240674 , . .. _ +-t � . ' -
-, ' COUNCIL FILE N0: ������
. " • BY + . •
� - File No. T7295
� In the Matter of constructing a public storm sewer in HARTFORD AVENUE from the outlet
at the Missisaippi River to Cleveland Avenue; in� CRETIN AVENUE from Hartford Avenue to
Randolph Avenue, in RANDOLPH AVENi1E fxom Cretin Avenue to Prior Avenue, in PRIOR AVENUE-
from Randolph Avenue to James Avenue, in JAMES AVENUE from Prior Avenue to Howell Street,
in vacated ST. CATHERINE PLACE aud in an EASII�NT� said easement being an extension of .
vacated St. Catherine Place from Cleveland Avenue to about 160 feet west of Fair¢irew
Avenue in an EASEMENT�said easement being 160 feet weat of Fairview Avenue from the
centerline of vacated St. Catherine Place extended to Hartford Avenue, in HARTFORD AVENUE
from 160 feet west of Fairview Avenue to Fairview Avenue; in FAIRVIEW AVENUE fram
Hartford Avenue to Randolph Avenue, in RANDOLPH AVENUE from Fairview Avenue to Davern '
Street; all to be known as RANDOLPH AVENi1E- Mississippi River to Davern Street STORM
SEWER, 5-991. • - _ ,
under Preliminary Order 238805 approved MaY 28� 1968
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: �
1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said i.mprovement
. is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - -
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is -
to construct a public storm sewer in HARTFORD AVENUE from the outlet at the Mississippi
River to Cleveland Avenue; in CRETIN AVENUE from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Anenue, in
^ � RANDOLPH AVENUE from Cretin Avenue to Prior Avenue, in PRIOR AVENUE-from Randolph Avenue ' .
to James Avenue, in JAMLS AVENUE from Prior Avenue to Hawelfi Street, in vacated ST.
CATHERINE PIACE and in an,EASEMENT said easement being an extension of vacated St.
Catherine Place from Cleveland Ave�ue to about 160 feet west of Fairview Avenue in an - •
EASEI�NT�said easement being 160 feet west of Fairview Avenue from the centerline of -
vacated St. Catherine PTace extended to Hartford Avenue, in AAR�FORD AVENUB fro� 160 feet
west of Fairview Avenue to Fairview Anenue; in FAIRVIEW AVENQB from Sartford Avenue to
Randolph Avenue, in RANDOLPH AVENUE from Fairview Avenue to Davern Street; all to be
known as RANDOLPH AVENUE - Mississippi River to Davern Street STORM SEWER, S-991.
with no alternatives, and that,the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,156,900.00
, - , �/�
Resolved Further, That a public heaxing be had on said improvement on the �3 day of
. , . - ,
�opp,nher� 1968 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of .
sa,id meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and p1acQ of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. �
. COUNCILMEN ' - �1+1 � 2 19�
' • Adopted by the Council - �
Yeas Nays � ,
Carlsotl � ° Appr e 2196�
Dalglish' � . �
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� ��� n Favor •
- Sprafka . � : , Mayor
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Byme � � _ ' Against PUBLISHED 4�T 2 6 1968 . -
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