240650 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • )(�, [��0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL :���" �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LT.CEtd1SE CQI�'�'t2TTEE OUNCIL RES LUTIO —GENERAL FORM �;, PRESENTED BY Qctobel' 17� 1968 COMMISSIONE / � ATF 1n1liEREAS= �chie E. Norgong as holder of Li.cense No. 3466, e�ira.ng l�pril 29, 1969, issued to him for Baxber at 1286 University Aver�e C�Q Brown and Bigelow� has requested reflind of the fees covering the unused portion of said l�.cense� � because of ill healt�h because he was forced out of business/as of Septe.mber l� 1968; therefore� be 3.t R�SQLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby suthor3.zed to refund to Archie E� Norgong the pro-rated. fee of $ 12,00� deducti.ng $ 6.00 from the orig3.na1 fee o� $ 7.8.00 posted. f�r the period he operated on said license, which wil7. cancel said license. . _ __ � _ _ ._ _ _ _ CANCE ION � (No 13.ce � e surre�ered) (PARTIAL RFtFUND) ` Oper. 4-29-6 0 9-1-68 - !t 14os. $ 6. Unused porti� 9 1-68 to • 4=2��-9 - - - ' 8 Mos. $12z - Total 12 �os. $18. r � MAILING ADDRESSs .. - �rchie �. Norgong� • Route No. 3 O�air3.s, Minnesota, 56360 ��-� � � 196$ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �°� 1 ] 19�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith n Favor Peterson � � Sprafka � Mayor A gainst �e�sC6" Mr. Preaident, Byrne '�UeLISHE, QCT � � ���� �O r