240900 � F� r a0 I ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK ����`� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. '1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO�CIL RES UTION-GENERAL FORM ` PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � � DAT� l WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul has duly canvassed the returns �of the votes cast on the Special Ordinance, C. F. No. 240304, Ordinance No. 13993, at the Special Election held in said City on the 5th day of November, 1968, pursuant to � the provisions of Sec. 201. 4 of the City Charter; and WHEREAS, It appears Yrom said returns and the canvass thereof that 43, 473 electors voted in favor of the ratification of said Special ,Ordinance and 50,699 electors voted against the ratification and adoption thereof; and r WHEREAS, Sec. 201.4 of the City Charter provides that a majority of the votes cast at the election on the question must ratify the Special Ordinance before said Special Ordinance becomes effective; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, That the proposed Special Ordinance, C. F. No. 240304, Ordinance No. 13993, is hereby declared to have received less than the necessary majority of votes cast and, therefore, has failed to be ratified and adopted. ..,, _ FORM APPROVED � -_.._.._,���.� / Asst. Corporation Counsel Ado ted b ��� � �9s� COUNCILMEN p y the Council 19— Yeas � Nays Carison �Dalglish Approved ��U � 196� 19—_ Meredith � In Favor Peterson ' � i o Mayor c��..��_„ rs�pra Tedesco � Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE9 NOV 16 1968 � � �O [ DUrLICA�TO lRINT[R CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N0. �� �OO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED dY COMMISSIONER �ATF WHEREAS, The Counail of the City of Saint Paul has duly canvassed the returns o� the votes caet on the SpeQial Ordfnance, C. F. No. 2�t0304, OrdinanQe No. 13993, at the Special Election held in eaid City on the 5� day o� November, 1968, pureuant to the provisions of Sec. 201.4 0� the City Charter; an.d WHEREAS, It appeare from said returne and the canvaas thereo� that 43,4?3 electors voted in Pavor of the ratification • o� eaid Speoial Ordinance an.d 50,699 eleotors voted against the rati�ication and adoption thereof; and WHEREAS, Seo. 201.4 0� the City Cl�arter provideg that a ma�ority of the votes oast at the election on the question must ratify the Special Ordina�ioe before said Speoial Ordinanoe beQOmes efiective; now, therefore, be it ftESOLYED, That the proposed Special Ordinance, C. F. No. 240304, Ordinancse No. 13993, is hereby declared to have received lese than the necessary ma�ority of votes cast a.nd, therefore, has �siled to be ratitied and adopted. ��V � 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � ���� Dalglish Approver� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson �� O Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O