240839 ' COUN � F - U. � � .. . 1 24Q��9 ; .BY � ' • � , � AI.� RDER IN CONDEMNATIO�N PROCEEDINGS , � , In the matter of ': � ' Open, widen and extend�-the alley -in Block 4� Hazel Park Plat 6 by condemning - ' ; � �-and taking the north 20 feet of the east 20 feet of Lot 10, Block 4, Hazel Park � - j Pl at, B. �, . - - - .. ' � 1 � �' Atso, condemning and taking permanent easements forasewer purposes on, over - � • , ` � and acr-oss_,the�-followi�ng;�--�The West 4� feet" of east`20 feet of-Lot 8; Btock 4, Hazel � � Park Pla�t B, and those parts of Lot 9 and the east i6 feet of Lot'8, Block 4, Nazel �` : : Park Plat B, lying northwesterly of a line 4 feet southeasterly of and parallel � � with the, northwesterly line of Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B. ` � : Also condemning and taking temporary easements for construction purposes on ; �I the, following: The West 8 feet of the east 28 feet and the west 8 feet of the � � • ! east 16 feet of Lot 8, Bl.ock 4, Hazel Park Pyat B, and on those parts of Lot 9 and ' ' the east 8 feet of Lot 8 in said Block 4, l�iing between two lines 4 f,eet and 12 � ' � . ;f��t s�u�hea���r1y �f �r,d para�i 1�1 wi�Yt tih� no�thw��te�'ly 1 in� o� �lk. �, Haz�l � � ' � Park Plat B and on that part of the C, St. P. M. 8 0. Ry. Co, right-of-way lytng � � � southeasterly of a line 8 feet northwesterly of and parallel with the northwesterly ; j _ , ' l.ine of Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B, southerly of the north line of the alley in C . � Btk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B extended, and easterly of a line 28 feet west of the L - ,east line of Lot 8, Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B extended, said temporary easements ' � �, to� remain in effect for a period of one year cortxnencing on the date of ratification �� , of th i s order. _� Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts �} , and fills including right of removal of lateral support from sub,ject �land or � � . remainder, thereof, occasioned by excavatlons thereof or oonstruction of slopes in j ' the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 4� Hazel ,� Pa�rk Plat B from the C. St. P. M. and 0. Ry. Co, right-of-way to Van Dyke St. ;, �ncluding turn around: � - . � ;� � east-16 feet of-Lot 8, Block 4, Hazel„Park Plat B, and on those parts of Lot 9 and ' � ' �. � the east 8 feet of Lot 8 in said BloCk 4, lyin� between two lines �+ feet and 12 ;.� ' � � feet ss>utheasterly of and paratlel with �he northalesterly line 'o� Blk. �, Nazel �' � Park Plat B and on that part of the C. St. P. M. 8 0. Ry. Co. right-of-way lying � . � I southeasterly of a line 8 feet northwesterly of and parallel with the northwesterly � ,' -'"� � line of Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat 6, southerly of the north line of the alley in' jl Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B extended, and_easterly of a line 28 feet west of the t _ . Fi east line of Lot 8, B)k. 4, Hazel Park Plat B extended, said temporary easements � � _ . � . I to remain in effect for a period of one year commencing on the date of ratificatio� �; t of this order. ' � 'Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts � � � and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subJect land or � " remainder thereof, occasioned by excavat�ons thereof or oonstruction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bltuminous material the altey in Block 4, Nazel � Perk Plat B from the �C. St. P. M. and 0. Ry. Co. right-of-way to Van Dyke St. 'f , +; i ncl udi ng turn around. • ' � � ' • '`l ine o Bl k. , Hazel Park P at B, southerl y o �the 'nor,�th�l,i ne of,�t��e,a:l�ey�. n � " ' . Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B extended, and easterly of a line 28 feet west of the.�y�r, � • ',' � ' east line of Lot 8, Blk. 4, Hazel Park Plat B extended, said temporary;ease�nents � � � ' tofir-emai:n��in effect for a period of one year commencing on the date of ratification of this order, � �, ` - �Alrso��condemning and taki�g an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts ! • , • �a�t �� -�t� � , , and fil-ls i�cluding right of removal of lateral support from subJect land or . - remai'nder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or a�nst'ruction of slopes in . ; , the�g"ra#d�ing and surfacing with bttuminous materiat the alley in Block'4, Nazel- � _, ° ' 'Park°�Plat`�B�from the .C. St. P. M. and 0. Ry. Co. right-of-way to Van Dyke St. �� : r - j r�P.•l.t� , . (--��,L.�� _ � z• i ncl udi ng turn around. . ,/ ; , � �..,, Nr�r�iunt _.- _, ____. _- i . ►z,...�+n � ,fx r l�if.. 'Virr. Y�i%esidE:Lit l�r�C�nJ]I�T _ '— ----- --. -- — —! � _� _ . _ : I � .' � . ' � f • �' -��; � � _�+•�t".`` . • �. � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC GN OAKS . � 240�39 � REPORT T�0 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ��o�� � — -- - o . — January 3 1 q 68 To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance of t he Ci ty of St . Pa ul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre— li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 2363� � a p p r o n e d_ �cember 22 19 67 r e 1 a t i v e t o Open, widen and extend � the alley in Blk. �+ Hazel Park Plat B by taking and condemning the North 20 feet pFTf�/�' �'AST �'°FT' of Lot 10, Blk. �+, Hazel Park Plat B. ✓ � , i 1 a . . � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ' � 1. The estimated cost thereof is '$• ! � � . ( 2. A plan� profi le or sketch ����d43i��ovement is hereto attached i ��,�•, '� �� � and made a art hereof. Q J ' P �, R A/� ���8 � ' " I 0 3. Initiated by the Commis ;i'',one�.E��/��4�b•vliy orks X i T. `� 4, Improvement is asked for cp��ilT��t�Fior�.� r LE �ti'� � � , �,•.• .,_ �, `U��;�v��'9 / .�u\✓ i { , I ( Commissioner of Public Works� , r - � # i I , , a . ; � , . . ; j i��� 9 ' . �. ' . ,.,r . ;� , - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS `. REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE s� , . � January 10 19 68 i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul: i . . � The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre- � liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 236317 - �_� a roned December 22 67 �"'` '. ? pp 19 relative to `" �� ��_ : - `` ,��_� 1 , �`--�o`ndemn�ng an taking permanenC easementa or sewer purposee" oa� �,Upa--and -�` - - ; . � acYOas the following: The Weet 4 feat of eaet 20 feet of Y,ot 8� Block 4� Razel � ' Park' Plat B� and thooe parta of Lot 9 and the east 16 feet of Lot 8, Block 4, -'� � '� � ''�Hasel Park Plat B, lying northweaterly of a line 4 finet eoutheaeterly of and ` , � parallel With tha northweeterly� line of Blk� 4 Hase�'Park Plat B. ; ; A�eo condemning and taking temporary eaeements for conatruction purpoees � on the following: The west� 8 "feet of the caet 28 feat and the west 8 feet of � � theleast 16 feet of Lot 8, Block 4� Hatel Park Plat B� and o►a thoee parts of � Y.ot 9 and the eaet 8 feet of Lot 8 in Raid Block k lying between two lines 4 f � feet and 12 feet �outhaaaterly of and parallel with the northweaterly line of y j the Blko 4� Hazel Yark Ylat B nnc! on the�t part of the Co 3t.P.M. b 0. Ry. Co. � rigtit-of-Way lying ■outheaaterly of a line 8 feet aorthweiterly of and p�rallel � � ; with the northweaterly line of Blk. 4 Hasel �ark �lat �, aoutherly og ths north f � ;�_ line"of the •ll�q ia Blk. 4. Aatel Park Plat B axtended� and easterlq of a lina ; J �; : 28 feet anet of the east line of Lot 8, Blk� 4, Hasel park �lat a extonded. �aid i � - tamporarp saaemeat� to �emain in effecr gos� � p�siod o� on� y�ar coa�ncing ba f - • � ths ,data o! ratification o! thia ordar: . : , , ' " �� ! . � . � �_- • - 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atta�c�h- � and made a part hereof, r ��6� 89�p�j> , 3. Initiated by the Commission�er of Pu�,i orks X ` ✓q�� j� � 4, Improvement is asked for u�nR��' yi�� n ���, r� v,�',�,�`/`/ f ���` 1; O�� �. l> ��� � � � •% � � �. � c9�s��'��G GG��'� � ! Commissioner of Public W`o,�i - . , , J 1 • I 1 � / �] �/) • ' G a � ( / �V� � — � au • . k ! 1/ ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC 6U OKKS 1 � � � i ; REP08T TO COMMISSIONER OF FINAiVCE � , � i � � December 27, 19 67 ' I To'; the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; � 1 � � i The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- li mi nary order of t he Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 236318 . approved December 22, 1967 relative to condemning and taking an easemenG in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of laterall � � � ; support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or I con�struction of slo es in the rading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in � I � Blk. 4 Hazel Park Plat B from the C.St.P.M. � 0. R . Co. Right-of-way to Van Dyke St. includin • i i turn-around. ,i � � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: � 1 ; � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• f , � i � • ; .I � a � ,q � 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is h��56o 18t9�n � ' �,� � a,� e d z� `� � and made a part hereof, y � f ; , _ �' ��� 19^7 N �;; , 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works � RE�E��ED u�i ��,�� .; !� n � vr' v� `'� .4. Improvement i s asked for upon peti ti on X ���N�NCE „cb�' ' �,.., j �`S`����7y� { � • I , ; I I � Commi ssi oner o bl ' , y r1y�,�J�_ i � � : � . . . - o � �'��'.��, . . . c � • � . . ' . . ,- .. tl � � � -+. � n • : ti 1V � . . .� �' � ,; � ► . � b � [� `C � � � . . - 4+, j ;�' �' 4 . _ ' • � . •" p `� � � �°, - ' • ' � 0 � � � R1 �. . . . d . � 3 �. ° � '� - � " � a .. • � - , - . , . `° � `l � � . , - . � . , . � , y . � � � , . - . � � . . _ , . . ; . , R . . , N fi � CA •, � � . ; �t- �CI�` � ` � � n� o a - � ' ZnZ � � ` � _ ' � lo � " ' -P � � : :� � ti r � ` � � ; � °�. '`''� � s. S� 4'_Pernnctnen.f._ SeweR. ESnn�f __�� # � � _.. _ �_, ' �� — � , . �Q�. Te�npora,r y Sc.we,e��iy;�t .`. : - ,.�?' •�� l,� Q � � " \,� � •i c. '. �I � f �� � -i^ � I2D.q9 �� � _ � � \ F \ C� � r~ J C .. r O O 7 � � I�o._. \ : r r� ._ o rt � i � J.P I ^ � -� �• � •. x 1 1 a' I O 1 I � •� b J V. u I ti. C i ' � 11 / i � ^ . . � G � � ' Y /�y, Q . 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