240700 Orlati.rS�to City Clerk � � R � � �~ .O � DINANCE 24�'��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �av —2-- " (2) If the egcess cost is greater than �10,000, or funds are not available in the departmen.t' s 'restricted use' account, an additional appropriation may be made by the Council , with the advice of the budget committee, from the 'restricted use' accoun.t, contingent reserve account, other uncommitted funds available, or by reallocation of project funds. Appropriations authorized pursuant to this subsection 2 may be made by the Coun.cil by resolution without holding a public hearing with respect to any such appropriation. " (3) If it appears that the cost of a capital improvement for which an appropriation is made in the budget for the next calendar year wi-1-l- be in egcess of the appropriation, and funds are available in the department' s 'restricted use' account to fund the excess cost, a supplemental appropriation within the current year� s capital improvement budget may be made by resolution, with the advice of the budget committee. Appropriations authorized pursuant to this sub— section 3 may be made by the Council without holding a public hearing with respect to any such appropriation. " . Section 3. That Ordinance No. 13679, as amended, is hereby further amended by striking therefrom Section 15 and inserting in lieu and in place thereof a new Section 15 to read as follows: "The Council may at an.y time authorize the issuan.ce � �. of bonds, other than bonds authorized by Chapter 460, Laws of Minnesota for 1967, and the authorization of such _ . _ bonds for the purposes enumerated in the ordinance or _, � � resolution authorizing the same shall con.stitute an amendmen.t to the capital budget appropriatin.g the amount of the bond issue to such purposes an.d no public hearing shall be required with respect thereto. " Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, �.pproval and publication. I �� � � � ti � � . , � ��� b 1��� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � ��'ro�— Dalglish T . Meredith �/ n Favor -�eterst� Sprafka Against Tedesco �QV b 196$ � ;aV!'r-:','P'residerit�;(By'rne")�:::i� . V�ce P=esi r n) Approved: ; A est: � ' Ci Clerk ���� y� _ • ' �O � i . Form approved Corporation Counsel By ,, �o /�" � � � � � PU�LISHED ��� 9 ��6$ ' � r : ; - ., Y F�Oii���to Cit�Clerk , �r , � a '�� ���\ �01� DINANCE _ ��C�'��0 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO / �o a g An Ordinance relating to Capital Improvements; ' ' amending Ordinance No. 13679, adopted August 22, _ .. 1g67, as amended; repealing Sections 9 and 10. TFIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That' Sections 9 and 10 of Ordinance No. 13679, adopted August 22, 1g67, as amended, are hereby repealed as no ` longer necessary. I Section 2. That Ordinance No. 13679, as amended, is hereby further amended to insert new Sectio�.s 9 and 10 to read as follo�ars-:- -- "Section 9. COST OF PROJECT LESS THAN APPROPRIATION. , When the contract price of any capital improvement, includ— � ing architect and engineer fees and a contingency of 10�0, is less than the amount appropriated to the improvement � in any capital improvement budget, the Comptroller shall, � upon the recommendation in writing from the department head of the department in charge of the improvement , trans— fer such egcess to a 'Drestricted use'� account in ,behalf of the department concerned. ' � "Fun.ds transferred to 'restricted use!� accoun.ts °-shall remain therein un.til all projects of that department for which appropriations were made in the capital im�rovement- budget with respect to which the excess appropriation re— sulted are completed, and shall, thereafter b`e, credited to ' �'"�'�he` coiitingent res°exve ` account provided�in Section 12 � hereof un.less egpended or encumbered as provided herein. " "Section 10. COST OF PROJECT GREATER THAN APPRO— PRIATIbN. If the cost of any capital improvement project • approved by the City Council, including architect and � engineer fees and a contingency of 10�o, appears to be likely to exceed the amoun.t appropriated therefor in the capital improvement budget, additional moneys necessary to fully finance� the project may be appropriated as follows: " (1) If the excess coat is less than �10,000, and funds are available in the department' s 'restricted use' account to fund the egcess cost, such amount shall be transferred �by the Comptroll'er upon written request of • the department head of the department involved, and the , Comptroller shall send written notice of such transfer to the secretary of the CIB Committee. If the total of ',,;. � such transfers with respect to a particular depar-tment-- �° . will exceed �10,000, the Council must approve the transfer by resolution. ' . ' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed b� the Counci� Carlson ` � Dalglish � 7n Favor Meredith � Peterson � Sprafka Againat � Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: . � , -� City Clerk Ma or �O � Form approved Corporation Counsel By �'� - /0//1/���- � Url�;;�rl to Citq Clerk � ' ` ^ L� '� � � �+L V .� aib�l � �9 �+d�V�V V COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ���°�� _ An Ordin�.nce relai;ing i;o Capital Iruprovements ; ' amendinb Ordinance �To. i3679, actoptecl Aubust �22, 1967 , as amended; repealinb Sections 9 and 10. THE COiNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIV: Section 1. That Sections 9 and� 10 of Ordinance No. 13679, adopted August 22, 1g67 , 'as amended, are hereby repealed as no longer necessary. . Section 2. That Ordinance No. 13679, as amended, is hereby further am�nded to insert new Sectioris 9 ancl 10 to read as follo�rs : - "Section g. COST OF PROJECT LESS THAN APPROPRIATION. • «lien the contract price of any capital improvement , includ— ing architect and engineer fees and a contingency of 10jo, is less than the amount appropriated to the improvement in any capital improvement budget, the Comptroller shall, upon the recommendation in writing from the department head of the department in charge of the improvement , trans— fer such excess to a �restric�ed us�e � account in behalf of the department concerned. . "Funds transferred to 'restricted use' accounts shall remain therein until all projects of that department for • � which appropriations were made in the capital improvement- budget with respect to which the excess appropriation re— sulted are completed, and shall thereafter be credited to the contingent reserve account provided in Section 12 � hereof unless expended or encumbered as provided herein. " • "Section 10. COST OF PROJ-ECT GREATER TAAN APPRO— � PRIATION. If the cost of any capital improvement project . approved by the City Council , including architect and engineer fees and a contingency of 10�, appears to be � likely to exceed the amount appropriated therefor in the capital improvement budget , additional moneys necessary to fully finance the project may •be appropriated as follows : ' " (1) If the excess cost is less than �10, 000, and funds are available. in the department' s 'restricted use' � account to fund the excess cost, such amount shall be transferred by the Comptroller upon �,rritten request of � the department head of the department involved, and the , Comptroller shall send written notice of such transfer to the secretary of the CIB Conunittee. 'If the total of such transfers with respect to a particular department will exceed �10, 000, the Council must approve the transfer by resolution. , Yeas Councilmen Nays ` Passed by the Council � Carlson • Dalglish � � Tn Favor � . Meredith • Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco � Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: � � • . City Clerk Mayor �O � Form approved Corporation Counsel By Orlpfuol to Clly Clerk `' ' ' � , ' � yJ ,' r� � � � � � � � � . 2��"7�0 COUNCIL FILE NO /�o � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � —2-- - " (2) I� the e�cess cost is breater thaii �10, 000, or � funcls are not av�ilaUle iri the department ' s ' restricted use ' account , an additional appropriation may be made by. the Council , with the advice of the blid;ei; comiui�i;�;ee, fro�u the ' restricted use' account , contingent reserve account , other uncoimiiitted fLincls available, or by reallocation of project funds. Appropriations authorizecl pursuant to this sLibsection 2 may be made by the Council by resolution W1tl101it holding a public hearing with respect to any such appropriation. " (3) If it appears that the cost of a capital improvement for which an appropriation is made in ttie budget for the next calenclar year wi�ll be in eYCess of the appropriation, and itinds are available � in the department' s 'restrici�ecl use' account to fund the excess cost , a supplemental appropriation ��rithin the current year' s capital improvement buclget may be macle by resolution, with• the adviee of the budget co�unittee. Appropriations authorized pursuant to this sub— sec�tion 3 may be made by the Council without holding a public hearing with respect to any such appropriation. " Section 3. That Ordinance No. 13679, as amended, is hereby � further amended by striking therefrom Section 15 and inserting in lieu and in place thereof a new Section 15 to reacl as follows: . "The Council may at any time authorize the issuance ' of bonds, other than bonds authorized� by Chapter 460, Laws of riinne'sota for 1967 , and the authorization of such bonds for the purposes, enumerated in the ordinance or resolution authorizing the same shall constitute an amendment to the capital budget appropriating the amount of the bond issue to such purposes and no public ' � hearing shall be requirecl with respect thereto. " . • Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. N�� 6 �96� Yeas Councilmen Nays � Passed by the Council _ . r,,..�-�---- -b Dalglish � . " in Favor � � Meredith � ��'�1'�' � Against Sprafka • Tedesco ��v 6196� ;1G�r;;P�.e�i'8ent�:(B-xrr��};;;:s Approved: .bc r...�:...:.::. :•i � Attest: �• Vice PresidenY�(Peterson) ' • • � • City Clerk Mayor �]. �r . Form approved Corporation Counsel By � .. . � �d Ist �� . ��, 2nd Laid over to � � D 3rd and app / —Adopted , � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carlson • Dalglish `Dalglish �����0 � Meredith eredith Peterson � � Peterson � Sprafka `Sprafka Tedesco Vedesco Mr. President B ne N1r. President B ne Yr Yr �O