240843 � �a. ` ' �i ��. �i OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK ����{��J � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �-.� J ' , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL R L TION�N L FORM PRESENTED BY �obert F. P'etcrson COMMISSIONE DATF � WHERSAS, Deductions end Additions which might prove to ba necessary in the Improvement described as construction of a sewer in RIVfiRVIEW DISTRIGT - LIVINGSTON- HALL-OAKDALS EXT$NSYONS� Comptroller�s Contract L-7012, L. J. McNulty, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHSR�AS, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions �and Deductions: DEDUGTIONS - As;��p.er attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 $2,300.00 ADDITIONS As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 $ 784.95 TOTAL NET DEDUCTION . $1,515.05 and" . � WHEREAS, The total deduction is $1,515.05, and the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the aenount of $1,515.05 is the correct " sum to be deducted from said contract; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. P�aul through its City Council approves the . foregoing deduction made in accordance with the Specific�tions in the sum of � $1,515.05, said �mount to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Comptrollerts Contract L-7012. __ .�.4.r-.�.- _ _-' ..�.'"�-�—_�+_.. - .-�.-- � -� � r' f . � a �vov 5196�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counca 19— � Yeas , Nays Carlson �` 5196� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Q _ �n Favor • �P_ete�se� � Mayor � Sprafka /��(� Tedesco A gainst � �;�x�si'dent;;� �:"��-,,. � rFo.,�..:�;:• - .:�:�.a..., �:: :......:::: Mr. Vice President (Yo�oreai�� PUBUSHE� ��� 9 196� ,. �o <., =�, , C ITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ��(�p�� , l�C� ' ' CONTR�,CT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0.' 1 PROJECT N0. 68-p-1287 CONTRACT N0. L-7012 CONTRACTOR L. 3. I�cNulty, 'Inc.� � PROJECT DESCRIPTION RYVERVIEW DISTRIGT • LY11IIdGSTON-�IALL-O�ItDAI.E EXTE�iSIQNS � In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the'City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the chan'ges described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are . . the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions f rom, the contract. � �aai�io�$ � . ', P''odificat�on of an oxisC2ng Qanholo �e Livingatoa and Hall so t�at the aew sto� seue�r . conld be car►strucCed. , . Lw�p Sum ' ��.64.00 , . . . Construction o!E a 6A rianhola a� �iunboYdt and S�evens due to a chan�e ' � ` ,in eli�n�uent of �he nec� aewer to by-pasa utili�g� ins�illa�2ons in y�lace ,� ; . . • • , 1 GA Mant�olo . . 5300.00 � . , � Ro�s�din� and su�facing of gu��@�s at Mo�ton and Go�an eo psovida strnQt dra3na�e wherc4 2 as�oting� ca�cb basina werQ abandoned � , ,•r-; Grading & re�val oF •exist. bit. sur�. 133 sq. yd.• t� $1.1S � 1�2.95 � ��eumi�ou� surfacing l�a �ons @ $12.00 � 168.Om • ,,;: . , .' ,... . � � ' , To�al Addigions• • �764.95 • . • . ,.�!' .. . ' . : . • Dedcic�fous . ' ' , ' • ` • , 2 watar servica� trenches -- pre�ca�� St. � � •, • � . • @� $250.p0 • � $500.00 18 craee�r sQrvica trenchas or� oth@r streets . ' @ $100.00 180a.OQ .. ,'•�"�' ". � - To�al Dednc��ons - $230a.00 ,; . •��� �- � ..; • . . . . . , � • .TOTAL I3ET DED$1CTION - �1515.OS � . � ' � , , � Comstock & Davis, �inc. �- Enginae�r � , . . . ' � • . , � ,. . ., . •�� , . .. � . � �. . ,�: ;. . �:•,. ..� , •. „ , ,, , tiy ��G' i�����`�� � , . . : ��.. �C� � �/�� �� � . , . , . ' I. �'.{—��-r'-u.�--�'-c�.� ',� 19� L. J. McNu1tY, Inc. struction E 'n2er ' Contractor , .. � �19-�—� By �� CGi�C` ���/�1}'� Chie Engineer • . . � �( /���.t ' 19 ���A w�� ��'3 � �19 6 c� Commissioner �-, Comptroller . , Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate ('Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer � .. . T ^ CUrLICAT6 TO rRINTER ��V�/(� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `�°'�' ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C MM S�ONER �Ab��t F. Peterson nATF �AS, Dec�ctioAS aad Additiona Mhich ai�ht pmv�s to be �sec��sar�r ia t�he Ispro�rNent d�scrib�d as conctruction of a ss�r it� RIVSRVI� DISTRICT - LIVIlt�8T41t- AALL-OAKDAI�E �ItSI0118. Co�ptrnll�r�a �ontxac� L-7012, L. J. t�iaKulty. Inc., Gofltractor, hav� bNn p�ovid�d for in .the �p�ci£iaa�ions, u�d WHB�A$, IC h�►a be�n foand aeca��ary to s�ake tha following Addi�ion��dnd D�ductiona: D�DUGTIOri� As •p�r atte�ched Contract Ctung� A�r�wnt 110. 1 �2,300.00 ADDITIO� Lls p�r attach�d Qontract G'han�a A,�rse�eat 1io. 1 � ' 784.95 • , . ,� TOTAL itET D�C`rI0li $1,S 15.05 at�ci W��B, Th4 ,tot�tl d�dticti�Qn �.s $1,515.05, aad, the �oawissiAn�r of Pciblic , i�Torks 1�s e�gre�d Wi.tt� the.Contra��or that the mc,uat o£ �1.STS.03 is tb� corr�ce mua to be�d�,duc�md fro� said contxacC,, there�ore b� i� . ' � AESO�,�D, Thst t�kta City of$t., F'�ul througb its CiC� Cauncil �pprov�s th� forr�oing d�duction iud� 'in accx►zdai�c� Mitb xhe Specif3cations in the au� of �1,315.OS, sa�id �scunt to b� deciuct�d f.ro� the lt�p a� considsraetio� naNd in the oonCraat� knoNn a�s Co�aptmile��s, Co�ptract L•70t2. . ' � , � . , , , . . , , , � , • ' , , � , , � lYV�l J ��l�V COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays � . • y��� � ���$ Carlson ' Dalgliah � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Sprafka • Mayor Tedesco ' �gainst ;�: President;Byrri'e': ::� .� _. .... �Mr. Vice Yresident'(Yeterson� �� '_.� ' i� �_ {''� µ, i..l��1,0'�� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS , , ' CONTRl�CT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO.� 1 FROJECT K0. 68-P-1287 CONTRACT N0. L-70I2 CONTRACTOR L. J. MclVuleys :Inc. � PROJECT DESCRIPTION RIVERVIEW AISTRIGT - LYVINGSTON-�IALL-OAKDALE EXTENSIONS �• ,� In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the' City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items fo,r additions to, or deductions f rom, the contract. ' . Additions ; • ' I�d�fita�ion of an caxist�ng tnanholo et Livingston, and Hall so tUat t�e uew storm sQa�er ' . . could be cans�ruc�ed. . . Luap Snaa $164.00 ' . . Con��ruction o� a 6A manhole a� H3umboldt az►d S��vons due �o a ch�nge - in eligr�mont of �hQ aow aewer to bypeas utiliCy installat3ona 4n place ' ' � ' � 1 6A Manhola � $300.U0 ; RQgrading and suzfacia�g of gutter8 at Morton �nd Gosman to prov�do ' streQt draina�a cahera 2 eacisting catch basina wore abandoned � , , , , Grading & rers�vel of exis�. bit. surf. 133 sq. yd. Q $1.15 152.95 Bituminous surfac�ng 14 Cons @ �12.00 1b8.00 � , . , . ' , Totel Addit3ons - $784.95 , • . ., . .. , : ' Deduc�ioz�s � ' ' . � 2 wator se�vica t�c�nches •� Pr6�cotti St. � - �• (� $250.Oa � �5b0.00 18 wate� servica tranchea om other c�reeta ' � � • @ $10�.00 �.n�a.00 ;., �, ;:"•,�' � . . - • To�al Deductions - �52�00.00 :} : • .. . .; - � . • � . . . . . -• . .20TAL I�ET DF•D�JCTY�N - �1515.05 • ' ' � ' , ' _ , � � . . , . . . , ; , • , ' • , . • ; , • ' ' • ' � � ' , Comatock � Davis, Iric. �- Er�gineer • ' , ' ', . . � • , .. , ., , •c� �� .... • ! �,. . �i� ;.,� � � �::� , :�, , .. :i, . .. , by %���,-G��/� ' , . . . ,, ��� � � � . � �� �� � � � �� � : � --- �-t-�-��-��--[�19� L. J. McNulty, Inc. struction E 'neer ' Contractor .• . .r �19,�, .. B y T� �i C�C�. ,� j[.��5�1�� Chie Engineer , - ��,,6„��_-�' ' 19 ��A� w� , ��'3� '19 G � Commissioner `,�� Comptroller Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate ($lue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller • To Engineer �