240826 �� � 24d����z� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. i,kc�us� Cor��sl� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October 31, 1900 COMMISSIONE DATF F�SQLUED: That licenses applied for by the folloti��in� ioersons at �he addresses stated, be and t same are hereby granted. Union Gospel Mi.ssi.on 44,� Wacouta Hotel 90R .�pp.1957��newal Viking �hhvrolet;. Inc. 99� U�versity 2nd.Hd.M.V.Dlr. " 4847 °1 Ste11a Wade 1570 �n�versity 2nd.Hd.D1r.Gen. " 6312" Rex Oil Co. D�vn. .of t�Te�tern Oi.l & Fuel Co. 193 ��ond Bulk Oil Stora�e" �437" '� " Li q.Fuel Dlr. �� n n I�arion Stone g14 Concordia Poo1 Hall 5T � 6815" Battery Warehouse Service, Inc. 156 N. Da1e , Pr.Gas Pump " E$32n Helen &_ Charles Reding 633-35 Selby Izdy.DC Pickup " 6835" Ro}�rt Anderson �rugs, Inc. lOZ9 Selby Confectionerv B " 6897" " " • Cigarette n n n �merican Family Laundry, Co. 455 Univers�ty Ldy.DC Plant " 6908" " " C�garette � " " Hubert J. Renchin 621 IIniversity Orzg.Cont. D " 7061" " " Cigarette n �� n Minnesota Mining & I�ifg. Co. 900 Bush Restaurant ^-2 " 7072" Joseph P. Flaherty �77 S. Exchange Gas Sta.8P " 7114° �igarette " " " �� �, �1cg.Lot 75c �► 7115�� Mickey's D3.ner, Inc. 3�3g ��abasha Cig.Qper.ZM " 7129" " " 4 add.mach. " " " Crescent Creamery Co. 225 S�ith Cigarette " 7131�' Will.ia� J. Lybeck 335 st. Peter Beauty Sho�u " 7140'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approver� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco � Against Mr. President, Byrne �O �E . 7 , , ORIGIN�L TO CITY CLERK • t CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. 2�G�2s � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF � r WI-iEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, on the 20th day of February, 1967, entered into a contract with Towing Service Inc. doing business as Bishop Towing •Service for tow truck �serv�ce for the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Safety for a period of two years, said contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. G-4275; and j'VHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been in£ormed that Towing Service Inc. doing business as Bishop Towing Service has negotiated the sale of its business to the Consolidated Towing Service�, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, the officers of said corporation being Robert G. D4cMahon. and Herbert C. Youngberg; and � WI�REAS, the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, the surety to the original contract, has filed an addendum to the bond filed for said contract, said addendum agreeing to the substitution of Consolidated Towing Service, Inc. as principal to said bond; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to the substituting of the name of Consolidated Towing Service, Inc. in Comptroller's Contract No. G-4275 i.n those places containing the follo�aing language, Towing Service Inc. doing business as Bishop Towing Service. � Said resolution shall only become effec�ive upon passage by the Council � of the City of Saint Paul and upon Consolidated Towirig Service, Inc. ' : . . �filing a written acceptance of all the terms of said'fresolution and all �terms of said contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. G-4275.. , . �y � ,. _ . _ �_ ,..-. - - „„�. R�.. , ��. - ,� ,p pRp E �' . ��� .oh C,ounsel . ` . � . � r,ot4�°rat� � i .. � .. e � ' ��tl' S 6��� COUNCILMEN • Adopted by tHe Council 19— Yeas Nays ' � ' Carlson ' � f ��V g 196� � --��jg}i� PPrQV��; 19-- 5 , � ' _ Meredith �• . �� Tn Favor Peterson � i � • t ti� Mayor Sprafka , E A gainst ' Tedesco " ; j - ' Mr. President, Byrne , .r. 1 �UBCISHED ���� 9 196� _ - . � ..� �o e� s , � " DUPLICrT[TO TRIN7RR CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �4��2� � • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER DATF WEIP.REAS, �he City of Saint Paul, on the 20th day o£ February, 1967, entexed into a contract with Towing Sexvfce Inc. doing businesa as Bishop Towing Service for tow truck serv.re for the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Safety for a period of tiwo years, said contract known as Camptroller's Contract No. G-4275; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau1 has been informed that Tow3n� Service Inc. doing business as Bishop Towing Service has negotiated the sale of its business to tha Consolidated Towing Service, Inc., a M3nnesota corporation, the officexs of said corporation being Robert G. J�9cMahon and Herbext C. Youngberg; and tVfiEREAS, the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, the surety to the original contract, has filed an addendum to the bond filed for sa3.c3 contract, said addendum agre�ing to the substitution af Consolidated Towing Service, Inc. as principal to said bond; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees �o tlie subst�tuting of the neme of Consolidated Towing Serv3ce, Inc. in Comptroller's Contract No. G-4275 in those places containing the following language, Towing Service Ine. doing business as Bishap Towing Service. Said xesolution shall only become ef£ect�ve upon passage by the Council of the City of Sa.int Faul and upon Consolidated Towing Service, Inc. filing a written acceptance of all the terms of said resolution and all tcrms of said contract known as Comptrol2er's Contract No. G-4275. COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Coun�'iI��� � 196ffi 19— Yeas Nays ! ��� ` ���� Carlson „��.� �� Approved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O - ' 24���� � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � } CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICEN�E CONlP,�TTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SSIONER DATF OC'tn�I' �Z� 14C� Contd.Page 2 � � , Mcrleil Optical Shop, Inc. 3j0 St. Feter Optician App.7144Renewal Buerkle Buick Co. �40 Sibley New 1�i.V.Dlr. " 7196n �� �� 2nd.Hd.M.�.DIr: �► n n n " DIr.Rep.Garage '� �� n James M. Czeck 6j Tn�. Winifred Grocer�* A-2 " 7216" u . . ° Butchex' n n n S & H Bev.;$�Iinn.�?�Tisc.Truck Li.nes 9E5 �'ust�,s V,�.1.Loc.1M " 7247" Ornille H. Faulkner 966 Psyne Beauty Shop " 7252�0 �ilton B. Huldin 1��01 �"h�te Bear Gas Sta.3P n 7259n �" �� n n tt Gen:Rep.Garage � John r4. Smith • • 12'� E. Robie Gen.R�p.Gar. " 726u'� Pioneer Distributing Co., Inc. 225 Border Ave.No.Mpls.Fdstf.VM Qper. " 7276�� Cut Price Gas & Qi1 Co., Inc . 1335 prosperity Gas �ta.4P " 7284" rlorth Central Voters Lea�ue 739 Iglehart C3�garette " �285" Walter M. 5chrei.ber 1829 Univers�ty �igarette " 7287" American National. Bank C1ub 336 American Na,t.Bk.Cigarette " 7299" Frank J. Grilli �3Ri Co. 900 Bush Barber �'1 �3p3�� Joseph L. F'�eming 459 S. Robert V.P�I.Loc.1M �' 7340" James Ryan �Minn. Hwy. Bld�. 1246 University Cigarette " 7313" Ideal Security Hardware Corp. 215 E. 9th �igarette " 7334" Francis & Ralph Smith � 1.641 IIni.versi.ty C?garett� �� 7348�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ��'T � 1 196$ 19— Yeas Nays car�son �CT � 1 196� Approved 19— Meredith Favor Peterson Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBUSHE� ��V 2196$ ' �O