D001322CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: �`�J�I � City Cler BUDGET REVISION Date: �-1 Finance 3 Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the reqaest of the Director of the Department of Ptanning � Economic Deve{opment to amend the 1997 budget of the PED Operations Fund. The Director of Financial Services Office is authorized to amend said budget in the foltowing manner: Current Budget 126 PED Operations Fund 3607� Director's O£ce - Administration 12636010-0557 Transfer to General Fund 126-36010-0857 Computer Hardware Net Change • \J $0 $43,454 Amended Budget $4,803 $38,651 $0 p ved by: Budge�ector ' �� � ! � M:ADOOBODG.4YKt 10/93 Change $4,803 ($4,803) LvL � � 1�(�(� ( ?�21 DEPAR7MENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATE INITIq7ED • rlannmg & E�o�mu ne�ebpmeot � osn1/9� GREEN SH N_ 2 3 1 6 5 iNma � wiruvoare CONTAC7 PERSON & PHONE ' . � 1 � , n DEPAq'f}�EP7� DIRECfOR CRY COUNCIL � Carole Otte 266-6(35 _ � � `�I ` "� ASSIGN � CfiVATfOflN�Y �CfTYCLERK_ NUYBER FOR gUOGET DIRECfOq FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. BEONCAUNCILAGEN�ABY(DA7E) - pOUi1NG NA " ' OBDER � �/pYOR (OB ASSISTANn � C.�O PED T,OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� � ' qCfiON qC-0UESTED: Approval of attached Administrative Order Budget Revision to transfer funds of $4,803 to the City General F'and for the PC Replacement Program. , RECAMMEN�A7IONS: Approve (A) or Reject (P) , PERSONAL SERVICE CONTFiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this persoMrm ever worked untler a contrad far Mis departlnent? _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO — 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a crty employee? ` S7AFF — YES NO _ DISTRtC7 CAUR7 _ 3. Does this persoMfMm possess a ski11 not nonnaNy po55essed by any curtenf cily empbyee? SUPPORTS WHICH CqUNCIL OBJECT�VE? YES NO Expla�n ell yes answers on separote sheet and atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Wiw, What, When, Where. Why): PED will participate in the PC Replacement Program by replacing an addiUonal 6 PC's. $4,803 will be transferred from the PED Operations F�nd to the City General Fund ANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPftOVED: RE�EIVED ��� � fl ��� CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: _�_ TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7flANSACTION S COS7/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIFCLE ONE) YES NO Fund 126 PED Operations Fund GI�126-36010 FUNDfNG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ]vQt Qf[gCY f0 tF10 19I�I b11dgQY IS Z070. �� 1� 1 V� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Originaq - Financial ServicesAccounting Division - Requesting Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION Na: � I 32� Date: j� ; ; n—, -� j---�-q-�- ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciiy Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Office of Financial Services to amend the 19 96 budget of the Capital improvement Bond fund, the Diredor of Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budaet in the followinq manner. CURRENT BUDGET SPENDING BUDGET CIB Bond Sale Costs 925-90096-0601-70003 Ali 0ther Spending C J FINANCING BUDGET Interest Eamings 925-90096-6602-00000 Bond Proceeds 925-90096-6201-00000 equested by: Department Director j �� ��F/� Vu---�.s�. c,!'a � , Approved y� Bu get Director APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET 65,000.00 43,614.23 108,61423 17,595,000.00 17,595,000.00 17,660,000.00 43,614.23 17,703,61423 160,000.00 218,61423 378,614.23 17,500,000.00 (175,000.00) 17,325,000.00 17,660,000.00 43,61423 17,703,61423 9 �� �- � � Date Date !- /a" `��' Date Office of Financial Services Kantorowicz, 266-8836 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES `�00 t �3�,� . GREEN SHEET _° 3 3 813 ._ . ._ INRIAL/DATE � _ . . .. . INITIAIJDATE � CIiY ATfORNEY �CITY CLE � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & Mi � MAYOfl (OR ASSISTAPfn � � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA7URE) DIR. Administrative Order to revise the budget for the_1996 Capital Improvement Bonds, construction account. _ PtANNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SEFVICE CAMMISSION __ C�B COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ __ DISTRICTCOUflT _ SUPPORTS WHIGH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTONS: 7. Has this perso�rm ever worketl under a contract for Mi5 departmeM? - YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does tftis personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cuRent ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on ssperate sheet and attaeh to green sheet PROBIEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNIN (Who. Wf�at. When. Where, Whyl: Bond sale costs were higher than budgeCed because of the need to sell these bonds in two parts. The change in proceeds reflects allowable underwriters discount. Interest earnings received were greater than expected. properly reflect actual spending and financing for fund 925 activfty 90096. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None RECElVED $�� � � ���� �=fT�' CLERK Budget will not provide a clear representation of what actually happened. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTHANSAC710N $ 43,614.23 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE AC7IVITV NUMBER FINANqAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � �