240690 �r / � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ` 1/7 11 r��� � s-� � CITY OF $T. PAUL FOENCIL N�� �"�gU �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION-G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF ` � In the Matter of the assessment for the wrecking and removal of 3 , a hazardous building located at 217-219 McBoal Street in the City of Saint Paul, and situated upon those premises legally des— cribed as (217) Except the West 50 feet, the South 80 feet of Lot 8, Block 5, Leech� s Addition to St. Paul, and (219) The South 80 feet of the West 50 feet of Zot 8, Block 5, Leech' s Addition ' to St. Paul. =��WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 �hrough 463. 26, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution, C. F.� No. 235644, approved November 3, 1967, ordered that the own.er of the hazardous building located at 217-21g McBoal Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, repair or wreck an.d remove the said hazardous building, or that in the alternative the City ! would wreck and remove the hazardous building and assess its costs thereby incurred against the real pr�perty pursuant to 1 aw; and �. � _ _._ , -- -- . _�. WHEREAS, The own.er failed to obey the City Council Order, � and the Cit��;was duly authorized to wreck and remove the said hazardous building, and did wreck said hazardous building, pursuant to order of the District Court in and for the Coun.ty of Ramsey, said Court Order dated December 26, 1967, and being on file in the office of the Clerk o�f the District Court afore— said; and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings reports that the said Yiazardous building was wrecked and removed by the city and that the total expense incurred and to be specially assessed is�lin the amount of �1, 075. 54; now, therefore, be it � FORM APPROVED / COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays As Corporatio ou CarLson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �O . � ORIPI�NAL TO CITY CLfiRK ������� , , f CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL •�=� ti• r � ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER � DATF RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 7th day of November , 1968, at the hour of 10:00 o' clock a.m. in the Council Chamber of the Court Flouse and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such assessment will be given an opportun.ity to be ,heard with reference to such assessment; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks 'F, • prior to the hearing, and he shall also cause mailed notice to , ��`r' be given to the own.er of the property affected thereby; be it FUR,THER RESOLVED, That the proposed assessment roll be kept on file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. r , ..t ._.__� .N � �CT 2� 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson OCT 2� 19�$ Dalglish Approved 19—_ � �In Favor P�� Sprafka � Mayor �_ gainat Mr. Preaident, Byrne PUBLISHED Oc� � s 1968 �O DUrLICAT�TO rRIN7ER � !��P:,.��� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL r ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER nqTF In the Matter o� the aeeesement for the wreoking and removal of a hazard0ua building looated at 217-219 MoBaal Street in the City of Saint Paul, and situated upon thoae premiseg legally dee- oribed ae (217) �xQept the Weat 50 �eet, the south 80 �eet of Lot 8, Blook 5� Leeoh� a Addition to St. Pa,ul, and (21g) The South 80 feet o� the West 50 feet of Lot 8, Hlook 5, Leeoh' a Addition to St. Paul. W�REAS� Purguant to Minnesota 3tatutes �eotions 463.15 through 463. 26, the City Counoil of the City of Saint Paul, by ' reaolution, C. F. No. 235644, approved November 3� 196�, ordered that the owner o� the haaardou� building looated at 21'�-219 MoHoal Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, repair ar wreok an.d remove the e$id hazardous building, or that in the alternative the City would wreok and remove the hazardoug building and a�sees its Qoeta thereby inourred againet �he rqal property pursuant to law; and WHEREAS, The owner �ailed to obey the City Counoil Order, and the City wae duly authoriaed to wreok and remove the aaid hazardoue bui3.ding, and did wreok eaid hazardous building, purauant to order of the Di�triot Court in and for the Coun.ty of Ramgey, said Court Order dated Deoember 26, 1967, and being on Yile in the o��ioe of the Clerk of the Distriot Court a�ore-- said; and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks and Reoreation and Publio Buildinge reporte that the eaid hazardoug building was wreoked and removed by the �ity and that the total eacpense inourred and to be apeQially aeeessed ie� in the amount o� �1,075.54; now� therefore� be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approver� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr.President, Byrne �O DUlLICAT�TO lRINT6R ����•�6�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� `� '� . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONErt �ATF RESOLVED, That a publio hearing be had on said aseesement on the 7t�� day ot' November , 1968,. at the howr' o� 1Ot00 o'olook a.m. in the Cowno 1 hamber o� the Cowrt Houae and City Hall Building, in the City o� Saint Paul, Minneeota, to paee upon suoh propoaed as$esaaient and at �uQh time a,nd plaee all pereon+s awning property affeoted by �ucsh aseessment will be given an agportunity to be heard with referencse to such aeseeament; be it FIIRTI�R RESOLVED, That the City Clerk fe hereby direoted to oause th�.e notioe of the hearing on the proposed assesement to be publiehed onoe in the o��ioial newspaper at lea,at two weekg prior to the hearing, and he ehall also oauae malled notice to be given to the owner of the property a�feeted thereby; be it FIIRTHER RESOLVEDi That the propo�ed asseesment roll be kept on Yile for publio inapevtion in the offive of the City Clerk. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� ��� �� 1���19— Yeas Naya � Carlson ���- �� ���$ Dalglish " Approved 19—_ �� Tn Favor Pe�e�se� Sprafka Mayor A gainst �e3co— Mr.President, Byrne �O i.� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � ss. COUNfiY OF RAMSEY Nettie A. Grabscheid , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: pn October 2�xd , 1.g68, pursuant to Council Resolution, C. F. No. 2�+�9� , appraved October 22nd, 1968 and actin� on behalf of the City Council I deposited in the United States mails copies of the attached notice of a hearing on proposed special assess- ments, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon ful]y prepaid, addressed �;o the follo�aing persons at the addresses appearing opposite their respective names: NAhSE ADDRESS Mollie Alpert Hastings State Hospital Hastings, Minnesota ' Libby Siegel 1511 Portland Avenue Saint Pa.ul, Minnesota _' � � ' /�. � , �.�i , ° Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of October , Z9o� � Notary Public, Rar�sey Co. , Pdinn. A�_E'=:RT g• b�`o^� My commission e�ires p;�,±ara n�:':,:, ���������� ���'�ty, hAinr�. —;r�,1 U��„r,�is�.:iu� E;,p:res Oct. 27, 1973. } . . • r���?,�. . • ; �'#.��'c� � . ' CITY OF S�DIT PAUL � � ASS�SS�I[EI3T P,OLL • 0�'l�1E� AND ADDRE;S�: � � CODE N0. ' � 217 -- 5-1�460-083-05 . Mollie Alp ert • 219 -- 5-It��6o-082-05 � Hastings State �Iospital LEG_4L DESCRIPTIOid; Hastings , Minneso�;a � 217-219 McBoal LiUby Siegel 1511 P�ortland Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota � � 217--Except the West � 50 feet, the South � � . ' • 80 feet of Lot 8, . V'lrecking Contract No. D-00023 �975. 00 � BlocL 5 , Leecn' s Addition to St. S�ecifications: 24. 48 . Paul. Photographs: 13_•,31__ 219--The South 80 �eet of the West 50 Public�.tibn Costs: 49• 30 feet of Lo•t 8, 6. 00 Block 5, Leech' s ' Court Costs: Addition to St. Paul. Notice Costs; - 7• 45 • - TOTAL COST TO � � � BE ASSESSED: �1 , �75. 54 . ' / . � � DATED: � •et�ber 2� ; 1 Q6f� . � � _. � lc��l�✓� '� Comfffi'ssioner of P�s�s and Recreation , • � and Publio� Buildings . � • . l ' This is to certify that the above assessment in the tot�l sum of . �l 07� 54 was adopted b the Council of the; City of Sainz � Pau1 by Resolution, C. F. No. 2��73 , approved November 7, 1968 , and is payable in- one installment. . . ^� � . � . t� DATED: Nov. 7, 1968 • j, ��,,\,�� � i ci.� , City Cler$• - � � � � Y l v (�. �=-� � _(,'���. - . . (�- . . � . - � a . ' ��,�,�'��, - . ¢ �U` s ' CITY OF' SAIDIT PAUL - � . � � ASSES�,��'T ROLL - 0�'J�� AND ADDRESS: CODE N0. . . . � � 2i7 -- 5-446o-os3-o5 . Mollie A1pert • 219 -- 5-4460-082-05 Hastings State FIospital LEG4L DESCRIPTIOid: Hastings , rZinnesota � 217-219 McBoal Libby. Siegel . - 1511 Portland Avenue . Saint Paul , Minnesota � � 217--Except the �+lest � 50 feet, the Soutli , ' 80 feet of Lot 8, V'Irecking Contract No. D-00023 �975 . 00' - • Bloc1� 5 , Leech' s - � Addition to St. . S�ecifications: 24. 48 Paul. Photographs: 13• 31 219--The' South 80 f eet 4�a. 30 of the j+lest 50 � Public�.tion Costs: feet of Lot 8, � � Block 5, Leech' s ' Court Costs: 6. 00 Addition to St. Paul. - ' Notice Costs: 7• 45 • - TOTAL COST TO � BE ASSLSSED: �1 , �75. 54 . . / ' DATED: � 9 // `1-- ��,/Y. ��./v" October 2�,�$ • Co '•ssioner of �as�s as�d Recreation � and Publi,�� Buildings . . � This is to certify that the above assessment in the total sum of . l�. 07�� �4 was adopted b the Council of the, City of Saint Pau1 by Resolution, C. F. No. 2��73 ,• approved November 7, 1.968 . , and is payable in one �nstallment. , r� � ��-- � DATr.D: Nov. 7� 1968 t ��L�L > . ;_�- ���� � . City Clerk% ���/ � �� - , ( �. !.'� j` l_/� ,r-�. J .