241003 . � ; - � r�(..�JC�'.3 . � � � i • 1 . 4 Council File Na. 243003--By James J. Dalglish— Resolved, That upon the petition of St. Luke's Hospital and others, that section of public alley hereinafter de- scribed be and the aame hereby is vacated anc�. discontinued as a public alley: � All of the alley in Block 51,Dayton & Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; subject expressly to the following con- ditions and reservations: 1. That the vacation be subject to all the terins and conditions of Section 228 of the Legislative Code, as amended; 2. That speciRc ea5ements. be re- tained to protect the utility ease- , ment �n�erests of the Northern States„Power Company and the Northwestern Bell Telephone Com- - pany' - - -- � 3. That the petitioner provide the City with a bond in the amount of $1,000. Adopted by the Council November 19, 1988. Approved November 19, 1988. (November 23, 1988) , ` i i , 4 i i � r .