240834 ; .�` ' , 1 ����� ORI�INAL4-T0 CITY CLERK � � • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C � ESOLUTIO —G NERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONE DATF �� 1 t` � ' ' " �� WHEREAS, The County of Ra.msey is the o�rmer of an undivided two-thirds interest and the City of St. Paul is the owner of an undivided one-third interest i.n and to the la.nd situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, which is described as follows, to wit: That paxt of Government Zot 4, Section 36, Township 30 l�orth, Range 23 West, lying easterly of the 100 feet wide right of way of the Minneapolis, Saint Pa.u1 and Sa,ult Ste. Maxie Railwa.y Campan�y; tha.t lies north of the north line o� the recorded plat of East Shore Paxk, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and south of a line 155 feet south of and pa,rallel to the south line of the recorded. plat of Owasso, Ramsey County, Minnesota; excepting theref�am the east �+9-1�2 feet for Rice Street (T.H. 49-126), NOW, THERE�'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of St. Paul that in accor- dance with action of the Board of Ra.msey County Commissioners, File 1571, Resolution No. 9-9313, approved September 9, 1968, the a£oresai�?.;land is determined to be surplus to the needs of the City of St. Pa.ul, and Ramsey County; and Be It Further � RESOLVED Tha.t with the approval of the Council of the City of St. -Pa.ul the Pur- cha.sing Agent is requested to a,dvertise for proposals to purcha,se the a�oresaid land, and to report thereon to the Boaxd of Ramsey County.Cammissioners and�,'f�he Council for the City yof St. Pav�.., and Be It Further _ . � _ ^ • . ' ---�tl_� -- �, ' ._ .,N,. .�.��.. ..3,s� , _ RESOI,VID That the Boaxd of Ramsey County Cammissioners and the Council for the City of St. Pa.ul reserve the right to accept the proposal most favorable to the � City of St. Pa.ul and the County of Ra.msey and reserve the right to re�ect all pro- posals, all of which proposals shall be made, submitted, and considered strict�y in accordance with the following terms and conditions: l. Purahase price shall be payable upon delivery of deed. 2. Title shall be conveyed by quitclaim deed and to be ma.rketable in sellers at date of delivery of deed; in said deed sellers �/ will reserve a]1 mineral rights. ) 1 APPROVE / � . Corporat' 8� ���/ 1 19�g COUN LMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � car�son �4V 11968 �&�� Approved 19—_ Meredith �� Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHED N��J 9 196$ � � � �o . J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L as5�r Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS •2 ���� 286 City Hall � Saint Paul, Minnesote 55102 �� November l, 1968 To the Council of the City of St. Paul Gentlemen: � The La,nd Committee considered the disposition of certain lands owned �ointly between the County of Ramsey, an undivided two- thixds interest, and the City of St. Pa.ul, an undivided one- third interest, described as follows: That part of•Government Lot 4, Section 36, Tawnship 30, North, Ra.nge 23 West, lying easter]�y of- the 100 feet wide right of wa.y of the Minneapolis, Saint Pa.ul and Sa,ult Ste. Marie Railway Company; that lies north of the north line of the Tecorded plat of East Shore Park, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and south of a line 155 feet south oP and parallel to the south line of the recorded plat of Owasso, Ramsey County, Minnesota; eacepting therefrom the east �+9-1�2 feet for R3ce Street (T.H. �+9-�26). Subject lands have been reported as surplus to the needs of the City and County, and it is the recommendation of the Coimmittee that the Purchasing Agent be requested to advertise for propo- sals to purcha.se the aforesaid land and report thereon to the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners a.nd to the Council of the City _ of St. Paul. ery tr urs, _ G%Z/ J. William Donovan Secretaxy - Land Committee PFD�jt