240895 i � � �� Odrinal to City Clerk • , - ORDINANCE ������ � COUNCIL FILE NO ; � � ��,6 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � or ' nce amendi.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimusn qualifications for the va.rious classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " I approved February 13, 1935, as amended. � ITHE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �DOES ORDAIN: � Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, � � 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for Cook-Manager (School Cafeterias�; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following title and specifications for Cook-Manager II i i i � . I f _..-^—` � � r � -1- Yeas � Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka ; A gainat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: ' City Clerk [ or � �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel B J//��/ lO ts � �' � V �( ; � - ' 1 ` � — i r � Orlsin�l to City Clerk , � ? � ORDINANCE ,� � 2 y���� COUNCIL FILE NO. i " i � ��S`�'-� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � ' Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same I is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order f the following titles, and'specifications for � � � Cook-Manager I � � Cook-Manager III i , � i i i � � ' � • � � l i ( � k � - � � � � ► � � . � i F V 1 I � � , I i -3_ ^ � - Yeas � Councilmen Nays � Passed by the Council ; Carlson , / � Dalglish 5p Meredith � , � Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka Against T-e�leeee- Mr. President (Byrne) Appr d: A st: _ � �O . ity Clerk . I or/ � Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHE� �OV 2 3 1968 . � i , Orlgin�l to CIty Clerk . �� � � ORDINANCE p�� � � �� � ; � COUNCIL FILE NO ' � �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO f � Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from � and after December 28, 1968. � � f � I � � � i i i {. I I I � � I F -6- NOV 2 2 196� Yeas ' Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii � Carlson � , Dalglish Tn Favor ' Meredith � � Peterson Sprafka Against �e�esea (�OV 2 2 196� Mr. President (B e Approved: A est: � ty Clerk ( r � �O Form approved Corporation Counsel B PUBLISHE9 [�nV 2 3 196� ' H DnDIIcate to Printer � ' ORDINANCE �`������ COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �" An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responaibilities and the mi.ni.mum qualification� for the various classes of positions in the Cla.asified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, ae amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordina.nce No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title a.nd specifications for Cook-Manager (School Cafeteriae); and by substituting in lieu thereof the following title and apecifications for Cook-Ma.nager II -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By v DnyIIcate to Printer , . � ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO- �`�Q(��•�,' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO D� Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titlea, and specifications for Cook-Manager I ' Cook-Manager III -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By . , Dnpllcate to Pdater ,, �� ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO �������1 .. - PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � Section 3. This ordinance ehall ta.ke effect and be in force from and after December 28, 1g68. -6- � 2� ���8 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish Meredith ' Tn Favor Peterson � Against Sprafka Mr. Pre�s d$ent (Byrne) �0� � � ��S$ Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By L , h / i f Title o£ class; I COOK � MANAGER i Duties and responsibilities: � Under direction, to have charge of a school cafeteria and its satellites in which fewer than ten persons are employed, ta prepare, cook and serve foods; and to perform rel.ated work as assigned. ! Examplea of ��tork performed: �'o supervise and direcl: the vvork of the employees in a cafeteria. To arder food supplies from the office of the Director of School Cafeterias, To inspec� merchandise received. To check on the quality, tastinese� neatneas or arrangement, and size of portions of all foods served. � To prepare meats, vegetables and other fooda. To malce pastries. � To pxepare saJ.ada. To set up food counters. To operate kitchen machincry. To act as cashier or checker when necessaryt and to check cash receipts and make out repor�s. To make reports and recommendations. Minimum qualifications: Eighth-grade education and threc years� experience in the preparation i and cooking of foods in a restau,.ant or cafeteria, at lesst one year of which inust have been a s a Cook II, Baker IIo or ��quivalent. � �4� , N h Title o= clasa: I � COOK�MANAGER TII Du�ies znd xesponsibilities: Under direction, to have charge of a school cafeteria and ita satellites in which seventeen or more persons are employed� to prepare, cook and serve foods; and to p�rform related work as assigned. � Exampl�s of wor�C performed; � � To aupervise and diiect the work of the employees a.n a cafeteria and it•s satellitese To or3er food supplies from the office of the Director of School Cafeterias. 1 a insp�a et merchandise received. To check on the quality, tastineas, neatness or arrangement, and size of portions of all foods served. To ps�epai�e meats, vegetables and other foode. To make pastries. To prepare salads. To set up food counters� To operate kitchen machinerya To act as cashier or checker when neces9ary, and to check cash recezpts and make out reports. To xnake reports and recoinmendationso Mi.nirr,um qualifications; Eighth�-grade educa�ion and five years' experience in the preparation and cooking of foods in a restaurant or cafoterias at least three years° of v�hich must have been ae a Cook II, Saker II, or Equiv�lent, or twa years° experience as a Cook�Manager II or equivalent. I I i , _50 . ' Title of class: � • COOK�MANAGER II Duties and responsibilitiea: , Unaer direction� to have cha.rge of a school cafeteria and its satellites in which at least t�n but not more than sixteen are employed, to pr�pare, cook a�d serve foods; and to perform related work as assigned. Example� of work perforrned: I � '�o supervise and direct the work of the employees in a cafeteria and its satellites, ! To order food supplies from the office of �he Direetor of School Cafeteriasa i To inspect merchandise receiv�do To check on the qua�.ity� tastiness, neatness or arrangement, and size of porfions of all foods servad, To prepare meats� vegetables and other foods. To make pa.stries. � To prepare salads. 'To set up food countors. To operate kitchen machinery, To act as cashier or'ch.ec�er wlzen necessary� and to clzeck cash receipts and make out reports o To make reports and recommendations, Minim�.am qualifica�ions; Eighth�grade education and four yeai s' experience in the preparation of and c°°king of fooda in a restaurant or cafeteria� at least two � �ears°�vhich must have been as a Cook I�, Eaker IIo or equivalent, or one year°s experience as a Cook�Dilanager I. � _2� . . 1 U I - ' Title of class: I COOK - MP�NAGER i ' I Dutiies and responsibilities; � IUnder direction, to have charge of a school cafeteria and its ' �atellites in which fewer than ten persoizs are employed, �o Iprepare, coolc and serve foods; and to �er£orm related work � as assigned, i � F.xampl.os of work performed: t To su ertrxse and direct the work of �he employees in a cafetaiia. P � To order £ood supplies fram the offiee of the Director of 5chool Cafeterias� f To inspect merchandise received, i To ch�ck on i:he quaiity, i:astiness, neatness or arrangement, � and size of portions of a11 foods served. To pr.epare meatst vegetables and o'ther foods. To make pastries. To prepare salads. To set up food counters. To aperate kitchen machinery. I To act as cashier or checker �uhen necessary� and to check cash freceipts and in11:o otit reports. � To make reports and recomm�ndations. � 1Viinimum qualifications: � � Ei�hth-grade education and three years' experience in the preparation Iand cooking of foods in a restaurant or cafeteriar at lesst one year , of whicla. mu�t have been as a Cook IIt B�.ker IIII or �quivalent. i {� � ; � �4� . � ` � ' � 4 , Title of class: • � GOOK�MAI�AGER III Duties and xesponsibilities: ' �� Under direction, �o have charge of a school cafeteria and its satel.Iitcs in which seve�lteen or more p�rsons are employed� to prepare, cook and serve ioode; and to perfornn relai:ed vvork as assigned.l , I I � ExampZ�s of work performed: I To aupervise and �irect the work of the exnployeea in a � icafeteria aiid its �ai:el].i1:es, � To orcler food suppli�s frorri the office of the Director of i Schoai Cafete�ias. � To insp�s ct anerchanc�.ise received. 4� To check on the quality� tastiness, neatness or arrangeinent, f and size of poi�tions of all foods served. � To prepare meate, vegetables and other foods. ; To mal:e pa�tries. To prepare salade. To set up food cowzi: rso To aperate kitchen machinery. To act as cashier or�cU.ecker when necessary, and to c�heck cash receipts and make out reports. To make repor�:s and recominendai;ionso ; , Minimum qualifications�; � k Eighi:h-grade education and five years' experience in tlle preparation and cooking of foods in a restaurant or cafateria, at least three years° of v�hich must laa��e beeii as a Cook II, Balcer II, or equivalent, or two years' e:�perience as a Cook�It/�anager II or equivalent. � �5� i � � I t . � � , • ,� I i � ` TitZe of cZass; V � � i00KdMAIVAGER TI Duties and responsibiiities: : Under directiono to have charge of a school cafeteria and its � sate}.lit�s in which at least ten but not more than sixteen are , employed, to prepare, cook a��d s�rve foods; and to perform ' related work as assigned. � L:�amples of work pexiorm�d: I i To supervise ai�d direct the work o:� the employees in a cafeteria and its satella.•tes, � To order food supplies from t�e office of the Director of School � Cafeterias, ; To inspect merchandise receiv�d� iTo check on the �uality� tas�in�ss� neatness or arrangement� � and si�e af portions of all foods serv�d, + To �repare xneats� vegetables and other foods. f To rriake pastries. �` To prepai e saladsa To sct up food couni:ers, '�'o operate kitchen rz�achineryn To act as cashier or checker when necessary, and to check � cash receip�s and make out reportso Z'o make report� and r�commendationse IVIinimum qualifications: Eighi:h�gracle education and four years' e�rp�rience in the preparation and cookiiig of foods in a restaurant of cafQ�eria, at least L-wo • � °f y���`'�hich. must h.ave i�een as a Cook II, Eaker LI, or equivalent, or one y�arEs experience as a Coolc�Manager I. f � � � I � i � m2� � � . i i � . I r I st I � 2nd ' Laid �ver to 3rd and app _�4dopte 1 �' !/ Yeas f Nays Y�as Nays ICarison I �arlson I � alglish I alglish Meredith �L�� �eredith ��,� (, eterson �eterson V � �Sprafka Sprafka � v .�--- � �Mr. President Byrne \Mr. Presidenf Byrne �O I �