D001324No. D 1����"1 Date : 1 � � 1 ` `7 I C��+!l���;���.T���Y��f����l'�" iS�►:+�iF:i�M.t�i�i�'t��7 • ADM2NISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CI3ANGE AGR£sE2�NT NO. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Como Park Conservatory - Phase Two: Sitework known as Contract 18654 , City Project No. B95-00-15B , Monette Construction Co.. Inc. Contractor, is composed of the following: Provide and insta].1 site drainage/storm sewer work including 15" RCP, stormceptor STC-1800 and 3C catchbasin structures and site restoration. ADD $21,223.65 ORDERED, That the City o£ Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $21.223.65 , said amount to be added to trie lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 18654 , and which amount is to be financed from: • C96-3T110-0882-34161 Original Contract Sum $786,000.00 Change Orders to Date - 14,526.40 Amount this Change + 21.223.65 New Contract Sum $792,397.25 g/a 19 9 �- ��� 19� ecreation Chief Engineer Director of cc: i 19_ 19 City Clerk FinanCe Depax'tment Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy Monette Construction Co.. Inc. Contractor By Letter dated 8/11197 �fX�� / �- 9/�/47 Di ector of Financial Services I'Y� Administrative Assistant to the Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM �1n/� � ] '� t 1 DEPAF(TMENf/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET �� I IYO!�LGj[�_ Parlca and E�ecreation $�2��9� CONiACTPERSONANDPHONE 7/t/� �Jj/� INRIAVDAiE MfTIAVDATE ill Pesek 66419 '�� � �� � DEPARTMENTDIRECrOR _CRYCOUNCIL nUMeEfl FOR Z CITY ATTOFNEY _�CITY CLERK lAUST 6E �N C�UNCN. AGENOA BY 1DATE� app � S FlNANCIAL 56iVICES DIR. r J PAAKS & RECREATION NA MAVOR IOfl ASSISTANi) _ TO7A1. t OF SIGNATURE PAGE$ � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FON SIGNANflEt AGi1ON FEQUESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement No. 2 Como Conservatory - Phase Two: Sitework RECOMMENDAT70N5: ApOrove (A) or Reject IRI PERSONAL $ENVICE CONTpACT$ MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 QUESl10N5: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has Yhis person/firtn ever worketl unGer a conhac[ fOr th�5 dep9rtmen[? _CIBCOMMITfEE _ yE5 NO A$TAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ci[y employee7 _DISTRICT COUNCIL _ YES NO 3. Doas chis personlfircn yossess a skiN not mrmalW possessed by arry rurcent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separaCe sheet antl attach to grean sh¢et. M1 INIT1ATNdG PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORiU171'fY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � ' Installation of additional sewer line and structures is needed to reroute stormwater and prevent it from entering existing sanitary sewer. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Storm sewer will be disconnected from sanitary sewer line in compliance with state law. DISADVANTAGES IF APPR�VE�: RECEIVED None SEP 5 �97 ����-.,.� , CITY CLEftK ��� �� ���`� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPAOVED: ���� ��J� �� ' � Stormwater will continue to flow to sanitary sewer, in violation of state law. �����-�� y �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 21.223,65 COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED �CIRCLE ONEI ( rra � NO \J DINGSOUflCE C�B qCTIVRYNUMBER C96-3T1 1 0-0882341 61 FINANGIALiPiFORMATIOti: (EXPLAfN) _{ j A / V Vy : . - � 1[�[���C • CONSTRUCTION COMPANY'"—c _ _ _ 196 RYAN LANE LITTLE CANADA, MN 55117 C I ��_i:usr i_. �`��? � i u � Ges�� _. !=?o i'13\/I�:'7i'i � �'Z;^�t.5 �. :'tC-'Cr"�rs�i'i.i�Yt .:il.��Ll ", L y j•��i �t .L eiY:Yi�?S 5't'a .'�c�lt'. `� =�+:t.`?C '.'�''.�`> ���ii� C�<t';ses•vat_�r j1�22Att�r - �t:2�5� !'1.ie< f..' _�'� .'-��t��`]'.;ii:i - tt.�. :4_� �2c"t7^ 'G!r!.? �i�,� - GENERAL CONTRACTORS TEL. 770-7663 FAX 770-8101 L;t'�Y'd S:.�C C:T'clil'id�2 Slf:t^A. 2.5 Y`°Clll25��'; �i7'� '�"�32 F'fi�?.YrE'Ek^ :.SB'*' 'CY'c?Y:S,'t#:'�Gu'i! rc'tiE�Ci � U.B, iv,ectn�r,'sca:. 'nc. �r�c�oas�: --- �(clY`�:�_t0 G�Yf =.Lt�CGY�t2^a.C�"� 4�C�±^i{ i8 £;J ---� TU Ai Gs't,Hn;Y'= Ei:�{3'itit'� __� • ti':�5=•s?r:_'.°:S1 _Y ' ..r'+«i:i%KS '-. '°;C.!.°�1-�0 '�Y���'aCT_ f+"c'tY:2�C!' ��ti v �• �s_ 3r �u� ;., �7.sOa �u .'r.l j ��':-' J� c t_ _ v YL�.t� {JJ �� ---- /�/' ,. �� / v p�w�. �uo�ti1 ���� � • .,.� United States Mechauical, Inc. 25857 Foxest Blvd. North Hugo, MN SS038 Phonc {6I2}�{29-6268 �ax(612}429-�?21 August 11,1997 Mr. Tom Monette MOnette Ccm�r„�r+�oA Co. 196 Ryan Lane Little Canada, MN 55117 Re: Como Conservatory iVlodificatipn to Stozxu Se�ver Dear Torn, Our price to m3ke the revisions described in ihe Request for Change Order Proposal dated )uly 16, 1997 fs.: tiadustrial Utilitie5 ��9,?50.00 5% margin $ 963.00 Total $20,213_OU This price includes revising the 15" RCP Stozm Sewer Pipin�, a Stormceptox Model STC 180� stsucture, and 3C Catch Basin as shown. Restoratian is also included. Xf you have aay yuestions conceznin� these changes, please contack me at 429-6268, ��!�L_.� Fres�dent �J