04-888i. � Council File # C/"i D � Green Sheet # � i RESOLUTION HONORIlVG NANCY HOMANS FOR 23 YEARS OF �ERVICE AS AN EXE: z CI'I`i' PLANNER AND AN OUTSTANDING LEGTSLATIVE AIDE TO FORMER 3 COUNCILMEMBER CHRIS COLEMAN 4 WHEREAS, Nancy Homans served the citizens of Saint Paul since 1981 as an outstanding and exemplary City Planner and as 5 Legislarive Aide to Councilmember Chris Coleman, from July of 2001, unril January, 2004; and 6 WHEREAS, Nancy's tremendous dedication and high professional competence is based on her knowledge of the issues facing 7 the City, her familiarity with the neighborhoods and the residents of Saint Paul, and her esperience in working with the many � community and business leaders throughout the City especially in the downtown area, the West Seventh neighborhood, and 9 the West Side; aud 10 WHEREAS, everyone recognizes Nancy's professional competence and many outstanding accompiishments during her long 11 and dedicated service to the City of Saint Paul, but what makes her reallv stand out as an effective public servant is her baking 12 and hospiYality skills; and 13 WHEREAS, Nancy can provide, at a moment's notice: cakes, cookies, bars, bagels, and brownies as well as other bakery 14 delectables which makes her a most essential person to have at meetings, both large and small; and 15 WHEREAS, Nancy's passion for the City and her commitment to making a difference is a characteristic that is not half baked, 16 but one we would all do well to emalate; now, therefore, be it 17 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councit does hereby recognize and commend Nancy Homans for her work as an 18 excellent and irreplaceable City employee over the last 23 years, and be it 19 FURTFIER RESOLVED, that the City Council, together with former Councilmember Chris Coleman, wishes to especially 20 thank Nancy Homans for her passion, enthusiasm, and dedication to the highest ideals of public service; and, be it 21 i Benanav ✓ 22 ( Bostrom ✓ Form Approved by City Attorney 23 Haais � By: 24 Helgen ,� 25 Lantry � 26 Montgomery � 27 Thune ✓ '7 U U 28 Adopted by Council: Date �-zp�{2�w� (�.� ZZ � 2UQ`�' —z 29 Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary: 3u 3i 32 � � Green Sheet Green Sheet D� S�g Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DePertrneert/otfice/eouncil: � Date Initiabed: co �� �E� Green Sheet NO: 3009560 C�� P�� & P �� : DeoartmeM SeM To Person initiaVDate Bob Kesskr � 0 nl � Assign 1 ouocil De rm�mt Direcior Must Be on Counci� by (pate): Number 2 ' Ckrk —2�Ee@3 Cl y Fw Routing 3 O'der 4 5 Total # of Signature Pagss _(Cfip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: ��" Honoring Nancy Homans for her years of service as the Legislative Aide for Wazd TwoQ� T/� �0� ��� • RecqmmerMations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contraets Must A�wer the Pollowing Quastions: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoMfirm ever worked untler a contract for this departmeM? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No ' 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not rwrmaly possessed by any currerd city employee? Yes No _ Explain all yes answers oo separate sheet and adacb to green sheet Inidating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages N Approved: DisadvaMag� If Approved: Disadvanfages If Not Approvetl: ToYal AmouM of CostlRevenue Budgeted: Trer�saction: Funtling Source: Aetivity Number: Financial Information: � (Explain)