240798 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK • ���� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL N0. � OFFICE OF THE CITY •CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE � DATF � RESOLVED, Upon the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by St. Mary� s Association, as owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul, zoned in "C" Residence Dis� trict, under the Zoning Code, and described as Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 7, Davern Burrens Addition, and located on the north side of Norfolk Avenue between Prior Avenue and Sue Street; that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are �.etermined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor, and the building setback line of said real estate, in respect of the north line of Norfolk Avenue upon which the same abuts, hereby is established as a line drawn. across said real estate parallel thereto and � five (5) feet distant from said north line of Norfolk Avenue; be ` � lt FUR.THER RESOLVED, Upon due consideration of the pertinent application of St. Maryts Association, owner of the subject premises, situate in the City of Saint Paul and described as - Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 7, Davern Burrens Addition, that a permit hereby is granted unto said St. Mary' s Association for the enlargement of its presently authorized and existing nursing care' home, established on said premises, by an addition on the north portion of the home for the aged for expan.ded convent facilities and a new auditorium and by an addition to the - sou:therly side of the egisting structure of a new enclosed stairway and office facilities, all in accordan.ce with plans therefor, provided that said St. Maryts Association, and its successors and assigns, shall comply with all applicable pro- visions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. FC�f�PROVE 1 Asst Corporatio uns COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc��CT 3 0 ���$ 19— Yeas Nays , carlson ��;T 3 0 I96� Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson _ O' ' Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedeaco ���HE� Mr. President, Byrne ��� � 19�� �O 1 '� . ;�:. . , . , , 'i' , . � �, - � " - � ���� BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL �� 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151' , , - , Oc�ober 9,1968 Mr. HarryE. Marshall City C].erk Room 386 City �Ha].1 Dear Sir: This is in regards to the appeals of St. Mary's Associ.ation fio: 1.) change #hQ' building line� �nd 2) enl,arge existing nursing care home on property� �.ocated on the north side of Norfqlk Avenue between Prior Avenue and Sue Street. This pronerty is further described as Lots 14� 15, and 1.6, Block 7, Davern Burre�t�s Addit��.on. The appellant proposes to add an addition on to the north portion of the home for the aged for expanded eonvent faci.].ities and a new auditorium. They also pz+opose to add to the southerly side of the existing structure a r�ew enclosed stairway and office facilities.- This addition to the southerl.y� side of the structure woul.d require a relaxation of the building setback line. �'' This matter was considered by the Board of Zoning at a public hearing held on September 19, 1968. The Zoning Code requi.res a building setback line of 24 feet. The appellant requests a re].a,xation of this requirement in order to allow� the remode].ed structure to be five feet from Norfolk Avenue. The site is presently zoned '�C" Residence but the surrounding property is zoned and prinia.ri].y� used for singl.e-fami].y hom,es. The proposed a.ddition to the south side is on].y ].-]./2 stories in height and wou].d not b�e detrimental , to the surrounding neighborhood. It was further found that the addition to �the hane would not include any- additional beds. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends approval of: 1) the relaxation of the bui].ding line a].ong Norfolk Avenue to 5 feet and, 2) tha enlargement of the nursing ca.re home• Very truly yours� � , .��- .� "��� �'c����. /� / � ��� ( G��' George G. McPartl.in I� Secretaxy / GGMP s cv GM1C � � Z.F. #6576 t '� . � �° � �: � ; • '� - VOIGT 6 FOURRE•INC.•ARCH/TECTS• 2109 GRAND AVENUE• SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55105•PHONE 690-2451 JULY 2'+� 19oV � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CI TY COUNCI L C�0 CITY CLERK fZOOM 386� CI TY f-�ALL SAINT PAU�� MINNESOTA 55�02 GENTLEMEN: THE SAINT MARY�S ASSOCIATION� OWNER OF THE SAINT MARY�S HOME AT i925 NORFOLK AVENUE IN SAINT PAUL� INTENDS TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO THE BUILDING AND SUBMITS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION IN JUDGING THEIR APPEAL: I . A. NAME OF APPLICANT: THE SAI NT MARY�S ASSOCI ATI ON 1925 NORFOLK AVENUE B. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY THE SAINT MARY�S AssociarioN: �ors �, 2�j 3, �+, 5, 6, 7, 8 AND �ors io, � � , �2, �3, �4, �5, IC� 17� IU� 19� ALL LOCATED IN BLOCK SEVEN OF BURRENS DAVERN ADD I T I 0 N. � Q-'�• V'�-'�-��Q �R4-'f-� C. STREET LOCATION: THE NORTH SIDE OF NORFOLK AVENUE BETWEEN PRIOR AVENUE AND SUE STREET. D. Pf2ESENT USE OF PROPERTY: 1, SA1 NT MARYTS HOME - LOTS 13� I�F� 15� 16� 17 � SAINT FRANCIS CONVENT - LOTS 6� 7� 16� 17 % CHAPEL - LOTS IH� 19. E. PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: �. �� �REFER TO ATTACHED SITE PLAN. � TO REMAIN AS IN D� ABOVE� BUT THE CONVENT WILL BE EXTENDED TO THE NORTH ON LOTS 6� 7 �A ON SITE PLAN� AND A SOCIAL HALL FOR THE USE OF THE HOME RESIDENTS �� WILL BE ADOED ON LOTS � AND 5 �1B' ON SITE PLAN�. � THE CONVENT ADDI TI ON WI L� ADD I'+ SLEEPI NG ROOMS FOR SI STERS. ,rn�s NO SLEEPING ROOMS FOR AGED ARE TO BE ADDED. N�� AN EXTENSION OF THE EXISTING ENTRANCE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED ON ". THE SOUTH FACE OF THE HOME �C ON SITE PLAN� TO ENCLOSE THE � STA1 RWAY AND EXPAND OFFI CE FACI LI TI ES. �+� - F. PURPOSE OF APPEAL: ' � . I TO CHANGE THE REQUI RED 'BUI LDI NG LI NE FROM 2'+� TO 5� ON m� THE SOUTH FRONT OF LOTS I�� 15 AND 16 TO EXTEND THE OFFICE "''�T' AND ENTRANCE. � .2 TO CONSTRUCT THE ADDI TI ON ON LOTS �� 5� 6� 7 AND PROVI DE � THE RESIDENTS WITH A RECREATION-SOCIAL HALL. THERE IS NO SET-BACK REQUEST REQUIRED IN THIS CONNECTION. D.W. FOURRE A.l.A.•H.H.HEINE•L.D.JOHNSON• M.M.KIRIHARA•R.M.SCHNEIDER•G.N.STER�Z• J.D. UOIGT A.l.A.•A.G. VOZA n ► ' � " •1• CI TY COUNCI L PAGE 2 I . G. THE NEED OF THE APPEAL: . I THE ADMI NI STRATI VE TASKS I N OPERATI ON OF THE HOME HAVE BECOME 1'NCREASI NGLY COMPLEX I N RECENT YEARS AND ADDI TIONAL OFFI CE SPACE I S REQUI RED. .2 THE EXI STI NG EXTERI OR STAi RWAY TO THE BUI LDI NG I S HAZARDOUS I N THE WI NTER. THI S I S PARTI CULARLY I MPORTANT BECAUSE OF THE AGE OF MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO MUST USE THE STAI R. .3 THERE I S A CONTI NUI NG NEED FOR FACI LI TI ES FOR THE AGED. THIS ONE IS A PARTICULARLY WELL OPERATED INSTITUTION� BUT HAS FOUNO A NEED OF AODITIONAL SOCIAL-RECREATIONAL SPACE FOR THE RESI DENTS. H. THE SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE UNDER WHICH THESE APPEALS ARE BEING MADE ARE: 1' . I LEGISLATIVE CODE CHAPTER 6'+.03 �BUILDING LINE CHANGE� .2 LEGISLATIVE CODE CHAPTER C)O. 15 �HOME FOR AGED ENLARGEMENT� Z. A SITE PLAN IS SUBMITTED SHOWING THE F0.LLOWING INFORMATION: A. PROPERTY LINES AND DIMENSIONS. B. PRESENT GRADES ARE FAIRLY LEVEL AND SLIGHTLY ABOVE THE STREET. GRADES WILL NOT BE CHANGED APPRECIABLY. C. SI TE PLAN SCALE 1 S DRAWN AT I �� = 2O�-0��. D. OFF-STREET PARKING IS NOT REQUIRED. ERY TRULY YOURS� , � J MES D. VOIGT / - CHITECT FOR SAINT MARY�S ASSOCIATION � JDV:oH , ENC. cc: SR. M. LAURA, `B.M.V.A. _� - , ' � - . . � , . r„� t� �� �� � � � � � , � � �� ����� ��� � ����� , , • . BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION September 19, 1968 Plat Map 15 � " Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. . passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 6576 � � Also 5536 1. APBLICANT'S NA1« • St. Mary's Association 3361-3205 3054-�E39 2. CLASSIFICATION • � Amendment XQ Appeal �Permit ❑ Other I 436 - �- 3. PURPOSE • Change building line - Enlarg� Vursing Care Home � 4. LOCATION • North side Norfolk between Prior and Sue 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � Lots 14, 15, � 16 of Block 7,. of Davern Burrens Addn. � z. � ' . � " 6. PRESENT ZONING . "C" Residence . 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .03 Paragraph: j 60 .15 � , 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: By; A. ZOVING AD�IINISTRATOR: No ACtiOri B. HISTORY: Part of site lots 12 thru 16 and west 20' of lot 7 rezoned from "A"� Residence to "B" Residence in November 1935. Lots 4,5,6,7,8 rezoned from "A" to "B" in August 1935. App�al to extend non-conforming use on Lots 1 - 8, � 10 - 16 and west 20' of Lot 17 was granted July 1954. Lots 4-8, 12-19 rezone from �'A" �"B" to "C" Residence. An appeal for an addition to .nursing home on Lots 4-8, 12=19 granted April 1956. , A building line from Prior Avanue was established, after an appeal, 6' and enlar.ge the capacity of the nursing home in September 1964. . C. PROPOSED USE: Construct addition to the existing nursing home . D. NEED FOR APPEAL: Enclosure of stairiaay and enlargement of office space requires the establishment of a building line from Norfolk Avenue on Lots 14, 15, 16 of 5 feet. The existing building is approximately 28' from front property line. . E. VARIANCE: Established building line is 24' - request 5' from Norfolk Avenue • F. AREA ZONING: The site is "C" Residence and "A" Residence. Construction to take place on "C" zoned area of site. The rest .of the area is zoned "A" Residsncs � except the northeast corner of Norfolk Avenue and the freeway zoned Comm�rcial. � G. SITE CONDITIOVS: The si�e is occupied by the nursing home. Tae structure has a setback of 24' from Norfolk Avenue and 6' from Prior Avenue. Construction on the east half of the north half of the site. A garden area is north of the � west 1/2 0� the existing structur�. H. AREA CO�IDITIONS: The area is residential except for the nursing home and a church and school. A freeway is a block to the east. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend Q Approval � Denial Council Lt. - Dated Moved by: Haarstick � Yeas Nays X Ames Seconded by: t�icPartlin Cohen Date of Hearing Klein ' � Janes,Chmn. . X McPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks: X Haarstick - Alt. - • • X Gadler Date Maietta LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET � . r J � "_' tlUU � U �� UI� � � —� -- - i �° , r ' • .. ' -'-----�—+ ---- ,. � . � _ �Q v� "_O _ �;' O � OOOOI0000 �0 00!C� OiOlO00 ��0,00� p' O' � � _�._- � �. d_ _ - �--�_ ' r ; -Q- --- ---- � , � ' -� ----- � --- � �� i i � � � � � � . a - p- O�i 41 O� Q 0 m O �p !� p '� O O Oi'i�`Q O O O�O OI O�Of 0�0 � r -- .- �1 �o--- . . � ����,M U � S i E R � - ` �`� �° -� � ��- o 0 0 0 0 00 oo'a�oo 001000�0 • n , o ' � - �o�-- — -o_ � ` � �:` ; � ( ;: --•--— —• - .J' � I -f'� --- -,-- -O- rr lJ I� ---------� --__ _ � ` << ii] -� ---� ._•` Q.- ❑ O 4 O OI O�O O O O O O O O :_ _ ..., . � ° ` i �° � � � � GRA�IAI�JI - . � . -_- - -- - . � � �-o --��� -Y ° h T , ► � o I�o o °/ i Cn --�-i�� - - D— � � f� � s ', �; r � W � � �p � � ' � ' 1 -r-"► o � -. � ' o ; ; 1I , � � O i �RRKiN(� �1..' ` ���� T --- � — I I � ' � . , ; Q,,, •� j' � . . I Q i � , i :u � t i�� � � . . �Q�,i , o ,� Q��O "' - . � �� -o,lo� , �� - -� ----- --�V� : --- -----. -- - ---- ----�-----�--�----- ---__._ .... . �_ . _- �� / � '� �� � ( lOfr �, ' � n�c:oa � I , • . � • . ;�,� ;���� I � �AY�Ro�n�o ' t �� I���;� C _l�\�_�; , D f � .�- ii�� °_ _ ' . ' � �f- , � � � -- -- --r�- , . - i 1 � • _ � �I Q � . � y ' f' S."R.� P�a�Kir4�, r •,� ... .- � . \� ;; �� I � ' � �, O ( r , --,:���-rss;� ���; -) � ' � � ° ° , � ... �._; � .> _� ��� � , ,.y.�' ��J. �j�t.Y ., =~� -Y {_��______'__ . . . "_ / / i ' wihv ' �= �•• ;,�"`E;f , � �. ' � _.' �. _ -_.� - " �` `\ -� . / '�'_ . i� _- . ``�_.�� _.... .. f�_ --- . ---�,�_._ ~�. . - -- . • . � . . � ����I�;Q�� ST. �.�iARY'S ASSOCIATION � 1,��G�IVD � ' . i - . � P��1'�St.� Appeal 1) Enlar�e existing mzrsing home ����� U�� - � � 2) Chan�e building line ' � � - �- o o��-r-A�.�i�Y � � P�i S�iV�' ZOi�lI�IG ����� Residence � . --�- •�"�'JO--F/a�91LY � � � THZEE—FAMILY ` PE�'I�ION SlG�l�RS � � � � - . FOUR- FAriILY - - - . . _ _ . _ -° � ; .. � � 7 ,�fULTI-Fe�A(LY . . _ o e�nCONi���RCIl�L � FILE �lo. 65�6 •. N4RTN � n IUDUS`��IAL � . � �- - . v VAC�1N�' � St. Paui Planning �3o�rd, Date: s�pt. 12, 1968 e?� Pro�er�y und�r co�si�Q��ion � � • B+ � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � 113 Court House 55102 September 27, 1968 City Clerk File X571, Page Xou are hereby notified that a public hearing wi11 be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on OcCober 11, 196$ on the appeal of St. Mary's Association to: 1) change building line and 2) enlarge nursing home on the following prope�ty: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Z6, 17, 18, 19 aad adjoining vacaCed alleys, Block 7 of Davern's Burren Addieion. The property is located east of Prior Avenue between Norfolk Avenue artd Graham Avenue. For further inforneaeion contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-4151. ' JAMES J. DA�,GI,ISH � Cvmmissioner of Finance �O SA�NT PAUL BOARb OF ZONING 1010 COrqMERCE BUZLDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA September 9, 1968 �� 6576 You are hereby notified that the &oard of Zoning wi11 hold a public hearing in Room 35b of the City Ha11 and Cour�house in the City of Saint Paul ae 2:00 P.M. on September L9, 1968 on the appeal of St. Mary's Associaeion to change the buiLding Li�ae and enlarge the nurs- ing home on the property located on t-h� north side of Norfolk Avenue bet�aeen Prior Avenue and S�e Street. This property is farther de- scribed as: ' Lots 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and Lots 10, Li, 12, 23, 14, L5, 16, 17, 18, 19, and ad3oining v?cated alleys, block 7 of Burren Dav�rn's Addition. The Board of Zoning is notifying orrmers af proper�y ��ithin 200 feet of the above mentioned property o� this meeting. You are invited to attend this meeting i£ you have any interest in the above m�atter. For further information contact l:he Zoning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building, or phoree 223-4151. GEQRGE G, PicPAItTLIN Secretary, Eoard of Zoning .. , � 3�-� � . 4 . �.o �G . VOIGT 6 FOURRE•INC.•ARCH/TECTS• 2109 GRAND AVENUE• SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 65106•PHONE 690•2451 , � JULY 30, �g68 CI TY CLERK�S OFFI CE f200M 386� CI TY HALL SAINT PAUL� MINNESOTA 55io2 ATTN: MR. OLSON RE: SAINT MARYtS HOME ADDITION FI LI NG FEE DEAR MR. OLSON: PER YOUR TELEPHONE CALL OF YESTERDAY� WE ENCLOSE A CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF �ZO.00� FILING FEE FOR APPEAL FOR SET-BACK WAI VER AND� ADDI TI ON TO HOME FOR THE AGED. VERY TRULY YOURS� JA ES D. VOIGT JDV:oH � • � � E N C. C K #HO2�F , � � D.W. FOURRE A.l.A.•H.H.HEINE•L.D.JOHNSON• M.M.K/R/HARA•R.M.SCHNEIDER•G.N.STERTZ• J.D. UO/GT A.l.A.•A.G. VOZA