240647 ' 2����'� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LICENSE CoN�lITT OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ; October 17, �,9�30 COMMISSIONE � ATF RESOEVID� That application for Restaurant� � and Off Sa,le P�alt Beverage and Cigarette licenses appl3.ed for by Mrs. Iona R. I�elson at 1199 �ackson Street, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within (O a days of this date said Mrs. Iona R. Nelson shall comply with all requiremerits of the Bureaus of Fire� Health, and Police, and the License Inspector �ursuant to the St. Paul Legis].a.tive Code and a11 other applicabl.e ordinances and laws• ��, ' �-� 1 �' �.�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �� �@�,� Carlson Dalglish � Approver� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon O ' Sprafka Mayor A gainst , � Mr. President, Byrne ��S�� �C�' �9 1968 . . �O � 6 CITY OF�A�TT'PAUL ` � /' Capital of Minnesota � �� • . ./ � ., , �e a�ti�e�t kb`ic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH F1RE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGEA M. CONWAY, DeDaty Commlasioner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Licenee Inepeetor ', October 17, 19� . - Honorable Mayor and City Counc il • Sa3..nt Paul, Minnesota � Gentlemen: Mrs. Iona R. Nelson makes appl3.cation for Restaurant, Qn and Off Sale Nlalt Beverage and �igarette 1�censes at 1199 Jackson Street. This locati.�n has been licensed for a similar business sir�ce 1934. The presen-� licensee� Benedict G. Mischel� has held the licenses since August 1967. • � There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. �rhe closest � Sale Liquor as w ell as Off Sale Liquor establishment are about a mile away. Z`he nearest church is about a r�i.le and the nearest school 3.s t�o blocks aw�y. Mrs.� Nelson is a housewife and has no outside employment. Very truly yours� � � . f G�Qi ��L ' I.icense Inspector � p ` - CITY �DF SSINT PAUI, DEPARTI+I�NT C�' PUBLIC SAFETY LICENSE DIPTSI(7N � ' � Date ��J" 3 19 �� -�r-. 1. Applicat3.on for �., �— Q/y _ �,� , License 2. .Name of applicant 3. �Busineas addresa�/� 9 Residence �'"O �d ,4. Trade name,� if an�r 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp f/ Retail Liquor Federal Taa Stamp �will be uaedo _. � 6. C�. what floor located Number of ro�ns used�,��� 7. Betw�en what cross streets ich side of street 8. Are premiaes now occupie at business '� , Z. Hoe�r long - - - - • �_.. _.__._. ... -- � _._ . 9. ��e premises now unoccupied , How� long vacant � ' � Prev�,ous;.use � 10. Are y�u a new o�rn.er� Have you been in a similar buaine'ss befor'e � ' ; �Phere � � When. / G� -- �T�-y 11. Are you going to operate this buainess personally If not, �vvho will operate it 12. Are you in any other business at the present time 7-r� 13• Have there been any Qamplaints a�ainst your opsration of this type of p]ace � ZlPlien �9here � 14. •Eave you ever had ar�y license revoked �v �t reason arul date 15. 1lre you a citizen of the IInited State Nativ�� Naturalized 16. YPhere ware you born Date of birth _ 17. �I am f/ married. My (tivife's) (husband t s j nams and addresa ia � . . -r---�-e //s 6 � 18. �(If married femala) my maiden name is __��� .- . . _ --� —. 19. How long have you lived .in St. Paul � 20. IIave you ever been Qrrested �/L�! Violation of what crim'a.na]. 1aw-or ordinance . --_---� 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Aaul Yea No. (Anewer full,y and aompletel.y. �Theee a �lications are t orou hl checlfled and an falaifioation will be cause for denial.. � AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT , -FDR 1 RETAIL BEER UR LIQII�DR LICENSE Re t i�Sale _ /� p� L ,/' � �/, I,ioenae Name of app].icant Business addreas $re you the sole oumer of this usiness? I"f not, is it a partnership? � �� - --- c orporat ion? `�� � , other� �� Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwiset "�e�--�---- Name Addresa Haw If a corporation, give ita nams �u_. Are you intereated in any way i.n any other Retail Beer or Liquor busi.ness? "� As sole own.er� �, Partner? � StockholderB k � Otherwise� (Through loan of money, etc. E�splain.) y,�t ^ Address of auch buainesa and nature of interest in same ; , Signat e of applicant State of Minnesota) ' �sa Coun.ty of Ramsey �=C�� !'1 • /��f'e��d . being �first��duly svaorn; deposes and s�ya upon oath that he has read the forego�.ng aff idavit bear�ng�his signature and l�ows the contents tYiereof; that the' same is true of his� o�+in. 1�aPrledge, ex6ept as to those matters therein stated�upon inf orm�tion and belief and as to those matters he be- 1 ieve s them t o be true. -- , . Signature of a pplicant Subscribe and sworn � be o -e ms ' �� ALFRED 'J. ADAM thie of 19 No#ary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. M�+Commission Expfres April 11,.1969 Notary Publi Ramsey County, �dinneaota4,�_ , ' _ - - My commission expirea 19 � � _ . . ' �, . � STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS C(7UNTY OF RAMSEY ) ' being firat duly �worn, doth depoae and say that he makea this affidavit in. oonnection svith, appliaation for " Sals" liquor license (" �j , 7/Sale" malt beverage license) :in the Ci�y of , _ . . . _ , ... ._. . - -- --- .-. . . State o� %3.n.nesota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the and has resided therein for , Z.� years, `� months, and is � - � - - - - -- - � _ State now ��d has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said � and that he now reaides at N0. �"p �Q � �, . � 9FR�� �t- B2inne s ota. ' � ; Subsoribed and sworn. to before me thia � a of (� � 19 � _ �. , _ - Notary Publio msey oun.t�, Minne sota B�y commiseion expirea ALFRED J. ADAM Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. , My Commission Expires April 11,�966 4.,� , . �- , �- _