counci.. The �I�S•or shatt d-e;ig-, of ckie pe!it:oiier thc 3oa:�1 of ?ppeals
. Late one oL tne sc�•en membcrs as may pos:ponc :hc da:e oC `carin3 fer
eha(rman. Each o[satd sc�•en mc�ibca•s�
. • , ahal! be a q;:�iL�ed el=c:or oi ttie Cit�� dar2�sonabie tir�e be�ond such tni:ty- _
• tad shalt neit`::r be a;t orTicer nor eni-' y a°r�°3' I.� �n i:s juCor,:ent tite pe:t- �
. D1oYC£ oF tne City of�c. ?��1. One t._ tioncr F.zs subr.:i:.ed a gaod and s�ni- �
i2sentat[ve shatl be a , p" cienC rca;on for such pos:ponemer.,.
. �poin.ed fr�m the (b) Tha Bozrd o� A�pcal; aiay,���•itn
t.rch[toctural or cnginc:rir.o proies- t�� 2;,proval o: t::z Covr.cil, mo�i'y'or
, b[oa, one re?re;entati�:e s4al[ b: ap- revoke thc r.etice oc o:d_r, and .�s�
' poLlted fro:a th: iir.znc:al p:oFe;;ien. -g�a1c ar; ex:=n,ion o! ti^;e io: thc
- one r=p re;e:;�ti_e snall be a�.l�otnted periormar,ce eE any ac= :etiii:ed •.vne:e
. Srom th_ �Jil�::�g and •radc indus:ry,: �ha Eoard hr.ds tF.at t;z>_;e is p*accicat
one re�re�ezta:i�•� shall be app�inte3i di�iiculty oc uldue har�;ni� cor.-ec:ed
, � ' �on tne I^_�?1 profes;ion, one rea;e-; µ•itn tti? pz;iorman:r of en� a�[ re-
� sentat[�-e sF:ail be a�aoin.Pd fcom the: q�i��d �y- �;1e p,-ovi�iols o: this ordi-
. . real Cstate or buildina maa�,r,emzr.t� na:ice o: by app!ica5le rste; or rebula-
yrolcssioz �rcd� t�vo represen[�ti�•es, �ians is;ued pur;uaz*. the:c:o, and tha!
. ' ihail bc apao!nted frum •he gene:al' sucli e:ctonsion is !'n har::ior.y �vith tic
• ' � s�rvente�ms o thcc of t!:e Eoard shal!'�sener�l �urpos^ of t�s ordi�ancs to
' the origir.zi Eoard st2ai15 hac•e�ttt�re� secu;c t1e putlic hea1�!�, safe;y ar.d "
inemben a �'elCare .
�potntcd for a tarrn of th:ee (c) Tne s;� !or :he Bo.:rd of Ap- .
. . � Ye�rs• two azecrbcrs for�t�ro yea:s and p�als -hall bc procided tnrough thc
tw meniber> tor one year. Vaca;cies Council Incesci�ation aad Fesearch
• , an un-_rpL*ed t_rr1 saall Ee fille�, g�r2a�,
- by the �Ia3•or by ap�otntmen: a•ith; SS.OJ. JUDICIAL F,E4Z?�V.
- . � the approva. ol tiie Cicp Council Eor� ,�.ny person agg;ievzd by the finai�
. the remaL^.der of Cne te^n: I decisior. o' th� 5oa-� a` ��peais nayt
(b) iour r.:en��:s oC t!���oard shall� ob:�i� �udici�l revict•r b;• timcl� fiiin;
. con;tftuts a Suo:::::i ar... t..c Eloarl. o: ar. �c;Eo1 scc�i�g r•=�-:e�v o: s�ch
. . • ahalI act by a ma;o:i!y vat� Tnc c'r:.;ir-i �:cEsEun z; p:ovic'•:a by Li;v L1 D!;t:ic:
man shaF_.Fati•z th� same •:oti�g ri�nts� Cc�:t. '
ts trte otFer n:r,.hc:s. 35.P;, COU� ��4'I�;�;, -
' (C) The Caie: "r'eaith O Yicer, t?:e Tnc =oar,�. ;n;il also a^t as a rev:e�.�•
� , Clty �,:;hi-`_�c: aad t^e ChE�: o: iirz body tor t�: :'��.si;�;, ?Liic�ing and �
. �:.evcn;ion ar t'�_i: a�.�o:ized re�r_- ?ire ?;ev�at:ca Co�_s ��� :ecc:-i:na�d
s°ntatt�•cs s`�all•be c�-o-:cio mcr.:cc:s to tF� \ta�o: a:� C::y� Cour.cil ar./
o! �hc Boa_d Sut sh=!1 ,-.ot ha•.e vo:iz�{char.��-s r.ce�.�d to na�.ta's.^, r.:o�e:a �
• S't°L1�5. �871C1 B:IIJ:C?3�J.? �^ '
• . �d) 1'itc Ea:,rd shall have the dts. •
' _ '!o adopt :uies aad ra�utatiqns for ;ne'
, . 'tond�sct?ng o: its hcarings, to issue• SECT'IOY 2 .
� - •aub9c::�zs aa,�, s_Spo_:ias �uces tccun; This ordir.��ca sha?i *.ai;_ ec'�ct and
,to •wliaess:; v:k:en :c�sonabt� nec=;- be in Cocce :�iir.y ���s ai:er !U �as- '
. . . •sa:y t� ob[aLz pertL�er,! evidar.cz and S`��� ��aCO��aI and p�blica:i�n.
• . :uty memb_.- o: the 3oard shsil h=ve' ' ' � �
euthori:y to acministcr oatns. . Paa;ed by tiie Cou;eil Ju1•i 9, 1�63. - •
' (�) The p:ocezd[ng; o: all Board 1'eas—Cocr,cilmen Daigt?sa,�.Leredith, •
' ' . Lttattay; s:�a:? bs su:r�arized. red;�cc� P2:2csr,�. Spra:tia. 'I'eacsco, bi:. P:es[- .
to a-rl.�ny aad maLztai:.ed as a ma.ter dent (3::rne)�. ' '
� • OL Ytcord. •tisys--0. •
� ' •"�•�'• Hr����G• AQprove3 July 9, 1403. � •
. (a) ?n� pr:;on a:Fectzd by any no- . '
. • tice wh(ch l:as b:en L;sued In co:i.z�c- ' TH03LrlS R. 3?'R��,
tlon w:th t`-:= enfo:cen�nc of azy pro- 1 blayor. . .
. vLslon o! C::t F!��lsing. �u�!�i.^.3. oc �:?r�*.: •• �
r • �Y.� Pcet•c.:ian Co�es.'or any -_�e ar HA3�Y E. StAzS2-L4LT_, �
NTllatfon a�o�t�_� pu:slan; 't:er_.o. Clty Ciecf. — � �
_ ' � �rnay reque�t aad shal! ba �rani�d a {3uJy I3, 15°-i) •
. • e-. . _ - .
- • ' ' • ` ' . . .
_ , � . , .-
• J • . . . _ . .
• ' • ! . , .
; r , � • . .
�. , `• • ' •n�cncics 'rclatin� to ttic rcc�o���l or . •—' '
' �� � • 'Qi'F'ICIhL Pi!1CL:EUIi\GS , drmolitlon ot any bullcting; v:hicl� �rc GFOSS FLOOR AFtEA. Thc CrosS
• • r� dccmecl to bc dan�crous,uns�(c,or un-
- • ' . :�•�F lIIE�C`JUNCIL "• �tan(taP • Floor Atc� sliall mc�n thc totnl arca o[
Y� all habttablc spacc.
S�t,p7. DF.FI�IT[0:7S. � FIABiTADLE ROO�I. A F(�bit�blc
. . ' � � •• ORD1NAtiCES i'� � (a) Unless olheF�visc erpressly stateci, Roo�n shall me�n a room occupied by . . �
. tlic follo•.�'in� tcYms'stiill, [or tf�c pur onc (l) or morc persons used or in- ,
' � "' ' po c o[ thls Code, have Ctic me�r.lnes ��:�ded Ior living, cookin„ catin�; or
� � ' • � ind[catcd !n this s:ctlon. sicr_ping purposcs, buC Cocs not Includc
Couneil File No. 233��0—Ordinance tiu. (bl ��'ords used ln ttie pcesent tens^_ bathcooms, elosets, �ti•ater closet com-
' 13324—By Thomas R. By'rne— , includc thc futurc; words in tlic mns- part�n•_nts, I�undrics, scrvinE and stor- ,
' culine gendcr Lnciudc thc feminine an� i5e pantries, corridors, cellors, and
• • • An ordlnance �amendin� Chaptec 54;ncuter: the sin�ular number ir.cluac� s��aces ttiat are not used Srequencly or
• oi tl�e St. Paul Lebtslati�•e Co�e, per-•�he plural and the piural thc'singulir. during c:ctended periods. • .
- talc�ln� to minlmum housi�g s:�r.d�:ds� (c) �l'here ter::s are noe de:'incd in FiOTE[,. This type oi use 1s ltcensed
� • Sor dv:cilfnEs and multi?lc d�veL'in�s• this s_ction nnd are defined under �nd redutated by otner Clty and St�tc �
Chapter 2.ot tne Legi;lativc Codc, th�y laws. A FSotcl sh�il bc decined th_ same
Th^_Council of lhc City of Sain[P�u] �•iall ha��c thc mcanin�s asc:ibed �o�as found Ln Chaptcr 335 oC thc Lcyis-
Do:�,Ordaln: . ,them as!n the Bul(dtn� Code sectton of•����� Code ot the City of Saint Paul.
' SECTl0:7 1 '�e LeSfslativc Codc. � IN'r cSTATIO:i. InC�statlon s h a 1 I
� (d) �'/'nece te:�ns are not de:�ned, un-'meaa the presence, within or co�:lru-
That Chaptcr Sa ot thc St.Paut Le�is- der the ro�•Isions of tlits ch.. tc: or
. l�tive Code, as amend:d, be and the,ur.dcr the procis:ozs oE Chapte: 2 0( ous to a mul:tple d�veliing, dx•eltin�
tt:e Legislati�•e Code, thcy shall ha�•e unft, roominz housc, rooming unit, or
s�sna !s hcreby further a:r.cn�ed by�I remis=s, oL Insccts, roden!s, vermtn, '
atrli:ing the same tn Its enti:e:y and ascribed to them tt3:(r ordinariiy �c- P .
� ' subst[tutIno in 1[eu and in place thcreot I�er:ed mean(ngs anci/or su:h as the o- other pests.
- the tollok�inL: eonie�t hcrein may imply. b10TEL, Th(s typ: oC use is ]Ice�s^d
� � roved as a lted to �nd regul�ted by other City and Statc
� • ' bS.01. DECL�P,..'tI0�7 Or POLICY. APPROVEI�. App p? ia«•5, ga� purpos�s of this Codc a �Iotel
T'ne purpose ot tnis chaptcr is co p:o-,a m�terial, de��ice, o: method of coa- shall be d:.ined th�same as Hc:el. (See
. tect the public Y:ealth, s�iety and «•el-�stru:tion sha!l mein apo:oved b� t�^_ Ci:a�ter :,J� of th: Le�islac[ve Code oE
' " iare by enactin� 'a Housing Codz'er.iorcement q�ic^r under the provi- the City o° Saint ?aul.)
. •irhlch: Islons ol this ch��:e., or appro•:ed b�• �?ULTIYGE D��'�iLIiiG. l�Ittltipie
oth=: authori:y esi3nated by law to i Residencc D��•eliins or tiie![iple Fesi-
• .Sorlbasic e�u ementtand�facili[in,-���,�iar.�1°` app:o��al in the mr�*.te: in ques-, der.ce shall nean any resic:ence b�ild-I
•lSght, venti atton, space heating and;LLO6 I�1n� contain(n� three (a) or nore d•.�•ell-
&zn[tary facllities• for sifety f:om Fire:l P�Sc`•IEtiT. Ras�cr.°nt sha�t r.�e�� �P un[ts.a�d Includtng roomin�houses.�
So: space, use and location• for s3fe'that portion of a build'.n� partly b•_low ;jL�gitG HO�[E, This ty;�e oi usa�
tnd santtary maln:enince; for cao:-ing;grade but so located :hat tlie �•er:icai� u licens•:d and re�ulated by o:i:er City,
- �qu[p r:�ent; oL all d�ti•eilings �nd rau[ti- dLsta�ce from grade to the -loor 1s ncti and State la��:s. For purpos�s of th[s
Dle dweItinzs no�v in existence or here- �reater th�1 ttte ��ertical dEst�nce Frum�Code a tiur�ing Home sha11 be de5ned
:atter 1n eaister.ce. the grade to the cc:l.r.o. Pro�:i_zd,ho�v-� �he same as conta[ned in the regula-
ever, that if the �•ert[cal distance irom;tioas oF the S:ate Eoard ot Fiealtn.
, ' (2) Determines the respo�sibiiitias of tne grad'_ to the ceiltng Is fi��e (5) ieec� OCCUP�vT. �n Occupant shall
, :OFmers, operators and occuoants oL or morz, 'such' b�sement s;:all be�mean any person over oze }•ear of age
'dwellings and multfple d��•el(ings• counted as a story. � , (includtng ovr,ier or ope:ator) living
' (3) Pro�ides for admtnistra;ion, en-� EOAcTDI.�G CAP.E HO'•["r. This type and slezoing Ln a d�.ti•e(ltn� u:�it or'
torcement and penalti?s. of u;e Ls licers2d and regulat�d by hav[n� actual �oss=ssion of said dw�:!-�
SS.02. FI.iDI\GS O? C O U\C I L, ocitec Clty and Sta:e la�.cs. e or pur- jn� or ronmir,g unit. �
Th_rz cxIst in thc City of St. Paul Fose> eF thi; Cod�=, a Eoard:n; Cz:e� O?Er^.�\TOrT. :�n Operator shall�mean�
structures used for rumah ha3i:ation Hor,c�shall be denned tiie sane as coa-�any pe:aon �vho h�s char;e, ca:e or
��h[ch are no«•, or may becor.ce L�r Yr.z tainsd fn ihe reguta:ions oi t:�e Swce�co:troi oi a multiple resider.ce or
luture, substandard tcith resoect to $o�rcl of He�tih. • rooming hotis^. !n v:hich dwelling u,^.Its
•Stru:ture, equtpmzn[, or main:eaance, ��ILi�I.�G CODE: The B�lld[r.g ar rooming units are let or o[�cred :or1
' and fur[her Chat such conditEo_^.s, to- Core shall mean The Sa!nt Pa�l:cccu�ancy.
g2ther µ•Ith inadeluate p:o�-ision for iuilc;l�g Cod:." (Legslative Coda,� O�VNzi�. An Ow-ner shall mean�
2tght and atr, 1nsuE�lctent Prctzction Cha?:ers 1 th:ou3h 53.) owler or o•.vr.e:s of the :reehold of the�
against 5re hazard;, lac:: of �ro�er CELL,AP.. .Ceilar shall :neaa :ne lov�-•pramises or les�er esta[e th=rcin, a
heating, uns�nitary- conditions, and ermost �orcto��oe thc buildir.; pa::ly or�mort�agcc or vendee In poszess:oci,
, oveterox•ding, eons:itute a mecsace to to:zily ur.dergrour.d ha•:in� haif oc a;;ignee oC re�ts, recei�•e:, er^cutor,
public health, sa!ety and n�eit�re of more o:!ts hei;ht, measu:ed�rom clear �;ustee, less=e, other pzrson, firn, o� '
1t� eitlzens. IC is furtfier fouad �nd fioor to ceiling, belo«• thz averag: fi:'i-�,corpocation, in cont:ol oE a building.
d°clarzd that the e�:is;ence oE suchl�red g:acle o: the adjoint�g grounci. • OPE`13LE �RE�. The O��naSle
Condltlons, Sactors, or charac[erist:cs D�tiELLI`G. U���e 11 i n g means a',�,rea sha11 mean ihat part of a viindox�
Ldversely ar:ect publ[c heal[tc and bu!'ding occup[ed e�cltisi�-ely for :2si-Ior door u�hich Is available �or unoS- '
• eaizty and Iead to the con[fzv�tEon, �=^ce p�rposes and having noC ir:o:a!stre:cce3 �•entilation and wh[ch op_ns
• extenston and a�^ra�•;.tion af uc�anitha:� t��•u (2� apartments, or as a dirzctly tu tne outdoors. ,
' � bItght.It Is iurtiie:�four.d that a�^_qu�te boardin� or ro�mir.� hous<,s?:v(n3 not p��0:7. A Perso:� shall .mean an I
Dro.ect(on ol public heal[h, sa:ety aad no:� than five (3) persor.s �-�iih r.ti^als;ir.dicidu�', firm, corpora:ion, ,assoct�i- .
' weltare thereEore requires the estab- or slee�in� aceommod:ttons or boch.�tion or F�rtn�:rs!�ip. •
lishmzni a:�d enfo:ce:nent ot mini:num (��te: Compa:e �vith d=fi�itto� of pLGyi3iYG. Pl�imbing or Plunbing
• hoc�sin� standards. 'residence buildino"•) i(xtures shall mean �vater he3ttn� fa-
b..03. P.PFLLCa3ILITY?ti"D SCO°i. D�VELLiNG liV"IT. Dwelling Uni[ cil:ties, :ti•atz; vi?es, gas plp�s, ga:ba?e
Ecery pnrt[oa o� a buildin� o� p;er,z_�shat! m°an a roo:n or grou� o: reor.0 i��� �r;spos�l uni:s, �ti•_s:e oi�es, �vat:r
l;.as, us_d or Ir.tend^d :o be ua=d ;o: locate_ .vithin a rasi_^r.ce t•1L���n� ar.d c:oses. sia:s. insta!lzd d?sha•ss;.e:;,�
iesldentlal pu.poses. exo,�: res[rc^cs,l fornin� a stn�l° habitabte uait ^�ith la�a�uries. ba�h tubs. s:�o�ccr ba�^>. in- .
• toc�-ales-en: hor�es, an3 r_ursingl iacilicies w•hich arous•=d o: i:�t^;•�^d co •a;I:� c!c!hes •.��as!:i:�� machines, or�
hom:s, shaL compty vritn the aroti•i- bc us?d tcc IR•ir.,,, sl_-_?Ea„ coo::i�„ other similar e?ui?r.icr.t, catch basir;,
`�r.d e�ting. ' I c�rala4, c°nt;, or othe: s[mil.rl;• s�ip-
s[ons eL this ordir.ar.c?, (rr.:s�ec_ic: oi 'c:CT=RIOn Pc"t0?�F.iY .;zEiS. E::-� ,+
Fhen such t�i!di�� shall ha�:e b•:�:�� �, � pl:a.. ftxtu;es, to;eth�r w�i:h all ca�-
. te:tistruc:ed, al:zred o: re��i:e3, aad tzrioc ?ro�erty 3reas s..� 1 ^:e�r. o�cn r.�:ctiaas to t°atc;, gas, :��:er, or �•^_nt .
,_ spzce on t.�: p:emi�:s ar.d.on �._�oi^ir.,, �i^�;.
t8�t any alte�atio�is tn_.eo2 or c:�an?es: • i
p pco�e:ty unde� the con:rol o? tne o�.:zi- r���LScS. P:emises s?�zll n^aa a
• oi use the;eL�. �ti•htch may 6_ causedl , •
• dimctiy or tndirectiy Sy the ea:o:ce-I ers or opNra:ocs o. such prer.:L:es. loi, ptot, o: prce( o: land SncI11L'LR„
ment o! th(s Code, sh311 bs done in EiiC OcCCG�L'_:�L Or=ICcrZ. Pursu- �he buildings or s:ruct��r-:s thereon.
ant to the applicable proc•fsEo:� oC :heI ggg�,7^`CE BL::.DIYG. A Resl-I
-aecordance with applicable sectior.s ot Chact:r o: tiie C(ty oC S�int Paut, t!f deiice 3uiidina,, exce vrhe:� cl,s�iF.=d
- • the Euiidln� Code and Zonin� Coc.e. shall b= the dut oC the Ccmnission^r P� �
Nothfr.o ln this Cnapte: sl:alt b� ap_ y i as an ins:ituticn unc�er the �uildir.�
. , . ylicabl? to hotels a1d note[a 2\C2DL o[ Public Sat�.ty and his �uthortzcd�Coc!e, shal! rn°an a bu[ldln3 in �vhlc:i •
representa[l�•es to en_or:e th�: pco�•1- sl�e ing acco:7.-�odattons or �leepin�
. tbat hot?�s and moteis s'�all meet the � P
iaqulte^ents oC Chapter 355 and 1.0•3'sio.^.s oE this ordinance. accommodatiens and cooi::n� facillCies
t(2) (e) ot thc S;. ?aul Le�:sla:ic-z Co�e E:i'TE4\[Iti�TLOV. E:c t e r r.t i n a- z; a urci[ are pro�•i��d. .
:0�3 other a�altcable City ordiaar.ces tior. shall r.iean tne cont:ol and el�:ni- REST '_i0'•(E. For purpo;rs oC thfs
:end State Stz,utes. na[ton oC insects, rod'en.s, or o her Code a P,_st Home sh�ll b= de.�ned th=
pess by ellmina:ing thei: har5o:a�e s�ne as con:ained Ln the :e;ula:ion ot�
r S-}.Q;. pRc-E:CIST[.�G D��'ELLi\G3 places: by reno�•ing or mz.l•in� jn- the Sta:e roard of FCealth.
. /.,1"D bLULT[?L� DP:cLLI\GS. Tnis I a�cessible matsri�ts tha: may scr�e as' RGO::[`G fi0U53. A R o o r.i 1 n g
• e,tiaptec es:ablishes r.iininun scazLards�thzi* fzed: by polsoz sp:a�L1„ funt-;;Iouse s��ll meaz a�y re;i��nce bulld-
' tor the In;tial an� cortinued occ�s,�ar.cy�gati�g, tra�pir.g, or by azorh�c reco,- inQ, oc any p�rt thereo!, con:sining c;�
o.^ll buildizgs ar.d do>> not replace o:(r.ized ar.d le.al p=st elirciination rneth-I
• Lzodi(y stanCa:ds oth=n�:is•= es:a�l:s�ed o3. , or noce ro�:::[n3 uni[s, Ln �-:h;ch spacY
tor thz cons::uc:;on, re�ai:. aita.-at:on,f FA�:ILY. camily s��il nean�a ?roii�l� let by t. e o�.�-n�r o' o�_cator to si..
. or use of bui:�i^� e si nent o: 'acili- ., or r..ure pzrs�.^.s •.�:o 'are ncC hu•:b1n�i
' 4' � � oC penoos rci�._3 by bluad. :r.ar:i�;^,i or �:•i.�. son or .daugh:er. ^.otha. a•-
' tlez. f or a�'oat[on �•::t;:(n a^d L^.ctudin� t;v= ra�he:.o: s's!�:. or bro�he: of th� ou-1-
'.�S.OS. SFI02"C TITLL'. This c::�?ter� ��';:tz o: E:�t cous:ns. er oro����:o:. •
� � �t'�al[ De ciltz3 the �fir.in:en =:o::�i:;� G�,3�Gc. Ga:b�ge sh.111 :^t^_a� th,: p���:i\G U�IT. A Roo:ni^� Un[!�
• .S[ardo:c:s :o: D:vellir.�s ar.d Z:u:!��i° aa:nal and cc•.;etabi= K•as:e re;u(:Sa; sa�iL n^an aay room o: =:oup of ro�:ns�
IRrellings a^S m�y bz ei:cd �� the ::um t'.-:e Fandiin�, p:rp���:ien. coo::- �J:�.c:� a sir.r:� :;a�it_blc u�it u:�:� o:�
fiou�inv Cod�. inr. and,con;:�r.ip�:.�r. o: on�:. . {,i:=r.'.=d to b•: u:,e3 :oc il�ia� ar.�l�
• .�iS.Q�. E}:?j:I\G R'c'.iP�i°�. `:ath- GR?.D�. Th� Gc�:..: 3h�!F ::�•:1: th�•�� ' bu! �o: fJ: c0o:ln� o: e1tl.^.�I
• , ' � i:�:�[u:�l s:i::.:c� •�_ [Ze 5:�•��d or _ cc^:r;, �
- . tng i:s Ctis c.:a�:_r si�1l ba e_r:e�i to :.lc: 3:o�.�a: a':s: ce�2:e';�a .t :,n;iP'':.�a;��. � -
. etuiisl or i::p��r t�i;:ir.� r=n:_•::c� o:, . . c.:c._.:S:i. R�^,S:si sh.i, -e�n cn�:i'I
' i�� C�;y oC Sii:ii ?iui o.- t;> a:`c:c=� or�chan3e in co-tcu:. ' . . 15ustin:c an3 ,noa-co^ibu;�.n.e •.:z;tef -
� • • • . i -
. . �. . ' (Pabe 2) .
- ' � . .
. . .. - , -. - ; .
. . . • •
, �
(Page 3)
� � � � r.:atcr(zL,cxcc�+t�arb�gc; and thc tc-m I
al�alt lnciuctc thc residuc _:om i},,. fc) Thc tuoC shail bc t(ght nnd havc bc ntalntat�icd !n sou�id coiidltlon aiid
t.. . � no dcCects v:li(cti adrnit rain, and roo:
burn(��� oC µ•ooci, coal, cof:e, nnd o:iier dCZinage s!iill be adequite tu preven[ 6OOd repalr by repl�cin� trcads and
� • � icomLusliblc m�tcrial=, paper, ra�s, car- �sin watcr Sront c�using dampncss in a z�brokcn,VWar cc czc�ssi�•c �vc�r or •
tons, bo�cs, tvooci, c:ccclsioc, rut,bcr, pcd or loosc. Evcry
. , thc �t•�lla. .:
, l:athcr, trcc b:anchcs, year trtmcnings, , insldc si�ir shall bc so eonstructcd ard
tSn cans, mel�is, nineral rti�tce.-, glas�, (=� Stairs, Porchcs, and Riillti;s. m�int3iiic<I as to be safe to use and �
� ' (crocficry, an� dus[ and othcr sintiilar (�) E�•cry outsidc slalr, e�•ery porch, capablc of supportin� a lo�d as dc- _
�aterl�l. and every appurtcn�nce attach;d tecmine�l by the provlsions oC the
SUFYLIED. Sup�lied shali rncsn !n- tltereto sti�ll be so constructed as to �uildinL Coc!c.
stzlled, furnished or provicled by thc bc s�Ce to usc �nd caplbic oi support- (b) E�•cry stairwcll and every Right
� • ' otmcr or oper�tor. !ng a load as dctcrmf,^.c�! 1n thc Euild- ot stairs, wtiich is ntore th�n two
' •YlOFth"ti1:t;�LlkCE. �V h c n e c c r the �n3 Codc, and shall be kcpt in sound•riscrs high, shall havc h�nd raiis or
• • Yrords "w•or��nanlikc statc oC ma:atc- eondi:icn and good repair, ratIin�s so locatcd in accerdance with
' nance and repair" are uscct la tnis �'�� �-�'cry fiight oC stairs v:h[ch ts the p:ovistons of the F�uildino Code.
: , , Iehapter they sha1L mean that such more than t�vo risers hi£ti•sh�l! ha�•e (c) Every hand rail o: ra[t(ng must
rnalnlen�nce and repalr shail be made rails k•hich are to be so located as �e- bc firmly fastened and rRUSt bc m�in-
Sn a reasonably skili!ul m�nncr. termined by the Eufliling Code; and t�in:d in good condition. Properly bal-
• Vlh:ne�•er the K•ords "mul!ipic du•ell- e�ery pa:ch k•hich is more than t«•o ustraded ratlinss capable of be�rin�
Yn�", "resldence, building", 'd�;elling riscrs hioti shall ha�•e rails so loc�:ed no:malty imposed lozds as determined
unit", "roomtn� house", "roo:nir.i �nd capable o: r�straining a horizont�l by the Eu[idino Code shall bc placed
. ' � untt", or "premiscs" arc used ia thls Pressu:c as dete:rnir.ed by the provI- on the open po:tlons of stairs, bal-
• - �ehoyter, they shall be construed as�seons o: the Euilding Codz. confes, land(n�s, and stai:«•e�is. ,
though they w•ere folie��•ed by the� (c) E�•�ry rail and hal�:stra�9c must b� (�) IIathroom Floors. E�•ery totlet
ltiords "or aay. part ther�oC". �5rmly faste�ed and must be rruEn:ained�room ftoor s�:rface and bathroom fioor
_ YARD. Yard s:�all mean alI g:eund,�in good conditIon. lsurfacc sh�il be constructed and main-I .
' • _ �wn, court, v:alk, dri�•e-�.�•ay or e:herl (3) 11'[ndo�:s, Docrs and 2l:�tcnc•ays.itained so as to be subatantially�irn-
• oflen space constitutin4 p�ct of the Every«•indo•.c, e:cte:ior door,and basc- Pere•tous tn water and so as to pe;aitt
_ -;tame premiscs as a resic'.:�ce bu:!�ing. n:ent hatchu,•ay shall'be suh;tac:tially such F.00r to be easily �ept in a clean
• � YENTILATIO�i. Vc:�til.itio:t s h a 1 l�tight and sna:l tc kc�G Ln so�nd conCi- and sar.it�ry condit;on.
2nean the procGSS o: s�ppl�ing a�3 re- tion ar.d repair. (5) S:nitation. Thc Interior o[ e�•ery
. ' �tuov[ng alr by natural or mecY,anical (a) Every t•:indo•.v stwl:be fuliy sup- �'•�'=l:ing• and multip!e d•.ti•eil�ng used
imcans to or from any s;�ac�_ p1Ied ��ith w•indow panes wh:c� arc for human habltation snall bc r.iair.-
. ' VE1�T[LATIO?:, ,�Iechziiical. veatil- �cithou[open craci:s or holes. tained in a clzaa and s�nitzry cor.di-
_ . slton mechanical, shatl n:ean fentila- (b) Every �a•in�o«• sash shall be in ti�n, iree f;om any accumulatiol oF
. t!on �y po�ver-�ri�•en de�•lce�. good conditloa and fit reasonably tloht rubbish'or gzrbage. FuLbisn, gacbage,
YENTILATIO\', �iatural. Venti!�tion,,withtn !ts iraR�e. and other rctuse shall ba properly kept
� naturei, shall me�n vcrtilztion hy� (c) £very windovi, othcr tnin a fi�ed �sldz tempora:y storage facili[fes as
� op ening to outer air through u•ia�o�.cs,��vindow, shall be capable of teino eas- required under SectIon 5..11, para-:
� aS:yLghts, doors, lou�•res, ar stacksf ily opaned and shall be Feld in po�i- gCZPhs 10 and 11.
,�lthout viind-dri�•en �evices. tlon by windo�v hard•,ti•are. (6) Insect and Rod�nt 2[arbora;e.
. .- �}.03. E�iTERIO� PFtOY=�TY 1.�E-� (d) Every e�terior door, door hin;e, (a? Every oviner oF a structure con-
I.S. No person shali occu�y as o�•:ner- and door latch shali be in.good eonc:i- t�Ining two or more dwelli�g units
• etcup�nt or let to ar.�:her iu.- oc- tion. , shaLl be responsibl: for tn: e�termina-
eupancy any d�x•ciIin� uni[ fo.- the (e) E��ery e::tcrior doar, v�hen closed,ltlon oi inszcts, radents, ve:min, or
purpose ot living tnereici, or pre:r.is:s, sh�ll •fit reasonably w•e!1 within its otner pcsts whe:e�•e.- i1[e�tatio:� exlsts
, �hlch does not cozi,ly wi:n tn=iallorr- frar,.c. in two (2) or more of tne dviellino
• !ng requfrements: (f) Every wln�c�v door, and framr units, or !n the sharc�l o: public par:;
(1) Sznttation. shall be constructe3�2nd m�intained ir. of Yrte s:ruct:tr�. .
• All e�te:io: progerty areas sf�!: be. suctL relation to the adjaceiit tvall con- (b) The occupant of a d�t•ciiing unit.
•autntained in a clean an3� sazitaryj s:ruction as com�le:ely to e::clude in a d•.velling or muiti�le d�s?lli�� s!:ailj
. eondition free trom an� accum;x:atior i rain, and substa:�tiaily to e::clude viind be responsible :or such ext:rmina;l�n
:Ot rubbish o: garb:�ge. trom enterin� tne dvi�llilo or multiple n•lthi^ ;hc unit o�cupted by him �•:hcn- '
• (2) Gzad[no and Drainaac. �dvielling. ever hts dwellfng unit !s the only one
. • � All ptemise> shs11 be grade�* and (S) Every basement hatch�val shall;�`ested.
tnaIntained so as to prevent the ac-I�e so constructed and maintained as' (c) Notw[thstanding the foregoing
• tumulation of s!agr.an[ water oa ;ald to pre�•ent thc ecitrancc of roden:s,�Provisions.oE thls s�bsection, �vhenev�r
yremises, oL, w•ithin any bu[Id�.a or rzin, and surface dratna�: water infoElnCest�tion of rodents is causzd by fail-
structure located thereo�. the dw•e11Ing or multiple d«•�Iltng, ure of trte o�vner to maintain aay
(3) Frec trom \o�ious ti:eeds_ (h) Every door ava�labtc as an exit I d�vcl!��g or multiple d�t•clling In a
� All extzr[or pro�er:y aress shali be shall be capable oE betng ot�en�d iror� rod�nt-proof condit[on, e:cterm.i:�atton
keQt iree�from s?ecies of vieed; or tne inside, easily and w•ithout the�of such rodectts shall be the res�onsi-
. - plant gro�vth which are norious or use of a key. �bility oE t'�e o«-ner. ,
, ' de:rtm:ntal to th� pubitc heai;h as • (i) Screenine. Screens sh�ll bc sup- (7l Inte:lor �':alis, Floors, Cellin;s,
. Indtsated L1 Chaater 455 oE th: Le;is- plicd to the follo�vir.s e:::znt: I��d �S'ood�vor�. All lnterior w•al!s„
13tivd Code ot the Ci[y of S�tnt Paul. (a) Every base:r.zn[ or ceilar �vindo�v floor>, cetlin3s and associat�_3 �vood-�
(9j InseGt and P.odenC FIarboraoe. K•htch Is •openable shall bc sup�ticd:�vo:k or trin must be mzintain�d in a;
' Every o�:n_r and occ�pan:af z s:ruc- with a screcn or h�:d;vare clo:n oi r.ot soaad cor.ditlon aad Ln t�•or;mar.iike'
' �tere eontalain,; !v:o or mo:� d�:e:liny n0:e thaa 1S mesh per 4.ch c,•hich nt; rz�aic. !
w�lis sia!t be r�:nor.sib�� !o- th� ex- ti;:�tiy znd [s s=cu:ely ;as:�r,ed ;a the �.11. BAS[C ?.4CILITIES ho per-. . '
�te:m[nation of I^sec:s, rudan�s, ve,-- fC1.^.iC, OC �:i�h o:her rniterial auor�ir.� son sha[l occupy as o�,ro:er-cecu��at o,
, �1n, or o:'�er p?s:s tn ail e::terio:�:aa; eqtiva!ent pro':c:io1 a�ains� t!:^ ent:•• ��t to znotn=r tor occua�nc� an�•
o: tne prerr�sa;. �'li:�a:•:zr in:es=a:ion oi rod�nts, L-.cIudL�� s:o:m wi:tdo•.cs.� dk•etIin� un:[ ;o: tne o��:;,os: oi livin;,
exists ln the shzr�� o; public �=_:s o: (51 -rom Ju�e ls� to Oc:ob::r 15:h of;steepL.�, coo:ing, or ea;iz,; ther_!r,
C:s p�entses, ex:er:ssation t:�:eoi elcn pea: e�cr•; docr c;.a-�in� directlp�'t•�lcn does noC cor.�aly •.�•i.h Cn� :ol-
s�all be tne rc�ponsibility o:t::c o•.;,.�.-. =rorn any d�.vei![r.y o.- multi�la d�•,•a!lir.3�Iov:ir.; rcqui:er..ca.;:
Ln the cas� Of 5:.^.�10 �JRiIIj� s::�ctc:res, to the out�oors, azd e�e:J vrin��o�v or� (1) S';�:cr Closac. �ve:f d�ti•��litn�
L'�> occuaan[ shall be ra;oJR51�?2 Sor o[h_r ou:si�'e openin; uszd :��r �•enti(a-�un�: sr.alt cor.tair, within it; u•atl; a
t2:e exterminatio:� oE ?nsec:s, rc�e^cs �ion pur�o;zs, sh�il bc sup�![ed v;it1 a!r°o:n, separate Lrom th� hsbitable
• and vzrm[n !n all e�cterior pro?_rty '^:een of not less than 16 m•:sh per';rooms, vvhich a¢o:�s p:i•:acy a�d
artas. inch and every screen deor snali na•:�: a'a'hic:r ts equi�pad �vi;h a •xa:er clusec.
. ' (5) F,cczsso:y St:uctures. � self-closin� dz��tce in good v:or�;n> ('-> �3z'��ory. Eve:y d•.�•etlin�� unit
f.11 acces�vey structures Llciue�iry de- cor.dttion. Soa•ever, ,no such screans shai[ co:ctain a Icv:.tory, whtcn, wh_a a
Lched ga:ages s:�alt be maintaiaed snall be requirad for a dc:eilin5 unit or watec ctoset u required, shalt be tn
• structuralty sound and in good r_pair. a floor abo�•c tk:e Cou:th .'toor. ,t1ie sa^e roo:n wi:h sald «•d[�: closet.
(6) Linoccupicd Structure. 5-5.10. IhTER[Or"t 5TRUCTG.°.ES. .�o (3) Eat;i!ub or Sho:�er. Every dwell-
The owT=:o[e�•ery unoccupee3 dvreil- person shali occupy as o�•rt�ec-occu�an! �ng uni: scall cont3in � ro.�n which
, !rL? or nultlplz d��•zlliag shaII be rc- or Let to anothe: for occupancy an� ������P=«'�cy to a n:rson i:said room
s,onsible tor the maL-�tenar.�e o: e:c- dv:ellir.�, cnultiple dH•eLing, d•::alli�g and ct•hicn !s equ!pped witz a ba:ntub
terior yropecty areas requirzd Ln�er Lnit, rooning house, rooczin; unit, or a� saox•e:.
Seet[on•;,;.03. Dortion thereo[, :ar th:� purpose of (�) F itchen Sln::. Every dw•ellino
SS.G�. EXTc,3COR STnliCTUR=.. tio�livizo therzil tti�htch do�s nut coi��ly tn[[ srall contaLn a kltchen si�� apar:
• pe:son sha1l o��u;�y as a:�r.ier-eccu�ar.['witit the Eollo:�Ir.e rc�uire,ne�ts: f:o:n t�c lavator� requireme�[ (n S�c-
or lei to ano:hcr Coc occuaznc� ��y� (1) Frre Froni Dampness. In every tlon 5�.11, p1-a;ra�h ^_.
dweUin� or multip(� d•.��elli^�, d•.r�:ling d�.•elli�3, m�ltip�e d�ti•eIC�„ dc:e!lin� (�� Coane:ted to [�,'atcr and Szc:cr
• enit, ronrnLz� t;ouse, toomin���i!, or Lnii, ra�r:�!ng hous�, and rec:r:�i� unit SrsC.n. E•:er� ;:i;cnen S::li:, I1':ato:y
po:t[on iF.•::eo: •�•`�:ch dozs not eona[y cel:a:, b�s.:r.,en:s. aad crao:l snace� �3sir_, bath:ub o: s!�o�•:e.- a:��,K•a'�:c
. z.iGh-tne :o?[ov:in3 re!�uiren:zn[s: shall be maE�:ain_d re�;onabtJ tree c!c;e� rcq�ired un�ac t�a pro�:;si�r,; cC
. (1) Fo�_�datio:s, l�'�f[� �r.d Ro,t. � t=on dsr..p�es; to p:ev;:nt conc'ltions Scctions ;;.11 (1) :o S;:l (51, t^c!�si�e,
f:very fuur.Ca:ion, e:cteriuc rrail. :ooC, cor.d�ci�•e to dec�y o= c'ete:io;a:ion ot �na1L be pro�eci� cozr.�=ted to e;t�e; a
a.�d all othzr e�terior ;urfacas s::i?1 ba :h� ;trsc:ure. DublEc••�ter azd sc•n�er sy�s _:;� o: to an
� s:aL�ta;r.ed in a k•o_S:naali:z s[�:: o: (?1 Stn�c�ur11 �Ic�nhcr;. The sua- �?P�a'-'2d P'«�'= �va<<� aad sz:�•_: s�s-
�aLltaoear.c? a:;d re?aic. portiny s:cucturil r..er.iber:. o; e�:er, �"r= aa3 suppli�d vr..h ho[ and cold -
(a) Th• Po:��da:wn eic:nr_::� sh1!l d.�••.lti.^.; and r.:ulti�le d�.c..:tir.; us•_d c::�ni^, 'h'at•:r.
:adeq::a:�l;• s�?�o:� the bui.�:iag at alt :e.- h1:�in h1G:?a;wn s`�Il bc ^:aia. (bl t:'a.er He1t�n; Faclliti�•s. Ere.—;
• yoL1.s. !e.iir.ed st:uc!:::�ti; s•r.:n�. t`a: is,I d•.�•el:c:;; :�ai: ���!l ca�:e scp�::e�! •.:� a:I
lb) £vrrl es!_r`.u- :ti•al? s'�1II 5_ t:�= s~o:.Liy no e•:i.:�r.ce of �_:e:�u:t.ion�r•.i:i:�, :�_ii:I:•:i w�:c:^, a:= :as:�2i.:�!�!�
oiho�_;. brenki lo��a o: ro.[i:; �oi:4;'�n�i ea�ab!^ o[ t•_�;in; i:::;�u_��d los�_'s��r. �a�:.,•:c1 m�r.ne'. ?ro;�?:i� r. i:�-I
o: Y;r.ic_cs. aoic! aa� n:ic: co:,'_i:Eo^s� [.^. �ccord�ncc wi:h th^ �r��.:, ,. � or i:ir._.3. a�d a:c o:o:c:Ey coa^•:c:•:c1 .
cr]icn r.,i,ht a�ni: rain. o- da-�r.�;;• [n� 3u!!d�^:; Cu::c. ~^ •A'I:R kct w_tr: l:r�s�:�.;c:r�' cr.�ec�
!� tae 1�:_:ior p•�-..or.; n: ltr. v:a::s o:� (3) i�:r::or S:ai:. :nd i:•.iti. ;s. IS=� ica �..i:, pa:�;�a^ 5 ^.L ::':i:.`,�
to t:�c c�:c::o: s;�=•-- o[ th� �c: i�lc� (:) A:: in••.:i��: .,;a::s c: e•:a:•: scrc:r �:^,eia�bi^_ o: h_�.i�c, µ•.1:•,: to ��.c; aI
dvre'.ling. �tur� ❑sed Ca: hc:-an haoit.;t�oa s::aii�ten�c:z�ure as to per.ni: ar. a�:e.,u:.e .
• • r
. � . • •
_ �
. � : ' (Page 4) .
, . - _. . . . . .... ._ ,_ � .
• , ' ttnount oi v��lcr to bc �ra�vn at cvct��� ��� ti;� t'ZCtiltic� ancl I:c,uipn�c�:. ' '
• , • ' " • tcGuLcd kitchcn sink. lavalory t��s;n, . ri�iL•• or ottcr no:t(or,�oi 1l::•_ slruz-
. b�thtub. sho�cct', ancl laun_'r t.^.til::ic,I (�l Ap rcyu:r:il cquipni=ttt a.��' ail •
y b��ild!n�. spicc a:td parts In Fe�ry tures f.��i. a �:�inrfuv: ef :+n�' ru.m ^.t:n
• - or oth�r slmtlar uni:; at a t_m;�cr:�tu.c such I�kc oh;:ruction� �c•_�lacal'c9 lcs,
Icl�.:�llin� ��tcl n:ultip:� d:vrl;in,; :htll „ ,
..01 no: l:ss thr.i 17U de�recs Fah:enhclt, than 3 feet i:crn lhe ��;(,�d�r�• nc. c�-
•IIt �ny tlm: n.cdcd. �b= con:trucb_ci and m�lnt�in�_:l so as Icnd ln a k�•cl ai;oec th.�t c: :h, coll-
.,to prore:ly an:l ;:�(_ly perforrn t:ui: �
� - (7) ltcat:.i� Faeliil:cs. E'�:ry c'.�vtI!-•li,:er,ci_�l fenctia;i in acc�nl;r.a: �:ith ir.;: c: tl�ti^� ruo:n. setNt a u•Ir:i.��r s��a.l
dn an3 m::l�i�lc dn•c:ll::;; sfi:il h,ivo , nnt Ur, c. m�. a� fzce d[r�ci:; to t;��:.
� � � ihr. pru�•illous :' th^. P,�ildin;; C,:1=• �:�t:!o;:s ar.d :!:ail nct L� L�cl.:.'.�•i? a;,
'hcxt:nE faciliL'c� arJ thc �•�.-nc; o( sa._. �b� «1! ho�;.a;; f:icititics sc<.tl tc ccn::•ibulir.� to t}:c rtc '
�hcaliny facili:ics shall b: rcquircd to ri,::ifa!n:d In a cic�n and sa�ltic•• , lu:red nu,;imum
.a.t th;�t sal:1 k;catin" facilitic� a:� e:.rditio: so a:: noi Co b.ecc( ins�cs t,tal �;inc.aw arc:i.
�pcoycrly inst�lled. sa�cl; -n�.^tsir,�:l �:::: ro::c;1;s or p:odcec dai:�c:�cs orl ('-) :::turat Lf�1i� l:i ::on-3i;bit�.Llc
and !n {�rod �+ur{:[n� cer.�li;'.u�:. .:�� ct:'ci:�is•-��:.is^_s cr ador;, l:oor.s. E��ary rcot:i, ❑th_, tt:;:i ;.I
• �that sa:d laciiitics Ee capabi�: oi s�fe!� 3;.1�. OCCUFA�iCY. Nu p�rson s;i:il h:�Sitab:c room, used or occu;�ic:l L�•r�
• znd adre;uatel� he�ti,g all ho��'_:i�l�_'�c��i�y er let to a^�:her for occapsnc•, .er.;ons. c::cept ronm; �•.•ith in:�,.�!�u��::�
roor.�s, b�threorzis aii�� toi:ct r��o:ns lo- �,,; ��«•���in� un;� tor tl�c p::r;,e:e o:�°=c_�p�r.cy, st�all b: Fru•:l:lc�l �:ltii o:i.:i
'tate3 tnercin. to � t_m,-,era'.,:e oC a:�li•:in� th�rei�: �.:h[ch cio_:; aot cern-,o: ri:�ce v:tndou•s o�;ea!r.; e�iroctl; o�_�
• ,1:ast 70 de;;r�cs Fahrer.hcit v:i[h ar. p�•,• Lv;:h t?•e f�llc,v:in� require:r.ents: a s.rcet or on a c:niet :r vcntiiac�g�
o�ts[3e tenpera:i:re of —^.) �r�ccr.s. ��1 �;L,;Int:�r Ccil'u:s lIei;l:t. I� cal-i�!:}^.i�'.its cenforcain� :�, ti�e r2quiru-
Fahtenheit. The awn:: s�ail r.:��irtai:t;culat:ng the floor a:ea b: h�bi:abEeir.:ec.'s oi this :rtt�:le; a: sucii room;�
, a minimu�� roo:n t_rr>�cra:u;c o[ :•i:r•��:::; onl•; ti�osc p•�rtio:i: o' t;:� floo:,`hatl 'n.e pro�•icI�d •:;:h :�n Zp�ruec,°
dcd«cs Fah:enhcit at fi:c tcet fr,•:� ;,rea o: a toor:i ha:ing a cleac cciling�mca,i; ct rnech�nical :c:.,�lation. f
thz floor !n ait habi�:ib?c :oor.is ic•=lud_��ci;::: in e�c:s� of n��e (5) fc�t rn;,� te (3) :.lo:i! Lt tio:t-li=::ita�la �Cer�:'
• ' ing ba:l�:coms and toilel, .t �li t;n:_. L1LIi:.•_CI. �C Ica,! half oi tt�_ Focr�Sp3CC. ::t•Ci'Y ���':��rJ. ii!r�iac� raam.�
vth�n rcntcd. ,a:ca of :u� i�:�b(t.ibA: rc•.�� shall hZC^_t and -!1 �ir.dlt• :vx:•� :+. �i:a�le �:o::_g
_ �4?�Opc:ati:^ ct Fic:�tir.; F_:�tit� a• . �� ci�=a^ c�illn� I:�ii.!:t o- :�vtr. i71 ?�ct(si�ac� lo::::cd I:� :: �!•: '1ir:: or n�ult!ola�
3ntincrator. Ec•cry h�a:i:i� c- ::v[_.�•i,�: r,�cc:. Ho�:.•cLr. r.a�}iEc:L En :!�is :;w• c:�:�•lltag' us:,! ;or i.�.,ai�,1 h:t.!t.�!�a:�i
hea:inL facitity antl incincr�!o: r.i;t�_�s..c_ic� s;i�11 bc cu:,strucc tu perit�it sr_ll ha•:� cnc: (1) :::iu�{'s::�i �i_ct;i�:.
b= inst�lied ^nd rnast opera'_ t:i a�-!d�:•c!li�� ur.(ts a�ove !h= s:cor.1 fionr li;nt fi:cci:rc a•:ai?::L•te ::: a:t :ir.-.es.
eorJance v:i!h tlie requ{r�r.:eni.; eL the�o� � i:�:nc b:ait:ti^y co;t:a:y tc ttta (.�) Li�_tit i:� I�:t�!ic '::'!; aad St:it-r-�
Bulldin3 Co:Ez. p.-ov`..:ton� u' thc �Sufl��i^� Co:e. •.ti•tys. E�:ery fir�i!c h�:l �ad t�:si�I:
(9) F;ubbistt St�:�ga `'atili:ic,. ?.':en- (�) I:equL-;d S;,ac��ln Uv:cllt�; lir.i�. •tain�:ay !n e�c:•r ctvc;lL•:; cr mu.tli•._�
��lructure cor.tai::in� thr�c oc :.^.c:�l�:='��'1' dwellir:o uni: sfiall cr,ni7in a d��zl:ing sh.itl b.: 2;c.�un:Ny� ll�,itt_d ..t�
• deseil[n� unis sh�ll be sup�li•:c! =.:i;:t'r.�ini:r.��rn o:c;s dcor a:c� of a[ ler.;t all t?m:s �°:iti: cn ii!ucni:::�.i�n ol -c�
appro��ed con:ainr.s ar�:i covr.:_ '_o:i 154 squa:e icet for th< fi:•s! e�_-' I",,t five lii:�:e:�s uc:i• :•��;ar,: foot i:.�
�torag� ot rubbtsh a�•� th�. ov:nc-, ca.� cu�;ut. at 1•..:st 100 scjuare E��:; tor ttia Cark,�•�t i.o*cIc z oY th� :�orm,.L•.�
� crzGor or agent L1 cnatn�! oL sit:i:�cach n{ .hc nc::t t�•�o occ:;E�iac;, a:id a! trac_l�:-i st•�i:s a[:�? g:s;a;;a�:.iy�; � �
dsmilii� or r.lultipl� d�rel!ir.; sta::! h�•I laast 55 sqU3Cl' feet af �ros� c!oor area �g� Flcc.rt•: �)�.l,:t�; I:c�,uS?cd. Ev•::, �
. •sespoasible for th� rer.io�:a! oF :,•�ci:�fr,r =;irh occup:�nt therea:!z:•, .nc Roor ,,-
'zubbsh. In the wsc o°_ st:�.�etares �uee-:�<<: 'o'he calculated on tLe ba;is e� h.�,.uabl�: :u:::r. ��L r. �lv:clli;^� or meEti-i
talnfn� one or t�:o d•.1•clii:i� un:ts it"t'.ic !nta! hrbitabic room ^rea. Pl� d�.�•cii?itig ,��:::1 co:it:in _.t l,ast t:=•�,
ihall be th: r�sporsib:!ity ��i tti�n �ccU-� fa� P.c��i3red S�zee iii SIc��t:lg of�4i:i�tt3n::;�be���o'1f olut'.�tc`i;ii,cii::�
pant(;) to pru•r•c�� s�:cn f.�c:li!ies d�r•ILCCr.i:. Iii evcry d:�;ellir�� uni. o< <�:•o . .• ••
• 'z_mov�I. , or t:ncr: h.bit:!Ll:: roor.is, ever� .��r,i �'a::-t�i;e cl�:•c�+cr L�:ht fi::t;.re. ir.�
(10) GarSa�c S:ora,e or ;:j•;,�ssl F:•-�occt•.:I�d [�r si^�_pin� pur{,:se> b•: o,:_ };itcha:is tF:rc=• r.•� •.��.,?t� �a1 re�n�.:
�¢I!liics. Evc:J stzc'u:: c.:it:E.:ir.;ia'ui[ o�.c:i?au: sY��ll nao_ a t:iE^i::tum� ��•ail•Cyp�: -�[e•__r�c �or,cc;u^.:ic_ o��t: }.i
• • th;=c o: mo:� H��_liin� ur.ifs s'.:a:l L�I ti�c�s f!c..r a:��a c,f a[ le.at iC �n��.1re or t•,�u (2i s:ic i�.,�:. : '�n:�� ::utlets -:.�_
p�... ..�•cr .� • oi:� (1) c�i:t:�.�..c��'��.•a?�-.v�_ eicci�•=
supplicd �ci:n nn appre:�d -••ri,�,:e :i;s y ron:n a�cu�i•.ci f�: ...r�:�, :i3ct ci::tu:,: hn�l i�c icqC!:.:d. t.�_c, �
posal facitity. TnN,-_ may bc ir.s..�!:er?� �u;�,u� s by .�:o o: mo:c e;l!1� c,:c�;-i ,. � `i�... - •
end a�ain:zinrS thzra:n �n zd�:�;�.c.;�I F��r.t� sh:71 t_.:��c a mict!:r.:tr.1 ,f,'ro�s R�or I �'��u.x tiFL, ...cr , c cor.,;rtr.�=:ic,;
. . ar�: o" 50 snuzr_ lect �r cc^_u•4n: oa.,:.-::oiTl. ..:.uir;• z�•�:n cr Furn. _
niech�nical �rb:�c dispo=a!unit ia.c_- P t' ,,"
tnan:cal s;:i€- �ri::d��r1 �n c�c:• ::ni' •: C��:�:u° ro+�m �li.i��. ;:?.�.i�. :�t Ie::.G or.e :i
• . �n lncin_ra;oc u3:it to be ac�?co�•�it b�! (:) SI:^^i�:s Sn�ct L� C=Ilzr;. ti�l��•'�tri� li� ��'�;-urc :n __.. .i tr :,.. �
L`t e Ci t y ,�r c n l._c! :a t h-: ,:t:c t�:•: E�:c��nccc i r. a n y c c l'.�r s nili b= u;z d for'eEc�tr�c LS.,. . stur_3 in eecry r i;i:. �
iho use ot the occup::ts o:�acn d�r•_[1- s!cco::i� ?urp.�;c;. rocm �iid 1-:�.<<i?_� rnorn .h^_r= si:all • =j
� ,.. orcvi�e3 a[ i�ast ��:= e?c�[:ic ou!1•.'.
ing unit, or �z ap;�:o�•a1 au:si�2e ��-- (�) ����ei.s I.i�:it:tion of �ti:c.�i:�; - �
b^�e ean.In tlie cise o=s::c::tur�� v;__I T;ait tu Coni:.�erc::il L's_s. i:o h�:�:tzb:c (6) 1�_:a.:t., -.�n':1^.tiou. E.sc:y h�'�.
�L-^lniag one or t•.�•c d•.._I![n;� un['s '_c�:��n:, bz'.h�cc:r. cr K•atcr ..lc.�t co;n.,it.�bic rooRi :.;..�Sl h;�;c a: 1=�_i or.c (:�I
. shF)1 be the rc�p�c�.ib;ii.•; ef t:te occ,t- rt:n:_nt v.•htc�i Is.i_.:esso:� to a d�:2it-�:�'tr.dn:v �:•:�i�:i: c_ln L: c;:;ily r�p•����� c,�
yant(�) to p:o�::3� sech fa_ili:t2s a:[-!�fi;; un+.t shali ep�n dEc•_ct:; :.Zto ar such oc?ier 3�...ica e:. v:ill :arc�uat.,�;�
• dL,po:aI. • snail u^ useci lii conJur.c�:an �cit� �:itiia.e tt:< i•e�r.�. rs to:•al cpe;ia_�_��
��-k.12. IC�ST'?T_.LA7'Ib\ �_��D _l�•lI�- lvod stcrc. b.�:b�:r or t^�ut; ;hup, v:indo�.v a.-ca in cv�:y i:abita'.�ic r�
..I�iAItiC�. tio person shll? ecz4�y .: �!�,c[r:c's or d.•ntU!':. ex�;�:i;,ltina er �t�;:l be c��.-�E ,o at Ic.�>t SC�; ctJ' _
o:aT:_•.--o:cup;nL os le[ :o a::r.:l:_r =cc•t.ca:n�nn: r�um uc sir,:ll�c rc�r.t cs'=-i rr.!nI.��an'� wii:-..:;•r ;:t^:i s ^ t�:;uirt�t�' .
' ' cee��ncy any d�:eliin;. ina(ti?:� for �ubii= pu,p,:�as. 5=ctlun ��.i( ;c). _x_c-.:� •.::,:,r� t;:'T,'I
riw�L;no dc:eIIin� un[t, rc�ii iac� iicus:� (��l I.ncailon o: 3a:n an•3 S_c�,:id ls ?ruv:�;:il i::_n�:::c;z� 'rt:�tilat:er . �
aT r�r�m[n3 unit fo: :I:e �uc,,os_ o_ li•:.��L^csi:�y �ooin. ?v'o r.si�en�:� b�.,!_'.i•., -.^cr.dar,cc .".F, ihe g:r,•:Isio:�s cC ...�:�
lrg.'_l�c}In�. c��•�::ia;. or ^�!i::,' :n�-:i�:•cr ci���:ilf�:; 4ctit ton::::i[n;; !�,:; c= ��:itain� Cc�_�:. �
:vh!_:t do.s no; ^.aatcly �sil'a .fic .cl!ot•-I r;r�:•e s'•:c,�in3 r„o.�s s:t_'l ::1�•c :_n� (7) �:encil^_'.r�. ^,i•" ;;:t L'< i•.,
L� r��ui_c-cr.: � .'n��.n: ar;.�r. _n_;:�s :h,t :.c_•: � :� a� ro��ri a.^..3 lC�!:r "_•�. L .:, :� 3,: .. �
�1) PS:�.�bi�� cixtr,r•• ?r :.. ; �. .0 �a:,� or.:a:•- cla�et �_e:n�ict ,_nt� :cu-t a::8 t�•i; : ^.ic� _•. �e �:a,ac.rc ...i
c:raCL•�� o: ms:itE:i� dr.••_r+:�, -•itcy�[r.�•:,c_i ior __. by oca_i��: ti c_ ^.+.o•=j �aa!l eo:n,�:�, .. :t :t:t: l' ; •.t�_ - ....-i
;va.�r lir.-_ •�:�Z:::a� !: ,ura °n:l _:�i: ';�.�rt cr.=stc�.�:��; -co:c1 c.r. b: �<: o. !�� [i��n r�c�t•ir_:�_. !oc ,�o::•.`;• 'i= :�
si:�i! b° �:o_�e s :'•_-� . ' 5;- -.;:.�-':����; .:i,?':trs!.; ^,-c�•.�:��o.:Zi::c:t Li _ . c�n .:�?'•; :f
i�. cc:::..,�..: ,.� �; . �'i ��;1
L-sd m�[�it� ;r,:_�L•l :i':?:t i or�.t_ a-.� n',c =::a:[ ro•�ri�a- r.�•.r.i�_�s�b��s:i•::e�:�:c_�� .i:.,: ��ii:cu�• ..••li�b_ I
-vr b° ept - �,iC•):il oi..:rc' u•^i. t?i?t ac�e�� to ; s!..�?��::. :�a;:i c a i:;: ci�ire�� '� t•, ...�o:r.., r �.-: . c'' :�t
I�^k:: za3�c•.'�:_:�z::C c1;�:h!� o:�p�-_ i-.r.:i cr.ty b;• ,ol:tg :�rou��: �coth.c:���r.eoa:[. .,.nt,� r a,:, �.:.'ci� ..n ;�.I
t•�:mtn� i.`.� :u:cti�:i I�r �:hi�'ri i: .:as ste,�•L�a roo:: or a �catt�eo.n or a ,�:^ced :-r;il:..�^ct��•:•.:^�^ . . ,I
, d•:s(T.d. All re,airs a�d L^stalIaG:o��_ .:Zt.=r c.cs.: co:np�rtr.:en:. i 3�.1i :.I[:lf:(l?. r 5i:Y�:��D3 =�� .
a:i�: tc �iad=_ in ac_orda:z=e �:i['i ti:_ ' (7) O�cupancy ot L�v:ci!lr.; vr.itx ^•r-;5�.c�P� FC:��:.: E:tii-. ^iu r:!•;at: si:�li�
�rc•rsion� o: ch= ^i:i!dino Cod�. ilo» �,ridc.. .,o dv�a!!ln_^, u�t'. pa;�!�Ly�cccn?� zs +�•.v::^:-„c�:u�,:,i: c: ^n;:l; :_ I
- '(�) �11nL•lno S,� ^ris. !n e•:.:; b,:tou• �ra�le shall b� uscd fo. 1i�•[a3 :o aaotlter :or c.=cu•,,:c�•.;' �;•; 1��:�41.;�_i
d•rel:ln� or rrte':I.�:^ d�•:�;I!+.t:�:. ��c.°: P�:pose, un:ess • amulti��le d•.icLir�^.c�.c:lltn; ^it. :c::r� I
�i��i;. c:astc and a�: ii�r: si�aP, ��. (a) F'fvur, aad r.alls ac� 51�.:5�51tCI1:IJ.L1; h�us�, roc• . uai� l., �� �.�c�•_
; '4: 4�st�1�:•d and niai�:�i1�d a= :c �•:�:_� .•ate�•-:t��k:c: � �o: lo3�i::� L.-,!: :�i::�:': =c�- ':i:E c����•
Loa yro�_r1� a^= k•:�S ._ trc:.t oL•-� l'o) T'a:�l :i:n:lut�: ar_�._tot�! e�_i- -:th tn: appl::^L•!:: �n:isic::� ci
• s!r�etio�:, le:.�� ar.d �_•f�cc; to � ••.,-: :.�I� arca ,�nd :ei1n� h�:,�tLt ar� iz Firo 2rec^rtto: C�r�'.::i-i�:a c: th_ C�:•�
-:r_•ct:::al de:c::io:a:tr,n o: a t•c•,(._: �co�r:l�n.^:. w•itti t��is �Co•1._: aa•! oi Saint ?�e: -nd th•: "aEto�•ia;; ac:ri:..
r�xard. F,il r•�p.-.irs �r.d ir,��aitt!e_rs (cl R•s��_ir:d nla[mu�a v,•L^aow area tionaI st�n�,�.-c> iu,- ....:�ty ::om i:�.:•
:nust b� m;id� ia a�CJC•�1:1.3 V:t:[L l::_���: cvc-y habE:ab.a room i� e�'ircl� (l1 �;:cinstun ;S 7.���,!.:.^.;: Pi.[!:� -.-•
�:a•ii�io�s oC t::c 9ui!c!izg Cc?�. ��•�^:e tl�� �rad.= o: [itc g:ouzd i:l- trc:�t Stori;i� �!�.c.is;�.�.i!, i.l,_iid. ?;o�
. (3) iir.v�^v �q::i�a:ca:. Ev`=l SFac� iei�ir; s_�ch c:indo�✓ acea�. :r�::idene� bcil.ic:•: o: ^a�;;+.i�„ �_r.c:
' h��t!n„ c�oi:in� ar.d :•a.•.: hc�;iu, '� =F.li LIGi{I' .y:.D Vc:ti'L'?r s•ir�7ti. s�,'.! be 2oca[G:l �:i[E:i.-: a c_�.�•�.a� ctr.-f -
, 'rica lo_a.e3 [a a d::�_llir.;; o: r..et::,�-=+•�� D=;=��n s!uL occ�i�y , - oc:r.:r-�:*^lniag any c_�•.�.'. : .:nc a1r..';:;;,I
��.i7C�iL. S�:�R 3: p:u�s-!y ir,s:�l[c�� occ�ipa:�t oc !et tu ae:ot4tr�'_or o__:t-i dis�ens:• o: �ra - :,I•� ►!�
eonn.c.��f, n-in'ai:r.l Zr:: ci�•�;: �"'Psr.c� ..^:1 d•.�•cIl:;:�. a:ul::pic d�::ellin•'.� v'ith•a Y3sn ra�_ ::r: !'4`d:�:��s ? �
y�r.orci(n� thc faa.:i.�r, :oc -�hi.:. -!d:ccili.:; un:t. ;�:o:�iia, ho�;•: or rco�:i- :ca�_it as •�_Gn,,,r :� :i'_ -�ct!_,:�_•I
. sr�s d••�i,r._d tn accor;d,c;�.• c_iti. ... ia,; cni[ io; ih_}+•�:�o��: ot li:i.: t;.•.c•_- 3nird r_! ei:e ii:vi.^.. ,1:-;
i�:o•:L•[or; �C th: 3tiil:'?r..� C�:!�_ ��!'� •t:!tich cn_s r.ot co:ri?ly ,.iS:� !i�: (2) :lI r.:;;v: :r,:�:�t> ��i c!•c �t�il!" :I
I- (.) �l_cf•Ical Sr.rir O,:ctc.. -_'':;foll�•.vir; c.:�ui:t:cier's: .. � Cei� as.ri c:.l:. ;...ill '�� :a-n;! �c! . .
(�f::ncrs. .VI r,i�•� !izl � '•. . �n-!{ (1� ti:,cc:1l Ll;h: !n � _blt+u._ ^.pu:�::. (3l �;und Fr,..:i^ ?:�il.i�.•_ i:tirei!L•: ^.�
. � :2u•ci,i�� uai.s ;+.:�!'� b�- s c.^li�_d.J . :!=:ar� h�bitn!,!• ro•�:�t� s5i!! F.rr� at� �c :�•o•Jd ic�:c�. d•::!?;n�, u.- r.::t. �!� I
c;�c:rf•_al ;�L- ttit: .i�`:�tc.r. ;,i 1•::,.. ,�:�c v,•�n�!�••r c( ��•�rc•::a s�^� .:•.�•,:!i:^� :..-�!I t•: r,�,_..�,,,� ,�•�•:._� �, _1 '
�ic::r r.�..:.�"� .. � .. �c:^.; 'ir�c�i• :� I':c o!::::c�:, nr :0 1 s -c. . ' r,: �. ::. .._�
i:_ r�c.. r.:. cc . -j c'.•a.- fc ti^i:�„ c�•�
�t:a=t,r�• an•: c!:n.�� .• cr - i.i'_��•, -'t-�•-n�:t, p-:�ci:.��1 tt•�• i: ea:�r :t:. to a P'-- c:ec•.: �•.�:ec_ :i:. o: :inal �..::-!
ca ^ ::tl'.: t}:o pro•..ci�r.s ,,. ;h� ?u�� � !r:.c�a e- i:ea u�r:e' :_.;r:c.�:�;•:, la l,::._..•�n ,ro,. . ! !��: .,:i_.. t,, _ `cr
�u��.:C�r•. � i r.�:�::�). 'l:cr ❑�1,:�t:a:•• c:�.IE;-:: ;::�•.: o_'.::i-.c•
f;••_cy��•:vc(ri�-al ^:�: ,:n:l =.t:::_ '� p��s::b:^ ti::�i.:•;:i Ih.:. :r.'�:..:p.-.:C• (z) Coo.l•[ _`Q ii�:.�i.t� u'.�:. �.tn . .'
-nall bc ir.�:.t:i�.! ,na:r,•:r. ��! �r.�[��..._ �io�. :.it:�°:::ur,: t.;•�l �•i::c'u•:: a:^� .t!? ,:oo=:i�, -,i :z•_.�::n �i•:: :�:_��:i .
. " �t,�_ c„ t•� t?:�_ ��:-;� ,�; e:�:•:t: p^::••:_ ^ •:1•::::_.'! tc:�:•�•:: �:o•;; `:r.e..: : t::,'�- cc-�����r..__. s. ,,.i_ ,�:�c:- . i�ti� .. r, f
• ' t:t�-eN'.'.tr.e.•�:.•..;t th�2 pcc•.,:�c: . .l!.i:it_ .,,.n :h�'l�bc L�� �::__n:�o_ :h•:. 'r:e�:�-.;, �ce,:r::; ' �ar.�i � , : n•. c �
Gia B�lldfn„ Co�'c. - - -, y:)�.,u: ..:c.t n! ...:cn :..�rn. ,.:t�::n�:::i'1 cc:cc sua:I oc��m:ir.:�i:::_ t:�e ..,.�t'
. i • •
.. _ • , _ • . _ - - . - - . . .:..; ..
, • ' � •
; � - - .
� 7��F:s :��Q nt�str!�r,tlonz �nd L-^rt '.u:tc- r , c 4 . r:r,-�(cn, ln:;ti!!;illcn, o: «lt^raUun c[•
� S!on;n;; pro���tilY so as tu bc :�_�: !r��;n I �i 1; �.'•f'C1CC.,.:.IF:i�'i C F I�:I:;
'- � Oc:. hc.;l!t�, an.[ occldent ��-�r�t;;. i.li 1::•!•�-�-'CI��:� Oi' U1''F:I.1.I`f'vS A:•It• (�l to rc��iirc thc r^moval of: a: (d)
� '1�:dr�1!.�liona a�d repilrs st�n;l bc r.i,-�cic F'iti;�il_I::;; SF:Ft�'lC1: 'vF' i:�+'1'IC;'r:5. � prr.^�n! it;•: o_cu��;t(o:t oc usc oC
'In rccc,-�.lancc wllh lh_ t��::�.�:�:ion: o( (1) EniorcvmcnG Oh!cr:s. Pur:u�n: •'•��iri bui:dir.;. slractut'c. ec p�rt thercoC
• thr Rt��lu:eiL' Corlc. to thc a(�pll���blc ,so�:i;lons oC tiic °rrrte:l, cr�n:!rurt�cl, In:;tillc�l or r.l-
- G•Ll'u it°:a�'U`�SIItILIT[F'S OF ���- C:hirtc: o[ [:�c C�ty r.: St. Y:�ul, It shait �'-rc;l ta vi��t.:!ton uC, or not in com-
' � CUi'i�ti'i'S :iEC,A7'(NC 1'!> 'CFI�: 1t�:t�f- �c th= dut, oE tha Comniissi?r,cr,n; ,�liancc •�•itti. thc provi�lons oC thi;
?'i:�!A\C': U'c' U1l•'F:[.f.i:;� U\[TS_ i'ublic ;aCct� .nd hls :u;nori:�:d rep- Coclr. or In �:iol�tlon of a plan or s,cc-
(1) Clr:�r.li�:c>:. F.ccr� ecci::ia:tt o: rc�cnt�t!•.^_� to c�(u:=c th� pca�•isio:u ifcatio;i urut:r u•hicii appro�•al, per:iit
.3 d�scllin^ uni: sholl kr.cp in a civ�n ^f th?s ehap:rr. :�o p:0:is:^n oi th s o< «rtific:itc �eas i;sucJ, or (c) to cu-
• :a[tcl szn(tiry condition tF:at ;,act o[ c!ia`;�:r sti�li bc con•:t.vc:1 s� a; to :^rcc thc ,c:ialty �ro�•isions ot Sc:tion
' U,�clr::li:��ur.:t,an:l prciris•:: ';:::�oC, P:u..i'.±it th�: Cor,tr,i;:�i�:i�_r oi i'arL:s �:'��'� n! litic �L: P�ul L^e:slati�•e Coilc.
• •c�`�ict� h= r.cci•;�:^;. coattul�. ur,c•.c�. ancl F:cc,_ation an:l I'ublic c:u:!:lir.;C:, `.i 19 CGT U..:•f�1.\"ifUJi O"c' D5l'c:GC.- •
• ' {�) i;::pns:l of f:uUbi;:t. f:�•:rs• oc- th= City :::cfii!ect o', ti:� City o[ �<t. I.:C.;, Ol. �.li[;Cf. L=: D'.t'c:LLI..CS On
, ' cu �n! v° � d:•:cllin uue! sl•.-!l cis:asc i'a:�l. ttic fic�itii O::Iccr cr ttic C`�iaf =��`;;'LC.[i:C; L:ti[Ca' AS D�`:GEc OU3 '
0:4 .^.I! �is tu5'_•ish in a cir::i �a�d �� :hc :i:c L':p::rtir.•_�!. or tha autt�cr- S?itC;C;'tUfif:� OfC r\S U;%t'{'i ?O:�
s�t:ftnry rnanncr by pl��cin�: it in tiv_ ir�d :c�re-••�'ati•;cs o: a�y u[ tiu :arc- FCU�[:1�; Fi\=:ITA7'f0_7.
��•••. � (l) D,r�creus Structvtes — Concicr.i-
:i�b'•:>!i cont.tnccs r_q�ilrcd b� Sa;,- 9.uirr _i., oAiccr� f�m-i c:iCorcinr ��,-
c^:i:•n a1.7! (9J of tliis or:li,i:cic'=- oi tt:: �rovisir,��- ot tl;i; chap:er, nc:in:i. Ii all or p�:t o.0 any butl�in,
, ,_,•�_ e: structur° (eidcdtn� aman� ot'ic:•s
• (..) i_.�r��11 ot Ga[Lic_. E�•e.-y oo- (2) I�;�,.,c:Iur. of L�.ccllin�s. T:�r_ :n- z fencc. b'llb�ard or sl u or t`i-=
;ee�an: o: a da•clifng v�c: :ha'.1 uisf�cse foc�•�:;r�nt o;Ticers s;i�il .:e ,u���ria=c; � � -
, � � e�ui;.�cn:nt ior tn^ or^?:ahun of said
o•:i:.:t p..�-b�gc In a cican �r... soni:;ry 'o mak� or causc :o Lc r.i��.: l:isp^¢- bni!�iin;; or stni�tcrc `uiclurlini. amon� .
,Liar.n�:r by pi��;n� it�i� tl�: F.;c�»�cit�c:�� tu det-=r:ninc t}�c cun3i;ic:� o; otiic;; t4� h�utin� pfant. p!urnbin•[,
dls;a;,l f�:ilities or I_ ;i:c.: Ca_i:�iics• c.:reili:::;. rnultip le d�•.::lin�s. d:°e1iI�� �•_!:ctr.c :�:Irl�g, nio:in,r, stai-wa�s, etc- .
. s-•: noi at•.�ii:�ir, b}• rc;�;,a•.:�,-; �11 :tJI1-�ucii�s. rcnriiin� ho::s^_5. r:-�rifn� uit�t;, .,1t�rs :n�! F.rc extin�ui�hiii�; app�:at-
b�r;i1�l� rn,t!:r and sc°ur�ly :v:::�.�:n� aad prcct�:esc; ia o*�er te sa;cr!i�:d ti��_ U�� shall, i� the api;efo:� of tttc en-
, . si1cl q:�r�orc rnd plzcinL it !z .ir;�t cait!�. s�[ciy, morz.s. �::•.{ w•cl..zr: o�
'rn:?.l �a;bi�� sto:a�e c�:r:t:in^_.-� �s ••t� publiG.The eniorcir.� e,ci=�e, oi� i;; force::icnt n:Ticcrs, by� fou�cl to be !1
, s�r!ii:c�1 I7;' SUJSCCtior. �{.:1 (l�%) o:� �!^�E��atc�, :�:pr^scn.a:i�._,. s:��l( t�_• �e- lir•ibr•or grui�e�ty,�h= s�allrn�o_ecd�CUi
. . i;i�s o'di�inc:. �tn�az_.t t� crltcr .r.y� d�.�oii:r�. Q:cel:- {hnv•e th�; sa::ie c.adc:r.;:�c: �urs�.i,-:n�
(•!) Us� �:r] Opera.�cn cf 3�cp;.:icd i:ir �r.s., nut[i�+tr dv;cili^�, r,��•�mi•i; '
:l:ir.:l�in� Fi�t�ares. E:•�rp o�c:q�,r[ o.'� t;ouse. u^ �remi;, �t n�.: tr�:rni;;l� �tc the apr�:_,�Lla pro�isicn of the
l � , � ' � � . ,Lo.;is!i'[�:c Cod:. Scr.:o:� 1.07, gcrtai�-
. n �:•:Ilin; un[: shall .l'r..p t::�_ u�•h.i�_:t ti:�c for tiic 7?urpo;e of ,�cr.•�:':,:in.� {iis
�in$ 'o d:r�;•::ot�::s:ruct�i:cs.
giu��ia:,; fis4uces thcra�n r:e:�:� anc:l �:�tic; un,'•cr tciis ordtc�an�.�.Tt:�� cv.r.c:, (") ��zii,::�.�Zti��ri of D•,^c1lin;s or
�?nit�ry 2nc sh.11 b^ respor_il�h: fo:• o,crator, or oc=u�lc:t n: eve;�: c'•.scil- �.,i��j�;��i•. D�•r�liin�; as Un;it te: Fiu^ia:
t:�^��cer^Isc o: m�so�cl•;c car; Sn tA^�c: i��. �ntilt;p?e d•:•c11G�„ dv:^_�Iln� tir.i., � �r,
, n.np,;r u:e ,^�d oper��t:r�. I raamin� uc:i[, or th, Per>o� In cha-r: °F(a;It,lt.oa. �.�er.e•:er 2iic enC�rcc:ci-'nt
t.._-_n:, sS�ll �`j�:ccn:_n: ^t�ic�r f:nds that •any d�sal[�n, or
l:,t :�ala�ii:Ion and Carc o::•L•;:ni�ir.}; *��.•• gi�•e t.ic e.., r.w�[iatc d���ci:ing cons;.i:u:�s a hazar:i
• i:!x+,!�rc.: Futn:c'�cd by 1cr,vn;nr.. y:,•.-y; oc7icc: i:=c accc>9 tu suci� dt•.el!!:i�:.
�tuaitir:� fi:c:ur: furnts''tc1 b� t�se x-,m'sl:iei�. dt;clling, d�vcllin� u.iit, rcem- to thc n_:l;h, ��:_ty .n* �t:iiarc eE :nc
surint s�ta11 b_ prop::fy iz;t�li�:! :n�l' InE u�iit on �ci�ich it is lucat:cl at alt '�ccu�ancs cr to tne p:��..� bec.3usc it
sfiill `�c r.�ai�illin_d in �nt�d •.�•or;:i•��.� raasoaarlc tim�s .or thc pur,osc e( iaa�_ rnafn.�^�:ce.,o� is dila�id�cr�,
, � MnctlUun, sn�ll bc d^_a� and szni:-i:�.!_ucF L•i_,•:ction, e:<�rt��r.�ti,n i:id ,•;r ��^ns.nStz:y. -•�cmi:�-:n.��..':d or rod_n.-
' I i:;fa;stc;l, or t::caus�= it ]acF:s th: s�nI-
.�d icen [-ar.� de(e=t;, Ie:t'•:; n� a�• v�y. TE tiie occiipacit t_fuse� to con- �t�ry f.r_�l�;;n� o: equipr..e;t o: o:i:�:c-
ctrvc.ions. �sr_nt to ihe i�s;��c:ior. a se.rci� �varri�.t �.��sc fails to com t ��[th ;he
5;.17. ROO�iC:�C FICU3�:S if� j•cr- 'z,^zy b_ ob:air.•�c(: � P Y provi-
:ea sha`.: op•,c�ic a rev�ing 'r�:c:s�: cc� (�) S�'L•ere t'r.era is pc�b�b'c cac-� �o SIOI75 0_ tnis o.-d!n�r.^o but ;hc ser::�
:'LZII oecupy cr let to .;lOtl:r[ �Ji GC- h._t�•-•r� eh�t a viol�?i�n e:<is.s :=i!��i; ht�•c not yet reache:l ,uc�L s:ate oE
c�t,v:-r an•r rco:ni�g u�it [r} ;t••} _�r;r�- f::: p]:Cicul?: �truct.�r� c�:� coit��p!:G: !ii�:^o�ir �s to be procr.ed�;l
' �L•:P .`.ousr, e-:c^pt in en�i,li,u:c�• c'thI (u) °1:h�re a det�rnir.�[i�a ;t�_ �c�r, �r,aln�t by c_:idemnatecn v a da�;:_r-
- .t.`.� p:o:t::l,:ns o. ev�:� ser.t�on : t`�L *nace [�coni;uct ��ri�:iic 1n_g:c!i�:; ni ous ;tru:�ucc zs h::?t:tiCL0:2 aru-.•?�e:I,
ch:�tec• r::;c7-�: as fol;;,•.:s. •.• I�e:tain ?r:o� oE ti�e city. �h•_ r.iay=onrl�•;hn<u=tt d:�:=ili:�g e: m!�l-
(1) '7a�cr �:-+:et,Iianct L�.rc�,..,. �n:! :;o �sarrant is nc^'c�l tur c{�try�•�':cre �:ipl� d�cclliag :s uniiC far h.u:n�n i�abi-
. ;i2^t?t �Fact:itiei. At least r::e ::e:c:I�n c�:•^�.>,ene•r condi[iv:i .:-.:is::: �r��l i�-
.cIe:et, la•:a!•:ry b:,sin. ar.d �::�Uih or„u?iciu;i time is ��zil:t�!r. [u ni�;;;n � I. a�y d:::l�fn� o; c::�Iti�lc ��.�'eli:n�
` �o= ar}• p�rt t;ercoC Is o.^_u,�lc3 by
.ttie:,._r, p�cp�•ri�• connec;ed :o ?� �c-1�c�:rint. I mere ecci.-ar.t; than rovided b 2hi;
�prev_d watc.- :,r.d se•.c=r ;3•cter.: ^�: In� S�) .lr:ess b}• C;:�c- er O:cunattt. �rn�r'e:, or 15 er2ctrdp al:.,-ed or oc-
:Fco3 �vo:kir.,; condi:i-n. sh�i� _;e s�:�- '���. occ!i ❑nt �£ a <::veilir�� u�i[ o. � r
' .pflcd Sor esic:� tcur coam; •..::?iir. a p_onr�in, ut�t sh:,ll P,i•:: t}:�, u•,�n;_: cr �ocp�r.uitl;:la rdwell�g sn�ll1ebe ddeet-lRd
tcor.Lfn� ho��se w•aer_�•er sai�1 taci�i:i^;�o�crator ther::�i, er hls a�_at o; ar,i- an ua[av:iui atructure a1d th•� enio:cc-
`&re -tia:e�.. A.II si�c'rt I;�ciliti_s ;'�1:t oe�r,��.;e�:, acr.ess to aTiy p�rt et �t:ctii !m�nt eE`.'ic^.r rnay ca�ls� such d�:-_'.ltn�
l�r.�icd :cfihin th: rosic:cnc�: :_:il:':a:; 1�,;�lli::^ uni[, rnonin;; ur.it, er it. `tJ ti� •,•�_1f«;, Ii �h�ll b^ uala�t•Cul to
� r�e:] ar.tl to be dicec:lg . _--:�'�lc I�«�,is••::, at reasa�i`�le tirn•�� f;;r t%�e ��g^in o^cur,y ;uch de:eilir.� u�til (t or
. �tru:n a cor.irnun hall or p-::: �`: • to o[ eCfr.c!in;; such ir:s < <ir�n �
. � . � o i ;'' purr.psn �'�:`, I its occ:upatior., �s tli� c�sc :��ay� be, haa
a�I ^�rs�.�o; sharin� suc;; _ .;'ie,. Zr.3�aintenar.ee. r,ial�ic�o s,icn r•��4�*�. �;:en nia��: to co:.:�rm tu th: Ia�a•. '
'T:�•nry lavatr.ry basin ar.� b:�:`:,u:, ,ir ,�� r.ia�;;�; such zlt2r.�tien zs 1r•: ar_:s- (;,� �l�eardt�� ot Cundc:�encd i75�'cll-
�Li�r;;cr sii.�li Sc supp':�cl ti�;;V� ^�,t cad �1ay ta comply wl:h tl � grocisf•�n. u° �U; c;r :.IL:.ip!.: S?tire!ti:i;. q�y d:•:cil- �
eold:�:�t•:r Zt all time:. �h[s r.;1; !er. � d � �
� (7.) :,Eta':nu1i Fioor .�rct :r... '=lr• p ,,.. � 1n, o- r:u;tio ^ d.:clittr; cor,d:nn^d a�
Ln�Pi:r ese:s. Ev�r room o^_c� i-3 ?�r t'� S:rvtce o('7oti��:s. ,�n:.r.c::� ' �^ •�U:::[i•r0:: [1Ciit!:,iV F?:\�[7':\:iU`I°'
- i P Y L� �R[OCrP;17C:tC o.'T:c^.r d_:ecm!�t::.; �Y.1t �yhz;i E^. o:.:.r_:l �•rit:t 1 I_car9 oE coc�-
�[.°pi�� 4'urpnses b� oie�� o��i;. s'ti;11 ti.e:e h�s be:s a vi�i•:tio�. ^r ?h-�: !cl�_r,:n>.N�1 b•• C1Er.trgc:tar:' oRicec. T;.,
�r.�ta.:t ot � :�,t i0 sqca�a fce.. �c �i::,r tt:^ro �re :r.a.o^.•bi�• p,'�a_i': ta b:- ':�!acarc� oE ro:idamsia!inn sit�tl iacic�ac
�:.c_a. Eti••_y�_uom occ�pi� C,r •:i..,.,,�r,ii..,i^_ .hat tr�:a h�s �ac;i a :?ai..�;..�, .lh�_ .�:io::'s;�.. (a) r.;::ze r;: cit U
ro:t��:: b_ .:•:o or :ar,;•='uc:;:+r�� i:�.:.1• % i:�Y Pca�tsio.^. o'. t%it, _tia,:..r i:� •n�: .-�emc e:'�:� au.h��,t-�d �:^o�r.r.��::?
►cr.:�:;lr.�:. it•ist S+) 5:!!t�r•� C•:=t e`_ +!�e:i,"` •... .�� .
1 _ . ..=i:11 _ notir_ ot ;i:.-;� .. I-:�:n o: � ' �:::
�:e .c.- •�ac`i o-cup�^r G :r•�.�:. ; �'' i. ,h�cfr.T:ur:.:�'i:.toZ: (c) !h�C, p�er a;+i
. 1' ;"j i:?d Lin�ra an•:: ?'��a�..�s. '�,:• �.,-i a!a�_�l riola �o❑ to t`.�a p�:;en �ir : �:- s��tio:a nC ".i^ ^:.'i.i�:c�: anc:�r ::°i[_'s ic
S�l!p.- d r�e:y roo:-i•ig t,�-c_ . :ll�:o^s s�on�ib�e :ho-:C�r. �e�_:i .._:lc: is i^s•_•:1. (c') :r o;.�, t'iat .h^ d•..ail-
�-+n,-_ sur.v ic� b:d ii-en .:cc• _ ,�;i s:?li:r • !�� o: r�!iI;in?c ;f:.;:',.-.;( t�r:��� v:,•:.,tci .
=:-:i•� a! !�a�t once .,�ch ^.:�_ ^ „t� �=� �' in n:r:`�io: , i . r.:us: rer..r,ir •.•:_i:�: u:t:i? [!:� pco�;;-
. �:'nr ?o :':_ [c.tin� cf in_� rnr.•t�� :.n-� (L�) In•_,ud- a �--c..f-t.or. oc t:t•_ r:�t _:�:r: a: ti:_ ad::- a:e c��-�lic:i v:i!:� .
` . ^s'atc SucFicieat or .:ntir;c-+.to::: ;anct t:i� occ°r !o ._,=,5to ;� :rt::dc�t•.-n•
�tL•e: or:u::a�t. Th: o�raro• s%�-:il :^ (c) S �:ci: th� rin!1'ic;• �:'ts:Ni ,••:^L. ' •
Ys-:^r.sihl•_ 'o; the :n:�i:i'�::ra':_ e: a�l an:t tnr ren edial art:nr. � l�cecl:._ (��1 •hr_ d�'e t:i1[ 'i�e pizr�:1 oi con-
�tjr ti•ci b�:3ding !n a clr,:l iitd ::ani-� =1' . y �dcr^n�t[o❑ I� pr.;b:•t: (f) a a:i.°r^�:at �£
?zr}•m��;nrr. ' �r[o:mar.c_ efTa��onab(!t rzatvire r •t ��'��,;, +�*nal.;• _°a: d.'aci:i� or ra::ioval a•°
{•:) St:a�°s �rapes, r:c. � =r-: :Lz- r � y �'� • .i.. n.ac�rcl. �
f , � � � : ; (^-) Fr. scrc-:� upon .i>> re_or•.i o:.-r;_'� (dl 5•.:;.ca eL :nti�: o: C�ar7cr.ir.a-
�o; of �•:e:p roor.:f�, �.ni'� sh�:. b-=�er: Pr.,cided, tc�,t such �. r.ot�c�: s'�.til `•lon. ivh::ie�••.c th� cr.:o:ceir.e-t o�ic.:
. F:tp��lte� t:Ith shades, drz;•:n urac.:. or b�: d•::med to b� ron.ci• 5ei�•ed +:eo� h.�s aor.c._::inec! Z c::•,clliag or mu:'io?a
• ' c:.:cr d_c.�•es oc matecia.� :•:hich, -r:'-�n -��cti o�vn^_r L( a�cony t`�^:•:ni s c:e- I F '
s:o�:rl� �s�3. tcill a;�ccB p:i�•;�=_� t° lE•rc-=_1 to hi�n �_rsot:��l• o: �2 n,.. I d•a•^llir.� as unF.. -or `ium.ic: r�oi:a[ic��
t�:s eccupn^: a( ihc rc�:ni::+ c-1i`. i r J � � I h� �it�!t �b;: r.r,t�c-� to tti.= o�va.,: o.
{.;) The orcrato: of e�c:y r�:r.:is�� Eou^d b�• ie�L•::a, a co •� thece�E a. .its ,,, -'' >
• .! P. �•ch eor._enr.:t.nn and �,I�ca.,.:n, o:
� ,, : i��sual�1_ce of ahoc;^. ln tn•; p:•.,_nc� o: rh•� �:.eili�g or r.ivl:ial^ d:ve!lir.g a�
ti.as^ s`.»[i hc res�or.s�..l= or tbc -::ni- su:i�on= in th:� Izmily ot su:'�b_�. agc - ;, � !; r� �
- � nr� m:sin.�•r,�r.ca of ai1 •x'•�I1;, tln•�r�,I . u^�C fu_ �ma.. aS.:i w�. S�cn n: tic.
ind discr^Ci��n t•:ho _h-:!! b= lr.:n.r:;;ti�f �h�U: (�) b•: !n a:ri!ia�• (5) faC�UG: ^
, c-:1� -::, a�d fo: tfi._ s;1�t�•• �i�.l:t-Icc :�: con!:r.t; Ch�::eot, r,- F�}• c��clin:; a cc;_r[ in;� ni L;:^ r,•al e;ta!r su::l:icnt
• . ^n�;��•• o: cc-:ry c:h�r ?�::�o_ t�:c �.�n tti-,raof b :^�il to `�is lr.�: F:�o:;c: �� � - r,�,..
-:�r..ir,��i�;±• and he s`�ili �^ :�:�:n^r �' � .hr i�e•i:i�.,ticn: (c) in�_lcc•'_., a s .
:cdd-es:. cr. U tiir I•�lt•:r �•:ith t`r� c•:;Y '-r,�•z: a: a rc::�^ uc c�as:,n: �.�hy 1: f�
-::,onsibi�: foc the sa:i:tiry .-�:i-�t•:-�is ra!ucne3 shor:in? i! Y.,s r,�.t bcen Uein, !»�•::�• (d1 'a,:',�r.: a d�sc.i-'ion
�,n=: cf :ic entire p:�..-;i;•- ::!:^r: tt:^ •� _, _ . . �,.. -
�:ntl±•_ c:ructure oi Sai:d?,^.� ::it.:in�'I..::c_re:l tu hirn, b� po:..i:�, .. r�p7 e: trte re?ai:s a;_i•:r.ipro:e;,.e^ts re-
�=:i^h t'•c roo^ttn� hoi:"; I' ca^t:i^c�l���ou:��tnR ?;��:clii.��c�eR�cpl.`�DJtr:—o�•qu,i,-.�o:��mu:'irl^t��'v�_,I�Ic:�.;.in��co���-
l:r.;•:d or o�cu;;cd 'c•, t. c;�_�:o- '' ' - .
� • , . r.o::_�. i:�nc^ ::i;n th•: �:o•:t;i•��a •u! tii�
• (.�� .vecy .:zt^: e�•: -,, i:���n _r�"`:t• I�r.ea�•: such o:;!�: L ^nt �c ->>'i• p ,r- r
]x:a.�r•; y�:in ar.1 bi:^.!:�S or 3::���c::: ,� .ti.: r / or_ir.�rcr: t^) a s'^_�ri�;: c. :::r.c W
r-�•si:c: ty Scr::on �4.17. F�.-a••:a,-.; eo::i}:ii•.� c:ith, , en.r.�c_�r..cr.: o.^.ir.,:'c�=cr.c[ :h: _o^�i::.:r._. �:1 a s:^::-i•�ct:
(f) s?�::I `� loc�lci e:i:��!n tF.;: rv�n: ta�; n�:�u:;C tti^ C^:pn-a:in:: Cou.._cl �,: ti:::� '.:!:c: cc_::,�:n[5 -:i:�>: vac�t=
- :ci;hi� s ruoai or on:��� -:t:.��!�' t�, i;>t: :itc an �p1ci•�:it.c ac':�n o: tii� ��:�'_::, cr,i�: �' s^:•. _ o: ac'.c-
�r �' ' � '1:i.�:_t�`:1� 1� :.l•.t' iJ: :fl �"�1:' : '1. '���- :� _U�..e......1::�:: ��� 5•: �S1`i:i�:i.'J.i'
(-.) r.;:c:ci p::ri,:� :r:_ :r� �-__.:�:e� :i:- .,- rtt :es�qn�i:•!•_ {��: ���i�: ..,�'�r ' .•,.- .
' r�: •i.= :i:'�i:t�!� ro �ns: c ~�� '- - - - '- - .. ._.y ;� t�� o•�:;:•-: p:c- -
• • (y? ,\r= :_-•: ,iS' :r..:❑ a c�-z�o- :ic: (ai :o r�.::rz:._ -- _• =� :c,..: -_�::: _ ..h:,, n ...;: .. r.•..:c--
�::]�l and t:•i!hout Loizr C•�[::S :iie' =� �:c :;Ea r.:•_...•�.�•_." i��.i_. .:r.;.: ;;,.: � _:;_ ;i�: 7: �h•7.'.^.rr !nc o. _a
•D:v.^.1�;1:; }�CUS^. -_CdU1: �Si_W .�i:Cdt::.J: c�l:'-', f.'.0 '1'�C�t 3 ,7t r;�.l OC ......'iU.r 6,',c a. _ .:ts•
. • - • �C'.'C:l� , QC �
' . � - !
- � � � - (Page 5) .
, , - -. . ;-� . . . _
; • . . •
� -
. .
� --_. .' . � : . . , - , _ . (Page� 6) .
• • $, fiy dcposl:Inr lii ti�c Unlled Stat^s'thlrty (9a) c1aYS nnd lnNu�llnC proot� •
� I'ost O:iicc, lhc noticc, �ddressed to Uic ut nulicc o( evicliun o[ lhc lcn�nts oc- . •
� ' o�'rncr at hls last �:nowit address �•:[lh cupytny tlic all�_ciccl prcn�ises. No }:ras-I .
• yo;ta(:c prcp�td thcrcon.,o T u�t�d [ar or�in�ancc sh.aill,b��co�rt�u��c�cl Cdurinz I .
. 3. F3Y Posting and f:ccj in,. p • .
' . 24 hours a copY o[ said nott:c in p?.lc- th: tcn c�lcnd.�r daps sct tor fili:i� lhc
' r.�d forn� In a consp[cuuus placc o:i �,vci:len pctition raqucstin�; a he�rl.��
Ethc eondemned prcmiscs. not° duclnG "'ny timc oC thc pen��`ZCy I •
(g) \'acatlon of Condc�nncd �n�l o: said pel[uon bc[orc the A. �Isy
� pytcarc;c� Ilu'ci[in; or ?luitiplr In:clt- ?Toinl as sct iortli in Chiptcr 5�, tior
ing. Any d•.��cTliny nr multl;�tc d�'r�=:�- durid� tt:c pcnc(ency- o[ an}' hm� al-
• 1�g tch(ch has bc�n conc!^_r.incd .nd lu•�cd Cor Gli�i�, an actir,.1 (or judE�til
. .' , •Dlaearded as unF�t for hum�n habit.titiun rc•:i::�.. .n:�r dicrin� tl�c p�nu�nc� ol _ . .
by the cnlorccrtent oTi�cr sh..li bc anp ju�«�al re•:Ic��'
' vac�ted wltFiin a rcasonaSlc ti:ce•: ..� 51.^_J. PR��CEDUFtE:. In addition to
=rqulred by the entorcement o:F:cer. ti:e punishinents p�o�'ided in thi; eh�p-
'Pnd lt shall te unl�w:�l foc anp o•.��ncr t:r, the City, throush th�= otFiccr , •
or operator to ict to any' p�rso:i !o: cha�ged �ti•ith tlie .enCorcemcni of tlic .
' .h�man hab[tation said d��:cll�n„ :ntil- ��a:io�:s pro�•is[oiis o[ thts cha;:tcr, or . _ ,
tlple d�vclling or d�celiing unit: a:.<< �lr, �;�y at!�cr person, may' seek e::[orce- ,
• . •Derson shall occupy any d�•:cllin? or inc�:t tner�o[ in ar.y ccurt o[ conpe- _
Znditiple d�ve?:ing un(t �sh:ch Fas h�en tent juris:iictlon bp any' aPp:opc!ate .
' eondec�lned and plar.arded by th•_ en- 'orui oC cicil action and may' seek en- ,
torcement oRi^_er a[[er tt:e �ite se: joiunxnt o', any cun!inued ��inl�ltoa ,
� •iorth 1n the placard o[ condeir.na!t��i. tt:e:.:of ^ad :�eek to cuen�•:l ohedi�nce
(G) Coadcntncd Du'clli:�,-s and 3:ui.f- ,he:ctu b� nand:+tur�• ordcra ar.c[ ��'r:ts.
q]t Dti•:cllings �?rc �ot to 7;c Occu�+icZ 5�.?•4. TEF:tiI\:1T10\ OI' T��t��i-
� ,Ur.til DcCecti Ate £liuiinz[cd. \o CY, tio tenancy of a dx'c!!in„ d�ccllfr.� '_ -
dtacllin° or mul:i�!e d•.vclli�g �;I:€chlu:iit, t��:o-;a:nily da:cllino or multi�!a
�as been condemneci and Qiaca:c'.c:! �s �o:cllin� ^o•:erad by this Coce rt�:+y t�
unfit tor hur:ian h�bit�tio:i 3haU ���Zn�tccu:it:�t.d be.ausc oF thc 'cor.in;^no=- -
be used for hum:.n habitation u::tii•r�tn! ot an aclton pu:siiant io thi� or-
, •- ' ar[tten approval is secured lro,:: thc din:�n°e or Fecau�e oC tLe�cpo:t to thr'
enforcement oEYiccr. Enforcc�::^c:C V:F1' j)�opcc Code ento:ec:nen. zuthor[ties,
cer shall remo�•e such plzcarQ a•hc.i- of a conditiva be:i_c•ed to t;a in vlola- .
e�er the �e[ect or defec.s upori �•:hich tfon of !his Code, erson ut-
' •the condenr.ation and placar�i::s ac' 5d•=�• APi E:1L5. Any p _ .
Ylon tti•cr� bas�d ha�'e been eli�i:t::!a3. Icctc:l by nny provisioci o! this cf:�?ter -
(�) placard to Bc I:emo�•ad Orty' b� ::ia}• anpeal to the Eoard of Ap�a�ls as . - ,
- Enforcln; Officec. i:o person sna1L dc- o[•o�icled in Chz�ter 55 0: ii�e St. Paul
Sace or rcr:iove thc plac�rd fr��: 'z:-�I•egislatt�:� Co ic.
' dvrclling or multiolc d�cell:r.g �sn[_'•t I SECT(OiI 2
1�as becn condenned and�placardci ,:5
' unFit tor hu;c�an hati:stion. Sucic p!ac- �iiit> ordinar.ce shail ta::c e`fect =�id
ard shall ontY be removed h:' �n^- ��_•:n ior�c tFErty d�ys aftcr its 7:1��3�iL`�
en[orcecnent cF;iczr. �oprr,�•al aad publicaticn. •
(S) Teport oi Con�cmn�ticn to C?iic[ .
Sealtrt OfCiccr and Chicf of [h� Firc n�;;�� O}' tYl? COL'tl�Il TLIIy' 9, S{)S:. , .
Yrrventlon L'urcau. The enforc�r.i�nt Yeas---Coui�cilmen Dal�l(st�. ;�I::editii,
- e[fleer shall iurnish a copy of e�ch l�e:ers��ii, St;ra:�a, T��esco, �Ir. ?res:-
' tondemna![on no:i;e to thc Cnicf��,:;it (L:•�i:�)—E, , .
' $caltn O��icer ard tna C:ileE o[ th�' p{,;y�—J. '
' Fire Prevcntion P.ureau. �+.ppro�ed July 9, SSG3. ' ' �
' • • SI.20 CO\FLLCT ��'ITEI OTFI:iT_� GR- . . •
DIti�1I�CES. Co�:flict �vich o!hc: or- iFfOi.I.S5 R. BCR\F:, � ' '
� . dlnances ezcept as pro�•Idcd In Sec:ion Dla�or. ' .
• ¢4.0-1.In anY case w�erc a pro�:ision of�r._tt:�t: � ' •
thi> cliaptcr is tound to bc tn co:�Ccict rt�?F;EtI: E, i�1.4R5FL�I.L,
. t�3th a p:ovisioa of an� zonin„ build- Clty Clcr4.
ln�, fire, sa:ety, or healt:: or:linancz oc -
' • tode oC this City, tha pro�'Ssi�:� yih'-ch . „ (July 13, 1S53) .
' cstablisnea thc hi�h.:c s:a�idard forj _- —••-- ,
tlsz promo:lon a�d pro!:ccicn of thc I ,
�ith and ssSety oL th•_ p�o�I< shall .
' �;evall. In any case ��:hc:e a oro:�isioa .
01 this cha�tcr 1s fo�r.d to L••: t1 con- . .
L�;ct vr!!h a pro�•ision of an, o'he: , .
etiap ter or ccde oE tht, Cit•; v:h[ch -
' c,tabiisfi�s a lov:er st_n.'.�rd £o: ti:c
Dromo:ion and prote='•Eon o= ttt�= ��'-Ich �
. and safe:y of iii_ pco;�le. Cne �_'�::sio.0
ot tF.i; clilpcc: sh�!L te c:_en�•:•t ta pr.:- �
vatl, and s�ch ot':•=r ehspters c_ co�•�a . .
8ra hereSy dectared to b•= re?e:le-a. to i .
the exte�. t::i: tlic•- m�z}• be :our.d ia • • _ •
eon;t[cc ���ith this chap:�r. ' •
' r:.21. AD3IiiIIST?aT[VE I.I_\°IL- . { � • ,
� ' jTy, I�o o��=er, a;ent, or er.:ol��ea of •
• � t.ta City oC Saint Paul shail r<r.r=r . _ -
' � �lcnselL personally lia6lc :o.- an;� ��m-� - . . •
• ' tye thzt may accrue to pe.sous or • , . .
. property as a result o:�^� act req=;r^d . � ,
oc perm[tcc� in thc disct:ar�: o. his .
dutles under t:�i� ctapt,:r. �o P�!'��^ . . •
� c�ho lnstitu.es, or ass9ss in the presc- , • .
eutlon of, a er[minal procc^_dtr� u��^_r ` . •
' L'�Js Code shalt bc liable in d::i.�e: -
L�e:�or unless re actcd «•ich a^_t�.ia1 ! • . ' •
- • LtaIIce and wlt:out reason.iblc �:oi.n::s � . . .
' . •to: b•=1ie�•tn� ttia: :h•: p�:s�n :.cc�:s=d
or pros:cute�' «'�s gui?ty ot an unia•.v- • ,
Sut aet or on.»,on. �n� s�.ii: tco�:°ht .
=�aL�s: an}' o°i��-. a;e�t, o'c �.::�Ic;e-= • . . . '"�-
• � . o! tna City of S�i�: ?�ul, as a -z��:lt o: • _ _r.. _ �
sny aci reo�tc>3 0: pe:.nit:c:l in tn:l , �
• d!schargc oi hG Cuti^_s unr•:: tlil�• - � , .
e.tia�:e:. shit[ te �_:c:�?ed b}• ci:^ Ccr-� . .
poracion Counse.l �r.til t:i^ Ecc_, de I • '
terml:�a:fo:� ot the p:o�_e�_�ir.r: t:::rein
Si.22. F'E`=L?'t" FOc �'IOC.�='iU`i , • .
�Y P2CSJ:1 ::J�1�1^� 3^j' �:U`.:.::1):1 C: , '
�:�_. CG.'. SC1: E� p::I:� O: 3 R::i-
' �P;^^1^J- �^� U'WIl CGf:C:C.l7^ C. ._OE � .
shall tc o��r.:s::c� b� a Finc r�r !��e�_ . .
' � ctc� j!':O+;G o-S: ir,^.::s�nr. :i:.r. ��. -
to C"te•_d S9 day�s. \o:'si:.:s:.^: . : . , .
- eSavc p:o•.7s!�r�. no prn�![_: s.i1!t �L•.: ' . .
L��o,c3 �?on a� o•.:n:: v:I:o �_�:c�' . . .
' s�ritten r.o::cc u�oci t:�� i,�;:�t oC �.�-� � . ,
• gca:; t^d:=a;i::�; tftat hc i�t:•::c:: to . `
' petmar,tat:Y cac�.c a:td t�_� ^•-r:'��-' . . - . .
' �:ntiY �aca:c t::< prc^ti:s:s �v::C:ll1 . ,
' ' . . I .
c ~
,�• • . EXIiIBIT "B"
3 Y - L A W S
, of the
Section 1. Name of Authority. The name oi the Authority shall be the
� Housing and Redevelopment Aurhority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota'.
Section. 2. Seal of Authority. �he seal of the Authority shall be in
the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Authority and the year
of iCs organization.
Section 3. Of£ice of AutLlori�: Place of Meetin�. The office o£ the
Authority shall be at such place in Che City ot Saint Paul, Minnesota as the
Authority may from time to time by resolution determine. Regular and special
meetings of the Astliority shall be open to the public and shall be hel.d in
the office ot �he Authori.ty; provided, however, that up�n. four days writCen
notice to the Cc�ranissian.ers of the place oF such meeting, any regular or
special meeting may be held at such ot�er place �"aithin the Ci_ty of Saint
Paul, Min.nesota as the I�otice shall designare.
Section 1. QFficr:rs. The officers of the Authority shall be a Chair-
man, a Vi�e Chairm�n, a Treasurer, a Secretary, an.d an Assistane Secretary,
a d such others a r m r' a v 'a r '
n s f o �.me to tzme re provided b, offici I a_tion of the
Authority. A Com.missi.oner shall. not hold more than one of the above nan�d
offices at the sarce time.
Section. 2. Chair�rri.. The Craairn�an. shall preside at all meetings of
the Authority if he is present. At eact� r�eeting he shal.l make such reports
to the Authority as he may deem necessary or as may be requir�d af him, and
perform such other duri.es as are incident to his otfice or that may be re-
quired ot hin by tne Authority.
Section 3. Vice Ch�tiYman.. The Vice Chairman sha11 perform the duties
of the Chai.rman in his absence or incapacity and/or because of resignation.
or death of th� Chairman, until a ne�ti• Chairman. is elected.
Se�tion 4. Secretary and Assistant Secx•etarv. The Secretary sha11
perform the duties of the office of Secretary of the Author�ty and shall
preside at atl meetings of the Authority in the absenre o£ the Chairman and
Vice Chairman. The Assistatit Secretary shall pe'rform all the duties of the
, Secretary i.n h:is absence or incapaciry andJor becavse ef resign.ation or
death of tize Secretary, until. a n.ew Secretary is elected.
, I ( � � • •
. 3/13/68 " � " �
Section 5. TreasLrer. The �:rcasurer shall cause to be kept full a�zd
accurate records and accounts in t�ooks belonging to the Authority of all
monies and securities of the Authority. Funds of the Authority shall be
deposited in banks approved by the Authority and located in the City of
Saint Paul which comply with applicable State La�� and which meet the stan-
dards specified by the Public Housing Administration and the Urban Renewal
Administration for deposit of funds advanced by them. Securities belong�r:g
to the Autho�ity shall be deposited for saie keeping �oith one or more of
the Authority's banks of account, or the Federal Reserve Bank, unless by
resolution of the Authority it is determined to place them in a safe-deposit
vault. The Treasurer shall annually make a full report of the financial con-
dition of the Authority and make such other reports as may be required of him
by the Authority. All Commissioners having authority to sign for the Authority
in the control of funds or securities shall be bonded in such sum as may be
required by the Authority by resolution.
Section 6. . Execution of Inst-ruments. All deeds, contracts, promis-
sory notes, warrants and other instruments excepting checks authorized and
certain instruments authorized by the Authority shall be signed by any two
of the Commissioners of the Authority, or in the event the action approving
the execution of the instrument shall so provide, the same may be signed
by one Commissioner, whose signature shall be attested by a second Commis-
sioner of the Authority, or the same may be signed by the Executive
Director and the Finance Officer of the Authority, or such alternate Staff
officers as the Executive Director may in writin� designate. Checks shall
be signed, or impressed with the facsimile signature of, the �ixecutive
Director and one Commissioner, or of any two Commissioners of the Authority.
All officers of the Housing Authority shall be elected at each annual
meeting of the Authority and shall serve in whatever capacit� they are
chosen, for the term of one year and until their successor.s are elected ancl
qualify. In the event the annual meeting is continued and the election shall
be held at s.uch continued meeting, all officers elected shall serve until tlie
next annual meeting and until their successors are elected and qualify.
Should the office of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary or
Assistant Secretary become vacant, the Authority shall elect a successor from
its membership at a regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unex-
pired term of said office.
An Executive Director shall be appointed by the Authority, at such com-
pensation, for such term, and c��ith such duties as the Authority shall deter-
mine by resolution.
f • •
� �
' �2-1=+-:i3
� - 3 -
The Authority may from time to time employ such personnel as it deems necessar��
to exercise its powers, duties and functions as prescribed by the Municipal Hous�.nS
and Redevelopment Act of Minnesota and all other laws of the State of Minnesota
applicable thereto. The compensation of such personnel shall be determined by the
Authority, upon recommendation of the Executive Director.
The annual meeting of the Authority shall be held on the last Wednesday of
September of each year at 1:30 P.M. ; provided, however, that the date of the annual
meeting may be postponed to a date on or before the last Wednesday in November upon
the vote of a majority of Commissioners in office at any time taken at any regular
or special meeting of the Authority.
Except as otherwise provided in Article I, Section 3 of these By-Laws, regular
meetings shall be held without notice on the last Taednesday of each month, at �;30
o'clock P.rI. , unless the same be a legal holiday in which event said meeting shall
be held on the next succeeding secular day.
Special meetings of the Authority may be held at any time on written call of
the Chairman or any two members of the Authority. Each member of the Authority
shall be given at least four days written notice of a special meeting which may be
given either by mail or by personal delivery. The notice shall state the time,
place and purpose of the meeting, and no other business shall be considered than
shall have been specified in the notice. Upon unanimous consent of all members, atry
of the provisions of this article may be waived.
The powers of the Authority shall be vested in the Commissioners there�f in
office at any one time; a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for all pux-
poses, but a lesser number may adjourn a meeting from time to time until a quorum
� ' � .., ., � �
� - 4 -
is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by Che Authority
upoa a vote of a majority of the Cou�issioners present, except as otherwise provided
for in these By-Laws.
At the regular meetings of the Authority, the following shall be the order of
1. Roll call.
2. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
3. Bills and communications.
4. Report of the Executive Director.
5. Reports of Coummittees.
6. Unfinished business.
- 7. New business.
8. Adjournment.
Upon direction of the Chairman, or the motion of two members of the Authority,
i all resolutions shall be in writing and shall be copied in a journal of the pro-
ceedings of the Authority.
' The voting on all questions coming before the Authority shall be by the Chair-
man calling for the yeas and nays on the questions and shall be entered upon the
minutes of each meeting. The Chairman and all members of the Authority at every
' meeting of said Authority shall be entitled to vote. A roll call on any question
. . coming before the Authority must be taken upon the demand of any one or more
members of the Authority.
The By-Laws of the Authority shall be amended only with the approval of at
least a majority of the Commissioners in office at any time.
• .,
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i � ,
� . ,.
I ---- - ----------- -- - � --- --- - ---- �--
i � .
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� 1 .
� ' LEG�L I�fr'���i iC►� R�P+�,7 F0� IJRSAh REhE��I�L P€tO�lEC1 �
P�9R7 I�f - REHd6 9 L i 7A�'0 4� ��t CONSE4VA"t l Oy ACT I U!71 ES
; _
! .4. Naue, Organazation, and Territorial J'urisdir3ion of Local Public Agenc;�. �
i -
; 1. (a) Tha le�al corporate na�e of i;ae Local 1'ublic Agency identitied in the Ap�lication 64ied
i October �G , ig �8 , is:
; Hausina and Reaevelo�ment .�utno�ity a� t;►e City or Suint Pau�, :�;ir.ne�ota.
• (b) The citations o� law respecting such na.��e ere as follows:
i .
. �
� �
� 2. The Local Public Agency was organized on the day of , 19
', under the Poliowing laws:
Cbnstitutional, statutory, and charter provisions: �
3. (s) Does the Local Public Agency have a special charter7 [] Yes [ ] No .
(b) If. the L�cal Public Agency has a charter, submit with the Ap�licatien a coT�plete cr�py of
the charter, with all anendments to ine date o� such Application, duly certified by the
officer having custocly of the official records of the L,ocai Puolic Agency, specifyii�g
herein the date of the latest erend,-nent of the charter:
, 19_ �
4. (a) Has the Local Public Agency ado�ted by-laus, rules, or regulations ior the conduct of
its affairs? [] Yes �] No
(b) If the answer to the foregoin� question is "Yes", subnit c+ith the Application a copy of
- such by-las�s, rules, or regulations, with all amendments to the date of the Application,
duly certified by the officer havin6 custoc�y of the official records of the Local Public
Agency, specifying herein the date of the latest amendment of such by-laws, rules, or
regulations: (Omit this item if the requested da�a are included within the organization
transcript heretofore suhmitted or which is submitted herewith in accordance with the
requirements of Section G, Paragraph 3, below.)
, 19.—. �
$. (a) Is the pro�osed urban renev�al area d�scribed in the Application located �vholly within
the authorized territorial jurisdiction of the Local Public Agency? [] Yes [] P7o
(b) Ii t't,e answer is "No", include eYplanation.
- 1 -
... • ' • .
I �
B. General Pomer.
1. Is the Local ?ublic Agency e�poc�ered to pian, to underta�:e and carry out, and to finance an
urban renewal ,�roject involving rehabilitAtion or conservation fo: �ahich financial aid under
Title I of the above cited Federal lar� m�y be �rovitied? [X] Yes [] No .
2. IP the ansv�er to the foregoin� question is "Yes", cit2 in general tne enabling legislation,
constitutional provisions, court opinion$, and other l�svs u�on Gnich you base your conclusion.
• • Citations:
Chapter 462, �:innesota S�atutes, particularly Sections �552.42I, Su�division
13 and 462.4��:5, Subd�vision �:.
C. Specific Pouers. .
1. Is a public hearing re�uired t�y State or local law in connection with a�y phase of the pro-
posed urban rene�al pro3ect? [X� Yes [] No
(a) Citations:
M.S.A. �62.521; M.S.A. 462.525, Subdivision 2.
(b) Remarks: , ' "
Hearing required prior to approval of a redevelogment �lan by th� �
Governing Tsody and prior to negotiated disposition o� projec� lando
2. Has, a public hearing been he:d in connection with ar�y phase of the p�posed rt�rban :enewal
proj ect:,
(a) As and if required by State or local la�a? [] Yes �{] No
(b) As contem�lated t�y Section 105(d) of iitle I of the above Cited gederal larr?
[] Yes �] No
3. Does the law require that sny detezmination, findir.g, review, ap�roaal. or other action be
made or had at the local level, or by some other public boc�y or official, before the Local
Public Agency may undertake or c�rry out ai�y necess�y action pertaining to or ar�y phase of
the proposed urban reneESal px�oj ect? [X] Yes [] No
(a) Citations: .
M.�.A. 4b2.515; M.S.A. �62.521. � •
(b) R�Arbs:
City Planning Board must review redev�lop�2nt plans and the City Council
must approve the �ian. -
- 2 - � � �
r • '
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� ' . ,
� �
y ---- - •- •- -- - ...- –----------•— --_..-- •--
� I
; C. Specific P�:�ers (Continued) � -
� 4. F�hat phases of the p:oposed urban renewal pro�ect or what functions oP the Local Public
j Agency, generally or in respect to the project, will be or are requi;ed by law to be per-
� fon�ed by the State, the ;�f,unicipzlity, or by a�yy othar public bociy or public official (other
fthan the Local Puclic �gency)?
j (a) Eaplain fully:
{ - .
j Nonz.
(b) Citations:
�I 5. (a) Is there a� litigation pending, or threatened, or deemed necessary, affecting any nec-
essary action pertaining to or sr�y porver or authority of the Local Public Agency to
, undert�e nnd carry out or to fin�ce the pronosed urban rener�al pnoject or ar�y Irhase
� thereof? [ ] Yes [� No
i (b) If the ansHer to the forebo�ng question is TMYes", give a statem�.-�t of details respect-
� ing the nature of such litigation; and attach A co�y or ine plearlings, if ar�y.
I( Statement of details and copy oi plead�no �t�ached: [] Yes
j 6. (a) Does the Local Public Agency, the ?hu�zicip�i�, or other �ublic boc�y have the authority
! to prepare a gzneral or master plon for the development of the locality as a whole in
� �ich the urbaa renewal areu is located? [�{� Yes [] I�o
� Citations:
� �S.S.A. 462.18; M.S.A. 402.4!�5, S�;odivision 4 �'I1) ; Cha�te•r b7, Legisiative
' Code, City o� Sainr Paul, ;4innesota.
� (b) if the ans�er io tn° Poregoing quesiian is TMYes", identify the local public b.�dy.
� (c) i;oes the �u.-�icipality have i:he authority to prepare and preseat �to the Housing and Hone
Finance A�ancy a "vrorkable Progr�" as described in Section 101(c) of Title I of the
� above cited Federal larr? [}{� Yes [] No
� Citations:
; ri.s.a. 4b2 .58i
� . .
� 7. Is there adequate legal authority for the preparation and app m�al of an official urban re-
ne��al pla.n for an urban rer►ewal pro,�ect ahich can meet ihe requirements of Section 110(b) of
� Title I of the above cited Federal lar+? [X] Yes [] Ido •
� Citatiorss: '
� _
j M.S.A. �;ti2,445 S�soc'ivision 1 �4} , 4 (3) , (S), (8), (i0), tll) and (lb).
i . .
� �
i - 3 - ,
, - �- • ' • - �
� '
I '
� ��
i� ---------� �- ---.—__--__ ---- ---__ _.�
- - --- ... . .- --
I .
' C. S�ecific Poaers (Continued) -
, '
� 8. Is adequate authority vested under S�ate End local laas to permit the fulfillment oP the re-
( ctuire�ents which are inposed t�y o: nnst be i�riased pursu�t �to litle I oP the zbove cited
Federal lap hpon Local Pu511c ��an�ie� re:.�ivi�� :°in�.-�ci� c.ssist��ce ihereunder, wi�h re- �
svect to: , ' "
(a) i`he relocation o� fas,flfes 31s�iaced P��m� �he urb�a iene�r::.I 3rea
I . (Section 105(c) o� 9'iicie I)? . �;] Yes [] \o
i �
� Citations:
� M.S.A. �b2.4�5 Subdivisi�ns 4 (S); �.S.A. �62.531. �
� -
� . (b) Salary, wa,ge, and lahor staada-rds (Sec�ion 109 oP said Title 3)? [X� Yes [] Na
� Citations:
� M.S.A. 462.445 Subdfvision 4 (2} , (5) .
9. Is adequate authority vested csider Sicete snd iocal la�rs �o perni� the provision of cash or
' non-cash local gra�ts-in-aid as dePfnad in sz7d 'iitle I? �(] Yes [] No -
i (a) Indicate the cont�plated sources of t��e local gr�ts-ir.-°id for the pro�osed project, '
j ' i.e., the c�enici�ality, Local Publfc ls�;ency se�z ot.er a��ncy, etc.
Redevelopment ProjECt �und
i State Public BoCy Contributions �
� - _ .
(b) Citatiens to authority or e�.c�h oont;��3.�tad source �r iocal b��;,s-iz-aid:
tS.S.t�. �rJ!.:���5'-SU�JC�V1S�Oi1 2 8S �O CUl1II
M.S.�,. 462.781 as �o Con��ibu�ior�s.
(c) Remarks:
•I0. Ib es ar�y provision of 5tate or local la:� restrict the right of the Local Public Agency to �
dispose of i�*�d acquired for r2developneat pur�ses or pr2scr�be the �ethods or impose con-
dit�ons upon land disposEi? [�] Yes [] No
(a) Citations: �
::.5.�?. 4b2.525
- �� - �
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� '
i - --� -----._- -�------ --- ----------� - -�- ------�-_ _..
i � �
E , -
C. Specific Po�ers (Continued)
� 10. (b) Remarks: .
; The Statu�e gr2nts powers witn ras�ecc to �isposition with certain
! protective restric�io:�s. , �
i � '
i �
i - .
D. Urbavr. Rereemul �rea -- LegeZ �Zigibility ana' �.salificatio�z.
Basing your ju��ent �oon d�ta an� inio�atioa in and su�iti:ed in suNpart of the Application, is
the proposed urbsai rene:ral ares le�s11;I eligibie and legaily c�valified under State and local la�a
as the area of and Por �n urban reneGal pnoject:
(s) With resgect to the size oP �e urbaai renewal area? [}� Yes [] No
ri.S.A. 4u2.415; M.S.A. 462.��2i ; 1�i.5.A. 462.4�5, Subdivision �a (8).
(b) With respec� to the con�itions of slu:�, bi���, or de�erioration existing in the urban re-
nee�al area? �] Yes [] h'o '
M.S,A. 462.415; �.S,A„ 462.�21 Subdivision I1 and 13; Ni.S.A 462.�545
Suhdivision 4 (8) .
(c) ti�iih res.��ct ��a o�i:�er s�ecific c3,�slific�.tian re4vire���ents p2r��ine�t to the urban rene:�al
area, speci�inv th�, i���sed by laa? [� Yes [] No
(1) Ydentiiicatior� o� ozner specffic �u:�lific�.tion reyuires�enLS:
(a} Public facilitiQs lac€cing.
(bj r,nviror4�zen�al d�iiciencies.
(c) nilap�dation.
(d} Faulty Arrangement.
(2) Citations: ,
M.S.A. 462.�i5; �i,S.F�. �62.421 5ubdivision 11. -
- 5 -
1 �
• • •
- :�
- � � �.
. E. Reha6ilitation or Conservatson Pomers.
1. List. by citation. the constitational, statutory, and charter provisions, with �udicial de-
cisions thereon, and the local codes or ordinances ahich pill be utilized by the Local Public
A�ency in carrying out a pro�ram of rehabilitation in the proposed urban renewal area.
LEGISLATIVE CODE, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Chap�er 54, as amended by Ordinance
No. 13924, adopted July 9, 1968', and as amended by Ordinance No. 13925,
adopted July 9, 1968. �
. 2. List. by citation. code provisions or administrative determinations which establish staudards
to be utilized in ca.rrying out a program of rehabilitation.
ibid. ,
� 3. Does the law permit the acquisition of real property b�p the Local Public Agency, in the pm-
posed urban renewal area. by �inent c�omain or otherwise. where necessary to:
(a) ELiminate unhealthful. ins�nitary� or unsafe conditions? [x] Yes [] Ivo
(b) Lessen density? �x] Yes [] No
(c) Eliminate obsolete or other uses detrimental to the public
welfare7 [x] Yes [] No
(d) Other�ise remove or prevent the spread of blight or deteriora-
tion? [� Yes [] No
(e) Provide land for needed public facilities? [x] Yes [] No
(fl Citations: ,
M.S.A. 462.421, Subdivision 13; M.S.A. 462.445, Subdivision 1 (4) , 4 (3).
Eg) Explain fully what por�ers and findings are relied upon t�y the Loca1 Public Agency to un-
dertake the acquisition of land and imp�vecients lty �ninent c2omain or otherwise:
The power of eminent domain is vested in the Local Public Agency, .including
the power of supesciflr public use, which may b� exercised upon a determina-
tion by the Local Public Agency that acquisition is necessary to eliminate
� one of the conditions found in the creating ordinance of the municipal gov-
4. ��i�t�°o�'lB�lS��tte�'i�'t�►'2Ap�m�fl�o�a��,lc�x�e�r��ss�pap'm"e�S�S i�n�ieufog'rsu�Rproval��
taxes on the property which the Loca1 Public Agency accluires as pro,�ect land?
. [] Yes [x] No
**by the municipal governing body of a redevelopment plan after findings
of fact as set £orth in M.S.A. 462.521, Subdivision 2.
- 6 -
• ' •
_ � `
� . _
E. Rehabilitation or Conservation Po�ers (Cvntinued) ,
b. Does the Local Public A;ency have the poner to obligate the purchasers or lessees of land iu
the proposed urban rene�al area (see Sec. 105(b) of Title I of the above cited Federal la�v):
(a) 1b devote the la.nd to the uses prescribed by and in conformit�y vith the pertinent urban
rene�r41 plaa? [�] Yes [] No �
� (b) Tb begin the building of the iraproves�ents on such land aithin a reasonable time? �
[X] Yes [] No
(c) Citations:
M.S.A. 462.525 Subd�.vision 5, 7.
6. Cite any provision in StQte or local lasr ahich prescribes a time limit raithin which pro�ect
lend muat be disposed oP by the Local Public Agency.
None '
F. Financing Powers. ,
1. Is the Local Public A�ency suthorized by State and local lap to obtain fif�ancial assistance
under Title I of the aboae cited Federal lar�? [] Yes [] No
, (8) Citations:
(b) Remarks:
2. If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", is the Local Public Agency authorized to
obtain a Title I "advsance" for surveys and p1Fns f�r � urban renerral pro,�ect and to agree to
repey such advence, With interest, out of a�y moneys rrhich become available to the Local Pub-
lic Agency for the undertaking of the urban rene�al pro,�ect involved7 [] Yes [] No
3. Does the Local Public Agency have the power to borrow �oney (other than advances as aforesaid)
to carry out the urban renewal proj ect: ,
(a) From the Federal Govern�ent under Title I of the above cited Federal law?
[] Yes [] Ido
• - 7 - . .
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I �
� --- • ---•--- ------ •--•- -- -- - - - - --- �-- —�.
� �
' F. Financing Powers (Ca�etinued)
; 3. (b) From other sources? [] Yes [] No
I (c) Citations: _
i � '
1 ,
f .
I �
� -
; 4. Is Lhe Locsl Pub2ic t�,ency aut-norized to proviae reasonable securi'ry for tue p�en�t of the
. princi�al oi and ;nterest or its obligations evide.-�ci��; a.-�y �iicle I loan wnich may be made 'r.o
4 it wiy� res�ect to the �ropos2a urosn r�newaZ Dr�ject? [] Yes [] 1Vo
` (a) Cf�a�fo,�s:
i \
I (b) keaari:s: (If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", describe the nature oP the
! security)
i �
� 5. Is the Local Public Agency suthorized to pledge its loan rights uader a Title I loan contrect
! as security for the paymeni; of the principal of and interest on o5ligations which it may seil
� to others than the Federal Government to finance the proposed urban renewal project?
� [] Yes [] No
i (a) Citations:
, (b} REIIIoI'ks:
f 6. I'ioes tae Locai Public Agency hhve L'ne power to borrow money for the purpose of refunding aqy
� obligations it roay issue to the Federa.l Government or to others in connection with the fi-
I nancing or refinancing of the proposed urban renewaZ project? [] Yes [] No
f .
� .
� (a) Citations: �
r ,
i •
, (b) Remarks: ,
7. Are the�E azy cc;�sti�ut�ona�, statutor�, or c�:arter limitations on trie "debt" incurring -
' �,uuers oi tne T.,ocai Pubiic Age�cy? [' Yes [� No
. t . .
, - S -
I '
. �
� , � . .
. . . � .
� 1
� �
f �
� .
' F. Firsmici.ng Po�oers (Continued)
! 7. (a) Citations: �
� '.
� . .
i . .
� (b) ft�ar�s. citing relevant �udicial decisions:
� •
� "
� 8. Are there any constitutional, statutory, or c;tarter lir�itations on the taaing popers of the
iLoc�.l. Public Ar�ency? [] Yes [] No
� (a) Citations: �
's •
(b) Reruar�s, citing relevant judicial decisions:
; _
; -
G. Org�ization Transcript.
I�SOTE: The following is not applicable and should be 3isregarded if the Local Public Agency
� is a county, city, tosm, village, or other traditional type of local government or
� municipality.
1. Has the Loca1 PubTic Agency herataiore sulxnitted copies o� its transcri�t of organization to
the ilrban Rener�al Adfuinistration or its predecessor, tne Division of Slu�i Clearance and Ur-
ban rZedevelo��ent, or to a ftegional Oiiice of the Aousing and I?o�� �'inanc2 Agency, in con-
nection �ith a.-Ly proj ect under the Title T pmgr:m? [] Yes [] No
2. If the answer to the above question is "Yes°, the rercair.der of this Saction G is not appli-
cable to the Local Public Agency and should be disregarded.
3. If the Local Public Agency is (a) a public housing autbority or public housing agency, or
(b) a redevelopment agency, a redevelopment coms�ission, or other special type of redevelop-
ment entity (and ii the answer unc�er Par�graph i above is "No"), sub7it hereAith tae copies
of a transcript oi the oroanization of the I,ocal Public �ency.
Each copy of the transcript of org��ization should include one certified copy of each document
necessary to evidence, under applicable State and local law, the �roper esLablishnent and organiza- -
tion of the Local Public Agency, the appointment and qualification of the oewbers of the origizal
governing boc�y, the holding of the original organization meeting, the election or a��ointr.i�*►t of �
the original officers, aad the adoption of by-la�rs or other procedural regulations. I1l.ustrative
oi the �y�e or docw,�ents required to be �ub;:itted are the follovring sr;�ich wnder certain State and
local 2a�rs Are necessary for ihe preparatio, of the t�n� trFinscrigts of orgaaiz&tion:
(a) i+,o certi�ied copies of extracts from tl:c c�inuLes of th2 r�eetinb or ��eetings of the govera-
ing �,ody of the ;�unicipality or a���rcprizte poliiical subdivision �t r�hich the resolutions
_ y _
� . ' .� . � J
• I • •
� I
� -- - --- •----- - — --- - --
' .
� .
j G. Orgwiization T�-�nscript (Con�inued) ,
I or ordinances suthorizing the creation, designa.tion, a*�d organizfttion of the Local Public
� Agency were c�nsidered and adopted, includin;, i� ap;�.ropriate, copies of notices oP such
� meetings and paivers of snd consents to sucn neetings; - �
�. (b) �+n certified copies of the certiiicate of necessit-y or ceriificate of inco:poration or sim-
j ilar docu�ient issued by tr�e Sta.te �ousin� Board ar Cou,missior,, the Szate Corpor��ion Co�n-
: _ mission, or other public coc1y or ofPicial as m�y be required by ap�licable laru; -
� (c) T�+o certified copies of each cer�ificate of a�pointruent, by the c�aypr or other a�propriate
j appointing officer of the �Sunicipality, of each of the original members of the governing
� boc�y of the Local Public Agency, �ith an �ppropriate certification that the said certifi-
� cates of appointment are on file arid oi record in the office of the certifyin� officer;
i �
� (d) Tva certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the weeting or meetings of the govern-
� ing body of the �SUnicipality or other aopropriate political subdivision at nhich tne appoint-
i ment of each of the original r��ea�bers of the governing bocly of�he Local Public Agenq was
; confirmed or a�proved, �rhere such c,�nfinnation or approval is required by a�plicable lav,
� (e) Two certified co�ies of the certificate of a�proval of the appoint�ents of each of the
i - original members of the governin� bucZy of �he Local Public Agency issued by the State Housir,g
; Board, Coc�ission, or simil.ar public body, if reauired �y applicable Is�;
� (fl Tsco cerLlfied copies cf the oath or offic� or accepiance �f ap�ointroent, �if requir�d t�y Iaw,
j of eacn origina?. uppointee to�the governing boc�/ of the Locai Public Agency;
; (g) Tao certifiec� co�ies of extrGcts PT'Ju1 t�e �in�t�s of t}ie o:ganizaticr, o��eeting or m?etings of
� the L�ca). Public Agency at wiiicii Lhe original by-laws eald official seal were a�op�ed, ef-
; ficers were el��.ted, and other proceedinbs relAting �o the organization of the i�c,ca; Public
i Aoeacy were taken, including copies of notices of such r�eetings and of the waivers of and
I consent to such meetings;
(h) T�so certified copie� oi the by-laxs of the Locai Public Agency as originally aclopted, if not
in�luded �vithin ihe abovc�enzion�d �inutes of the or�anization m2eting; and
(i) T�b certified capies oi each araenci.�eat or cnznge in t5e b�-las�s of the Loccl Public Agency
to the date o� the SllGd11SS1Gri of ;,he organiza�ion tra.nscri�t, including certified e�tracts
from tne G�inutes oi the pr�ceed�ngs of the governin� hoc%� of the i,ocal Public Agency and
other documenLs, if artiy, necessary to evi�lence the pro�er adoption of aay such sr,�endnents
� or char�ges. �
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� A. Name, Organization, and Territorial Jurisdiction of Local Public Agency.
� 1. (a) The legal corporate name of the Local Public Agency identified in the Application dated
October 30 , 19 68 , is:
! Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
j (b) The citations of l�w respecting such name are as follows:
� Minnesota Statutes Annotated (hereinafter cited as M.S.A. Section 462.425
� Subdivisions 1 - 7; Resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
Council File No. 141420, dated September 12, 1947.
2. The Local Public Agency was organized on the 12th day of 5eptember , 19�L,
under the following laws:
M.S.A. § 462.425 Subdivisions 1 - 7.
Constitutional, statutory, and charter provisions:
3. (a) Does the Local Public Agency hat�e a special charter? � � Yes [� No
(b) If the Local Public Agency has a charter, submit with the Application a complete copy of
the charter, with all amendments to the date of such Application, duly certified by the
officer having custoc.�y of the official records of the Local Public Agency, specifying
herein the date of the latest amendment of the charter•
, 19—.
4. (a) Has the Local Public Agency adopted by-laws, rules, or regulations for the conduct of
its affairs? [X] Yes [J No '
(b) If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", submit with the Application a copy of
such by-laws, rules, or regulations, with all amendments to the date of the Application,
� duly certified by the officer having custoc�y of the official records of the Local Public
; Agency, specifying herein the date of the latest amendment of such by-laws, rules, or
! regulations: (Omit this item if the requested data are included within the organization
� transcript heretofore sutxnitted or which is submitted herewith in accordance with the �
requirements of Section G, Paragraph 3, below.)
March 13 19,68
5. (a) Is the proposed urban renewal area described in the Application located wholly within
the authorized territorial ,�urisdiction of the Local Public Agency? [R�] Yes [ ] No
(b) If the answer is "No", include explanation.
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B. General Power.
1. Is the Local Public Agency empowered to plan, to undertsike and carry out, and to finance aa
urban renewal pro,�ect involving slum clearance and redevelopment for which Pinancial sid un-
der Title I of the above cited Federal law ma`y be provided? [R] Yes [] No
2. If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", cite in general the enabling legislation,
constitutional provisions, court opinions, and other la�s upon erhich you base your conclusion.
M.S.A. 46Z.415; M.S.A. 462.421 (13); 462.445; 462.545.
C. Specific Powers.
1. Is a public hearing required by State or local law in connection with an�y phase of the pro-
posed urban renewal pro,�ect? [g] Yes [] No
(a) Citations:
M.S.A. 462.521; M.S.A. 462.525 (2).
(b) R,emarks:
These statutes require public hearing prior to appraval of the redevelop-
ment plans by the City Council, and for public hearing prior to a nego-
tiated s�.le or disposition of project land.
2. Has a public hearing been held in connection with ar�y phase of the proposed urban renewal
proj ect:
(a) As 8,nd if required by State or local law? [] Yes [X] No
(b) As contemplated by Section 105(d) of Title I of the above cited Federal law?
[] Yes [X] No
3. Does the law require that any determination, finding, review, approval, or other action be
made or had at the local level, or by some other public body or official, bePore the Local
Public Agency may undertake or carry out any necessary action pertaining to or ar�y phase oP
the proposed urban renewal project? [R] Yes [] No
(a) Citations:
M.S.A. 462.515; 462.521.
(b) Remarks:
The City Planning Board must review redevelopment plans and the City
Council must approve redevelopment plans after public hearing.
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� C. Specific Powers (Continued)
4. What phases of the proposed urban renewal pro,�ect or what functions oP the Local Public
Agency, generally or in respect to the pro,�ect, will be or are required by law to be per-
Pormed by the State, the Mutticipality, or by aqy other public body or public official (other
than the Local Public Agency)?
(a) Explain fully:
', None.
(b) Citations: '
5. (a) Is there a�yy litigation pending, or threatened, or deemed necessary, affecting ar�y neo-
essary action pertaining to or arLy power or authority oP the Local Public Agency to
undertake and carry out or to finance the proposed urban renewal pro,�ect or any phase
thereof? [] Yes [�] No
(b) If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", give a statement of details respect-
ing the nature of such litigation; and attach a copy of the pleadings, if any.
Statement of details and copy of pleadings attached: [] Yes
6. (a) Does the Local Public Agency, the Municipal�ty, or other public boc�y have the authority
to prepare a general or master plan for the development of the locality as a whole in
which the urban renewal area is located? , [g] Yes [] No
M.S.A. 462.445 S�bdivision 4 (11}; M.S.A. 462.18; Chapter 67, Legislation
Code, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, establishing a City Planning Board
• and setting forth its powers and duties.
(b) If the answer to the foregoing question is "Yes", identify the local public bocly.
(c) Does the Municipality have the authority to prepare and present to the Housing and Home
Finance Agency a "Workable Program" as described in Section 101(c) of Title I of the
above cited Federal law? rj�] Yes [] No
M.S.A. 462.581
7. (a) Is there adequate legal authority for the preparation and approval of an oPficial urban
renewal plan Ahich can meet the requirements of Section 110(b) of Title I oP the�above
cited Federal law? i [}� Yes [] No
M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivisions 1 (4), 4 (3), (5), (8), (10), (11) and (16).
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� C. Spectfic Powers (Continued)
7. (b) Is there adequate legal authority for the preparation and approval of an official rede-
velopment plan for each portion of the urban renewal area proposed to be acquired and
redeveloped, in accordance with the requirements of Title I of the above cited Federal
1$� ' [X] Yes [] No
ibid and M.S.A. 462.421 Subdivision 13.
8. Is adequate authority vested under State and local laws to permit the Pulfillment of the re-
cluirements which are imposed by or must be imposed pursuant to Title I of the above cited
Federal law upon Local Public Agencies receiving financial assistance thereunder, with re-
spect to:
(a) The relocation of families di,splaced from the urban renewal area
(Section I05(c) of said Title I)? [X] Yes [] No
I Citations:
M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (5); M.S.A. 462.531.
(b) Salary, wage, and labor standards (Section 109 of said Title I)? [Z] Yes [] No
M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (2), (5).
9. Is adequate authority vested under State and local laws to permit the provision of cash or
non-cash local grants-in-aid as defined in said Title I7 [X] Yes [] No
(a) Indicate the contemplated sources of the local grants-in-aid for the proposed pro,�ect,
i.e. , the municipality, Local Public Agency, some other agency, etc.
Redevelopment Pro,ject Fund; State Public Body Contributions.
(b) Citations to authority of each contemplated source of local grants-in-aid:
M.S.A. 462.581 as to Contributions. .
M.S.A. 462.545 Suodivision 2 as to die Fund.
(c) Remarks:
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C. Specific Powers (Continued)
10. Does ar�y provision of State or local law restrict the right of the Loca1 Public Agency tb
dispose of land acquired for redevelopment puiposes or prescribe the methods or impose con-
ditions upon land disposal? �] Yes [] No
(a) Ci tations:
M.S.A. 462.525 �
i (b) Remarks: .
Z'his Statute grants powers with respect to disposition with certain
protective restrictions.
D. Ur6an Renewal Area -- Lega1 Eligi6ility and Qualification.
1. Basing your judgment upon data and information in end submitted in support oP the Applica-
tion, is the proposed urban renewal area legally eligible and legally qualified under State
and local law as the area of and for an urban renewal project:
I (a) With respect to the size of the urban renewal area? [X] Yes [] No
M.S.A. 462.4�5; M.S.A. 462.421; M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4(8).
� (b) With respect to the conditions of slum, blight, or deterioration existing in the urban
l renewal area? [X] Yes [] No
1 M.S.A, 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421 Subdivision 11, and 13; M.S.A. 462.445
; Subdivision 4 (8).
(c) With respect to other specific qualification requirements pertinent to the urban renewal
area, specifying them, imposed by law? [R] Yes [] No
(1) Identification of other specific clualification requirements:
(a) Public Facilities lacking.
(b) Environmental deficiencies.
(c) Dilapidation. ,
I (d) Faulty Arrangement.
( (2) Citations:
i M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A, 462.421 Subdivision 11.
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� D. Urban Renewal Area -- Legal EIigibility and Qualification (Continued)
� 2. Basing your jud�nent upon data and information in and submitted in support oP the Applic�
' tion, with respect to each such portion of the urban renewal area as is proposed in said Ap-
� plication as the area of slum clearance and redevelopment activities, is each such portion .
i (herein called a "redevelopment area") legally eligible and legally qualified under State
' and local laws f mm the standpoint of:
i (a) The size of each such redevelppment area? [X] Yes [ ] No
� Citations: ;
I M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (8).
(b) The conditions of slum or deterioration existing in each such redevelopment area?
� [X] Yes [ ] No
` M.S.A. 462.415; M.S.A. 462.421; M.S.A. 462.445 Subdfvision 4 (8).
(c) The extent of each redevelopment area which is open, built up, improved, or
unimproved? [� Yes [] No
Citations: '
i�[.S.A. 462.421 Subdivision 13.
� �
; (d) Other specific qualification requirements pertinent to ar�y such redevelopment areas,
� specifying them, imposed by law?
! (1) Identification of other specific qualification requirements�
� '
(2) Citations:
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E. Property Acquisition and Disposition.
1. Does the law prohibit the Local Public Agency from exercising the right of eminent domain in
respect to ar�y particular type of property in ar�y portion of the urban renewal area, which
property the Local Pubiic l�gency proposes to accluire as a part of the urban renewal pro,�ect,
or does the law impose any unusual restrictions in respect of such acquisition as, for ex-
ample, obtaining the consent of a State public utilities commission to the accNisition of
any property owned by a public utility company? [] Yes [X] No
(a) Citations: �
M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 1 (6), 2 and 3.
(b) Remarks: (If the answer to the foregoing tiuestion is "Yes", describe in detail any such
2. Does State or local law require the pa.yment of ad valorem taxes or payments in lieu of such
taxes on the property which the Local Public Agency acciuires as project land?
[ ] Yes [%] No
M.S.A. 462.575 Subdivision 1. -
3. Does the Local Public Agency have �the Dower to obligate the purchasers or lessees of land in
the pro,�ect area (see Sec. 105(b) of Title I of the above cited Federal law):
' (a) To devote the land to the uses prescribed by and in conformity with the pertinent urban
renewal pl an? [�{] Yes [� No
(b) 1b begin the building of the improvements on such land within a reasonable time?
[X] Yes [] No
(c) Citations:
M.S.A. 462.525 Subdivisions S and 7.
4. Cite arLy provision in State or local law which prescribes a time limit within which pro�ect
land must be disposed of by the Local Public Agency.
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F. Financing Pomers. �
1. Is the Local Public Agency authorized by State and local law to obtain financial assistance
under Title I oP the above cited Federal law? [] Yes �] No
(a) Citations:
M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (4).
(b) Remarks:
2. If the answer to the foregoing cluestion is "Yes", is the Local Public Agency suthorized to
obtain a Title I "advance" for surveys and plans for an urban renewal project and to agree
to repay such advance, with interest, out of any moneys which become available to the Local
Public Agency for the undertaking of the urban renewal pro,�ect involved? [X] Yes [] No
M.S.A. 462.445, Subdivision 6; M.S.A. 462.545, Subdivision 2.
3. Does the Local Public Agency have the power to borrow money (other than advances as afore-
said) to carry out the urban renewal pro,ject:
(a) From the Federal Government under Title I of the above cited Federal law?
[X� Yes [] No
(b) From other sources? ' [X] Yes [] No
(c) Citations:
M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (4), (6); M.S.A. 462.545; M.S.A. 462.551.
4. Is the Local Public Agency authorized to provide reasonable security for the p�yment of the
principal of and interest on its obligations evidencing a�y Title I loan which ma`y be made
to it with respect to the proposed urban renewal project? [X] Yes [] No
(a) Citations:
M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (5), (6).
(b) Remarks: (If the answer to the Poregoing question is "Yes", describe the nature of the
security) '
Enter contractual obligation with the Federal Government to convey
a project in the event of a substantial default; pledge revenues.
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F. Finmecing Pomers (Continued) •
� 5. Is the Local Public Agency author�zed to pledge ita loan rights under a Title I loan contract
' as security for the p�yment of the principai of and interest on obligations which it m�y sell
to others than the Federal Government to finance the proposed urban renewal pro,ject?
[� Yes [ ] No
(a) Citations:
i �
M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (b); M.S.A. 462.551
I (b) Remarks:
6. Does the Local Public Agency have the power to borrow money for the purpose of refunding aqq
' obligations it ma`y issue to the Federal Government or to others in connection with the fi-
nancing or re€inancing of the proposed urban renewal project? [X] Yes [] No
I� (a) Citations:
, M.S.A. 462.551; M.S.A. 462.445 Subdivision 4 (4), (5).
i ,
(b) Remarks:
, GThile no specific authority to "refund" is given, broad power to borrow
and issue evidences of indebtedness for an and all cor orate ur oses
, Y P P P
is given.
7. Are there eny constitutional, statutory, or charter limitations on the "debt" incurring
' powers of .the Local Public Agency? [X] Yes [] No
(a) Citations:
M.S.A. 462.551
(b) Remarks, citing relevant ,�udicial decisions:
Statute provides "The bonds shall not constitute an indebtednesa
within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation
or restriction."
8. Are there aqy constitutional, statutory, or charter limitations on the taxing powers of the
Local Public Agency? � Yes [] No
i "
(a) Citations:
M.S.A. 462.545, Subdivision 6.
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F. Financing Powers (Continued)
8. (b) R,emarks, citing releveut ,�udicial decisions:
G. Organtzation Tr�script.
NOTE: The following is not applicable and should be disregarded if the Local Public Agency
is a county, city, town, village,� or other traditional type of local government or
1. Has the Local Public Agency heretofore submitted copies of its transcript of organization to
the Urban Aenewal Administration or its predecessor, the Division oP Blum Clearance and Urban
ftedevelopment, or to a Begional Office of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, in connection
with any pro�ect under the Title I program? [X] Yes [ ] No
2. If the answer to the above question is "Yes", the remainder of this Section G is not appli-
cable to the Local Public Agency and should be disregarded.
3. If the Local Public Agency is (a) a public housing authority or public housing agency, or
(b) a redevelopment agency, a redevelopment commission, or other special type of redevelop-
ment entity (and if the answer under Paragraph 1 above is "No"), submit herewith two copies
of a transcript of the organization of the Local Public Agency.
Each copy of the transcript of organization should include one certiPied copy of each document
necessary to evidence, under applicable State and local law, the proper establishment and organiza-
tion of the Local Public Agency, the appointment and qualification of the members of the original
governing bocly, the holding of the original organization meeting, the election or appointment of the
original officers, aad the adoption of by-laws or other procedural regulations. Illustrative of the
type of documents required to be submitted are the following which under certain State ana local
laws are necessary for the preparation of the two transcripts of organization:
(a) Two certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the meeting or meetings of the govern-
ing bocly of the Municipality or appropriate political subdivision at which the resolutions
or ordinances authorizing the creation, designation, and organization of the Loca1 Public
Agency were considered and adopted, including, if appropriate, copies oP notices of such
meetings and waivers of and consents to such meetings;
(b) Two certified copies of the certificate of necessity or certificate of incorporation or
similar document issued by the State Housing Board or Commission, the State Corporation
Commission, or other public body or official as may be required by applicable law;
(c) Two certifiea copies of each certificate of appointment, by the m�yor or other appropriate
appointing officer of the Municipality, of each of the original members of the governing
boc�y of the Local Public Agency, with an appropriate certification that the said certifi-
cates of appointment are on file and of record in the office of the certifying officer;
(d) Tavo certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the meeting or meetings of the govern-
' ing boc�y of the Municipality or other appropriate political subdivision at Mhich the ap-
pointment of each of the original members of the governing boc�y of the Local Public Agency
was confirmed or approved, where such confirmation or approval is required by applicable taw;
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G. Organization Transcript (Continued)
(e) T�o certified copies of the certificate o� approval of the appointments oP each of the orig-
inal members of the governing boc�y of the Local Pqblic Agency issued by the State Housing
Board, Co�ission, or similar public bocly, if required by applicable laq;
(fl Two certified copies of the oath of office or acceptance of agpointment, iP required by law,
of each original appointee to the g�overning bocly of the Local Public Agency;
(g) Two certified copies of extracts from the minutes of the organization meeting or meetings of
the Local Public Agency at which the original by-laws and official seal were aflopted, of-
ficers were elected, and other proceedings relating to the organization of the Local. Public
Agency were taken, including copies of notices of such meetings and oP the waivers of and
consent to such meetings;
(h) Ta�o certified copies of the by-laws of the Local Public Agency as originally adopted, if not
included within the above-mentioned minutes of the organization meeting; and
(i) T�o certi€ied copies of each amendment or change in the t�y-laws of the Local Public Agency
to the date of the submission of the organization transcript, including certified extracts
from the minutes of the proceedings of the governing bocly of the Local Public Agency and
other documents, if any, necessary to evidence the proper adoption oP acLy such amendments or
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I, the undersigned, DO HEREBY CERTTFY that I am the duly appoin�ed
and acting attorney at law for the Local Public Agency named in the Application
to which this opinion appert�ins; that Y have been authorized to submit the
foregoing Legal Information in behalf of said Local Public Agency; and that
such Legal Informatfon ia true and correct to the best of my knawledge and
I have revfewed surh Application, dated October 30, 1968, and approved
by the Local Public Agency on Navember 14, 1968, including particularly the
data and in£oruaation relating to (a) the size and character of the proposed
urban renewal area, (b) the proposed project for which surveys and plana are
to be prepared, (c) the activitfes to be undertaken by the Local 1'ublic Agency
in surveying and planning the proposed project, and (d) the proposed method
of financing the project.
� am of the dpinion that the Local F'ubl�c Agency has been legally
created and is a duLy organized and acting public body having the legal power
to undertake, finance, and carry out the surveying and planning work described
in such Application for which it seeka an Advance of funds (or other Federal
aid) under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended.
I am of the further opinion, on the basis of the data and informati4n
submitted in support of the Application�
(�) that the proposed urban renewal area is a sl�un, blighted,
deteriorated, or deteriorating area w�tthin the mean�ing of
such Federal law and that it meets the requirements of
State law, particularly Section 462.421 (11) and (1�) of ,
Minnesota Statutes, for undertaking the proposed urban
renewal project; and �
(b) that such portion of the urban renewal area which is proposed
for slvm clearance and redevel.opment is not clearly predominantly
residential in character.
' Dated this 14th day of Nar�ember , 1968.
� James T. Hart
421 Wabasha Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
• � f��.
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� � .
7 ,.
" . R-135 Statement Explaining Nature and Source of Survey and
' Planning Funds Other Than Advance of Funds Applied For
• . • - on Form H-6100 . �
, No other� funds, other than the advance of funds applied
f or on Form H-6100, Survey and Planning Application, are
to be used to pay any part of the Survey and Planning
� ..�Y J.
costs after approval of this application.
; �
. }
� --
I R-135
f ---
.� � '
- ' � I �
- R-134 Statement in Support of Budget Estimates �
1. Administration $79, 075
. � a . Administrative Overhead and Services
(1) Staff Salaries--Site Office
� Charge-
� Salar Percent Months able
• `Project �'" �
� Coordinator $12, 000 50 12 $ 6, 000
' � Planner II � 8,600 100 12 8, 600
Relocation • �
. Counselor 7, 800 100 6 3, 900
� Rehabilita- - • -
� tion Aid 7,800 100 6 3,900
. Receptionist
: � Clerk/Typist 4, 800 50 12 2,400
' Clerk Stenog- . .
rapher 4, 600 100 12 4, 600
. �$29,400
; - (2) Staff Salaries--Central Office Supporting Staff
Administrative @ 10% $ ?, 500
� Rehabilitation @ lOq'o 2,900
Lega1 @ 15q'o 4,700
- Real Estate @ 10�0 1, 800
� Property Management and Business
• Relocation @ 10% 2, 800
� . Development @ lOq'o 4,400
Public Information @ 10% 2, 100
Community Services .
and Relocation @ 103'0 6, 300 �
. � $32, 500 •
(3) Total Salaries $61, 900
(4) Retirement Contributions . �
$61, 900 Salaries x 8 .2% _ $5, 080
(5) Publications . ' •
Project Reports $1, 500
Inf ormat ion Mat eria 1 500
' � $2, 000
; '
� � -
_ , R-134
i �
' ' � I ._ 1�.:
` • �
, I
i � t
. , � ' .
' . . 4 - . ,
' , �
� (6) Sundry Overhead (Central Office)' .
� _ • Rent (10% x 1 year) $4, 350
, '' Maintenance (janitorial, etc . )
(lOq'o x 1 year) 600
� (7) Site Office Overhead (50%
'charged to PAC costs, see °- '�
; Code R-115) $2, 520
; ' Total, Line l.a . $76,450
b . Travel, Line l .b . . $2, 625
(1) 3 traveling to Chicago, '
5 trips @ $?5/person $1, 125
(2) 2 traveling to Washington,
2 trips @ $150/person 600
(3) Subsistence ' 400
• (4) Local travel, 5, 000 miles
@ $0 . 10/mile 500
� � $2, 625
, 2. Office Furniture and Equi�ment $3, 035
� 5 desks @ $200 $1, 000
5 desk chairs @ $45 225
3 filing cabinets @ $75 225
. 3 work tables @ $60 . 180
5 side chairs @ $30 ' 150
" 2 electric typewriters @ $500 1, 000
, 1 drafting table and stool 175
1 storage cabinet ' gp �
� � $3, 035 �
� 3 . Legal Services--included in Line l .a . 0
4 ._ Survey and Planning • $204, 000
a . Staff Salaries--included in Line l.a .
� , . � -
. + -
} � .
� 2 " " R-134
• � - - 6��.
' � �
1� I
' • , T � • � .
t �
. � b . Contracted Services =.
` - ' (1) Codes 201, 202, 211, 212, , �
' ' ; • 213, • 214, 221, 222, 223, -
224, 225, 226 • $180, 000
, •
. (2) Property Ownership Data
' • for R-2�2 maps 5,000
' , • (3) Urban, Design Study 19.,000 . �
, . .
� $204, 000
3 �
. 5. Land Surveys and Appraisals $82,250
a . Acquisition Staff Salaries-- '
- included in Line l.a .
b. Disposition Staff Salaries--
included in Line l .a . •
c . Acquisit ion Appra isa ls, First _._,_ .
140 residential properties
@ $150 : � " -� _ _ � �$21,000 ^
- ?0 nonresidential properties �
@ $300 - 21, 000
30 nonresidential properties
@ �700 21, 000
_30 equipment appraisals
@ $175 5,250
, �
� $68, 250
d. Land Utilization and Market-
ability Study � � � - $10, 000
_ e. Disposition Appraisals--Reuse $4, 000
6 . Re•location and Communit Organization--
; included in Line l.a . ' p
7. Rehabilitation and Conservation $50, 515
' a . Central Office Salaries---included
• , in Line l.a . ,
b . PAC Support Costs, R-115 $50, 515
c . Contracted Rehabilitation Studies-- �
- included in Line 4 . ' �
. . 8. Subt ot a 1 $418, 8?5
• � . f 3 R-134
- i
� `
. ,
• , i - �,..
; . ,
: � .
� ; .
. f
, . ,
� ; - - . � � �
9 . Reserve and Contin�encies�
- , $194, 870
. _ , a . Contingencies @ 25% of Line 7 $104,720
• � b . Preparation of Part II 5, 000
c . Administration and Overhead
� from Part II Submission to
� Project Expenditures Budget -
Approval 12, 900
' � �_> e
d. Second Acquisition Appraisals 68,250
{ e . Second Reuse Appraisals 4,000
f . Optional Budget Amount p
' � $194, 870
10. Total $613,745
" 11. Project Inspection Fee • • �
� $131 per month for 12 months $1, 572
, . 12 . Total Surve and Planning Budget $615,317
� � ,
� . -
. '
' ' • ��
. �
• 1
� 4 R-i�a
, - � � _:.-_,
; � .
. . � . .�
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• � �
• d � . .
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6.�^�� i0 .
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dJ ^' 'o wo ..+v� .. NMN � �' c� c�
� � z �z � ., � ° , O � NN bA N A Gi �
v, a � N
N N N N �*�I •rl tR O U2 O Ul
(� +' � Y�' O�"TJ " (J2 1"I ¢� � •1"I r"I •r'I r'I
� °'`'� ° ` � rl •rl «3 -I-� «t +� cd
Z � � �Ua+t r o w w w n
Q ° `` 3 4,r � �" rl N ►-� d+ A +� �i � �ri u1 rl Ul �
y, ." o e ov` O � NN • ►� UI U2 •rl Ul •ri
� � ° UI N N N N � �t N � cti O ctt
� y o `4• a � Q'i .C2 t� F'i N i7' f-� Ul �
�' � � c°� � a bc� � � a �
, � � °W��_�s^ ' '
� z Wo'���o� � �, d+ �n �+ �n �n
l/� m�F 6 V LL LL = i
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H Z �U� I
R_l �'�
' _ -
, ,
i , � - � ta� _
� 't �
� .
. , • + ,
" . . . ' ,
� - - R-132 Local Public Agency Staffing and Salary Schedule '
� , ° Not applicable . See Annual Administration Budget .
� - -. O •
� • .
' , �
i �
, • �
� ! R-13 2
i � . ' . � �y
; , ,
q ,
1 " .
� , , . .
_ . ; , . - , .
� . ' - ' �
. • • ` _
_ .�__._ . . � - - -•---
' .
' ,Focm �►PProved 1H1D-6�?
BudQet Rncenu No. 83—R72fi.6 (12-65�
INSTRUCTIONS: In�l�al BUdqet: Prepare ori6inal and S eopiee �or HUD. PROJECT NUMBER (iJ lenovn) BUOGET NUMBER
' � Su6�et orisfnal and Z topie� in Binder No. 1, eopiea in Bindera No. 2, J,
, ' and b. Revieed Budget: If rith arendatory applieation, follor "Init{al ,
' Bud et" inatructions. Otherwise, au6wit orisinu( and 2 co ies to HUD.
. �
. DATF� OF RUDGFC AF'i'ROVAIS (Co w p l e t e f o r r e v i s i o n o n!y)
• Budget No. 1, , 19 Leteet Approved Budget (No. ), . 19
. d
, BUOGET �+ or —� 1Z
(a1 Cb) ( o) (d)
; R 14-10,09, R 1410, 16� R 1410.19, R 141R) a E s 79��75 S
b. 'pRA{�EL (R 1410.O6 111C U@ in � ine a , —�—
2 OFFICF FURNITURE AND EQUIP[v43J'f (R 1476) 3 035
inc u e
a -t,r�cnL s�xvic� (R iaio.oz4, R.1416.oi) in Line 1 —0—
4 SURVEY AND PLANNINC (x iaio.ozi, R 1�30) 204,000
6 i.AND SURVEYS AND APPRAISAIS (R 1410.o2a, x iaio,o2e, g2 ,250
_; ' R 1440,02, R 1440.04, R 1440.�06, R 1446.O1)
(R 1410.023, R 1443.01) lI] Line 1 —�
7 REFIABILITATION AND CONSERVATION (R 1410.029, R 1480) 5 0,5 1 5
e su�ro�rni. 418, 875
- 10 TOTAL (Line 8 plus 9) E E �1.3,745 E
• � 11 PitOJDCI' INSPF�'PION FEE (x iais) 1,572 •
' (Line 10 plus 11) = a �I�J �317 E
Apptovsl of the Survey and Planning Budget in th� amounte and for the time period ehovm in Column (c) ie her by
! ' requeeted. �
� ,
� pC� 3 p�� ►
, Date Si6nature oJ Authorised Offieer
liousing and RedevelopmenE Authority of the City of Saint Paul,Mirm. .
Local Pu6lic Agcncy • Title
� The Sarvey and P1annIng�Budget le hereby approved in the aroouote and for the time period ehown in Column (d). The ,
• anthoiiaed activitles ehal�l be completed by , 19_. • '
Date Si6natare Title
, . GPO 901-A00
. - I ,
; R-131
,. E.".
� �
. •r
' ' - . ., .
R-121 Estimate of Federal Grant Requirement ' '
1. Survey and Planning Costs ' $625 , 317
T� Survey and P�anning Budget (Form HUD-627)
Source : Planning Consultant
' 2. Administrative Costs - $818, 400 .
�a ,
� � Estimated at 6 °� of the cost of real estate
� purchases : � �
Source : Current LPA experience � .
, 3. Real Estate Acquisition $13,640;000
The full and true value for all proper-
, ties in the West Midw.ay project area were
' _ obtained from the County Assessor 's office .
' - � � Contact with four real estate brokers were
used to determine relationship of market
value to full and true values. It was
determined that a negotiated sale of resi-
' dential and nonres,idential properties were
being purchased for 4 and 2� times the full
and true value respectively.
• . . The planning consultant has tentatively
identified 240 properties to be acquired. •
, A 10 percent assemblege factor has been added
to the total estimated market value , � - .
, Source ; Planning Consultant , Ramsey ,
County Assessor , Local Real Estate Brokers.
. 4. Cost of Project Improvements (Item I) $5 ,373, 225
_ a . Pavement Demolition (Includes $55 575
. �
� removal of existing pavement , curb
- and gutter, �sidewalks, and rough
grading for new street site develop-
ment, ) Includes all or portions of
• • • • �
, Pelham Boulevard; Myrtle , Ellis�, Long,
• Hampden , Raymond Avenues; Teiritorial �
Road; Bayless Place ; and Turner , Pearl,
LaSalle , Pillsbury, 147ontgomery, Carle-
ton , Seal, Bradford, Hersey, Dakota ,
� and Endicot Streets. •
. . - - � _ _.�.�- - - -
' 290 L.F, of 50 Ft . R.O,W. @ 5. 00 $1, 450
' 8, 875 L. F, of 66 Ft . R.O,W, @ 5.00 = 44, 375 �
� . 1 ,950 L,F, o� 80 Ft . R,O,�Y. @ 5 .00 = 9,750
� Source : Planning Consultant ,
i b. Street improvement (Existing streets to $3 , 890, 750
' • be reconstructed of 2 inch Bitiminous pave-
ment or 8 incli concrete pavement in- � �
• cluding gravel, base , curbs , gutters ,
� sidewalks , sod , street lights , and
, sewer separation) .
. (1) 66P't . R.O.`V, w/36Ft , pavement for
i "
; Pelham Boulevard; Territorial Road; �
! Bayless Place; Bayless , Cromwell,
! - _ and Franklin Avenues; and Wycliff "
Turner , Pearl , Robbins, Manvel, .
. •
� � . Glendale , Curfew, Berry , . and
� Bradford Streets . Total $1 ,328 , 340
(2) 70 Ft , R,O,W, w/44 Ft , pavement �
for Cleve�land Street and Ellis
Avenue , Total $237 , 390 �
(3) 80 Ft R,O,�Y. w/44 Ft , pavement
(some 36 Ft , pavement) for Hampden , - -
Myrtle , Raymond, S9abash , and Charles
. Fvsr.ues; Raymond Place; and Carleton ,
Vandalia , and Emerald Streets.
Total $2 , 325 , 020
• , Source : Planning Consultant
2 R-121
. i '
� " • • • L✓..
! �
• . 1 . ,
� . • ' �
� . � c . Proposed new or relocated streets, $1, 426 , 900
. .
' . � including �`rontage roads. (Constructed
' of 2 inch Bituminous pavement , in-
cluding excavations, gravel base , side-
• , walks, cur.bs , gutters, catch basins,
� street lighting, black dirt and sod
; ' and sewer separation . Does not in- �
_ clude cost of land, assumes dedi- •
� cation .
_ (1) 66 Ft . R.O.W. w/36 Ft , pavement .
' for LaSalle and Wycliff Streets; �
Wabash, Raymond, and Ellis Avenues; '
and Bayless Place . Total $262,600
� (2) 80 Ft . R.O.W, w/44 Ft pavement
for Capp Road and Raymond and
� Cleveland Avenues . Total $652 , 400 _
� (3) Cromwell Avenue and Eustis Street
frontage r.oads Total $511,900
Source : Planning Consultant .
5. Cost of Public and Supporting Facilities
- (Item II) , $2, 744,200
. . a . Bridges or overpasses �$1,045 ,000
� ' (1) Over M-280--50q'o State and local •
(a) Wabash Avenue Total $197,500
� • �(b) Franklin Avenue Total $197,500
i (c) Territorial Road Total $197,500
(d) University (90q'o -
. • federal) Total $400 ,000
' (2) Over I-94--1Oq'o State and local
(a) Raymond Avenue (10 3'0 of
� cost , 525 ,000) Total $52 ,500
$1 ,045 ,000
, Source ; Planning Consultant
. - R-121
� �
t . _ _ �,..
• � •
� .
, � `
; , .
� b. Storm Sewers $1,666 , 800
' • � � St Anthony Park Relief System, 1971
. • ' (60�'0 of �$2 ,778,000) Total . $1,666 , 800
� , Source ; CIB � '
� c . Parks , $32,400
. South St . Anthony Recreation Center ~
Ancillary Project 1972 Total ' $32 400 '
. , � _
Source : CIB
.6. Site Clearance $954, 800
Past experience of the LPA and the plan-
nirig consultant indicates that site •
` clearance costs are approximately 7 %
of the acquisition costs.
Source : Local Public Agency and Plan-
- ning Consultant
. 7. Legal Expense $30 000
� . - Current experience of the LPA indicates
that it would require one Staff Counsel,
one assistant Staff Counsel, and one
Clerk Steno 20 % of the time for ap- ,
. proximately 5 years.
�. Source : Local Public Agency
� 8. Disposal, Lease Retention Costs $143 ,220
Local experience indicates that these -
; , costs would be approximately 3 9'0 of dis-
; . .
position costs.
Source ; Local Public Agency -
9. Relocation Costs $29,700
� � � 96 Business units @ $150 = $14,400
° 204 housing units @ $ 75 = 15 , 300
$29, 700 �
Source: Local Public Agency -
. 4 R-121
. . � , �. ._
' • • � • �
10. Interest Expense $1 296 280
> >
Interest estimated at 6 % of Gross Item
I costs. '
� Source ; Planning Consultant ' '
. 11. Contingencies $2, 290 095
- ' Contingencies estimated to be 10 % of ~ -
� above (not including Item II) ,
. Source : Planning Consultant
12 . Dispostition Proceeds $4 774 000
. . > >
Estimated, �rom past and recent sales by the
' .LPA and Port Authority for similar in- �
' . . � dustrial: parc�ls. , -
Source : Local Public Agency ' �
� 13. Relocation Grant
Residential; 124 families @ $150 = $18 ,500
� . - . � - _
; 80 individuals @ ?5 = 6 ,000
. • � $24,500 ,
� Nonresidential : �
, 24 Commercial @ Average of $ 2,500
51 Light Industr� al @ 10 ,000 _
15 Heavy Industria 1 @ 25 ,00�0
6 Semi Public ; Non-Profit @ 1 ,000 � ..
- . � • _ ." $951 ,000 .
� Total Relocation Payments � $975 500
Relocation A�justment Pa.yments
95 families @ $400 $38 000 �
. � .
28 individuals. (elderly) @ 500 14,000 �
Total RAP's $52 ,000 "
Small Business Displacement Payments ,
42 @ $2 ,500 $105 ,000
Settlement Costs _
200 @ average of $80 $16 ,000
Total estimated Relocation Grant $1 , 148, 500
Source ; Planning Consultan`t
. • • • • � �
Source of LocaT Share
The local sharP of the project is expected to be provided in
the form of cash from urban renewal bonds .
Summary--Estimated Federal Grant `Yest Midway Urban Rene�val Project
� 1. Survey and Planning
' $ 615 , 317
i ' 2. Administration - � 818, 400
3. Real Estate Acquistion , 13,64Q,000
� - 4. Project Improvements (Item I) 5 ,373,225
� 5. Site Clearance 954, 800
. • 6 . Legal Expense 30 ,000
� 7. Disposal, Lease Retention 143, 220
� 8. Relocation Costs 29, 700 �
' � 9. Interest , - 1, 296 , 280
SUBTOTAL $22 , 900 , 942
10 . Contingencies 2,290 ,095
� 11. Ncn-Cash Grant-in-Aid . 2 744 200
t • •
� ,
; GROSS PROJE�T COST $27 , 935 ,237 �
12, Disposition Proceeds ' 4,774,000
i �
. NET PROJECT COST $23 , 161 ,237
; Federal Share 15, 440, 825
' . Local Share . 7, 720, 412 .
� � � Non-Cash Grai�t-in-Aid 2, 744,200
, CASH 4, 976, 212
; . 13 Rclocation Gran� - 1 , 148,500
� � 14. Rehabilitation Grant . ' 70 ,000
. , 1 ,218, 500
TOTA L FEDERA L GRANT $16 , 659, 325
, � -- � 6
' ` � R-121
- - . � � i,..
_ �
. ' r
t • '
, ' ' : . .'. , .
' . R-122 Finance Data . Cities Under 50, 000 Population .� •
. , .
_ r,
' � .., _
. � -
; '
� ' .
. � � .
' � R_l29
i • • .� _ ,. �,
� R-116 � Community Or�anization Data � °"
� . , Al1 data necessary to determine the social and economic
problems of the project area residents will be under-
taken in the normal course of conducting relocation
'interviews . This would include matchi�g the prob- �
, lems with those agencies• best equipped to solve the ^ A
. problems . •
A social survey, therefore, an optional item described
• � . in RHA ?213 . 1, is not contemplated in conjunction with
this project, inasmuch as the residential area is but
. a small portion of the project area when related to
� the scope of such a survey .
- .
� '
` r
' . R-116
• i a
• _ �
._ - _ � � � � :,s-.:
� � . .
,i � , , ,
• 8-111 Community Requirements ' _ -
• ' A "Workable Program for Community• Improvement for the
City of Saint Paul" has been certified by the Department
, ' of Housing and Urban Development a�nd recertification is
' currently in effect . -
• .,>, w
� . .
. , � •
, �
; � .
: '
. . . - � ,
, �' `
, � •
, , . .
, � �
� _ . . ,• •. ._ . ..
1 - . ' , .
• . . • .,..
� • R-115 . Rehabilitation Data � .
: � ' �, Preliminary evidence, based on a limited exterior survey,
and results of previous studies of the area, indicate
--- that the properties in the rehabilitation and conserva-
' - tion portions of the project would be f easible of upgrad-
� ing to Property Rehabilitation Standards . The basis of
� such a determination is as f ollows :
. - The residential structures to remain, being predom-
inantly single family, one- or two-story frame
_ structures have been well maintained . Although a
few foundation problems were found, age has been
� the major factor contributing to their physical
� decline. Regardless of their age, however, the
existing character of the residential area to re-
main, the solid ethnic bonds, and the existence of
active neighborhood groups, e .g. , South St . Anthony
Booster Club, Midway Civic Club, are ample reason
to consider this residential area f easible for re-
habilitation and conservation.
� - To further preserve this residential area, the up-
grading of service streets, sidewalks, and general
, public facilities combined with rerouting truck
, traffic to a new street to the eastern periphery
' of the area (with a park buffer strip between the �
residences and new street) are proposed.
- The nonresidential structures to reinain, predomi-
nantly industrial, but with some commercial, are ,
likewise considered to be f easible f or rehabilita- � �
tion and conservation. This is based on the fact
, that most structures are one-story in height, do
. not suffer from major subsoil problems, are pre-
� ` . , . ' R-115
� -
; , �• . ' . • �
1 . . • � �,.
. . ° dominantly of masonry and/or steel construction,
' y,
and are approximately 10-40 years old. _
� .
- While certain incompatible and substandard struc-
tures will be acquired and scheduled for demolition �
to eliminate the blighting conditions, substantial
� sums of money have been spent for major newrindus-
tries and for expansi�n of existing industries .
� - Additional project improvements consisting of
streets, sidewalks, lighting, and sewer separation
; will assure that the area will be restored to a
. long-term, sound condition. �
" The limited exterior survey, combined with previous
- studies, indicated that of the 507 buildings in the
� designated rehabilitation and conservation area, 368
or 72 .6 percent contain one or more structural defi-
ciencies . Of the 368 deficient buildings, 65 or 12 .8
; percent are substandard to a degree warranting clear-
ance . 'A number of buildings, yet to be .determined,
will be likewise cleared because of their blighting
� � inf luence or to meet the plan objectives f or public
` improvements, etc . � •
Estimated costs of planning f or rehabilitation are
�entered on Form HUD-627, Survey and Planning Budget .
, The estimated cost of any work to be performed under
, contract is also listed on Form HUD-681, Survey and
� Planning tiYork Act ivit ies to be Perf ormed Under Contract .
At the outset of the survey and planning phase of this �
project, the LPA will establish a Project Area Committee
. comprised of both residential residents and business
, representatives (some of whom are project residents)
' 2 R-115
_ . ��I:, ,
• • • �
� of the project area . It is essential that both these
groups be represeiited b�cause the project is �today pre-
� doininantly nonresidential and is proposed to become '
• more so in _the near future . ,
i There are presently three civic organizations that are
; large�ly representative of project residents and busi-
nesses, i . e . , the South St . Anthony_� Booster Club, the " .
� Midway Civic Club, and the 114erriam Park Improvement
Association. It is believed that representatives from
these active organizations and additional at-large ,
� representatives would f orm a fair cross section of area
residents necessary for the PAC. It is envisioned that
; they would elect of�icers, establish working and advis-
� ory committees, and promote ef�ective means of communi-
� cation between the project residents and t.he LPA.
! -
� The LPA will work closely with the PAC to assure that
� � citizens participate in the f ormulation and execution
` of plans for renewal of the area and provide sufficient
� • information so that the property owners and residents
. . .
i . in the project area develop understanding of and par-
; ticipation in project a.ctivities . The LPA will also
� ' make provisions for the PAC to assist in the u�;iliza-
' tion of project residents for property or family sur-
� • veys, during the planning stage, or as relocation or
rehabilitation aides during the execution stage. The '
LPA will also provide all the training and technical
assistance necessary to the utilization of project
residents in the rehabilitation of their area . .
� The LPA will lilce�yise provide all the administrative
and secretarial assistance, equipment, and office and
' �meeting space necessary for the PAC to e�f ectively �
� operat e .
3 R-115
� ' � ' .
, , � .
. - ' - �• . . ' • . .. •
; . • �
� - ' , The estimated costs for support of PAC during the survey �
' , . and planning stage are as follows : "
� Staff Salary Percent Months Chargeable
- Project '
Coordinator $12,000 50 - 12 $ 6, 000 _ �
, � �, �
Clerk Steno 5, 600 100 12 5,600
• Community �
= Organizer 9, 800 100 12 9, 800
� � Organizer 8,200 100 � 12 . 8,200
R,elocat ion . �
Counselor � 7, 800 100 6 3,900
Ftehabilita- '
tion Aid ?, 800 100 6 . - 3,900
_ Receptionist
• Clerk/Typist 4, 800 50 12 2,400
$39, 800
' Retirement : Salary x 8 .2% $3,265
Office and Meeting Room Overhead*
Rent ($200 month x 12 months) $2,400
Maintenance (Janitorial, etc . )
($50 month x 12 months) 600 :
, Utilities ($50 month x 12 months) 600
� Office Supplies ($50 month x
12 months) 600
, - Postage ($30 month x 12 months) 360
Blueprinting and Printing 400
Insurance 80
, $5, 040 x 50% $2, 520
Publications �
Project Reports . $ 500
Informational Material 1,000 .
� $1, 500 $l, 500
�`It is proposed that the PAC and project site office
share quarters in order to utilize personnel and facil-
ities to fullest advantage. Theref ore, 50 percent PAC
cost, 50 percent to Survey and Planning Costs .
� 4 - � R-115
' - . ,• . , - • ,
' Travel, Local ,
' � �� 5, 000 miles @ $0. 10 per mile • $500
Office Furniture �
6 desks @ $200 $1, 200
6 desk chairs @ $45 270
a�. a
4 f iling cabinets @ $75 300
� 4 work tables @ $60 . �240
� 6 side chairs @ $30 180 '
: 24 folding chairs @ $10 240 .
� 1 electric typewriter 500 �
. , $2, 930 2 930
� Total Project Area Committee Support� Costs $50, 515
, The estimated costs of Kehabilitation Grants for resi-
- dential strurtures are as follows :
, a . Estimated number of owner-occupied, one-
� to four-dwelling properties in project
area which are to be rehabilitated. 100
b . Estimated percentage of those properties
which are owned and occupied by families
' or individuals whose annual income does
� ' , not exceed $3,000 . 10%
c . Estimated percentage of those properties
which are owned and occupied by families
and individuals whose annual income ex-
- ceeds $3, 000 and who may be eligible to
receive rehabilitation grants . 20q'o
d . Estimated number of rehabilitation grants �
that will be made 30
e. Estimated total Rehabilitation Grant $70, 000
, _ 10 x $3, 000 = $30, 000
e 20 x $2, 000 = $40, 000
$70, 000
' ' S � R-115
• ' � • � �
- � .
Form Approved HUD-6100
Budget Bureeu No. 63-RRR2.3 �12-55�
lNSTRUCTIONS:Submi!originn! !n Bindcr No. 1, and copies in Bindcrs lYo. 2, 3, ond 4.
�X� Survey and planning of an Urban Renewal Project � ^ ' ' -�
� � Under "Disasler Area" provisions oE Section 111 of the fIousin g Act of 19 4 9, a s a m e n d e d
� ] Preparation of General NeighUorhood ];enewal Plan " ' ' � -
, � � Feasibilit Survey of,.n urban area �
(For survey and plannin� of a projec[, check appropriate eligibilify cafegory of projec� to b'e planned; !or prepara[ion oI A Genera! 4
Neighborhood Renewa! P/an, check eligibility calegory indicaled al this time for "firsl projec!" in proposed Genera/Nei�hborhood
Reneival Area.$ee Urban RenewalMonual,Chapter3-2.Leave blank forFeasibililySurveyApplicalion orfor"DisttslerArea"projecl.)
� � I Predominantly residential Built u "
P Any
L � II Predominantly residential Predominantly open land An
� � ILI Not predominantly residential Built u �
p Predominantly residential
� � IV Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Predominantly residential
� � V honresidential �
Exception No[ predominantly residential $uilt up Not predominantly residential
- � � VI Nonresidentiul
Exception Not predor.iinantly residential Predominantly open land Not predomivantly residential
Colle e,
' � � VII Universi�y or .
Hos ita� . • ADY Built up Any
Colle e,
� � VIII Univers�y or .
Hospita� ADY , Predominantly open land Any '
[ ] IX - 0 en land
P Predominantly residential
[ ] X ' Open land Not predominantly residential
� � XI Area Redevelopment Not redominarrtl residential
Exception P Y Built up Not predominantly residential
• � � XII Area Redevelopment
- Exception Not predominantly residential Predominantly open land Not predominantly residential
Land improved princi-
� � XIII Air Rights Not predominantly residential pally with highways, predominantl residential
- . ttad:age, or similar Y •
' 'facilities
[X ] Original Application
� � Revision of approved Application —Project, Plan, or Su'rvey No.
— for:purpose of
� � Change in area• � � Other (Describe)
� � Increase in total estimated cost ' -
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City _of St . Paul, 117innesota
42I jYabasha Street, St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 '
� (Over)
•- � -� -
. . • _:,
r .
, � � !
• � • � •
The eslimated cost of�he surveys and/or plans and the LATEST APPROVED ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED FOR
anticipated sources of funds to pay this cosl are: -
1.'Fcderal advance applied for $ ( )$ • $ 6�-5� 31-7
2. (Plus) I'unds to be obtained from othcr sources ( )8 "0—
, 3. (Equa/s)Total estimated cost , 8 ' ' � )S $ 615, 317
' F. ESTIMATE OF FEDERAL GRANT REQUIREMENT (Leave binnk for Feasibi/ity Survey Application)
' [ � The Federa] grant requirement for the Project , . Basis of Project Capital Grant: (Check one) .
has previously been estimated and no change in � - .
, the estimate is contcmplated at this time. � � 2/3 of Net Project Cost
�X� The Applicant estimates the Federa] grant re- � � 3/4 of Net Project Cost—municipality �vith population of
quirement (project capital grant plus relocation 50,000 or less
grant and any rehabilitation grant) for the Proj- � ] 3/4 of Net Project Cost—municipality with population of
ect to be more than 50,000 in redevelopment area
g 16,659,325 � � � �
. The area is locally known or proposed to be k��own as thc tiyE.'S t Midwa v --
[X� IJrLan Renewal Area � ] General Neighbothood Rencwa] Area [ ] Feasibility Srirvey Area , situated in the
C��y ot St . Paul , County of Ra�y ,
and Statc of ��nllA�Otc'1 , and bounded �enerally as follo�vs: O11 the 110I'tll by t�le
Northern Pacific Rai roa Rt . of �vay; on the east by the hlinnesota Transf r
Railroad rights-of-way; on the south by the Interstate Route 94, and the
city limit on west. • _
Application) � '
1. is the P�oject located in an area covered by a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan? [ � Yes . [X] No
if Ycs: a. Enter Plan number: No.
b. If this Application is for planning of "first project" in the General •
. Ncighborhood Renewal Area, enter amount of Federal grant reser- �
vation outstanding: ��
c.List numbers of any other Titic I projects in the General Neighbor-
hood Renewal Area that have previously been apptoved by HHFA �
or HUD: No.
• ' . - . - No. �
2. Was a Feasibility Survey, financed with Federal advance funds, under-
taken in any part of the proposed Projecl area? [ � Yes EnterSurveynumber: No.
� "" �X � No ' . . - - -
1 �
The documentation submitted herewith in support of this Application shall be considered part of this ppplication.
J. EXECUTION � , � 9 � •
IN NIT'NESS WIIEREOF, the Applicant has caused this Application to be executed on o�� , 19
Housing and Redeve{opment l�utharity of the Citp of Saint PauE,Minn. �f 1
By �\
Corporate Nome o[App��cant Sfgnsture
FHLDO-W.»hin�lnn, D C
2 ', R-101
�. �
R�14G Gont•ent o� LP� I.and Acqu-I�i.tj.o:� Staten�nt . � � .,
� -- - -- --.-. -_ ---
The l�ousin� und l�ectevelop�-�nt Au�ilo;it:y of ttie City o� Sain�
Paul hex�eby estaolishes A lznd acqul.si�i.on policy under �•�Iiich �
� i t �•��11: � �
1. 2•falce every rea�on4ble ef�ort L-o acquxre each p;:oper�y by ' �
negotia�ed pu�chase be�or.e ii�sL-i�u��n� ei;�iuent dois:ain p�o�
ceedii3os a�ain�t the prol�e�tye
2, l�ot re�tcire any o,•m�L to suire��der the r3.�li� L-o possessiou
, of h9.� pro�erty u�ltil the �.utho;�:�_L-y �ays, or causes to be
, paid, to the o�,nter (a) the ag-reed puxch�se pri.ce �riived a�
. , by negoti�tio�z, or (b) iri any cas} ����erE only L'1Y� a�oua� of
, the payri�nt L•o the c:•mer �s in dispute, no� less than 75 pe��
cent o� the ap��a�sed tai.r value as a�p�oved by the �ui:no�iL•y,
auu concu��ecl in by D.Ti7i�,
, 3• �O� TC'�ll:�YE 2A3' PL'3'SOI7 �,�i:7'1�111�.�7 OCCUa�73.i1� P�O�i:Z'L`y �O SLtY�°
render po�s�wC/J�.O17 s�3tfaau� at 7_eac� 90 �a.��s' c�7Y'7.tti2ri nota.ce
� l .
� . �rom the Authority o� tne d��e oa ��ah3.ch possession �•�ill be
� requiredo
� 4+, rilin��i.n records o� its i�e�o�iatio�ls and oth�z ElC'L1G:1S�
, OUC�.1.11E•C� iTl triis S��t�>.::,'���.� inclu�i�� k�2)OL"�s of i.tS S��f's
neooti.a�o� o� all n�botiations �91�:11 j32"Oi e��y c-;*n�rs, �s ev��
� dence o� its adherence to tt:n r�c�ujred policy,
. ,
, ' .
- . ..1_ R-146 ,
- . _ . �
. f
� �
: . - � • • . - � .
, County of Ranzsey es. � . "
Harry E. Marshall, ,
I+•--•-------------------------•-----....----...-------•--•-•-•---•---•--......__.._.._..........._......_City Clerk
� of the City of Saint Paul, Mlnnesota do hereby certify that I have
compared the attached copy of Council File No._._....��1009
• ---•..................
P 9 tY Nov. 1 �.................19--••�8---...
as ado ted b the Ci Council..._____.__.....................�.
and approved by the Mayor------------------------•-NoY_•__19�.------•---•-----19...._�...---
with the ori�inal Yhereof on file in my ofFice.
I further certify that said copy•is a true and correct copy of
said original and the whole thereof.
� WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Pau1, 11�iinri., '
this.----••--l�h'------•--•.daq •----• ---••----•-Nov.-•- -... . -•-------A. D 9----�'.
�O _ ...__.-- ---- ••• .._.....-•---- --•.._...
.... . :...... ..... ...... --
. City Clerk.
� �
. , . . . __._ _ __ _- -- .�. _ �_..
. . � � �'��.U�4.�
PRESENTED BY / �� : " � ,� �
j�HEREAS, under Title I of the I-Iousing Act of 1949, as amended
(herein re�erred to as "Title I") , the Secretary of Housi.ng and
. Urban Developuient is authorized to eYtend ,financial assistance to
� ' local public agencies in the elimination and prevention of the �
spread of their slums and urban blight� through the planning and
undertaking of urban renes,ral projects; and .
- WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the
Housing and Reclevelopment Au�hority of the Ci�ty of Saint Paul ,
Minnesoi;a, make surveys and prepare plans , preseiltly estimated to
cost approximately Six Hundred Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred
Seventeen Dollars (�$615 ,317) , in order to u.ndertake and cairy out •
an urbail renewal project of the character coiztemplated by Section
�110(c) o� the City of Saint Paul , County of Ramsey, and State of
Miruiesota, which is described as follows: -
�. Exhibit "A" Ati;ached.
• 1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is a
blighted, deteriorated and deteriorating area appropriate for an
urba.n renewal project and that the undertaking by the Housing and �
° Redevelopmen� Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Diinnesota, of
� surveys and plans for an urba,n renewal project of the character
� contemplated by Section 110(c) of Title I in the proposed Urban
: Renewal Area is hereby approved.
. - 2. That the financial assistance available under Title I is
needed to enable the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
of Saint Paul , rlinnesota, to finance the pla.nning a.n.d undertaking
� of the proposed Project, which Project could not be undertaken with-
� out the govern�mental assistance to be so provided. .
� COUNCILMEN FORM PPROVE � Adopted by the Councii 19—
� Yeas Nays q Corporat n Cou el '
� CarLson • - -
Dalglish Approved 19—_
_ Meredith ' Tn Favor �
Sprafka .Mayor
Tedesco A gainst .
Mr. President, Byrne • � �
- .,
• �O
____. _ ^-.-- , ` �. ,�� . `
, � _ � y�.G�
2 � . '
. .
3, That it is cognizant of the conditions tliat are imposed
in the unclertalLin� a�icl carrying OLl�; of urban reiiejlal projects
with Federal financial assistance under Title I , including those
relating to (a) the relocation of site occupants, (b) the provi-
• sion o� local grants-in-aid, (c) the prohibition of discrimination �
because of race , color, creed, or national origin, and (d) tlle -
requirement •that the locality present to the Secrei;ary of Housing
and Urban Development , as a prerequisite to the approval of the .
application described below, a Workable Program for Couununity
Improvement, as set forth in Section 101 (c) of Title I, for
utilizing appropriate ptiblic and private resources to eliminate
and prevent the development or spread of SI.L11I1S ancl urban bliglit.
a that a feasible
4. That it is the sense of this body ( )
me�liod for the relocation of individuals. and families displaced .
n Renewal Area in conformity with Title I , can be l
from the Urba � - ,
prepared, and (b) that the local grants-in-aid can and will be pro-
• vided in an amount which will be not less than one-third of the
Net Project Cost of the Project and which, together with the
Federal capital grant , will be generally equal to the difference
between Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project
land sold, leased, or retained for use in accordance with the
� urban renewal pla,n.
5. That the filing of an application by the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority of the Ci.ty of Saint Paul , riin.nesota, for
an advance of funds from the United States of America to enable
it to defray the cost of the surveys and plans, for an urban renesl-
al project in the proposed Urban Renewal Area described above is
" hereby approved. �
. - f�tiut� �. ``- ���� .
Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas NaYs '
*, ;r � .. �
� Carlson • � � • �' :, � �:��-" 19--
Approvecl� � . . .
Dalglish �
Meredith _�n Favor
Peterson � Mayor
. Sprafka ____�gainst •
• �edesco-
Mr.President, Byrne � . •
. !
� � . . :. , _ • • f -• • . � t-•-.
� . � ^ I . �!:_�.V��
; WEST ,•;IL��•lAY U.���tN firt•�LS��AL �`P.OJL;CT .
, POU:;Ur1i Y n;;SC!LTPTIO:d •
CO;i�RnriC�il`^, ��� tiie poi.nt of inCer�ecti.o❑ of the center ' `
line of �m::r�;Ic, Street �:�i.�,z the SOUC�"!CL'il ri���C-of-�,-ay
line ot tiie ;;artLerzi P�cific Fai.li;•��y, t}i�n n�r�i����se:erly
' , . FllOn� S�[�L� SO�!i-�:CIl2 L'].�'�ZC-�Gi^�ii;}' illlC Oi tt1C 2�orthcrn �
. Pa.ci;ic F�zlcs�:3• to tne �1plilt o� it�t;�r�ectiu,i witi� tile
. easrcrn ri��it-o�-„ay litie o� FIc�:sey SCree�, �h�n sout�zeasterly
nlon� s�ic; lir_� to ttic point a; intcrsection c�itli � poi.nt
�ppro::i.���aL-�l.y 1�S tec� norti� of th� no_•thern ri�nt�of�:�,�y -
li.r.� of C:•p�, F:o�ri, ttien soulh^_�'ly �-:1onb ��;d li.nc to ttie '
poinL- oL inter;;�•ction c�itl� tha IlOrt'tl•�rn ri�h�-�of-;;:y line '
� o:C Capp r.o�a ���:� th� ��;esrerri r;.Ert�of�;;ay linc o£ tl-�e
t�ii.nnc�o�a Tr�(�jAEl g,ail�.,•�y Co;�p�ny, tlien sou�h��rl; along
safd ;_�esCe;�n ri�ht-•o£-s:T�}� linc of t�iinr:�sota ir�ns�c� •
R�ilt��ay Cc:y���.ny to t�i� poinC o� 3.nL'crsection a:itii th�
norrh�rn ri�h�-ai-;•;wy Zin� o� Cnc:rle� Stree� ext�nc;ed,
t�i�n south�::s�eL1y alon� � linc to � poin� on th� �o,ittierr�
r�ght-o�-:;�y I�.n� o£ Uni.v��rsity Av��u�t� and c.p�ro:;ii:�:_tely . •
300 feet e�st of �he e�st�;n ri�tlt�of�;•���y li.n4 0; Cl;;velan:l
. • A�enue, tiien :astiz�rly �lonb a. line aPP�o:;;,r.^.�tely 1,350
£eet to lhe pcir.k o£ i.nte�sec�ion with the n�;;tl»rn
ri�li*_-oL�:;�.�• l,n•a o£ .•iinne�ot�-� Tr�n�f-er F.�zl,•;�-:y Co:�;�any,
t}:en south?a�t�rly alo,� s�i.cl line to the pc�i.nt o;
intersectioz cr;,ti1 tne t,cstcrn riglit-of-���;y line of Prior
� Av�n��4, ti:cn sna�t���ly a1o�� sai.d lirie to th� point oF .
intersectio:i �l='th the nortIi���n ri��:t••oL-�:;�..y li.n� of
Intez•sttiCe Hi��:�;ay v�,�bLr 9!s, theri nortii�•;este�ly a1on�
• said li.ne co t�ie point oF inteT-.ecttion t•�itit che cen�er
. � lina o£ Frl�_'i'i:?� Street, th�n n�;. tn^_rly �:Iong s�ic li�� '
- ta t}ie point o_ i,i�_rsEC��on i�ith th� so��ti���rn rir5�-of�:;�.y
lir.� o£ the ;;o:ti:;:rn Puczfic P•,' y ' � the, oint
r .�zl�;n , �;�ciich i,, P
o� b�gi.nni.no. •
.�._.. _ � '
Exhibit "A" � �