240925 " �K � �l- , � � t 4,� ' � �� . �.,. ``�R.I '�i � 't y,�„ _S`' � � . . ` `f t � , 1. 1 � l � a. ' ., z -. �� 24 d 925 � , t � ' COUNCII; FILE NO - t� CITY O�F ST. PAUL ' R,esoPution Ratifping Assessment � B�— 4 �� �., i V � In the matter of the assessment of �enefite, cost dnd expenses for' cone�ructing aud i � reconetructing �idewalke and wnrk inciden�al thexetos Cantxact 67-H-397, Levy No. ' � � y " � 7, �listxict No� 3, . � _- ,�. .—f -�.—� — -- . �-----•�--j--- ---- ---�-- - -- - — '. , ' _ � - � _ � - . � - � ' � • - j: , ASSBSSAELE: . , . .� . ' F.O. .#234097 - Peyne�Ave.�, both aidea fros B. California Ave. to E. Iowa Av�. � � � 8.0. #232343 - W. Ring 8t.,- both'�idee from Chnrlton St. to Weaeca St. � , � -� � � FA.O.r �233483 - Mouadi Blvd., aortheasterlq'�side from Wilshire P1. to Hates Ave. j 8,.0. #232380 - Bellows St. , lioth sidea from Baker St. to Page St. , � F.O. #2322�31 - Pkwy Dr., both� sides froa Nebraskn Ave. to Montana Ave. ' , E�O: #232342 = Bidwell St.; both aides fraa King St. to Stevens St. � F.O. #233900 - Winslaw Ave., 'both aides fran Curtica St. to aelnider� St. � j t�l#aF�O'���23�2-72�"��Stiykar-Ava:;�,�mat�aide?fro8�=Eaker�St:�to�Hor-toa�`St:=�t=�•-�=--==�-� .. . ', � F�.O. #234055 - Nnbraskm Ave.� north side fram Edgerton St. to Pkwy. Dr. �tFs:0:��232�O5�r-�Wiaslow-.Avs�;�oth�aidea�fioio�`Pa'ge�St:Y=to�--Sidney=S[:-�'"`�~����=-=�-���- � �1�.4'1�'�i�1r't+'M��i..�r�t4'.�'.=.r s'.,^�-.i:.d.-i x.R ya+�E.�:v..�8��}��:4��S,�,rri:,' �.r4ta�ile:�.l.'.di.afi.,G�r�l1��[. . .,.a.l•:,y'�.�M.� � xox-ess$ss�ar.�: � i ; � 1 F IOA�23�1a9,7��Pa�yae;-Ave':;l�b'ottir"ai.'tle��'fr�"m�t�E,� �iili��or$ib�Ave�:'ato�B-f�Iowa fA've i�°.�-5"- F.O. #233483 l�ound� Elvd. �northeaster.lq �id� from.Wilahire P1 to Batea�Ave. j ITIf"� '1$�""`.. `'°^ �L"s t'E}r�c,..nxErl �1v t.�f . t'!•tt�r�i S",.i2�4 .��ti•i n�nll C^�2°!(1S -'•'l� li.'fSil3 x�?�1SI�l.I'.LQI'j-''� � i F.O. #232380� - E�lloxa St:, 6oth �ides fx�om Baker�'3t. to Page St. " � }��F#.Q�.��232231 - Pkwy Dr., both ridea from Nebraaka Ave. to Montana Ave. -- � - -—� � � RESO�LVE�D, That th'e sa.id assesament be aud the same is hereby in all respects ra�fie , and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Cotinty of Ramsey for canfirmation. I - BE IT FUR,THER =RiESOLV�D, That- the-said a.�sessment be and it is hereby determined� to be _ - payable �n ✓� equal inst�llments. f t ' r � ; � COUNCILMEN IV�v 1 � 19�� Yeas � Nays � ' Carlson Adopted by the Counci� Dalgiish � . Meredith ` ; �OV 1 � 196$ �` � � Peterson , prove� .�; � Sprafka ; Tedesco : Byrne .�In Favor DMayor � - � Against Form R-2 2M 10-68 8� PU�LtS�IE� ��� �s �96� - � � � � �� �_� . - � g . - � � • � " 24060 � �� � , . �. CITY OF ST. PA�, � 24�925 0 I �..R-��`~-�-OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIdNER, OF FINANGE � R,eport of Completion of Assessment � � 1 � In the matter of the asseasment of ��$���, �oi� �xtd �xp�t��s �'pr conb�etia� �txd re�c��sCru,cting a�ida+�relk� �xx8 �aoik ,ia�i��neal •�fi�r�+�o: Gvs��uac� 67-I��397, �.evY �q. 1 7, _ istrict Na. 9,. - �__. �—__,_ _.__.__. ._�, ...T _ - ------ — --.-- - ---r---� - •- — - _.-, , ..-_-----, a � . � � , �. . � ? eas$ss�,s: � � I - F.O. �234097 • Payam Ave., �b�th aides frca �. Calilornia Ave. to 8. Io�ra Aw, �' • �.0. f2�23F+3 - W. Kin� St., both aidea fsaa Cherlton St. to Waseca St. ` � 1�.0. �233483 - Mound� Elvd.,,! noreh�asterly side froot Wil��ir� Pl. to Bat�a Aw. �' � � l.0. #232380 =nellov� $t.� both aidaa fraa B�ic�r St, to Page St. � ' � � 1�.0. �232231 - Pk�ryry Dr.� both sidgs fro� A1�braska Aw. to Hoataoe� Av�. � � ; � �::0. �232342 - Bidvell St:-, both-sid�s frocq Ring St. to St�ven• St. ' �.r � S.Q. #2339Q4 - Wiailqw Av�..�both aid�s froo� Cvactica St. to D�lvidese St. : ���� � �gc��li�#23227,�2x4�,iS,trylc�s�An�.., ,`�r.as.t�,sid�,-fr.� taic�_r,.St.. to.:Idorton_Sr.. �.. t��.,,�,�..,�,�,� . k :��f arr�7C� ._ __.r._�._•r.., ,r k..._ F.O. �2 3 4 0 5 g - N e b i s�k a A w.�n o r t h s�d e f r o a� $d •r t ot� S t. to P . . • ��'= � j.. • g kvy Dr. ,,� , ���F 0�*�32305��Ayiasla��Av_e.,�,'bo.tl�.aidas�fro�z Pa�St to 5idusp,y5t � �.�.-.4y' � r�-..- - �4 ]..V1'..\+,.-- s- ��•�'�.-5.-�- !.l_ �..J�'f..3i14t44�a:�Yl..� r �'M;itf i - ' I i PStL3 g,}�v3.'�^aYs..ar:..rr..+wN..ti�M,:rr�:Y�i�i ��r��a�-s,W .c��,ra��a�+��y y"I- �'���.lc�:..i'.'�.1�taiar.+EYcxcW,�,f4.usrJi►rFy �Z �;. .r �w�+w.a�.,E.. � �p e� f' . '�'�'i°• [�VA���O�i�GIf1�LCij � ` � .Q. 34Q9J a- tAw�., b�th aidea fsca� B, Cal"ifo�rnie Av�. to 8. iova Av�. � ''�"� � To t��� �,..,u�?�. �E_ w�ie C`�y�L�!�,. �w��. , rn � F�.O. �233483 • Hound� �lvd.� northeasterl� eid� �rom Wil�hire P1. to Bat�s Aw. '�_. 'l�Ort,*232380�L1�1lel�l±o�rsi�BC.,,:�t�oth��iiciesfllroa4;��ak�X�i$t;as�o,-aRage.�St w�i.c,�zt2it �f t�a� ��- i ; ��F�0� �2322�3�1 jY�P`kNy�Dr��y� bot �a�id��� � N�bra�k�t�►�.,,to Hontan��l�,vs v������, y�: � � 1Jf.' � �Y1�Li �kli: au� .i 1 bY ��1t-�..yu�a � � ` f � Total conatruction costs .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . � tEngineering . . . . . . . . . .).. .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . $ 1 ,5f34 �_ . Inspection . . . .. . . .. .. .�. . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . $ Postalcaxds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . .. .. . . $ il �i_ � . � Publications . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . � 718 � _ Collection costs . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . $ 233 �lQ_ ` � 11 �5— , Court costs for confirmation . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . { Comptroller's Costs 116 70 � TOTAL EXP�NDITURES . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . $� 15,285 2Z. � Charge to . . . .. .. ..4�20-1Q�. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . � 1,711 !.�[�, . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . �IQ�T-QSS�r�s�$�. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . $ 765 ��, � Net Assessment . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . $ 12,808 51 � ' . Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 12,808.51 upon each and every lot, paxt or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,paxt or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the sa.id assessment has been completed, and that hereto atta,ched, identified by the signature of the said Cammissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com�pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be t considered proper. � October 15 1968 i • ` Date� � omm ss er of PSy�� ice. Fo� �2 2n� io-ss a� f �