240994 ORP�i1Nl1�1 TO CITY CL6RK /.�a��'�'
' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNOi� '�
In the Matter of a hazardous
building being that sin.gle—family
frame dwelling known. and described
as 305 East Sidney Street in the
City of Saint Paul and situated
upon those premises legally des--
, _, � � cribed as Lot 7, Wards rearrange—
� ment of Block 42, Brown and Jacksons
�, .°= z addition, according to the plat on
. file and of record in the office
� of the Register of Deeds in and
for the Goun.ty of Ramsey, State
of Minnesota.
WHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. No. 240'752, approved
October 25, 1968, a public hearing was duly held on Thursday,
November 7, 1968, before the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
said hearing pertaining to the conditi.on of the structure located
, at 305 East Sidney Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and
WHEREAS;� Upon the facts presented at the said hearing
consisting._of pho.tographs, inspection reports and the recommenda—
" tion"�-o`f the City Architect,-'-it is:�f-_ounc�and-determ�;ned•by the
City Council that according to the records and files in the
offi.ce ' of �the Register' of Deeds , the last record own.ers are James
C. and Darlene B. Reiter; and that there are no other lien holders
_ of record; and that it is further determined that the above—
- described building constitutes a hazardous building within the
definition of Minnesota Statutes Section 463. 15 for the following
reasons: �
� a. The building is standing vacant, open, ,
� has been -vandalized and is subject to entry y
unauthori.zed persons; FOR APPROVE
Corporati u ! .
COUNCILMEN , Adopted by th Council 19—
Yeas Nays
- Carlson
Dalglish Approved 19—_
Meredith �" "
Tn Favor
Sprafka' Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne ;
. � '
' � �O
. .�� L
� ��.����
Page 2. ' -
b. The exterior condition of the building � �
is as follows : chimney maetar joints have eroded
causing the bricks to be loose, concrete steps
are broken and crumbling, the rear porch floor
is sagged and rotting, the wood siding is badly
chipped and showing evidence of rot, the rear
enclosure sidin.g is entirely missing, roof boards . _
are rotted and sagging and part of the roof
covering has blown. off; ' ,
, c. The interior condition of the building
• . � is as follows : the basement limestone foun.dation
� with mortar �joints� has eroded causing the stones �
r to be loosened and, the concrete floor is badly
' crumbled; all rooms on the first floor are van- _
daLiz.edrwith��-�h,e,_p.l.ast.e`r=�b•ei-ng���sm�as�h'ed:r.and��the••�- ���-�-- =--•---- �
� ,.-�,.lathe missing°-in� some areas.; f:ir.st floo`r doors- " -- ` � � �
and windows are br�oken, the floors are sagging
� out o� level due to rotted floor joists, and
the exterior walls' are also out of plumb; rafters
in the attic show evidence of sagging and the
ceiling joists are� sagging; the plumbing system
has been completely smashed by vandals , the
, electrical system is disconnected and inoperable
and the heating system has been removed;
d. The building in the above condition is
beyond reasonable repair;
e. The building is unfit for human habitation
in its present condition and the above corrections
must be made in compTiance with the Building Code
and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in �
order to make the same habita•ble;
f. The building constitutes a nuisance and
a hazard to the public peace, health,. safety and
welfare because of its physical damage, dilapida-
tion, abandonment and inadequate maintenance;
, .,
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- Page 3.
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes
Sections 463. 15 through 463. 26, and based upon the foregoing
findings of the City Council, the Coun.cil of the City of
Saint Paul does hereby make the following Order:
� ,
l. The owners of the above-described building, shall make
the same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health,
safety and welfare by having the said building razed and the
materials therefrom removed from the premises within thirty (30)
days from the date of the service of this Order.
'r�`j'z' 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with-
` this Order or an answer� served upon the City of Saint Paul and
filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of
Ramsey Coun.ty, Minnesota, within twenty (20) days from the date
of the service of this order, a Motion for Summary Enforcement
of this Order to raze and remove the said building will be made
to the Ramsey County District Court.
i 3. In the event that the building is to be razed by
the City of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District . �
Court, all personal property or fixtures which may unr.e�asonably
interfere with the razing and removal of this building shall
be removed within ten (10) days from the entry of judgment;
and if not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and
dispose of such personal property and fixtures as provided by
1 aw.
4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any
corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended by the
City will be assessed against the above-described real estate
and collected as other taxes; and be it
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Page 4.
FUR.THER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this resolution
and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record
own.ers of the above--described property in the manner provided�
by law� and also upon other interested parties in the manner
provided by law. .
�vov a 91sss
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays N�V � 9 I968�
Dalglish Approved 19—_
�� Tn Favor �
Sprafka v �a °�g Mayor -
A gainst
""`""�"'�"'" ' PUBLISHEB N0� 2 3 196�
�Mr. Vice President (Peterson)
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212
� October 29, 1968
Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor
and Members of the City Council
Re: File No. 1949--305 E. 5idney Street
The Building Department is hereby submi�tting its report on the
condition of the property known as 305 East �idney, a single family dwelling
of frame construction, one story in height, approximately 20 ft. wide,
36 ft. long and 16 ft, high. At the present time the building is standing
vacant, open and has been vandalized.
The legal description of the property is Lot 7 of Wards Rearrange-
ment of Block 42, Brown and Jacksons Addition, and the record owners are
James C. and Darlene B. Reiter. A recent inspection indicates the following:
The chimney mortar joints have eroded, causing the bricks to be
loose, The exterior concrete steps are broken and crumbling, the rear porch
floor is sagged and rotting. The exterior wood siding is badly chipped and
showing evidence of rot. The rear enclosure siding is entirely missing.
The roof boards are, rotted. and sagging and�part of the ,roof covering has
blown off. "
Limestone foundation with mortar joints eroded, causing the stones to be
loosened. Concrete floor is badly crumbled.
All rooms are vandalized with the plaster being smashed and the lathe
missing in some areas. The floors are sagging out of level due to rotted. floor
joists. The doors and windows are broken, both the glass and sash, an in
some cases the frames. Exterior walls are also out of plumb. /
Shows evidence of the rafters sagging and the ceiling joists are
also sagging. ; �
The plumbing system has been completely smashed by vandals, the
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u' J
Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor
and Members of the City Council -2- October 29, 1968
electric system is disconnected and inoperable and the heating system has
been removed. There are no accessory buildings on the property.
Inasmuch as a rehabilitation schedule has not been submitted by the
owners, it is t�he conclusion of the Bureau of Public Buildings that by reason
of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physical damage, unsanitary condition
and abandonxnent, the above structure constitutes a hazard to public health,
safety and welfare. It is the further recommendation of the City•Architect
that the Council concur in this conclusion and refer the matter to the City
A�ttorney�s office for submission of this condemnation to the District Court.
Ve tr y yo ,
obert L. Ames
City Architect
cc: Messrs. J. J. Segal
J. Talb ot
Wm. Timm ,
. � . ,
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. - - � Mr. Joseph P. Sw�ers= - - - . 1 _
- _ a_ - Corporation,'Coun�el t � • . - - _ _ _ � � - . " . ` " .
_ ' , Building r _ - . - _ . . .. _. - _ . �
- . _ t . - . r
, �.� - ' Deax 3ir: - . • _ , , ' � - - ' � ,-;�
- - - The City Council requested tha ou pre a, rea'olut3on ordering the , '. 4, -
� correction or- sarecking and rem �of ,hazardous single�f�mily dw�elling � -
� _ - . of �rame construction` at 3�5 E. S t: . •�_' .. " - , ��
. . e � - - �.,w
� ' �- • l . _ ' + _ .' Very truly yours, . • .- -,
_. _ . _ . _ ,_ , , _, .
N . . � - � ." �� , - - - City Clerk �- ' � - � �:
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