240747 OWGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' t ' ������ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` r OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � � �� PRFSENTED BY �� 1, �� �,, ��`. �� � �� pA ;,�/' /1/� � G���'C'� COMMISSIONE �� � 1 � � � ��-_. _ 1� ( �y - � ,"�.� � �, �- , /l/l� � �.� ��/ �r� `� v , " - � �H� AS, Louis Commodore has b en ari outstancli��rcitizen of int aul ; and „n,�a���� � �j�-G•� � �ti�(�-� ;�X.� . WHEREAS, Louis Commodore has displayed great qualities of leadership in private and public life, in service to his • Country in World j�ar II, his family, his church, his school, and his community; and WHEREAS, Louis Commodore has been a devoted and valuable member of the St. Paul Human Rights Couunission, the NA.ACP, `` and other organizations dedicated to �he pr.omotion of human . . justice and equality; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that � it recognize the service of Louis . Commodore to the betterment of community life in the City of Saint Paul , and to indicate to him that he has earned the gratitude and appreciation of � all it�s citizens; and be �it further . RESOLVED, that the Mayor be hereby authorized and directed to confer upon Louis . Commodore the Distinguished Service Award of the City o� Saint P�aul; and be it further • RESOLVED, that the City Cl'erk is directed to present an engrossed copy of this resolution to �Mr. Commodore and his • family. . . � ' � .,_..�. �..,,�;;��::.`„ � ' - - _^ ; ORM APP 0 D ! C poration ounsel , , _ ' �CT � 5 ���� � � COUNCILMEN Adopted. by the Council 19— '' Yeas NaYg � ° ' j �Carlson • � � �,��� � Approve� ��� � � 19—_ �Dalglish _ �Meredith !In Favor ; � - �Peterson . • . Mayor , �Sprafka � ��gainst , � �Tedesco ' �. . �YVir. President, Byrne pl�BL1SHED �OV � 19��' ' � - . � � ' �O Dl�1PLIWTE TO rRINTHR �°�'��'� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8Y COMMISSIONER DATF WH�1tEAS, Louia Commodore has been an outstanding oitizen of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, Louis Commodore has displayed great qual3.tios of leadership in private and publio life, in eervioe to his Country in World j�ar II, his �amily, his ohurah, his sahool, and his community; and WSEREAS, Louis Coiwnodore has been a devoted and valuable member of the St. Paul Human Rights Commieeion, the NAA.CP, and other organi.zationa dedicated to the promot3on of human ��uetice and equality; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City oY 5aint Paul , that it reoognize the servioe of Louis � Commodore to the betterment of community life in the City of Saint Paul, anc� ,to indicate to nim �hat �e hae ea�ned the gratitude end appreQiatian of all its citizens; and be it �ixrther RESOLV�D, that the Mayor be hereby authorized and direoted to con�er upon Louis� Commodore the Distinguished Service Award of the City o� Saint Paul; and be it further RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is direoted to preeent an engroased eopy of this reeolution to Mr. Commodore and his f ami ly. . +�C°� �51968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson L�� � � .��i�� Dal hsh �� Approve� 19__ S � Meredith Tn Favor ' Peterson Mayor Sprafka � Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O