04-873Council File # d�' �� 3 Greea Sheet # 3022045 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �$ � �� _, Presenied Referrefl To Committee Date i RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and American Federation of State, County and 3 Municipai Employees Local 1842 (AFSCME) to etctend the previously approved pilot project within the 4 Department of Public Works for Engineering Technician positions. � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date G/—o1a—l�� Council Secretary Requested by Department of: Office f uman Resources � Green Sheet Green Sheet D�- 8?3 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepaAmenUof�icelccunci4 Uate4nitiated: Hu x,�,� 2�-A�� Green Sheet NO: 3022045 Corrtact Person 8 Phone: ����� SeM To Perwn � . InitiaWate �� T�n�, � o � ��� Z66-6517 qssign 1 mim�Res arlmeatDirecWr Must Be on Counc� Agenda by (Date): Number Z - A i For Rou6tfg 3 or's e rlA�isfant Order 4 5 (3erk C5 C7erk ToYai # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature� Action Requested: Approval of the attached Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) #1842 is requested. The MOA extends the previously approved pilot project within the Department of Public Works for Engineering Teckurician positions. Recumme�datio�s: AQprove (A) or Reject (R): Pecsortat Service ConBaets Must Mswer the Folluwing Questiuns: Planning Commission 1, Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIS Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sldll not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No , ExpW+n al{ yes answers on separate sheet and altach to green sheet lnitiating Problem, lssues, OppnRunity (Who, What, When, Where Why): In 2001, the Ciry Council approved the three-year pIlot beriveen AFSCME #1842 and the City for Engineering Tech position. Recently, the parties affected by the pilot reviewed the results of the three-year effort. A copy of the final report to the City Council is attached. Advantages{fApproved: Public Works and the affected Baz inin Unit will conlinue to receive mutual benefits for the City and the affected employees as noted in the final xeport DisadvanWges If Approved: None. .b�$ F$,�e2ap�? f ��a�r �1� F9' �"n � DisadvanWges If Not Approved: The goals and objectives of the Department of Public Works regazding succession and wozl�orce planning may not be realized. ..�. �---a Totai Amount of �' � °� � � R Transaction: CostlRevenue Budgeted: � � � � � ..�; ��� � ��. Funding Source: Activlty Number: � Financialinformation: H�� � � L ��� (Explain) -q- p ��.�� g-g a�'d 3v,`� ��§� f°�+° : F�°�r� D�� ��3 Memozandnm of Agreement This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is made and entered into this��`'day of 2004, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and the American Fed tion of State, County, and Municipai EmpIoyees (hereinafter refeaed to as "AFSCME"). The purpose of this agreement is to continue the competeucy-based classification system developed by the gilot gmject titled "Competency Modeling Project Engineermg Aide I- En�neering Technical Supervisor dated Mazch 20, 2001" and the "CiviI Engineer Technician Job Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000." The City and AFSCME agcee that the stipulations contained within the attached documents that affect terms and conditions of employment shall contimie to apply to those employees of the Depar�ent of Public Works who hold positions allocated to the Engineez Aide i and II, and the Public Works Techniciau I, II, and III classes and who aze represented by AFSCME. Also, the City and AFSCME agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall continue to be used in the adminislration of the competency based classification system developed by the pilot project: 1. Civil 5ervice Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying exazninations, e.g., passlfail for promotion candidates instead of for oniy original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to determine eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in posirions allocated to the Engineering Aide I, and II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and IIT classes in the Depaztment of Public Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lists) shall allow for promotion eligible lists established for Civil Engineering Aide I, and II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III vacancies in the Department of Public Works to remain in effect indefinitely. It is fizrther agreed that grievances arising from teims and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rutes and Salary Pian and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through tlhe procedure outlined in the cuirent collective bazgaining agreement between the Ciry and AFSCME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said competency system shall also be subject to the aforemenrioned grievance procedure. However, because both pazties aclmowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regarding the substantive determinarions of a Competency Review Board shali be appealed solely to the Civil Service Commission. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall continue to be in force until September 12, 2005. It is further agreed that 60 calendaz� days prior to September 12, 2005, the City wiil notify AFSCME Local #1842, in writing, that said date is pending so that a discussion of the pilot pzocess and the fiuther extension of the pilot can be held. City of Sain aul AFSCME Technical #1842 �°R'�-.�. Q �'Y1c�.�°. P,ngela alezny Robin Madsen, President Human Resources Dir cto AFSCME Technical #1842 ��'� `u-��� ason Sc dt Kurt Errickson, Business Representative Labor Relations Manager AFSCME Technical #1842 G:VShazed�HR-Coatpetencies\PilotProjec5lPublic. Works�PW.EA-TechPBoMcantinuatianoipilo[documents.bD4WFSCME.TechCOmpetency Model Cominuation MOA.wpd o�- 8�3 OFFICb OF HUMAN RESOURCES Ange1¢ S. Nal�y, Director SAfNi PAUL � Al1AA CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor MEMO TO: Kathy Lantry, Council President Jay Benanav, Councilmember Pat Harris, Councilmember Debbie Montgo ry, Councilmember FROM: Robert Sandquis � Public Works D' y� DATE: SUBJECT: August17,2004 400 Ciry Hall Annrs 25 Wett Faurth Street SaintPau[,M'vmuota SSl02-l631 Dan Bostrom, Councilmember Lee Helgen, Councilmember Dave Thune, Councilmember Public Works Civil Engineer Technician 7ob Family Pilot Project Update Telephone: 651-266-6500 Job[ine: 651-166-6502 F¢csimi(e: 651-291-7656 In accordance with the provisions of the City Council resolution implementing the above- referenced pilot project, I am providing the City Council with information regarding the results of the t}uee-yeaz pilot project noted above. The Civil Engineer Technician Pilot Project was implemented effective September 12, 2001. In 7uly 1499, the Public Works Succession and Workforce Planning Team proposed that the Department focus attention on a number of high-priority tasks. A driving reason for developing a succession and worl�'orce plan in 1999 was the anticipated retirement over the next five-eight yeazs of a number of technicians and engineers. This anricipated hunover has akeady begun. From the initiarion of the Civil Engineer Technician pilot project in 2001 to the present, the Department has filled five vacancies using the competency-based system. More vacancies will be filied shorfly. The cornerstone of the pilot project is a competency-based job classification system for the Civil Engineering Technician positions. An integrated system of promotional hiring and performance management has been implemented, wlrich is yielding good results. The positive results of this tl�ree-yeaz pilot are fourfold and serve both the City and the employees well. Positive Results 1. Public Works is currently administering a streamlined promotional process for Engineering Aide, Technician, and Engineering Technician Supervisor vacancies. 2. The high quality of the promofional candidates has been maintained, and in cases where development or training is needed, the system identifies the need and an individualized development plan can be created for the employee. This is a plus for both the employee and the ozganization. An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer o�l 8�3 M�o to c�� co���t CE Competency Evaluation Page 2 August 17, 2004 Through an agreement with the affected bazgaining unit, management flexibility relarive to the selection of the best-fit candidate for a particulaz vacancy is possible. This assures that an employee will be successful and the organizarion will reap the benefits of an employee well suited for a particular position. 4. Employees aze no longer required to repeatedly test for vacancies in a j ob class, since once they are declazed competent and qualified, they remain on the eligible list for £uture vacancies in the class. This saves both time and money for the organizarion and is beneficial for the employees as well. While there will continue to be unprovements made to increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of the competency-based system over time, the Saint Paul Public Works Department endorses the pilot project and considers it a success. Continuation of Pilot Project Proposed The parties involved in this three-yeaz pilot project have recenfly reviewed both the process and the overall results. They are in agreement that a Memorandum of Agreement between the parties shouid continue in force unless and until the City, AFSCME, and SPSO mutually a�ee to end or modify the agreement. This does not preclude one or both of the parties from proposing a change during the term of the MOA, which is attached. lt cc: Kurt Errickson, AFSCME Technical #1842 Business Representative Robin Madsen, AFSCME Technical #18942 President Angela Nalezny, Human Resources Director An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer