240842 ORI6�NAL T01CITY CLERK � : • ' . 2����� , y � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � � C i R TI N—GE ERAL FOR - t PRESENTED BY �. COMMISSIONE DATF � WHEREAS; an examination for the position o� "Audio-Visual Equipment Repairman" is being �s scheduled, and ~ WHEREAS, investigation makes it evident that � a sufficient eligible list ca.nnot be obtained from among the residents of the City, and W�REAS, it is deemed in the best interests '`� of the Ci-Ey to extend competition to persons living` outside of the City; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the residence requirements for admission to the examina.tion as provided " " � � i F ...w_._. ..,_�._ t- . .� :�:,�E' ..._ « '^ .� ` '��in��e'etion 10 D of the Civil Service Rules are - �°}: _ `-- .,* , � - , , a � � he�reby waived for the first examination for �; , "Audio-Visual Equipinent Repa3rman" to be held - following the passa�ge of this reso�.ution. - � • .. � . i � ,i �� ��� � 1968 ,, . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ,- Yeas Nays - Carlson NOl1 5 196$ Dalglish ,�. Approved 19__ Meredith � _� Tn Favor e `Sprafka (� /�$l�lg Mayor Tedesco A gainst 4.��;�'�esicIen�;;B.yx�iq:::�::�ri � Mr. Vice President (Pati�����) • PUg1�$HE� '��1� 91968 },�,. a � . � �o DUT�ICATt TO lRINT[R 24���2 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF W�B, ari ��mi+�+�tion for the poe3tion oP "Audio-Vi�ue�. Equip�nent Repaizmaa" i� being acheduled, and W�AB, investigation makes it evident that a sufficient eligible limt car�not 'be obta3n,e8. froan among t�he reeid�nta o� the City, a.nd W�A,B, it is deemcd in the beet interest� � of the City to extend cam�petition to peraone • living out�icle o� the City; naw there�"ore, be it RESQLVED, thQt the reaidence requ3rmn�nta for admiesion to the e�l.nation ae p�ovid�d in Section 10 D o� the Civil Service fialeB are hereby Waived for the firat examina.tion �or . "Audio-Visuel Eg,uipanent �epairman" to be held Pollawing the paseage o�' this resolution. ��� � 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson i��:���1 Dalglish Approve� � �9S$ 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor �e�ter�***►� Mayor Sprafka � Tedesco A 8ainst il'��•��g�ae�;��:��:�� i:::s: _K: S• Mr. Vice President (Yeterson) ��