240920 � � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 240920 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. � COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED'BY . COMMISSIONE E DAT 4embe 2 _ 1 s � _ � � - � WtiEREAS, Ordinance rro. 3250 aix�horizes and provides for pa�rment for overtime tvork, and � ' � � � i�REAS, the Commissioner' of Public Safe�ty, has authorized overti.me vrork in his depart�nent r � (General Administration, Building� ��intenance) during the period from. November 2, 1968 to � . ' � , t IJovem�er 15, 1968, therefore, be 3t i RESOLIE�D, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized to p�y the employees �who 1 performed such overti�e z�ork in accordance with the provisions of Ordinances No. .6446 and { ' . No. 3250. . t E " ' . ' � t . l � ' I � � � , - - � � i � ' � ' � E . " � - . , � � • � . � � � ` � _ � � . .. . _ A I I 1 . f ' � �IOV 1 2 1968 _ COUNCILMEN . � - Adopted by the Council 19_ . Yeas � � Nays _� 4Carlson � � - + `• o�/ 1 z ���s • �Dalglish - ; pprove 19— -Meredith - C� Tn Favor i � '°Peterson " • 1 , � Mayor =,��,.�'� ��"'—� � A gainst +;r�Tedesco , ;a ' - Mr. President, Byrne , p11�LISNE� �py 1� i96� s , �. . ,,.�=- . . , ��� - _ ` . ' �O ' � .. _