240728 ORIdINAL TO CITY CLERK 2�Q�28 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY F� P te�son COMMISSIONE DATF HER , The final costs for the Grading and Paving of Dodd Road from Stryker Avenue to So. City Limits, Comptroller's Contract L-6758, have been determined and, WHEREAS, Upon final allocation of funds from which the above improvement was to be paid it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and that an additional amount of $68.25 will be required, therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the amount of $68.25 be applied from the Municipal State Aid Suspense Fund (ig68) to finance the additional cost of the aborre improvement. . . P-120 . �' l , � �� �. - ,,. - - _..P- -- , /�. I��/ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council n�T � � 1�R�19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��i' 2'� 196� Approve r 19—_ Meredith ' n Favor raon Sprafka � (�6t1ng Mayor Tedesco A gainst :;�;�;����xa���;:$�:::..�=��i ! r��� ��T �6 196� ) •Mr. Vice Pr�sident ; ' I �� np�uc�Te ro�etNrae ��p�28 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Ftolis�t R. Ps�sr�On COMMISSIONER DATF i1H�RHAS. Ths final costs for the 6r�dtng and Naving o� Qodd Road �rom Strylurr Ilvenue to �o.. City 41�it�t� �cxnptroller's Contr�ct 1.�6758, lt�v� brs n ds ta rra 1 r�d a nd a WHER�AS, Upon f t�al al l oc.at ton o� �umis f rom wh i ch th� •bovs irAprov�amant was to be p�td it wis �ound th�t ths ar�ount originally sst up for its �inancing i� insufficlent td �t tha f�inal costs and that an additionel +Qmount of $68.25 wt11 b� rsquind, th�nfo� bs lt, RE&tK►YED� That the amoun� of $68..Z5 bs appl i�d fraa� th� Municipal Stats A1 d �e+spenao �und (1968) to fi i nanu ths •ddt t ional to�t� of ths �bove tmprovement. P�►120 ' . �CT � � 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays (�,�°�` � �+ ��sH Carlson a g s � Approved 19� Meredith Tn Favor ���r � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainat ::N�;�P�res�dent;.B�yrae;:;�:::;g ......_...,._,....� ....... ....................... D1r. Vice Presi3ent ��