240903 � � 2409E�� ORIOIN/k`TO CITY CL6RK ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � COUNCIL R UTION— N RAL FORM ► PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson ' COMMISSIONE AT� J � • ' RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the City of f ! Saint Paul are hereby authorized to pay to Austin P. Keller i Construction Co. �on Partial Estimate No. 4, Contract L-7025, • � for the Grad�ng and Paving of Riverview District Ohio St. ' � Sub District Trunk Sewer, said estimate being paid for the � period of Oct. _1 to Oct. 31 , 1g68, and such other partial , - � estimates on sa'id cont�act that may be presented sub- , sequently by said Contractor and approved by the City _ ' Engineer, it being the�understanding of this Council that � such partial payment or payments on partial estimate or � estimates on said Cont�act in no way are to be construed ; as an act by the City or any of its agents, servants or � employees extending the time specified for completion or in any way changing the terms of said contract, plans or ` specifications thereof, norin any way nor by any means � shall thts resolution or payment, or payments made under ; authority of thi.s resolution be construed as a waiver of } any of the rights of said City under said contract; and � - � provided that prior to payment of any of the aforesaid ` ,, partial estimate or estimates, said contractor by its duly . ` � authorized agents or corporate officers, shall file with , � ; � >' i the Ci`ty Comptroller in a form approved by the Corporation ` �s ; Counsel an acceptance of the conditions of payment as here- , � inbefore set forth, and Y r i�. . �..�.Ja� � J :^�+�. .. � _ ...� . - � . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the afisence of said � � ` acceptance being filed with the City Comptroller, no payment - f or payments as aforesaid shall be made. , , , t 1 ' ( � f � � ' � l � � �J V ' � �01� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � � Nays I Carlson ��V � ��s� ; Dalglish pproved . 19—_ . � Meredith f Favor � Peteraon ;� � Mayor � A � Tedesco gamst - 11?r. President, Byrne � � pl1BUSFiEa �Q� 16 196�� , l� , �� 1 � - _ �+ . .. 2449�� Dli}�L'ICAA'[TO TRIN'RR CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO , , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY ����.t �, . COMMISSIONER �CL�r�On . �ATF . , . , � . . .� , �� � � �� , . . . , . , � , � ' ,�, , � . , . � . � � . , , . RESOLVED, That th� pro�r officsrs of the Ctty of ' � . ' Sa�nt Paul are hsr�by authorfiad to p+iy ta Iwstln �. K�il�r ' � Construction Co. on I��rttal ��ti��s l�a. �, �ontrac� 1,�7025, for ths Grading i�d �!aving of RtvArvi�rv Bi�trict i?hia St. . � �uli iistt-ict ficunk S�wer, a�1d estt�at• bsing �ald for' ths ' • � p�rlod Qf Qct. 1 to Qct. 31, 1g6�; �nd such other partlai � ssti�at�s on s�1d contract tl�st a�y br� prmsent�d sub- ' i , ��ec�ntl,y by said, Cw�tr�ctor anci approve�l by the �ity � _ � Hngtne�r� i t,- ba�n�,tt� undsrstanding �pf thi s Counc;i 1 �hat such part�tal p�ya�+n� .or piy�nts on .p+�r�ial �sti�ata or e�tt�M��s; pn ,st�id. Contract tn no w�sy `�rs to 'bi constru�d ax an pct by th� City or rny of its �gints, s�rwnts or �p.Ioy��� oxt�nding �F� ti� s��ci.�Fjed for coa�pletlon or . in any ,rwy� et�angTng ths tera�s o� �aic! contract, pl�ns or - spaci�ications �her�of, t�c�r ir► any way nor by any e�ns � - � shal.l thi� resolutlon or psy�ant, or pay�ants �acl� undsr authority of �his r�solution be cdnstrued as +� wai wr of � � any of ths �ights of said fity ur�dsr a�id contract; and provfdsd th�t prior to paya�erit of any of ths �forss�id • partI�l estt�te or esti�tss� said contr�ctor by its duly wthorizsd �g�nt� or corporats ufftcsra, sf�wll fi�e wl�h ths City Co�troller In a forN s�prcved by the Carpor�tion Coun�A1 �n �ccept�ncs of the condttions of psy�nt as herr int»fore se� forth, and -, �� IT .FtlR'�l�R ���.YE�. Th(�t i n tF� absartc� of aai d � ' iCCe�pt�ncs b�ing filsd with ths C(ty Go�ptroller. no p�y�asnt cr' pay�sqts as .aforeseld aha{1 bf �de. � -ti , , . � NnV S 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays , , Carlson +���� B 1968 Dalgliah Approve� 19— ' ' 1Vleredith ' • Tn Favor Peterson ' . � ��a • . (� Mayor , `J A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � ��