240827 . �-- - a �� o��e.t t�cicy c�erk � i �.�- r ` . � � � ORDINANCE 24C��2'� -, COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO � , An ordinan.ce to protect the public interest _ in labor-management peace ; prohibiting the use of professional strikebreakers ; prescrib.ing penalties. THE COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Secti,on 1. The Council finds that the employment of persons commonly known as profession.al strikebreakers in the course of a labor dispute contributes to industrial strife and endangers the peace of the community and the welfare of its citizens . Section 2. When used herein, the term-- "person" includes individuals, partnerships , corporations , associations , and firms , and any officer, employee , or agent thereof; "labor dispute" includes any controversy between an employer and his employees which results in a strike or lockout; , "professional strikebreaker" in.cludes any person who repeat- • edly secures or seeks to secure gainful employment by offering • . to take the place of or replac�e' any employee absent from his � position because of a labor dispute ; securing or seeking to secure such employment more than twice within the period of ' one calendar year within the City of St,:� Paul or elsewhere � shall constitute prima facie evidence that the person involved , is a professional strikebreaker. , . _ _ - . _.�.:�� - --� _,.._�__. �- __ Section 3. (a) No person� shall .recruit, procure, .. . supply or refer for purposes of e�mployment any professional „ strikebreaker in. place of any emp,loye involved in a labor .- : dispute in which such person is not directly involved. (b) No person involved in a labor dispute shall either directly or indirectly: 1. Employ in the place of any employe involved in such labor dispute any professional strikebreaker during the course of the labor dispute; 2. Contract or arrange with any other person to recruit, procure, supply o� refer for purposes of employment any profes- sional strikebreaker in place of employes involved in such a labor dispute . (c) No professional strikebreaker shall take or offer to take the place of any employe involved in a labor dispute during the course of that dispute. ' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ' Carlson Dalgliah Tn Favor -= � Meredith • Peterson Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) ' Approved: Attest: � , City Clerk ayor �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By ,� i E � - Orly�naL'to City Clerk - � ���� " � �ORDINANCE 2�G�2'7 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � Page 2. Section 4. Nothing cont ained herein shall be construed to prevent or prohibit a person involved in a labor dispute from conducting lawful business operations so long as such operations do not include the employment of professional strikebreakers . � Section 5. An.y person violating any provision hereof may be fined not to egceed one hundred dollars or imprisoned for a period �not to exceed ninety days . Section 6. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and�or section number at the , time of the negt revision of said Code . Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in , forc e thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. ^- '^-. " �IO�J 19 1968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith � p����~ v Against .�.._,,.,� Sprafka m�°�-°°�"' �OU 19 1968 r. President (By A ved: - Atte t: � � � y ' _ Ci Clerk Mayor _ �O ' �H. �orm approved Cor�i�on C�o�n�se� �y Dapltcate to Prtnter � �� � � ORDINANCE p COUNCIL FILE NO ���r'��� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � �! An ordinanae to protect the publia intere$t in labor-management peaoe; prohibiting the uee of profee�ional strikebreakere; preeoribing penalties. THE COIINCIL OF TSE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE5 ORDAINs SeQtion 1. The Council finds that the employment ot persons oommonly kn.own as pro�es$ional atrikebreakers in the course of a labor diepute oontributes to industrial etri�e and endangera the peaoe o� the community an.d the welfare o� ite citizens. Seotion 2. When used herein� the term-- "person�� includes individua le, partnerships, corporatione, aesooiations, and �irma, and any ofYioer, employee, or agent thereof; "labor dispute" inaludee �ny controverey between an employer and his employees which reeults in a strike or lookout; "profeesional strikebreaker" includes any peraon who repeat- edly aeoures or seeka to sevure gainful employment by offering to take the plaQe oY or replace any employee absent from his poaition becau$e of a labor dispute; s►ecuring or seeking to seoure suoh employment more than twice within the period of one oalendar year within the City of :.t. Pa�7. or elsewhere • shall eonet3.tute prima �aQie evidenoe that the per�on 3.nvolved is a pro�eseional strikebreaker. Seotion 3. (a) No pereon ehall :reoruit� prooure, supply or re�er for purposea of employment any profesaional atrikebreaker in plaoe of any employo invol.ved in a labor dispute in whieh suoh person is not direotl� involved. (b) No perso� involved in a labor dispute shall either direQtly or indirectlyt 1. Empl�y in the plaoe of any employe involved in suah labor di�pute any pro�essional strikebreaker during the course o� the labor dispute; 2. Contract or arrange with any other peraon to reoruit, prooure, supply or refer for purposes of employment any profes- eional strikabreaker in place of employes invol.ved in suoh a labor diepute. {c) No pro�essional atrikebreaker ahall take or offer to take the plaQe of any employe involved in a labor dispute during the oourse of that diepute. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peteraon Sprafka, A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By � Dupllcate to Pdnter � a - ' ORDINANCE 2���2'7 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO V � Page 2. Seotion 4. Nothing oontained herein shall be oonstrued to prevent or prohibit a person involved in a labor dispute from oonducting lawful bus3.nees operations so long as suoh operationa do not inolude the employment of professional strikebreakers. Seotion 5. Any pereon violating any provision hereof may be �ined not to ezoeed one hundred dollars or impriaoned for a poriod not to ezQeed ninety days. Seation 6. Thie ordinanae ahall be deemed a part o� the Saint Paul Legielative Code and inQOrporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or seotion number at the • time of the next revisian of said Code. SeQtian 7. This ordinanoe shall take effeot and be in for o e thirty days a�ter its paesage� approval and publiQation. �I�V 1 Q 1968 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor Meredith .Re�era°rt-- � Sprafka ainat �� �v 1 9 1968 •;M�r-'Pre�id'ent (Byrries:�:�= Attest: �Mr. Vice Prc:sid::nt�(I'eterson)� Approved: City Clerk Mayor °�O Form approved Corporation Counsel By . � ��'1 1 t__ . . �. � �� � I st : — 2nd , Laid over to 3rd and app dopted / , � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �arlson \Carlson `Dal lish \Dal lish 9 9 `t+Aeredith eredith � `Reterson ������ .PeterS�"'—' � \S rafka � � p �l �� v edesco r. President Byrne ��:��P�es�clenF"ByFrie:����o�" ................ .��....<..,.. ._:_:: •.::: ��Mr. Vice President (Peterson}