240871 o�a�.i e�cie�cts�� ' • � � ORDINANCE � ' � COUNCIL FILE NO ������ I , � � � ' � /� ,�,�. , �RESENTE� tY •R�INANCE NO `�!✓�, : i � - ° �;. I . . , � � ,f � An Ordinance Settling �he Claim� of , � j Jerome Hughes as parent and natural� , � � guardian of Nancy Hughe��against '�he . � . � City of Sain� Paul. '.: . '{• � . . .• �.�� ; � ,2'HE COUNCII� OF THE ftITY OF SAINT-P-AUL .DOES ORDAIN:r•' • �Y • : ,a�;_ '�,k, , , � �s. �,� - � ' , `_ : � � � i Seation ��1.�.- ° 4 ' • , • • � ; That the proper Ci�y offiaers are hereby authorized and direate`d 1 � to pay out of the Tort Liabi7.ity Fund o035-�21 the sum of $2000.00 � as its share of the full settlement of the claim for personal � in�uries and dama$es to Nancy Hughes resultin� from a collision bet�reen an emergency vehiele driven by Richard A. Nelson and an auto- mobile driden by Joseph Michael Elm, in which_.aaid Nancy Hughes was a passenger, on September 27, 1g67, at �he interaection of Ha.mline � and University Avenues, Saint Paul, Minneaota. � Sectior�= 2. , ; I' That the total amount of �he settlement was $�,000.00, whieh � - ' � has been paid by the Dairyland Insurance �ompany as i�surer of � Joseph Michael Elm to Nancy Hu�hes, so the share of the City in ' said. settlemen� to-wits $2,000.00 shall be paid to the Dairyland � Insurance Company in rei�nbursement. � � ;' ' Section. 3. _ . •� .__ _ � __ , . .� --..- - _ - ,: ^..�_ .._:._ �: ; ;�� --,- - _ -.--�- .- -_ _ - : F _. �_ - - �_�v�...�:_. That �he aettl�ment of the claim 3.� t�ie total amount of $�+,000.00 � and of the City of Sain� Paul 3.n the amount of $2,000.00 is made ; in consideration of the fact that it is to the beat in�erest of �he � City, the Insuralce Qompany and the elaimants �o resolve their � differences, without admitting liability on the part of ��he Gi�y of � , Saint Paul, or i�s employee Richard A. Nelson, to the estate of Joseph Michael. Elm or his insurer or the claiman�s herein in any manner. � , i ' ,� Section �. � i • � ; That said gwn of $2,000.00 shall be paid to the Dairyland , , � Inaurance Compari,p upon� the execution of a release in full by Jerome ; I3ughes as parent and natural guardian of Nancy Hughes, � and a � release in full by Dairyland Insurance Compar�y, in forms approved by � the Gorporation Counsel, for all dama$es and in�uries sustained by � them in the manner aforesaid. , ' � Sec�ion 5. � . . 'i This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. � -_ ' X - . . _ -. _ ..� - .- - � ��v z � i9ss Yeas , Councilmen ° Nays Passed by the Council ; Carlson � � � Dalglish ' Tn Favor Meredith /1 , i 1 .�:,..N,,.. CJ � � Against ; Sprafka €�'�. fi�i ��(B�.t-''n'`,��;;°'� APProved: N�V z � 196�� , A _ jd' e President . i City erk ' 9 Mayor • • ��� � orm approved Corporation Counsel By � . PUBLISHE� NOV 2 3 1968 Dayllcate to Printer ' �� ORDINANCE 2���`��- COUNCIL FILE NO ' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- f�d �� An Orc73nan�e 3ettling the Claim of Jerome Hughee ae p�rent and natural guardian of Nancy Hughes again�t the City o� Sa3n� Pau1. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN'F PAUL DOES ORDAINs Sectio� 1. , Thiat the proper City off3cers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund �035-421 the sum of $2000.00 as its share of the full �ettlement oF the alaim for personal in�uriea and damages to Nancy Hu$hee resulting from a collieion � between an emergenay veh3.a�e driven by Richard A. Nelson and an; auto- mo'bile dr3.ven by Joeeph Michael E1m, in whiah eaid Nanoy Hughe� was a passenger, on September 27, 1967, a� the in�erseation of Hamline and Universi�y Avenues, Saint Pau1, Minnesota. Seetion 2. Tha.t the total amount of the aettlemen� was $�,000.00, whioh hae been paid by the Dairyland Inauranae Company as ineurer of Joseph Mi�hael Elm to Nanay Hughes, so �he share of the City in �aid sett�.ement to-wit: $2,000.00 shall be paid to the Dairyland Insuranoe Company in re�rtbureement. Section 3. That the settlement of the alaim in the total amount of $�,000.00 and of the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $2,000.00 i� made in Qonaideration of the fact that it ia �o the best intere�t of the �ity, the Insurazee Company and the alaimants to resolve their differences, witho�t admittin� 1�.ability on the part of �he City of � Sain� Paul, or its employee Richard A. Nelson, to the esta�e of Joseph Michael Elm or his inaurer or the cZaiman�a herein in any manner. section �+. That said sum oP $2,000.00 ehall be paid to the Dairyland Insuranae Company upon �he execu�ion of a release in full by Jerome Hughea ag parent and natural guardian of Nan�y Hughes, and a release in full by Dair9land In$urance Compar�y, in forme approved by the Corparation Counael, foT a�.l damages and in�uries susta3,r�ed by them ir� the manner aPoresaid. 3eation 5. This ordinanae sha�.l take effeet and be in Foree �h3.rty daye after ite paseage, approval and publication. �IO� 2 I 19�1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� • � Carlson � Dalglish � Tn Favor Meredith �i�t.tici�vu � Sprafka Against j��::�'�id��g��fit'`'�Bj�"r'iie�....�;a IVUV � 1 196E , Attest: Mr. Vico Yrt;sident (Yetersor�) Approved: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By I st j� �•� . ^ 2nd � �� ' Laid over to 3rd and app �� '� —Adopted /�I � , Yeas � Nays Yeas `,. , Neys � \Carlson , �� ',arlson \ Dalglish —� �alglish Meredi+h ��"��� eredith � � v +� Peterson I Sprafka 1 1 rafka Tedesco v I�dssee- �n 'y ..�� r. President Byrne ���j����P�,�s�dg�{;;����e.}!!.4aee �08��Sresi_d_en�l�i�l .