D001319z . � `l 4: � � NO. Date CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THL MAYOR • ADMINZSTRATIVE ORDER £or CONTRACT CfiANGE AGRSEMEjNT NO. 2 ADMSNISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Rice & Arlinaton Sports Dome SuoDOrt Building known as Contract 15888 , City Proj2ct No. B97-06-07 , Joraenson Construction. 7nc., Contractor, is composed of the following: PR#6 PR#8 PR#11 PR#12 PR#13 PR#14 PR#16 PR#17 PR#18 • Supply and install fabric sports dome operating control panel/wind sensox. Supply and install electric equipment and controls for future lighting and public address system. Reduce piling length from bid quantity. Modify layout of concession serving area (room 104). Change scullery sink fauceC and furnish and install post hydrant. Provide and install third color of vinyl composition tile for floors. Grout perimeter joint between precasC wall panels and slab Delete 6" masonry walls and substitute gypsum wa11s. Furnish and install wiring for hand dryers. deductions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $(3.557.00) , said amount to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 15888 , and which amount is to be credited to: 326-23130-0894-33055 NET DEDUCT $3,657.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing Original Contract Sum $1,113,000.00 Change Orders to Date 28,907.OQ Amount this Chanae f3.657.00) New Cozztract Sum $1,138,250.00 APPROVED AS TO 9��- 19 e1 �- Chief Engineer /a 7 �9� ecreation • Director of cc: City Clerk Finance DEpartment Department Accounting Project Manager 19 x Contractor Inspector TKDA Office Copy Contract File Copy Doo�31q . q Add $12,577.00 Add 2,727.00 Deduct 23,920.00 Add 323.00 Add 851.00 Add Add Add Add 32te�a3i3o-ok7� 350.00 1,550.00 544.�0 1,341.00 ve Assistant to the Mayor DEPAFTMEN�/OFFICEJCOUNCIi. DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET ��� IYO. � "F Parks and Recreation � C� g�22�97 �� �3 � CAMALT PEFtSON ANO PHONE INIiIAVDAiE INITIAIJDAiE n Wehrle 266-6422 � 1 DEPAFTMENTDIFiECTOR _CRYCOUNCII ASSIGN NUMOEfl FOR Z CIiY ATTORNEY 4 ClTY CLQiK MUST BE ON COUNdL AGENDA BY (OATE� ROUIING oao�c 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 5 PARKS & RECREATION NA MAYOR (Ofl ASSISTAMII _ TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES S iCLIP AI.L LOCATONS FOR SIGNATUREI ACTION REQUESiED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Rice & Arlington Sports Dome Support Buiiding RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprave (A) or Reject (RI PFASONAL SERVICE CONrRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SEFVICE COMMISSION �, Has this oerson/firm ever worketl under a contract for this departmen[? _GBCOMM7TfEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? �ISTRICTCOUNGL Y� NO — — 3. Does [his persoNfirtn possess a skill noY normally Oossessetl by any curtent city employee? SVPPORTS WHICH COUNqI. OBJECiNR YES NO Fsplain all yes answere on 5e0erate sheet an0 attach [o grean aheet. INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOfiTUNITY (Who, What Wh¢n, Where, Why): Necessary to compensate contractor for additional work and accept credit due the city: supply and install dome operating control panel/wind sensor; supply and install additional electrical equipment; modify layout of serving area; hange scu{lery sink faucet and add post hydrant; provide and instalf third color of VCT flooring; grout perimeter joint ween walls and slab; substitute gypsum/plywood walls for masonry walls; furnish and install wiring for hand dryers; nd reduce total length of support piling from specified amount. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Sequence of co�struction required deletio� of dome control/wind se�sor from previous project and inclusion in this project; additional electrical controls and conduit required for switching dome lights and future outdoor dome field lighting; serving area modifications, scullery sink change required by inspector and to allow for proper function; third color of VCT flooring required for floor graphic; grouting perimeter joint necessary to allow for i�stallation of finish flooring materials; gypsum wall required to box out (cover) structural steel bracing; wiring of hand dryers inadvertently omitted from proJect, hand dryer function required; actual piling required to support building was less than estimated amount included in bid. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None RECEIVED SEP 51997 j,., � `�y'�'��` � �� r ��> .. `� `I�s� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ���- � �, Unable to compensate contractor or accept credits due the city for revision in contract. ��.;�� � ``�,���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TfiAN5ACT10N $ 13.657.00) COST/REVENUE 9UDGEfED �C�RCLE ONE� . YES NO wxc souncE Tax Exemnt Bonds ACSIYITY NUMBER 32&23130-089433055 FlNANCIAL MFORMAl10N: (IXPLAINI d �J r, U J �l JORGENSON CONSTRUCTION II�C. 1622 93RD LANE N.E. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55449 61.�-784-3577 FAX 612-784-I583 �C�(3��1 PROPOSAL REQU.EST #6 DATE: July 23, 1997 fiTl �7iY:��7•� ATTN: Kathryn-Poore Larson - Project Architect RE: Rice 8c Arlington Sports Dome Supporf Building FAX #: (612) 292-0083 COMI��ENTS: Kathryn, �: � �� ��- ��� �. ���� G III�I2> • Enclosed is a revised breakdown of costs for Proposal Request lt'o. 6 dated Apri] 29, 1997, to provide a fabric dome remote operafi�g cornrol panel and wind sensor including all power and control wiring. Commercial Fleccric Co. JCI 5% Commission Total Add for PR No. 6 Please review and provide direction if we are to proceed. • FROM: Steve Gansmoe - Project Manager CC: file $11,978.00 $ 599.00 $12,577.00 THERE ARE 2_ PAGE(S) II3CLLTDTI� THIS PACTE. PLBASE CAT.L IF YOU DO NOI' RECEIVE ALL OF 1FiE PAGES. r� � JUL-07-1997 08�31 PosFil` Fax Note ��� 301ZGENSON CONSTRUCTICDN INC. 16�2 93RI3 �A,NE lv_lE. T4LINiotEApOLIS MN SS449 612-78A-3877 FAX 612-784-1583 612 292 0083 P.01i02 7671 ht'PAV(. k(CG� co. T1—'D� ti��- ��a�. °^°^°" 242�4�i32 4A2 - 1�}D5 F� e ��� `�13�q PROPOSAL REQ1rIES7' #$ DA1F: July 7, 1997 TO:TKDA A'FTN: Katht�m-Poorc La,rson - Project Architect ItE: .Rice 8c Arlingron Sports Dume Support Builrling FAX #: (6I2) Z92-0083 COIvIIv�NTS: Katlu�yn, e • • £nclosed is a brealtdown of costs for Proposal Request No. 8 daced May 15, 1997, for mo�ifications to the Electr,ical System. Commercia] Electric Co. JCI 5% Commission Totsl A.dd for PR No. 8 Plesse review and provide direction if we are to proceed. FROM: Ste3e Gansmoe - Project Manager CC: iile 5 2,597.00 40 $ 2,727.00 THERE ARE _2 PAGE(S) INCLUDING THIS PAGE. PLEASE CALL IF 'YOTJ T�O 230T RECEIVE ALL OF'IT� PAGES. . �� -- �TCI • JORGENSON CONSI'RUCTION I1�TC. 16Z2 93RD LANE N.E_ MINNEAPOLTS, MN 5�449 612-784-3877 FAX 612-784-]583 PROPOSAL .RLQUEST #11 DATE: May 28, 1947 TO: TKbA / % ATTN: Kattu}n-Poore Larson - Project Architect R$: Rice & A�Itngton Sports Dnme Suppor: Building FAX #: (612) 292-0083 �• � COD'AvSENTS: Kathryn, � �co � 3�q Enclosed is a breakdown of costs for Proposal Request No. ll dated May 2�, 1997 to deduct 2, 300 LF of Piling. Deduct price is based on the actual quantities driven by L.H. Bulduc Co., Inc. and reviewed and approved by TKDA The Conttact Unit Price to add or deduct pilings is �10.40/L. Total I.F ofpiling per the Corttract Aocumenu - 7,300 I.F Total LF of piling driven by L.H. Bulduc Co., Inc. - 5 000 LF Toca! LF of piling to deduct - 2,300 L@$10.40ILF Tota] Deduct for p�21�'0. ll - 523,92�.00 Please review and let me knoW if you have any questions. Post-it� Fax Note a f� 7671 oa�e�_ P�qe6► From � Co. i I Pncne � 712 �i ?i 2... �ti��� • FROM: Steve Gansmoe - Projea Manager CC: file TH�RE ARE 2 PAGE(S) INQUDING THIS PAGE. PLEASE CALL IF YOU DO NOT TZECEIVE ALL OP TI3E PAGES. 07i24i97 14:29 $612 784 1583 JORGEA'SON CONST C�OOli008 � • �I�'I JORGENSON CONSTRUCTION L�'C. 1622 93RD LANE N.E. MINNEAPOLTS, MN 55449 612-7$43877 FAX 612-7841583 PROPOSAL REQUEST #12 DAIE: July 24, 1997 TO: TKDA A7Tlv: Kathryn-Poore Lazson - Project Architect RE: Rice & A�lingtoa Sporrs Dome Srcpport Building FAX �: (612) 292-0083 • COMMENTS: Kathryq � �3 �q Enclosed is a breakdown of costs for Proposa! Request ?�ro. 12 dated June 12, 1997, to provide changes to tbe Serving Room 104 and Janitor Room 108.. Subtotal JCT - Carpentry JCI 15% Commission Totat Add for PR No. 1Z Weise Masonry, Inc. Commercial Blectric Prisn� Inc. Pioneer Cabinets - Plastic Laminate - Food Service Equip Please review and provide direction if we are to proceed. �`� • FROM: Steve Cransmoe - Project Mana�er CC: Ken Wehrie - City of St. Paul(292-�405) file 5 470.00 434.00 140.00 820.00 ( 2,174.00) ( 345.00) 438.00 66 00 S 199 .00 -(- tf8.°`' 6'� � 3Z3. o0 bu�-�r oPr„r„� '�r, � ` THERE ARE 8 PAG�(S) INCLUDIi3G THIS PAGE. PLEASE CA.LI. IF YOU DO I.�OT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES. JUN-04-1997 H9�04 JC.� • JORGENSON CONSTItUCTION IlVC 1622 93RD LANE N E. ��Nl�'.�APOLIS, MN 554�#9 6IZ-784-3g77 FAx 62Z-7841583 612 292 0883 P.06�10 t�[3ig REQUEST FOR INFpl21t�J�TlON #,IY DAT.E; Jurte 3, 1997 T0: TI�,� ATTN. T�athryn Poorc�Larson - Project Architect ItE: Rrce & rl�Tington Spa�ts Dome Sr�pp� Buil�h �� #: (� I2) 292-0083 � � CO�1TS: Kattuyn, Per our disc�ssion this momiag regerdiu�g the addition of a 3rd color V. C. T. per yaur memo dated 4-25-99, I have eaclosed a coPY of the oost from Muldple ConcePt� Iate=iors to add tius. P �'�'�"" � P�de �on to me by Monday, June 9, 149� to prevent any delay in shipmem. If you have anY quesrions let me Imow. FROM: Steve Gansmoe - Project A�anager CC: Ste ��� � 2 PAGE(S) 3NCL��G �S PAGE. P�EASE CAT.I, IF YOi7 DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF � PAGES. • • JUN-04-1997 09�05 : rac � !(a1n IR�H�FpyIIp�EM Bloh -- ,w•t :�;��. :;:. `.� .`` � _ � �, �C'�� ��� � . . .�. ,_.: . . . � ���� ►�„���o�: ���. 7145 800�e Avem,e N_,c180 ��� P�14 MINPIE507A 55928 , (632)�537-60pfi FNIt612) 53J=l733 Ta T°� �� . 1622 93rd Izpe N.E,� ~�— ; __---�..,...�._..______------�-_ � _ �lls _(yiT�ta 55499 Attn: . 5teve Gans� -- _____ .,e�soy agrae �o mab ena Men}�e(s) specibeQ >Atow: � 612 292 0083 P.07i10 v ���-����q-�:.:_� WfJltllf� � � �--_----�_ _ ��� �� 2 . 1997 - �d '3rI�� �rts Dcmfe �rt• Pui2d;� �a-� •----� 3669 ���-_ Pa�t Vl�j ""^-----__..._..__..--•.._ --- _- -�w- ..._,_.._ ._... ._.-.. --�._.__� _ �&oslti.on Ti7.e. -._.._�. ..._-••--_-�._._� "_`--.--------._____ , �......_..... _ . . .. . ... .._._. _.--- _- _.... ,... _ __ _ � �c. _ssetiozt 96� Pat'� 2.01 "'-.� _...�...__..�_�__.--_,_ -,- ...�._ ._. � 3ffi Cnlor V fac � itiu131 ta "_........ _._.,_„__. .._-.--.. t REYISED CONiRACTTOTi1L� $ ...�,.�...___,._,__�_..._�,_____-..._ _ ' .� _.:__...___._._.� ,.,JC) 5o f o '--'�..........._. . . • ' i ..'.��.'...._�..� �...^_,_ �... ...,�'�Td ��`—•]C-�,,... _ r� .. r� �,7 ^_— . , ti � . ' "_' ._._... ._._..�. �, Z "r ` `r r W . _-- � " ._.: . ---�-.�.�..,._..�....�...... ' 'I • -�.r...�. V -�„' i "'-�+--��...� -` �.� y � 1 � 1 - .. . _ .... »..�."" ....__.........`. , �-�-���.'-.�.�'".�-�"-�...�_.'"_' � . . .....�. ..... ""'^»� _... Y..,.-� ,` _.-^�---..� .� _ �."'.�-...�.....� . �. t � a _ _-..-�� �.��.,,�„•.�...�.� 'E: 7hla ChenBe OrOarbeoomn�.,...-`--- .._.....---...._-' . ._ _. , _. . .._. ._._ _. ,,. ._ ,.._.._- --•---�.� __:,;:," °,�- �,• oomormence n.�n Me ea�s&ng enntr9ot. iEE he+eby to make the Cha�90(s) specified above at ihis p»ce b 2. 799'I $ �vae � PREI�IOUS ! C���w c�., n_ _ CQNTAACTAMOUNT g _�-'� I .II1�3 C1�18�IQp Q�dBr �{g� �93 8M! 6 pe�Cii�O[iS Of � accevred. ar wurk m es �n�Ory nna e.e r,e,e� ana cqna(pa� � 5 p +++�aet seme termy � osiari �ue gliou�� PeciHed in originat eonaaoc unlaae �ate of accepie,ce 1S, 79971 = --�_i ,-,.-�� -.--�:�' y � '" • S 'i� ; rr 4,06�.p� SiBnan+.a �a+r¢M 6 s � JUN-17-1997 16�22 JCI J0�2GENSON CONST�tUCTION TNC, I62Z 93RD I,ANE N.E. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55449 b1Z-784-3877 FAX 612-784-�583 61Z 29z 0083 P. 7671 oa � e %,//7 �a -� PMnBrin�2�� 22 4 J FaYR �8y �w !ae q F�uzurt �r i L�0131q Post-it` Fax Note To ��� ���. Phone % �C�' G"7 Zi Fex 9 Z�l Z' %P-'G �/a, cr�rr� SrrDF PROPOSAL REQUES7' #13 DATE: June 17, ? 997 TO: TI�A ATIN: Kattuyn-poore Larson - Project Architect RE: Rice & Artington Sports X}ome Sr�pport Builr&ng FAX �: (6t2) 292-0083 CO1VQv1ENTS: Kathiyn, � Enclosed is a breakdown of costs for Proposat Request No. 13 dated Jvne 2, 1991, to provide a post hydrant and to tevise the saillery sink fancet, Southside Ptumbing & Heating, Iac. -$S 10.00 ]CI 5% Commission - 42.04 Tutal Add foT PA No.13 -$851.00 Please review and provide direction if we are ta proceed. • �iOM: Steve Gaasmoe - Project Manager CC: file T�� A� ? PACrE(S) INCLTJDIt�iG THIS PAG�. PLEAS.E CALL IF y0U DO NOT RECEN� AI,L OF Ti� pAGES. FROM : JORGENSON tONSTRUCTION INC PHONE N0. : 612 784 1583 Aug. 18 1997 02:28PM P1 • �T�'I JORGENSON CONSTRUCTION INC. 1622 93RD LANE n',E. MFNNEA,POLIS, MN 55449 612-7843877 FAX 612-784-1583 PROPOSAL REQUEST #IS DATE: August 18, 1997 TO: TKDA AI'TN: Kathryn-Poore Lazson - Project Architect RE: Rice & Arlington Spom. Dorne Suppnrt,8uilding Fr1X #; (612) 292-0083 \J COMMENTS: Kathryn, �. 0�3IQ ��� Enclosed is a breakdown of costs for Proposal Request No. 16 dated August 5, 1947, to provide grout at the pesuneter joint between the concrete slab and the precast panels. Jorgenson Construction, Inc. - $1,409.00 JCI 10% Commission - 141.00 Total Add for Pi2 No. 16 -$1,550.00 Please review and provide direction if we are to proceed. FROM: Steve Gansmoe - Project Manager • CC: Ken Wehrle - City of St. Paul (292-7405} fils THERE ARE _2_ PAGE(S) 7NCLUDING THIS PAGE. PLEASE CALL 1F YpU DO NOT RECEIVB ALL OF THE PAGES. � �TCI JORGENSON CONSTRUCTION INC. 1622 93RD LANE N.E. MIl`'�TEAPOLIS, MN 55449 612-7843877 k'AX 612-784-1583 �xo�os� .xEQu�sT#r� DATE: August 19, 1997 � i � i ATTN: Kathryn-Poore Larson - Projea Architect RE: Idce & Arlington Spor7s Dome Support Buiiding FAX #: (612) 292-0083 • COMIvlEN1"S:-Katluyn, � i3�q Enclosed is a breakdown of revised costs for Proposat Request No. 27 dated August 5, 1997, to delete the 6" CMU and provide gypsum boazd at grids 7.2 and 8.5. Zind, Inc. - $820.40 Weise Masonry, Inc. - ( 302.00) JCI 5% Commission -_26 00 Total Add for PR No. 17 - 5544.00 Please review and pravide direccion if we are to proceed. FROM: Steve Gansmoe - Project Manager . CC: Ken Wehrle - City of St. Paul (292-7405} fi3e �I - T� ��_ PAGE(S} INCLUDNG THIS PAGE. PLEASE CALT, IF' yOLI DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES. ,;`, �RUG-19-1997 15�55 STP PRKK7 �S ttt�xrl-tt lUN � ��� �ORGENSON CONSTRUCTZON YNC. �622 93RD LAN� N.�. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55449 612-784-3877 FAX 612-?841583 pxoPOSA.i .�Qu,�sz� #Y8 DATE: August 19, 199� TO: TKDA ATTN: Kathryn.poore Larson - Project Architect RE: Rice & Ar6ngtox Sporrs Dnme Support BuiirIIng FAX #: (b12) 292-0083 � COA�IIv�NTS: Kathryn, V�l ���q Bnclosed is a Dreakdown of costs for Proposa! Request No. 18 dated Auguu 5, 199?, to provide elec�rical for (4) hatid dryers at the restrooms. Commercial Ele�ctrie Co. 7CI 5�/ Commisson Tota! Add for PR No.18 • � 00 _ �p . 0 �� Please rev�ew and provide direccion if we aze co proceed. FROM: Steve Cmnsnoe - Project Manager CC: Req Wehde - City of St Paut (292-?405) file 1, Z 7�. oa 64.''� l,3� p�t�i��� ���,,tipPi � �,�� A-�oanono�.-F4�2 Dou� Pp�� gKPK� KE�1,GI �1� �� Zo8 V 17�`�iL� IT�RE ARE ? PAGE(S) INCLUDING THIS PAGE. PI,EASE CALL IF YOTJ DO NOT RECEI VE .4L,L OF IT� PAGES. 9RiCR'�I S'RRA �6� 7i9 60:60 L66T-eZ-9flti OlG CpG �`�VJ � •V�+i N