240907 � ' t , � 24091�'7. ORIOINAL�O CITY CL[RK � OFCITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � FICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' = COUNCIL R T N—GEN FORM PRFSENTED BY Robert F. Peters � COMMISSIONE � '� � WHEREAS, In connection with channelization at the intersection of � Cretin and Summit, and ' WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works directed the work to be done by City Forces at a construction cost of $2,563.32 and an Engineering cost of $37.31 or,a total cost of $2,600.63; �now""therefore be i t� ` RESOLVED, That �the cost of $2,600.63 be charged to the Permanent aImprovement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 and this same fund to be reimbursed � from M.S.A. Suspense Fund (1968) , � � T-1A01 i � i i � E t l , i ,' F 'Sj, I � � 1 _ ' F' .. � . - � ! _ ^ _ ...� ' ' . - - . ^' c._ , -- � I � � � 4 � E ({ I - � . . � f {�`�� � � � 6��V � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � � -Nays I Carlson } �QV 8 ���� � Dalglish ' Approve� 19—_ �Meredith ;�n Favor � t Peterson ' Mayor ' U , A gainst � Tedesco -. Mr. President, Byrne , ���HE� �]OV 16 196� � j . ` f �� f j . ��� DUPLICAT,TO lRIN'RR . 2�a�}�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rob�rt F. �t�r�on COMMISSIONER �A� . MHElt�A8, In conn�ction Nith ehanrMltz�tion at th� int�r:s�tioh of Crstln and St�it, and MMER�, The Ca�tssionsr ofi Public 1�orks dlnctad ths work to bs don� by City Foress at � �on*truetion cost of $2�56�•32 and an Er�ginMrin9 �t of ��7,�1 or a tot�l cost of $2i600.63; raw th�ragors b� it�► RE�V�Q, That ths col�t of �.600.63 b� ehar�d to t� Per�arxent I�prow�a�� �sV�blyipg Fund, Cod� 60Q0 and this s�a 1`und•to bs �i�urssd . .fror� M.�.A. Suspen� Fund {1968), , . . ' T-1001 ' ' , , . . � , , , , , , . , , . , � , . . . , . . , . � . � . . . . , • � � NQU � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � 1��� Carlaon Dalglish Approver� 19— �� . Mereclith Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��