240334 (2) OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK \ ' 24 0��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOL TION—G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOZVED, That the Counc i1 hereby approves the , award: of the Contract * Commi ttee therefor, and hereby awards contrac.t ,for furni,shi.ng a,Z�Z Zabor, materials, equipment and services for and incidental to the Tucl�po int ing of Fi re Stat i on No, ,Z�, Z226 Paz�ne �Avenue, St. Pau1, �. . .Minnesota to BURG-MI,TLER 2'UCKPO,INT.ZNG, INC. for. cont'ract amount of ' , s � i' ' , - �`9,i�. 00 in accordance with City specifications. a.nd�;� the ,.F'ormal Bid r No, 310� of said �bidder, such bidder being Zowe�t bi,'dde;r� meeting specifications, and the Corporation Co�nsel be a.nd h�reby is authorized to draft the proper form of contract therefor and the proper Cit�y officia,Zs are hereby directed to execute said contract on behalf of the Ci ty of St. PauZ. .�'ormal Bid #�.�05• ,= . . � >. �:. _ . , Y- ��,�:=.�.�=:ff,�� .,. �.' =���'- ' . � .=t:-�-..�,;�„- , ,'.. .,�..� , , _ _ , _���., � . _ � . � � � � � .., �� __s �._.,.. .n,. _..:.s. _.- F� .. _ _y- -' - '- "'.��. __ .r. .- .-- 5..._ -- '--'' °. - . t . �CT 16 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays , �CT 16 19�� CarLson ' Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith n Favor Peterson - � Mayor Sprafka /� � ��� �!Against o j Mr.President, Byrne ` - PUBLISHE� Q�T 1 9 ���� � �O