240960 i
. I
• RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby
;authorized and directed to enter into a contract with
Tndependent School District No. 625 for services to be
rendered to said Independent School District No. 625 by
various City Departments during the year 1968, a copp of
which contract is attaehed hereto and made a part hereof
by reference, said contract having been app�oved by the
Board of said Independent �School District No. 625 by Reso-
lution No. 5729. of October 15, 1968.
Asst. Corc�oration Co ns�� -
��� Y �F 1�6�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
�Carlson ��� 1 � i96�
�Dalglish _ Approver� 19—_
Meredith� �n Favor
� Peterson �
�prafka � A ayor
Tedesco� gainst
/1Vlr. President, Byrne ��L7SH�'�� ��� 16 196�
DUrLICATE TO 1121N7'[R �
RESOLVED. That th� proper City offiaials are hereby
� authorized and directed to enter into a contraet with
Indep�ndent Schoal Dis�ric� No. 62� for �ervicea to be
renderad to said 7ndep�ndent School Distriat No. 625 by
varieuB C3ty DepArtmentg during the year 1968, a copy o�
which contract is attaahed hereto and made a part hereo�
by r�ference, Sa�.d contract having b�en approved by the
Board of said Ind�pendent School District No. 625 by Reso-
lution No. 57Z9 of th�tober 15, 1968.
�le�! i � 19��
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—.
Yeas Nays
� �r�
r, ,�� r ,�
Dalgli h Approverl��� � � �.°%r�� 19—_
Meredit Tn Favor
Sprafka � Mayor
Mr. President, Byrne
• �O
: j .
�= � . . ���� .
WHEREAS, the public school system of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota now _
exisis as Independent School District No, 625,
WHEREAS, the provisions of Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, contemplate that said
public school district shall contract with the City to receive services of the various City
departments that were formerly rendered to the school district as a part of City government,
in exchange for payment by said public school district of a pro rata share of the cost or
expense of the furnishing of such services by the City of Saint Paul to Independent School '
District No. 625; therefore, '
IT IS HEREBY AGREED by the City of Saint Paul, acting by and through its City
Council, and Independent School District No. 625, acting by and through its School Board,
as follows: � } .
1 . That this contract and the terms and provisions hereof wi II be in effect from
January 1 , 1968, to December 31 , 1968, and that the terms and provisions hereof wi II bind
� said parties during the term of this agreement and, further, that the execution of this •
agreement shall in no way affect the right of either pdrty to renegotiate any or all portions
of th�is contract for subsequent periods after 1968. •
, 2. 'That the purpose of this contract by and between the parties is to comply with
fihose provisions as enumerated in Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, as they relate to the furnishing '
of City services necessary to the operation of said public school district. .
. 3. That the provisions of Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, are herewith incorporated
into this agreement by reference as though fully set forth herein.
4. That the services tc be furnished by the City departments shall include the
following: .
�; I �
. , . -
The Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul shall continue to provide
services to said public school district as it has in the past, pursuant to the provisions of
� Chapter 7 of the Charter of the City of Saint Faul and pursuant to the provisions of the .
Civil Service Rules, being Ordinance No. 3250, as amended, of the City of Saint Paul,
� ' such services to include, but not necessarily be limitecl to the recruiting of personnel, the
, r
administration of examinations, the certification o� applicants, the classfying of positions,
� the grading of classes of positions, the certification of payrolls, including teachers' pay-
rolls, and establishment of class specifications. The School Board agrees to abide by and
to be bound by the provisions of Chapter 7 of the Charter of the City of $aint Paul and the �
provisions of the Civil Service Rules as theyapply to the Civ�l Service employees. The
cost to the school district for the furnishing of said services during 1968 snall be computed by
, comparing the percentage of Board of Education Civil Service employees to the total number .
of Civil Service employees of the City. For 1968, this percentage is I�erewith fixed at
� .
. twenty-three and one-half percent (23-1�2%), making a cost to be paid by the School
District to the City for this service of Thirty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Nine Dollars
The Board of Education herewith concurs in and subscribes to those benefits
heretofore enacted by the City of Saint Paul on behalf of its employees, specifically those
. pertaining to severance pay as embodied in Ordinance No. 11490, approved June 12, 1959,
as amended; health and welfare �insurance benefits; retirement programs; and, further, agrees
to abide by and be bound by the action of the Council of the City of Sainfi Paul pursuant to
the provisions of Ordinance Noe 6446, adopted January 23, 1925, as amenc�ed, from time
to fiime, as it relates to Civil Service employees, including those of the Board of Education.
' - II � '
The Purchasing Department for the City of Saint Paul shall act as Purchasing Agent
for Independent School District No. 625 and perform the necessary and usual duties incidental
to proper purchasing as provided by law. �
The cost to said School D'istrict for services to be rendered by the Purchasing
. Agent shall be computed by app'lying a formula using a weighted unit value to the total num-
• ber of purchase orders and bids,l both formal and informal, and contract claims processed by
the Purchasing Agent during the�calendar year on behalf of the Schoo�l District. The School
District shall pay to the City the actual costs incurred by the Purchasing Department as
. measured using the aforementioned formula. The estimated cost, using the aforementioned �
. � • i ,
formula, for the year 1968 is Fo�rty-Eight Thousand Dollars E$48,OOOa00).
. ' .
� � ' , .
` III .
The office of the City Comptroller shall continue to furnish service to said public
school district, including but not necessarily limited to the handling of Ap�ropriations,
Bonds and Interests, General Administration and Clerical, Payroll Audit, Vendor Disbursing
Audit, Receipts, and shall continue to advise the Board of said School District in regard to
bond matters. The pro rata cost to said School District during 1968 for this aforementioned
service shall be Thirty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-Five Dollars (�36,885,00).
• ' ,
IV '
The office of the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul shall continue to furnish
services to said public school district in the matter of registration of voters and the handling
of all elections pursuant to law on behalf of said public school district. The pro rata cost
to be paid by said 'publ�ic school district for the services to be furnished during 1968 shall be
based upon thirteen percent (13%) of the total expenses incurred for elections and registration
of voters. This cost for 1968 shall be Twenty-Six Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Dollars '
($26,560 0�00). � '
' It is expressly agreed between said City and said School District that the School
- District shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of any election expense incurred due to the
necessity of any special election'called solely for the purpose of determining school issues.
• V •
Due to the existence of a prior policy agreement between the Department of
Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings and said public school district, which provides
generally for a sharing of facilities for the mutual benefit of the parties, it appears desirable
to continue this relationship, It is herewith agreed that the Department of Parks and'
Recreation and Public Buildings shall pay to the School District the custodial costs involved
for it� use of faci lities operated by the School District and that the School District shall pay
to.the Departmen�t of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings the custodial costs involved .
. � for its use of facilities operated by the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public
• Buildings. It is the intent of the parties that the prior policies regarding this matter be
. ' .
. `
. . e •
. herewitl� affirmed; provided, however, that the Board reserves the power to amend or modify
. by letter agreement befween the [3oard and tl�e Department any prior policy provisiorio
I VI -
The Department of Finance shall continue to furnish service to said public school
district in regard to the handling of various fiscal affairs and said Commissioner of Finance
shall continue to act as Assistant Treasurer for the School District. The services to be per-
formed shall include the disbursement and mailing of vouchers, the handling of receipts,
general administration, and bank account reconciliation. The pro rata cost to be paid by
. the District for such services during 1968 shall be Six Thousand Six Hundred Twenty-Eight ,
Dollars ($6,628.00). �
� The School District shall enter into a lease with the Joint Court House and City
Hall Committee providing for the rental of space within the Court House and City Hall of
the City of Saint Paul, said lease to contain the terms and conditions relating to the use of
portions of the premises by the School District, and to fix the rental costs for the use of
said premises. . � '
' ' 5. In consideration for the furnishing of the aforementioned services, the School
District shall pay to the City of Saint Paul, in equal installmenfs, on June 13, 1968, and on
or before December 13, 1968, the total amount due for City services in the amount of Forty-
' . Four Thousand One �Hundred Forty-Four pollars and Ten Cents ($44,144.10). This amount
� •
' to be paid for City services includes those rental charges as provided for in a lease executed
between the public school c�istrict and the Joint Court House and C'ity Hall Commission as
hereinbefore provided in Paragraph VII. Pdyments shall be made on these respective dates
. I '
� pursuant to this contract and upon Registered Bi Ils being sent to said School District from
the office of the City Comptroller. Payments shall be made to the City of $aint Paul .
' . .� I .
6. Nothing herein c�ontained shall be construed as a limitation upon either .
party to renegotiate the terms o� provisions hereof or in any way to bind either party sub- �
. . � . �
. ,
. sequent to 1968. � �
� � • '
, , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the appropriate ofFicers of the City of $aint Paul and
' the appropriate officers of Independent School District No. 625, pursuant to authorization
by Resolution of each governing body, herewith execute this agreement this day
of , 1968.
Approved as to form and By
execution this day � Mayor
of , 1968. '
i �
� �
. � ... City C er
- � . ,
sst. Corporation Counse
C i ty Comptro er
Approved as to form and � By '
execution this day ' Chairman
of , 1968. �
� C er
Sc oo Attorney , ' � :
� Treasurer .
, � .
. � . .
E • .
��AnP ovE �
� � �.�^� ± .
Asst. Corporat�on Coun�el � • :
. - ;
i •