240756 �4O'�R�fi �. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �• � . �. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CC��Q'I`rE COUNCIL RESOLUTION� ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October 2�, 1968 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVID= That application for the transfer of On �ale Liquor License issued to Harold W. Nelson at 1927 University �.vernue to Slingers Bar & Cafe� Inc. ' at the same address and the3.r application for Restaurant, On And Off �a1e Ma1t Beverage and Ca.garette and Cigarette Vending Machine Operator�s licenses for the same address be and the same is hereby granted on the condition that within��days of this date said Slingers Bar & C�'e� Inc. shall comply with all requa.rements of the Bureaus of Fire, Healt�h� ' and Police� and the I,icense Inspector pursuant to t�he St.Paal Legislative Code and a11 other applicable ordinances and laws. r. . � ��� �� 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' car�.son �T � g 1968 Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson r ,\ � � (� Mayor S�,rafku Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED �QV 2 1968 �O ', • ' _ ' . , '�+ _ n _ � r_ � � . � ` _ ' i� � ` " ' � , . ' , y.. . . � ,. - . � � - _ , , � , ' • � - -f , "� y.� " . _. " ., " . ' ' ^ - . _ • '"' _ - . �. • . . . , . " • - • - � ' - _- . y • , _�, t + . . . � . " . . , � -T . ' . ... � - - � r _ � � � _� _ - ' ..�� . , � � _ _ , .- _ - ' . - . ` ' . _. ��- � . , , . . .. . . ' .. , -, !. . - - ` -- - ' , _ ", - , - . . . . _ _ . ; • _-- . • � • - � • . - . +j_ � . = � � - . . � ... • , � - - •� ,_ . - • ~ . ' '•,„* = ,x �. . `. L-_.' y . ` . _ -i . , , ' � � � r' . .. - ._ - , ".- i __.'.- Oct. 29, 1968 - � . _ � . - � . _' ,' _ : - _ , -_ . . _ z. ;, : . ., . _ . - - . . , - , t . - . . , . • � _ � _ . - n . . , - � �.. "- ` - � � _ _ - - '. _ ' " ' — ' i.Y _ . ' .i. ' ' L ,. . _ . . - . ' . �_- , . . . � . ♦ . . � � — • ' � ` � ' �i� : ` , " -.�- . • - ' S , . , . . _ • . _;, _ - - •' c - � . - H017. WID. �,". CAY'180ri', . ,_ - - � r � - � ' - ,Comsr. of Public Safe�y' _ ' � ' --: •• . - - . ; . - _ , _ ' -- � • -:: Public Sa.fety Bldg. ;E� " ` - t ' - , � . . � . �� . + . . , - , - , . . . , . � - . Deax'Sir: , - ` � � ,�- � ention: . Mr. Dan3.e1 MeLaughlin -- � • •_ _ � The City �Council today irif'ornia,l app the application for the' = � _ , - ' , • - � _ transfer of On •Sale Liguor Lic; . and Resta,urant; ��n and Off � ` - � Sa.e Malt Beverage, Cig and � ette Vending Machine Operator'� . _ - = r Lic. No. 616, all _exp 1,: from Harold W. Nelson at 1g27 -� � _ . � � University_Ave. to S _gers Bar� Cafe,� nc. at the same address. - . • ' ." - �_ _ - - ' _ - - ' . , - - ' - :�: . - ' r. - _ The City Cauncil-als informal7�y proved the�applica�ion fbr_ the trans�er" • , � , - of e11 of the liceris at ].g27�U ersity Ave: �to 193�+�8�University Ave._ ° , , � '� � upon completi ' _nd r � elin the�building or December, 1968. - � _ : � _- � Will you ease prepare the necessaiy resolutions to coverYthe&e : . , .~� ' - - - matters? - . - - - . � - - •, � . - - , � ' � � _ _ � : _ " '_ ; - � � Very truly yours, � • . , ' _ • �•� � . � _ _ � . " � — a �. . ) �. . �. — I- ' r ` _ T= . • ` . � . �. . ` } . � . .. . - _- � . - i-� ,y . � . . _ -�. City C1erk , - � . _ : - , �� } - .. - - • - . � . , `y _ �. . . t � . . _ � .. - . , _ . _ � , _ . . - _ , - . . . . - . _ _ _ � _ - . -. -- . � - ' - -. . _ � ._ _, . - � - ` � _ - , . . . -' ' . �� � - - ',. - . • - - , - -- - - . .. - - • - - . - ' . . �� � � ' • ' ' ` . - ' � � - � . ` � � � - ' � '- " - • �_ �- - - � � � , _ - - , _ � . _ _. 1- . : - ' .` ' . , - -- - - ..� .' - • , : - -- � � - � _ - .. - _ ... � - � ' � . . - .� - • . � - - • � . _ - ' _ - • - " ,. .. . - • ' � _ � . . ^ %� _, . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota � � / ���� �e a�ti�ec�t o c�b�ic �a eL� °�� � � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PBOTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depoty Commiaaioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inspeetor October 29, 1968 � ' Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: G�zrrently On Sale Liquor License No. 730�.� and Restaurant� On and Off Sale Malt Beverage� Cigarette� and Cigarette-Vending 1�1a.chine Operator's Licenses No. 616, a11 expiring January 31� 1969, are issued to Harold W� Nelson at 1927 IIniversity �,venued He has so been licensed and associated �aith this business as an individual or p artnership since 195�. .�t th3,s ��riting the followi.ng dual applications are made relative to this business. , No. 1. Slingers �ar & Cafe, Inc. is joined by Harold W. Nelson in making application for the transfer of.the On Sa1e Liquor License I�o. 730l� and all t�he m3.scellaneous licenses issued to him at 1927 University Avenue to ' Slingers Bar & Cafe, Inc. at the same address. The officers of the corporation are John J. Koller� President; John J. �degman, V�.ce-presid.ent and Treasurer; and Mabel King, Secretary. Haxold �. Nelson remains as the sole owner and stockholder of the corporation. . No. 2. Having acquired the property at 1931�-8 University Avenue, across the street, application is made for the transfer of all of the licenses at 1927 University Avenue to 1931�-8 Uni.versity Avenue upon completion and remodeling of the building or �3ecember 1968. A.t this new location� Esslinger, Inc.operated a s imilar business frora 1933 to 1937 when they moved to 1927 University Avenue, After that, �l�he location was operated as a restaurant until 1946. Currently there is no licensed business at this address. Mr. Koller has been a bar-tender for Mr. Nelson from 195� to 1968, Mr. �7egman has also been a bartender for Mr. Nelson from 1953 to 1968 and Mrs. King has been the head wa.itress for him from 1962 to 1968. ry truly yours� G2�.GG�i ��L c. License Inspector " � � / � „ � � U 4 • .�+./ . '.� t • � � � ` � � ' , CITY DF SQINT PAUL ' DEPARTt�dENT �DF P[TBLIC SAFETY I�IGENSE DIPISICIN � ? Date .f/� / 19�d 1. Application. for �2ir-�i ' LiQense 2. .Nams of applioant � �o� � / • 3. �Busineas addresa - " Residence � 4. .Trade name, if any � � 5o Retail Bear Federal Tax St p !/Retail Liquor Fede . 1 Tax Stamp r/ will be usedo 6. � what floor located Number o rooma used�� ^ � - • ,/1.�-P,Q%_ -�J 7. Betwsen what cross atreet , 'ch sid. of street /,[,di0 _ �.��_� 8. Are premises now occupied Wliat busines - long 9. ��e premises no�v unoccupie �HaPr 1on.g vacant Previous use 10. Are you a new ov�mer �Flave you been in a s imilar bus ines s bef ore ��� � ____. —,. �fihere • qPhen 11. Are you going to operate this business personally � If not, who wi7.1 oparate it 12. Are you ip. any other busi.n.ess at the present t5.ms �� . _ _ . . . _ .._. . - - .-- . __ _ , . 13. Have thare been any complaints against your operation of this type of place �1911 x�• .., �,91'9 14. Bave you ever had ar�y license revoked��YOhat reason�.and date . � ,�< < . •' t ... �I�,� •R �.; ti •� 15. Are you a aitizen of the IIni.ted States �Nativ+e Natur&��.zezl 16. Ylhere w�re you born ' Date of bir'th �� �� ���� . . _._ . , - � 17. -I married. M (tivi.fe'rs� (husband t s j name and addresa is . , � � + . ��l-Ci � � � 18. (If ried female) �r maiden name is 19. How long hsve you lived in St. Paul ,� 20. Have you ev+er bsen arrested�_Violation o what ariminal law or ordinanae 21. Are �ou a registered voter in the City of St. Paul � Yes No. (Anawor full,y and completely. These a� �lications are thorou hl checlfled and an faleifioation wiJ.l be cause for denial,• � '' � 1. �, . . -?� �' _ 1 . ' . � . . STATE OF MINNESOTA � . . SS COUNTY OF RA�SEY � ' . . � � being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he kes this affidavit in. oonneation �rith applioation for "�, , Sa].e" liquor license ('� Sale" malt beverage licenae) in the City of • - • - ------±--- •-�- - - -- ----- --- .. _ State of 14Sinnesota Sai.nt Paul, Mi.nnasota; that your aff'i:ant is a reaident of the • ' and has reaided therein for ..ajJ� years, montha, and ia - � - - � - - �- - -- - . - . State now and has been for the time abave mentioned a bona fide resid t of sai and that he now reaidea at N0. a , GGr-�-� ��, B�inne s ota. ' .{ / G�'��:XJ � ' . -- - � • ---- -�- _ t . Subsoribed and sworn to before me _� -- -�-YY_� " � this /� day of 19 (Oa Notary Public, Ramsey Coun.ty, Minnesota 1 D�y oommission expirea �.3 � �D � "� � � �° r,•i '_'"3.� ) � � r, J ' . • AFFIDAVI� BY APPLICANT . . FOR . RETA,IL BEER OR LIQIIUR LICENSE ' Re�✓"" Sale Liaense Name of applicant B u s ine s s add re a s o2 ���LL� Cz=u�� r"`"""� , Are .you the sole ae�mer of this business? . T�f not, is it a partnership? a orporat ion? , other� Others intereste in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherRrisea Name �� Addresa Haw � - � ��� . . , . . , � , ��l.Fr,yJ , , � If a corporation, give its name Are you intereated in any w�y in any ot 8etail Beer or Liq busi.nesa? /� • As sole ,o�mer? "-,� Partner? � Stool�olderB - Otherv�r.i.se4 (Through loan of money, eto. E�plain) Addreas of such business and nature of in.terest in sama ' �-- - Signature of plicant State of Pdinnesota� �ss County of Ramse ---_ - - • � � � 'being�first-�duly eworn, deposes and says upon oath that he s�read the foregoi.n.g affidavit bear�cn.g�ha.s si�nature and lrnows the contents the of; that the' sams is true of his� o�m lflnowledge, except as to those matters therein stated-upon infor�tion and belief and as to those matters he be- 1 ieve s them t o be true. � �� / Signature of plicant ': Subscribed and sworia b fo e me ' s day of 19� f . o . Notary Publie, Ramsey Coun.t�r, �' esota My cammission expires 19 , i ,,� � t �` � ' i , " � •. � " ' � ' CITY flF SAINT PAUL � z DEF�I4RTMENT DF P[TBLIC SAFETY ' ; ZICENSE DIPISION Date �� /j� . 19�0 . /� ` ' �'; 1. Application. for a-(.C� � ' License 2. Name of applicant - � , • - - - . 3. -Busineas address ' � Resid ce ��i ��''"�' � - -- � �� � ' � , 4. Trade name, if an� � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp �Retail Liquor Federal x Stamp � wi.11 be useda 6. (� �rhat floor locatad �� Number of rocmla used� _� . - --- - - - - � , , --�-•-- - - - - ' 7. Betw�aen �vhat cross atreets � �� 1Nh.' h si of street i, 8. Are premiaes now occupie WYiat busines � � oe�r long �` ' 9. ��e premises now unoacupiedn0� Haw l�ng vacant Previous use 10. Are you a new ov�mer Have you been in a similar business before �`� �iThere 1Nhen 11. Are you going to operate this buainsss personally If not, who will oparate it 12. Are you in any other business at the present time � "`�' 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of p]ace ' "� V�hen 1Nhe re � l4. Bave you ever had ar�y license revoked � yPhst reason an� date 15. Are you a aitizen of the IIn:i.ted States Native Na ralized � 16. �iChere w�are you born , Date of birth - �� /��� 17. -I am married. y (tivife's) (husband� me and addresa s �3.3 �1�� . �-G�l�''� 18. (If mar ed femQle� maiden name is ' 19. How� long have you lived in St. Paul � 7 20+ Hava you ever been arrested � . Violation f what oriminal law or ordinancse 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St. Paul v Yes No• (Anawer fully arid completely, Theae a� �lications are thorou hl checl�ad and. an falaifioation will be cause for denial.� � • 11_ . - , !� , � . ; fi;� � ' AFFIDAVIT BY APP.LIGANT r � �• F�R � '� RETAIL BEER OR L�QIIOR LICENSE � �...`�_�' - . . .. � . � Re: �Sale q Liaenae Name of applicant � Businesa addreas ° ° o Are you the sole vwmer of this busine ?�. T�f not, is it a partnership? � _ o�rporat ion? ,/� , other� Othera interest in business, include those by loan of money, property or other�.se; , -�.._.._ . .. .. RTame Addre s s o�uv . � � � . _ , � ,� , � If a corporation, give its nams � � Are you interested in any way in any o er Retail Beer or L' or businesa? As sole owner? Partner? Stoekholder? Otherwise? (Through loan of money, eto. E�plain) Address of auch business and nature of in.terest in same . ' ture applic t . , State of Min�e sota) � )ss County of Ramsey ) . . �~-��- � , � � � being first�'cluly aworxi, depoaes and says upon th that has re the f oregoirig-affidavit��bea'r�ng�his si�nature and l�.ows the ntents ereof; at the sa�s is trua of his- oqvn l�ovrledge, exoept as to those matters therein st ted�upon �infor�tion and belie�' and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be trus. - - VV Si ture o pplicant Subscribed nd swo to be o e me t ' day of 19� 9 -' " f Notary Public, Ramsey County, eaota PATR KH, DOHERTY. �r C OIDDl].S 9 i0ri exp1.I'88 �[�q.publtc. Rar�n�Ey r.nunty, Mlnn. NI�qf�nrtUsslon Expires Mey 13, I96g ;t , .�� �,,�� . . �.• , STATE OF MTNNESOTA ) ) SS COjTNTY OF R,�SEY ) ..___ . . _ ' � , being Pirat dulp sworn, doth depose and ay that h kea th' affidavit in oonnection zvith application for � ' Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the Ci��r of - - -- • - - - - ,-- - - - - -.._ _ �-- S�atie of Minne s ota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the and has resided therein for o�� ^ �years, montha, and ia - Sta te now and has been for the time above mentio a bona fide resid�nt of s d - - - - a3 � � ��.��� and that he now reaides at N0. � �'�� � � J A�, Bdinn.e s ota. ,� � , w Subsoribed and sworn to before me thi day of 19� P � No ary Public, Ram4e�r County, Minn ota P.ATRICK , IyOF{ERT1G II�' COrilmisHi011 expires Notary pun� Q�;,��, �unty, Mlnn. �!► Commisslon Expires May �3, I__T � t� • � .✓ R T ♦ ; •h�_� . . . f � � , ' ' CITY �F SAINT PAUL ' ' DEPARZ'NIENT {jF PUBLIC SAFETY I�I�ENSE DIPISI(7N p- , T„ Data � ,. � 19 �O 1. Application for. ' License _ � 2. Name of applioant i • ° � ,cQJ " / � � �/ o 3. .Businses address r � R sidence . �� � �f 4. Trade name, if a� � °�- 5. Retail Beer Federal Taa 3ta �Retail Liquor Fed � 1 Tax Stamp � will be uaedo 6. C�i what floor located Number of rooma used� � . . , �. + 7. Betw�aen what cross atreets i� side of atreet 8. �Are premiaes now ocaupied at business��/ � How long �/ 9. .��e premisea now unoccupied�HaPr long vaoant �'revious use - 10. Are you a new ov�mer ' Have you been in a s imi.lar bus i.nes s bef ore �There � �-e� �rnen � 19' a � � --�•.3 � , J n - - -.. ._ _ _ 11. Are you going to operat this business personally If not, who will operate it --�^"�"�– - 12. A�re you in any �ther busi.nesa at the present time � � 13. Have there been any csomplaints against your operation of this type of place � 'V9hen — Y�a.e re � , 14. �ve you ever had ar�y license revoked � yPhat reason and date 15. Are you a citizen �f the IInited States�rNativ�a y Id turalized. . . . 16. YPhere were you born A , Date of birth �i a � � � 17. I am�j�married. My (tivife's� (husband f s j name and addre is ''"�—'–_ __ �� 18. (If married female) v�r maiden name is ���rAl(� ,t.�. 19. Hor�v long have you lived in St. Paul �D 20. Eave �ou ev�er bsen arrested�_Violation what cri.mi.nal ].Qw or ordinance 21. Are �ou a regiatered voter in the City of St..P�ul 1� Yes No+ (Answer fully and completelye These a �lications are tk�orou hl chec�d and an faleifioation will be csause for denial, y � �l � 1 � � y � _ ' AFFIDAVZT BY APELICANT , � FOR " RETAIL BEER �R LIQU{�R LICENSE � Re: ,/� , Sa18 � Lia�nse • �r�— Name of applicant . ' Buai.ness addreas ��� Q�� Are you 'the sole ou�m.er of this business? . T"f not, is it a partnership? ,�_ ti,, � � - --- c orporat ion? , other3 �, _ , . _ - -- � - - - - - - � , Others intereste in busin.ess, include those by loan of money, propertp or otheru�ise.: Name Addre s s � Hor�v r . � . � � If a corporation, give its name Are you interested in any �ray in any othe Eetail Beer or Liquo busine ss?�� „ As sole o�rmer� -- Partner? -------� Stoekholder? OtherRrise� (Through loan of mon.ey, eta. , E�plain) Address of such business and nature of interest in same - - - -�, - . " � ' . Signature of applicant State of �innesota) � • �ss CoLmty of Ramsey ` • � �r " ��� . � � � �� � being f irat�-cluly aworn; depoaes and saya upon h h t he h a�rea t a foregoing affidavit�bea'ring�his si�nature and l�ows the contents thereof; th tlie' sam9 is true of his own l�owledge, excspt as to those matters therein stat d�upon inforiration and belief and as to those matters he be- 1 ieve s them t o be true. `�� Z - << �. Signature of applicant Sub s ibe nd awo o b f o me ' s ay of 19� � -- otary Public, ey County, esota My commission egpires � 1910� -T' , � -� � -y. • , �. t,-. � � � � r � � . . " . � 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � ) SS C(�UNTY OF RAMSEY ) ° being f irat duly aworn, doth depose an.d say that he make this affidavit in oonnection with application f�r "�Sale" liquor license ("�Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of State of I�S3sme s ota Saint Faul,. Min.nesota; that your affiant is a resident of the a nd has resided therein for ���_,years, t months, and is State naw and has been for the time ab ove mentioned a bona fide reside nt of ea i a nd t ha t he n ow re a ide s a t N0. � �r�-� �-`"-� B�inne s ots. . � � i�� � " Subsoribed and sworn to before me � th' - �day of 19 cp� ' o � Notary Public, �ey County, Mi s�ta �ii,y commisaion expires ��� �O� _ 4 " , � • • � ^� =--�`' • ' �w.��C ITY OF SAINT PAUL. - ._ . - • ' �� . , , DEPdRTMENT. OF POBLIC SAF'BTY , , � r�, :>_ . . .... , � LICENSE DIVISI�T - � - . _ � � . . _ . , D��e C�+o1�Pr_ �i� 19�$„ � _,- ,,._ , � ' � ... _ - � _ 1,� �lpplicatian f or � � �„ ,�'R�P r i z„o,- � _ Lioense � _;.� .. � • : . ""': . � 2. � Nam� of applicant - Haxold W. Nelson � _ . : � _ - - - • � _ � = • - � . . ' 3, Businees addrass 19 i si . Ave. Residenoe .�.�7 II�Y�'.�y �.��i'3���.�,..,AY�•.,-.-5�-..��'�i:-Minn. • ' 8t. Paul, Minn. 4, Trade name,� if any - ' 1'- �+��(na,Ay,t Q Rpy. & - - � _ - -- "r+ ri8f$ . __. .. _ . 5. Retai� Beer Federal Tax Stamp�_Retail Liquor Federal Tax Sta�np X . will ba used. 6. On what fl4or loaated. �� � Number of ro�s uaed �, --- � - -- - � ?, Bet�reen what oross streets, � Prior & Fairview , Ave. Whioh side of streot . ��xt}�T r 8� Are premiaea n�r ocoupied��,VPhat buainess pn�ale _Tza�?or H� long.,, �� e _a� rg 5' '"�' 9, �Are p'remisea now'un.oaoizpied�Hoav long vacant Previous uee � w�i. . ��� � .- .� y� �., ��<< . . � � . .. - , „ - .'" � ','" ', ,, _ . �10� dre you a new owner Yp� I Eave you been in a similsr busineas before' �� , ;. . � Where lo'a' . , - ', ' . . Wheri _ ,r,- _n ,�v __T_,_ 11. Are you going to oparate this business'pera�nally y�g _ � , - , --T�-}�-•_-• If not,� who will operate it - - - - . _. ._ . _ .. . --y-r---- . 12. Are you�in any other bus3.nesa at the preaent time �^. � � 13�� • Bav� there been any oopiplaints 'againat your operation of this, type of plaoe ��' Rhsn � Where �_ , . . • 14. Eave �you ever had any lioenae revoked Tn� . yPhat reaaon and date . ' • ' •. .i�Ji. , 15o Ara you a oitiaen of tk�a United States YPg Native _X Naturalized ,.�:'��� ,�:' • ':-_ � r . �\�•\\�'•�C`'±C,,i.��`�-- � 16 Rhsre Were you born Date of birth- �„�, � i�:� �� _ ��'-`�-= • �i roiv l�i t�r Tnt+n "*-- ! '.�'-t `,�^I� :: +. . �� .���. :�_, 17. I am . married� F.iy (vri.fe's) (l���a) name and' addro a a is���' ` " � �� ����� 181� W. MinnehaLla Ave.= St. Paul, Minn: - j _ � � '�t'`��� � . . ~•,��',{- ...--��,���' �, ~•�L'a� �` 18, (If marr1Yed female) my inaiden'name ie ' � `"�•••..,=t��••'`' • ,� . � _ - . 19� Har� long hsve you �.7.4ACt j.Tl S'� PAU�. 5h _uPA,rg _ . . . . -Y. - 20. FTave you ever been arreated �n Violation of Rhat oriminal lati4 or ordinanoe � . '� � • . � - - - -- - - - --- .,.- ��� .21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St� Pau�: X ' Yes No� ' (�nswer fullv and aompletely� `These .aj��lications are �horoughly aheol�d and any � falaification �till be aause for denia�.�. � � ._...... — - -- _ r �� .. ' AFFIDAVIT BY APP'LICANT � , � FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQU�R LICENSE , Res On Sale Liquor Liaense Name of applicant Harold W. Nelson �%R E c�("b�s • Business addresa 1927 University Ave., St. Paul, Mim�. Are you the sole o�mer of this busin.ess? no . If not, i� it a pa�tnership? c�rporat ion? yes , other� Others interested in busi.ness, include those by loan of money, property or othex-�rises _____...,_ St. Paul, M3nn, ' Name �thur J. Koller Address 1213 Woodbridge Ave. Ho�w� Pres. & Director 233 Goodrich Ave. I�l� Es.. �J"�PEA s. John J. Wep,�nan ` St. Paul, Minn. & Director Mabel Ki 918 University Ave. � St. Paul, Minri. Secretexy• 8� Director If a corporation, give its name Slinger's Bar & Cafe, Inc. Are you interested in any �ray i.n any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? nO ° As sole o�vner2 Partner? S�;oe]�olderB Otherwise� (Through loan of maney, eta. En�plain� Address of auch business and nature of in.terest in sams _`"" ' _ ' � . Signa e of app icant arold W. Nelson State of �dinneaota) �`-- � �ss , CoLmty of Ram.sey Harold W. Nelson "'� " ' ' � being first��dul�r sworn, deposes and says upon o�th that he has�read the f oregoing affidavit bearing�his signature and knows the contents thereof; that the sams is true of his own l�.awledge, except as to those matters therein stated'upon infor�tion and belief and as to those matters he be- lievea them to be true. • _ � /� . � � ..,;`�; S_ Fti�-� . Si ture of a plican Harold W. Nelson • ` „°1.. . _..,� � ,:. �^ Sizbscri ed and sworn. to before me ' - � =�thia�• ��th day o Oct ber 19 � .- ,- _ _ � _ �: JoYin;E. � . Daubne�otary Public e County, Minnesota ��+ ;\I t� ..\ �� - My oommis�sion expires Aug. 9 19 75 � � � : . . r , , ` , � STATE OF I�BINNESOTA � SS CQtTNTY OF RA,�SEY ) Harold W. Nelson being f irst duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes this affidsvit in aonnection �rith application for �� On Sale" liquor license (" Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of ' � � � � � � � � � � State oP Minnesota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the a nd has resided there in for 56 �,years, months, and ia , - - - - ._ .. . _ - State now and ha s been for the time ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re aide nt of sa id Q�X and tha t he'naw reaides at N0. 1814 W. Minn.ehaha Ave., St. Paul �� B�inne s ota. � Harold W. Nelson Subsoribed and sworn to before me thia � }i day of October 19 68 John E. - - � � - Daubney Nota t Pu lic, Ra�sey ounty, Minnesota ;�.. . , - :;`!:�.�Qy'oo ion expirea Aug• 9� 19 b�� : � " � _ _ - 1 �t _-.�_ � �- =� t �„� , � � T � v i. � �. `, ` !' i � � e/` }� ��� `\ ^` . t � -' . � �" �`s � - . - r � .. , _,-.. , ,;i. , : * • - ii � �, , . `t��: P t'�s�4 '�+�!?i�' �'��`"°•'I. . e.. , , r ..F' *'+'� 7�0 �- 'TH$ H�W�$�E MA�d�t �' �8��9 a�'� '�. C�'I'`Sf �4I7NC��: OF THE. �TY C�F $T. .P�UL. - :�IC�I�'3� CQMM�TTE�s, , • , � . • � � . , , � .. , . , , . ,- � . � . .., , . , , , . ,� .. . . _ . . �� � y . ' ' r ' :.y�< �4. ;r�f . ". �- 1' �.� �, � � � � � :+�6 , i . , . " -1 !°� `i�•''..e ' -.,t i' ' ` `_ ,6 �i� ' - , °�1, . � . -T.';,, ,.fa. '.4 l+� � „ . i� ,T` •t� + y� � ' '� � � ' R . . -�'�h�:� 3:s to sdvi�� y�u; �.tit�it th� b�a�.t�ess �1�at. �ais`�q��t, , �r�p�ira�� �;� �.��7 �in�.i�ers�'t�i, �vQ:y' �;5��'� �'au�:{;`. .��3.nta�sota . a , i,s: �eing ��tco��ae�ted_;. �,�a�� th,� '�r�8w 'r�ai�e� '����i�e . :, _ . - � ; � bµ�'a��s�� an,d ,��� �br,�c�icata;``n�iie'�=w�.��: be �Z�rr�e�s Bax . � � _ 'CL� ��r.���R I�FR 4rr-• ..i ,. �i� � . �� . � . ; ` .. �.... �� � � .� . . t. .,. , � . � - . . . '�Yiat �h� peo,p�:e raho a�e of��.c��� a�d �tca�k�►o�de�s ag �'he . �ox���a�ion��.re�t �s.. ; - .. . , . _ ; ;, , , . . - , , � . , : . • . - _ . ' _ _ , . . . � �r�lie�� �'.y I�b�.�e� �.25:3 �Wo�dbr�,c�g� �v�,; , St: .PauZ. �i�nn.�. . , • � � . - , ,. � ,_ , .� , � . . . ,. � ;� �� <- � ' . � ��olin J, ''6�Tegman 233 -GSood��.�h P�ve. � , a�. Pau1;. Minn�. ,., . � . ,,• '� , . , • ', . , . . . . � _ � . T�a�t�1d t�:* Nel:sor�' �6,�� I�i'rrileYiaha I��re. St. .Pau'x,. M�nnt�� , � , . - . ,. , ,. � a . . . � � • � • .� ' � Ma�e�: �Cit�g �9�.8 tJn�.ve�s3:t� Ar�e. st: �au�:,; :I!i�ts�. _ _ . � � � • . . .. , • µ � _ . , .- . a. , - . . '- . , , _ , . . ' ,. .�'k�a� ��t� t�de�sigried �des he:reY�y rec���t th�� al�. �txar�s- - , ��r�ab�� ,1�.c���es �onneeted�`�a�th ��i�d �busir�es� be� "in . _ , �he,��i�ere��on�.o� �l�e �#ono�ab3.e `MaXo�' and �I�ml��rs., o� 'th,e. � � , .�. < - . • -E�,.,ty Co��c�.]. � o� t�ie C'�.icji�,o�' �;a.int' �'aul; � ����ta�er to. a�d - . �ea�:ec3:,'3��t„,t�e na�ri+� � o� ��S�.inge�g '�ar & ��a�e, �r�c.,,. �]:'�27 . , , , „ . ' ��:.ve.r�iti�r. F�venue;.' �Sfi, -pa��,:' .P�ti,i�n��c�ta. -r ` = . � - ` �� ' . � ; . � . � ,. � � ` , t � � � . - . . 'I'}�a� t�i� txride.�:��.gned p�eser►t��� �;�. �easing tY�e�. prem�s�s - . . , , _. � wl�ere s�,�c� �busines§ �� be3:�i.g' cz'o�due�ed at` 1�27 _t7n�vers�t� , � � Av�t�ue� ;8t. Pau1� �4�n�ie���a� ��c�° �iufiiaa�, Ser�i�s ��i���u�a�tc� . - ' . ��Sm���iy,r., ar��3, ��iat asa�:c3 3:�as$ �e�p�:ies' �,�� riecember� 1968.. - , , . , � . k , � � . � • - ' ' . . .5 . � r., � { • � f � � � r _ � ` � �'hat tlie� iind����.��c� �i�s pi����aeed the prem��es a� �.93���:9�6 . � �� I���versi,�y Aver�ue,, , S�: ��au.l f '�°M�.n�,esota, and �t'�at_ ��move to � , , .` _ sa�c�- '�ocat3.or�� �:� ���n�empla'tedr and t'ha,� 'the. 'operat�.on �o� �a��. . .�u�,�n.��sis ,�w�;l�. �e .condu�ted �n �a��d,p�em�:���s 'c�ereeir�g .ir�� , � . _ . �e�embe� 29�f6t,�. 'Z'23�� s��d prem�ses �v�.�.�. coris��t c�� �a rqain ' � b�x;"�o�orp.; , d�.nin roont and� art 'ra ' . g p Y c�t�: �2`�i�� ��t �.s r�ques�ed � t��t„s�i� lieense ,�e t�a�is�e�xed 'ta �this ,1oca�ion when t�e �_� Pr�n�.�Ea. a�� ready fa� ocau�a�c�r �vh�.a'h 3�a ,an�3.cipa��d� t�t b�i,� � � _ .__ .. _,- - -- -- in. �I��...mo��l��-�:� :De�embe�x� '3:96�:': -,�... -"r .- - - -r' = --^� -_--- = .. - _-, ::Y - =_ =�- � '. , � ', - ��<<._' � , �. � , ' _ . ` � �� _ . . . .,. . . , . _ f . , Dated t�i�obe�` �,,� ; �:!368 • � i � � ' - � � • • - �- , - • � ' - ' ' _ . , � � ._ � _ ` - - . , .. . ;, . .. f _ ' , , T , - � , .