240593 � , . • } ' ' � � � � k�14 � ��0�93 ,.: OR�INAL TO CITY CL6RK ` � �. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL { FILE NCIL NQ,. , .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL T O GE FORM ' - ! PRESENTED BY Robnrt F et@Y'SOII p COMMISSIONE } � I � t - WF�ER�AS,, Additioas Which n+ight prove to be necessary in the Improve�ent • � described as Grading;_ Surfacing and Conatruction of Concrete Curb and Gutter on HOYT AVENUS fro�a Marion St. to Rice St., MARIUN STREET from Nebraska Avenue to Larpenteur Ave. , AOODBRIDGE STRBET from Hoyt Avenue to �''heelock Farkway, Comptroller�s Contract L-7055, Armor-Coat Companq,; Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Speci�ications, and ' � WHERBAS, It has been found necessary to make+ the following Additions because it was necessary to remove treea on the south side of Hoyt Avenue between Marion Street and Rice Street which were not shownton the Plana: � ADDITIONS . � Remove 22 trees over 4 inchea in diameter and construct 44 lin. ft. of 12-inch R.C.F. at Marion and Hoyt � � Remove tree�s over 4" diameter 22 each' @ $35.00 $77U.00 Furnish � place 44 lin. ft. 12" R.C.F.! @ 5.75 253.d0 + TOTAL ADDITIONS - $1023.00 and ,� � � . � WHSRBAS, The total addition is $1023.00, and the Commissioner of Fublic Works has agreQd with the Contrector 'that the amount of {$10?�3'.00 is the correct sum to be added to said contract; therefor�e be it t.. � RESOLVED, That the City of St. Faul through ,its City Council approves the forQ- going additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $1023.00, Baid amount to be added to the lump suar considoration named in the contract, known ns Comptroller's Contract L-7055., and which amount is to be f inanced by assessment � against benefit�`ed property. , , + , . " i t , � � , • � � � � i OCT 15 196� COUNCILMEN A�opted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - Carlson 1 �T 1 5 1968 Dalglish t Approved 19___ : � ��"' Tn Favor � Meredith �j f � Mayor Peterson � � Against Tedesco ; :� � • c::::::•:.� � � � �'.����..�::::�:':::i� f�UBi.ISHE� �CT � 9 196� Mr. �iee Prerident (?eterson) ' , � � ` � �� DUP�.ICAT!TO PIQINT[R 240593 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY RO�rt F• PltiriOA p,,TF COMMISSIONER Sit�JEABAS, Additions vhich �ight pror� to be a�c�siarq i�► the Lprnvu�at describsd a� 6rading� Snrfacing �nd CoA�truction o� Co�cret� Curb and Gutt�r oa �OYT AV�1q� frc� Marion St. to Ric� St., MA�tION STRS�T fro� ll�braska Av�uis• to Larpuit�r Av�., �oo�aiDCS srx�T gro. soyt e•a�a� to Whaelock Parkwa3'. Co�ptroll�r�a Contract L�7055, Ar�wr-Coat Coapany. Inc., Contractos� ha�� b��a providsd for in ths ffip�cification�, �nd �EAB, It bas bs�n found n�c�s�arp to �ak� th� lolloving Additioas beca�n�e it t�a� A�c�ssas^�r to r�o�+� tra�� oa tl�e �onth �id� of Boyt Avenue b�tvs�a Marion SCre�t and Aic� Stree�t xhich �sa not shoiru oa tlk Flaass ADDITI0118 - R�wovs 22 tr��s o��r 4 inches in diaset�r u�d eo�strnct � liA. ft. of 12-inch �.C.P. at trlarloa u�d 8oyt Rrovs traes o��r �" dia�eter 22 each (� �35.�0 �770.00 Furniab � place b�► lin. ft. 12"' R.C.P. ! 5.75 253.�0 � �'OTA1. ADDITI01f8 - $1023.00 and S�R$A8, Th� total tddition is $102�.Q0. acid th� Co�ission�r cf Pnblic Vork� haa agrsed With ths Contraetor that the aaou�nt of �1023.00 i� tha corr�ct au� to be added to �eid contract� th�r�for� be it R�SOLVBD. That tbm Citq of St. P�ul throu�b its City Council approve� tha fon- goiag additions aad� l.ia accosdanc� with ths Sg�ci�ications in tbe mua of $1023..00. said s�ount to be add�d to ths lrsap su� coruidaratioA na�ad �n th� coAtract. iwoT+u �a Coaptmll�r'� Co�atract L-7035, and which aao�nt ie to be fi��anced by aasesssant a�ain�t b�a�fitt�d propsrty. O�T 15 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � � � ��s� Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19—._ a Tn Favor Meredith �/!� '\ � U Mayor Against • mo.�^ai,v� f''�.��.�- -���:`... l�tr•. �v��. Pre�a��t (r�t�aonj ��