240683 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK /f..b�r��� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�_ "� 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , �r COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM� , C MMISSDONE ATF October 22, 1�6g , 4- v� L-�,��^'- V � RESOLV , at the Plans and Specifications for Installation of Classroom Ventilation ystem at City-County Workhouse, 297 Century Avenue, said specifications preparecl.��y the City Architect under the �direction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility CornxYiission, and the Pur�chasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon 'in the manner provided in and by the Charter. t � 4CT �2196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Carlson ��T �2 196� Dalglish pproved 19— ll�ererkth ' n Favor F�eter�an-, � Sprafku (') ayor , A gainst Ted�escv- Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHE� OCT 2 6 1968 �O � � � DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � ��J � CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO_ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM199�IONEF Vi _tor T_ Tedeeco ��� Octbber Z, 1�j6R RE50LVED, th�� th� Plans and Specificatione for Tnatallation of Claesroom Ventilation System at City-County Workhouse. 29? Centur�r Avenue, said 8�pecifications prepgred by the City Architect under the direction of the Commiseioher of Parks s�.nd Recresition a,nd Fublic Suildings, be and the same are hereby approved, tlie eam� being satiefactory to the City �nd County Detention and Workhouse Facility Com�ni�aiaa, and the Purchasing Ageat is hex�eby aut$orized to �.dvertise for bide thereon in the manner provided in snd by the Charter. v ��' 4 ��"� !', � ;'�1�►-h �� �� �^i � .a'��i� �...� �-�� w f_T� . �� � '�,� �t„ `Y- �� � � ��, ,�; � w c, t� ��r �� �ssa COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays ��� �� �9�� CarLson Dalglish Approved 19— � Tn Favor Fe�t�'38S ` Mayor Sprafka C� A gainst T�eaee Mr. President, Byrne ��