240559 ORtj'i.INAL TO CITY CLHRK �j $��'„��p� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. '. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. COUNCIL TION—G FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized . to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , an agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the American Pipe Services, Inc. pertaining to the hiring of services of said American Pipe Services , Inc. for television work in certain. sewer lines in the City, a copy of said agreemen.t being attached hereto and incor�mated herein by reference. - -...,.,..�. � , r"",=--.- . fORM PROVED C�orPorat n .} _ { OCT 1419�� , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— , Yeas Nays ��� 1 0 196� i CarLson � ' = Dalglish � Approved 19—_ � Tn Favor � on : q r) Mayor e� Sprafka " A ainst A��� Tedesco g ;�l�;��esxl�eritj B:yrb�;;��i,��� pU6LISHE� OCT 19 1968 �Mr. V�ce President (Peteraon) �O DI.�LICAT[TO lRINT[R �/Lb�'���1 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '°� !` ��'�' �, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER , DATF RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to egecute, on behal� of the City o� Saint Paul, an, agreement between the City o� Saint Paul and the American Pipe ServiQes, Ino. pertaining to the hiring o� services of said American Pipe Services, Inc. for television �,�ork in certain sewer lines in the City, a copy o� said agreement being attached hereto and incor�ateci herein by re�erence. �C-� � � 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays Carlson '��� 3 ` ��6� Dalglish Approver� 19—_ � Tn Favor e er � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst ��f;,:Presicieiit;..��r3?g:::::;��r� Mr. Vice Prc:sident (YeteraqII) ' �� _ . _ _. �. . - � °��"[�.�� . ° � � PRO�ESSIC�JAI� SERVICE AGREQ�IT '; THIS AQ�1T� made as o�' the day of , 1968, � , �,, by and between the City of Saint Paul� a mtmi.cipal corporation� herein�ffi.er -" , �� ,� � designated as the ��Cit�� and American Pipe Ser�Sces��Inco9 a Minnesota corpo- - . . ' � . � „ .i`.. , .. . r � ';" •r' . , • . , � � ration, hereinaf'ter designated as,the +�Compar�y+�; . � , � � � � � � ; ' , ' � ' ; , . , ,. , , . _ , ,. . . � . � , • , , , .. _ . WITNESS�,TH:. .. .. • ', � ' . ..' ' � , , . . . ' � . .� WHEREAS� I'n consideration of the covenants and. agreements of �fhe par'�ies�� : ' ' . . , . _ . , ., '�" a . :�:;J � horeinafter set �forth, tkie Campany agrees t�,o perfo�n and conduct an underground ' �t- � � closed circuit television survey and prepare and f�rni.sh an analysis and tech- nical report on the condition of the sanitary and storm sewer systems of the City� and the City hires the services of the Comp�y for such purposes as ' hereinafter set forth. l. The Compar��r has it i�s e�ploy a re�i.stered professional er��.neer9 • " " licensed in the State of Minneso�.a,� and trained and qualified. to plan� organize� supervise, admin�.ster and complete the work described in t,his contract, as well as to inspect and t,est a11 equipment as f`re- quently as m�y be necessary� to ensure that sams is in proper tirorking condition to gl.ve accurate and reliable results; and to supervi.se the , preparation of i�ie inspection s�udy and report showing the findings and anal,ysis and recornmendation of the Compar�,y. Suah registered professional engineer �ia11 have super�3.sion of per- � foz�nance of this contract by the Compa�� and shall be responsible as a pi*ofessional engineer to"the City therafor� shall be as follati�as: , ' � • , Years of exper3.ence in the �rork .Name to be perforined hereunder Zeland E. Gottstein l0 years this wnrl�, and . #8�9 ' 22 years sewer and Vrat,er work ; 2. The ser�ces to be performed by the Company shall consist of a coanplste closed circuit television survey� campilation, analysis and written report upon the condition of the storm and sanitary sewer facilities� in form best suited to enable t,he City to prepa.re plans� specif5.cations � and estimates io��-necessary replacements or repairs. � 3. The Company shall furnish �,he sex�r3.ces of the re�i.stered professional engineer above specif�ed.� together t�i.th one operations foraman� one � qualified electronics techr�.cian, one co�ple�el,p eqv.ipped mobile �� television trailer or truck, one auxi.liary utili-cy truck� ttro special � portable winches� three�y radio communication, one television camera� ' and such photographic equi.pment for praviding black and trhi.fi.e Polaroid • pictures f`rom the televi.sion monitor9 one video tape recorder capabZe of recozding all defects noted on video tape co;aple'-�e trith �und r�.r- ration� generators� t,rork signs� traff`i.c cones� technical repor� forms� , and other equi.pment and facilities �hat the City or �e Compar�y may deem necessary and incidental to -the servi.ces to be perfo�°med hereundor. • The Compar�p shall also hava available a power rodder speciall,y designed for thread3ng the sewei°s to bo stud3.ed and for pulling a TV ca�ne�a through the sawers. This eq�.pment, complet,e trith operato r, will be . furnished in �he event that ti�e City so raquests thi.s adciitional , service. ,. �1'��{ � , . 5� �\ .� � - l � � " . ' , r � —r-- .�...�_ _ . ' , . � . . � �t. The Company sha11 provide two (2) typet�-itten and bound copies of the findings and anal,ysis of the television inspection stuc�yy inclucling ' loggl.ng sheets indicat3.ng the location and description of a11 defects� , structural failures, sex�rice connections, any abnormal conclitians� and a11 other data deemed pertinent by the Ci�y or tkia Company. S�urnnary tsbles of all defects and fail.vres, as �rell as other pertinent tabJ.es and data, will also be included and cross-referencod in the report, . The original report shall contain black and Z�Thite Polaroid pictu�s of ' each typical porrtion of the pipes found by the Company to be defective� as well as one black and white Pola�id picture of each section of sewer between manholes which wi.11 typi.fy the general canditLon o� the pi�es fgund to be f�ee of defectso � 5. The City, taith its a-�n forces� briZ]. pra-clean and pre-thread, at its , . oVra expense� al]. sewers to be viet•red under �.is Agreement. Necessary . repairs to sewers to provide for proper viewing of f,he se�ers will be ' accomplished by the Citya In the event that the City selects the . option under this contract wherab�r the Carnpa,.�y wil7, furnish the special po��rer rodder and operator for putling the caraera, then in that evant, the Compa�y sha71 be responsible �or the pre-threaciing of the sewers to be studied.. The City wi11� in tvrn� be responsible for on1,y the proper pre-c].eaning of the se�rers to be studiedo 6. The City� at its own expense9 will pravide tt�o (2) men to assist in the viewing operations under the supervision of the Companyo The Ci�y tdi17. a1so� at its ot3n expenso9 provide one additional person f�m its City EhgI.neerts Office� to be designated as a monitor� and whoso f�nctions ' shall be to observe all operations of the survoy and act as a lia:i.son between the City En�in,eer�s Off`ice and the Compar�y. In t,he event a question or d3sagreement should arise as to the manner or method of • perfo�ning this contract� such person so designated shall have the ri�t to suspend operations of �he survey for a per3od not to e�ceed � • one hour for the purpose of infozmi.ng the City En�ineer and giving him ' the opportun3.ty to view the condition and discuss the sa.m9 �ri.th the . Compar�y. In the eeent tha� the City requests that the Compar�y do a11 pre-ihx�eading and fuxnish the pat�er rod.der and manpot,rer for pu17.i.ng f.he . camera, tkien the City wi7.1 not provide the t�,ro (2) �n to assist in tha • v�ewing operations. In either event� hot�ever, t2ae City wi71 provide one representa.tive f�om the City► F�gineerts Off`i.ce to serve as the Cityts represent�,ative� as described abovee • ?. The worlQng hours for the performanco of this contract involving �ro�t upon -the Citg streets shall be est�ablished by the City, and sha11 mot include any hours other than the normal tiror�ng schedule of the Sewer , Divi.s3.on of the Public Works Depar�ment of the C3.ty� unless spec3.fi- , • cally authorized by the Commi.ssioner of Public Trdorks of -�e City. � 8. The Ci�ty may order 'extra �rork over and above that specif`3.e3. Such extra work and the price tliereof shall be agreed to, in writing, ' before performance of such t•rork. 9. The Company a�rees that it wi11 �place in force and furni�� prior �to � the canrnancement of an,y work hereunder, a11 of the insurance requ3.red • uYider this Section 9� fi3ed and approved as herein specified, Exist- enca of such insurance sha11 be ��tablished by the flunishinp; of an � executed or certif`ied copp of an insurance policy or policies (Certif-j icates of Insurance along are unaccep�able) issued by insusbrs duly licansed and operating witha.n the State of MinnQSOta, 3n force dur�i.ng az�y and all periads during the perfozZaance of this contract, aad pro- viding the following coverages: � A• Pub13c ]3abilitp insurance9 tahich sha17. be iri the cc3mprehensive general liabi].i.ty foxm9 includ.ing general liab3litf, automobile liability, load3ng and unloading operations� excavations9 unde� � ground activities and collapse� and �a11 spc3cif`y: � - • (1) Bodi],p 3s�juzy liability except autamohile� 3.n the amount of at least �$250,OOOv00 for one ir�jury or death of any one person in any one occurren.ce; . � r�,�� ' (2) Bodi�y i�jusy liabi].3.ty except automobile� in th,� amount of - at least �2 mL1l.ion9 for ir�juries or deaf,hs a�i.sin� out of :��' � � , as�y one occurrance; • � � ; � - 2 - �� (3) Property damage liability excep-t auto, in tho amount of at • least �500,000,00; for any one occurrence, and in the unencumbered aggregate amozmt of at least �l m3.11ion; , (I�) Bodiltip i.n,jury liability9 automobile� in the amount of at least �100,000s00 for any one ir�jury or de8.th of any one person i.n any one occurx�nco; � , (5) Bodi7,y in�jury liabili.t�� automobile� in the aunount of a� ' least �500�000.00 for at�y injv.r3.es or deaths arising out of any ono occurrQnce; (6) Proporty darrlage liabil3,ty, •automobile, in the amount of " �100�Q00.00. � . Such public lf.ability insurance policy or policies shall provi.de • contractual liability insurance specifically referrin� to and covering the obligation of the Compar�y to defend� indemnif'� and save haxml.ess the City and i�s engineers9 officers� employees and agents� as contained under Section 109 herein. Suc� policy or policies may co�atain provisions declaring such insurance to be excess coverage ►aith respect to ar�y loss or claim for which there is other va1.3.d and enforceable insurance in exi.st�ce. B. WorlQnen�s Compensation Insurance covering all employees of the ' Campan`y wo�k�.n� on or in connection with the operations to be perfonr►ed by the Company under this cantract� in accordance with the Minnesota �J'orinnents Campensation Zaw� and carrging an ��AI1- Statets Endorsementn. , Said policy or policies of insurance sha11 be flzrnished by the Company to fhe City on or before the coirnnencement of any work hereunder� together wi.th a certif`ica.to or certi�.cates of insurance executed by an authorized representative of t,he insuror, cer�i� to the exist- , ence in force of the insurance coverages herein requSsed� and stipu- lating that the pol3cy or poZicies wi11 not be cancelled9 nor as�y � � ma-terial change effected� without f5.rst giving ten (10) days� wri-tten notice to the Cityo After exarlination and app�oval of said po73cy or � policies by the City� they wi11 be returned to the Company� but the certificate or certif`icat,es of insurance wi11. be retained by the City. . No work shall commence under this contract until said insurance policy or policies have been so �.led and so approved by the City Attorneya IIpon request by the City, the Compar�y shall promptly furnish to the City for axaminatian at any time a17. con�racts of insurance raquixed herein. 10. The Compan,y assumes fu11 responsibili�r to the City for the charac-ter� ac-ts and conduct of itself� and of al]. of its employees, x�prasenta- tives or agents, and a11 persons admitted to the working area of the � p�o3ect on or beneath the ground surface with the consent of the ' Compar�y. �• ; • � , � . The Compar�y agrees to defend, inde�rmi.fy� and save harn].ess the City� � its engineers, off�cers� employees and agents from any and aLl claims� suits, losses, damages or e��penses on account of bodi],y i.n�jury9 sick- ness, disease� death� or property damage� as a result of, or alleged , to be the result of, t,he act or omission of tho Compan*y or any agent • , or �nployee of the Compa�y9 or marabers of �t,he public a.cl�nitted to said working areas by either or ar�y one of �he abov�s parties� in connection �ri.th the operations to be performed by the Campany under this contract. 11. Should t,he Compas�y be delay�ed in its operation due to conditions of, or existir� in, the sewer mains and beyond the control of the Compan�r9 and not caused by its otm favlt or negligence or equipment breakdot7n, . the City agrees to ccmpensate the Company on an hourly basis as indi- cated in Section 12 hereofe Such loss,or dela�ed time�shall include, . but sha11 not be ].imited to, time los-� due to the delay or failures of � the City to f1u^riish proper personnel� or dus to any broken or settled • � �r�' sewer pipe9 or other structvral failUre of setrer 3ines� or if the;City fails to perform proper pre-cleaning and pre-thraading, �' . , • � , �� • • , , ' . . . . � � - 3 - _ , . , � � . . � ,; . , . . ; , � , . , � . - ,, , . , . , . . . ,. . , , . . . �. � � , . � � � , � � � . - � . : .. ' � - .. �. .� ,. � , . � .. -, , . „ , , � .. : � , :� . . -,-. � , . , . J � 12. The fees to be pai.d to the Compa�y by the City for t�ie engineer.ing sez�r.i.ces above described i.n conducti.n.g� superPising9 etco, of tho suzvey� and the compilation9 stuc�r and analysis of the data� the- pre�- ' aration of the report� together with all technical and other ser�ces to be performed by the Company here�der� sha11 be in accordance' with , � the following schedule: ' A.• Television stuc�y of approxim�telg 18�527 �eet of sanitary and storm set�erss ' (1) Seririce charges for the televi.sion stuc�p estimated at a cost of approxtria�;ely �It�950o00. . (Based on established rate of �I�9.� per hour, t�hich cavers all w�ork up to 10 hours ` . per d�r� Monday through Fridaye) ' (2) Preparation of two (2) copies of tech�ioal engineering report and final map overlay � 7p� of ser�.ce charges. Estima�ted cost �3I.�6.;0. � (3) Ar�y additional black and white Polaroid . pictures (� °�.30 each, As Ordered (�].l pictures for original repor� included ' 3.n cos� for technical report, Any pictures � duplicated� as ordered, for second copy of report, to be charged at �,�0 each.) (I�) Standby or delay time � ��.9050 per houre ' B. For f�iishing specially designed pot�rer z`odde?'� mounted in van track, complete wi.th all accessories and ski�.led operator, as requested by the City: , � � (1) Estima�ed cost of approximately �19800.00 , � (Based on �18000 per hour up to 10 hours ; per day, Monday through Frida.y.) _ ! (2) Standby or del�y time � �18000 per houro _ C. The Company shall prov3.de video tape recordd�nng equipmesit9 comple�e = witdi 1" tapes� as a means of reco�cli.ng any serious defects found. Sound na,rration shall also be made indicating date� t3me and nature of defect bei.r� �co�led. There should be no add.itiona]. ' costfo�' this sersri.ce other tki.an the cost of the l�f tapesa If the City �equests such recordirlgs to be made, the City shall pay �or the tapes on],y at a cost of �$60e00 per one-liour reelo The tapes shall become the property of the City upon campletion of the ' project. • • Such fees sha71 be paid by the City to the Compa�y Frithin t�renty (20) days after presentation of notice of corapletion of the t�ork� invoice� and approval and acceptance of same by the Ci�.y Eng�neer. 13. It is the intent of tdze par�ies that this Agreeanent sha71 be for the period t'rom the effectiv�e dat.e of the Count,ersignattlre �to Deceinber 1� 1968, and that the m,a.�mtnn charg� for a11 projects con�racted for by the City hereunder sha]1 not exceed the sum of Ei�t Thousand Doll.�rs . ��8��.Q0). 11}. The Compa�,y agrees that it wi11 pror�ptly p�y a11 persons engaged by it for the furni.shing of labor or ma.terials to9 or for any par�t of, the pro�ect or in connection yri.th any par� of the performance of this' , conts�act, and that charges for such services or materials sha1Z f`.i.rst � be paid out of the amount dwe the Compan4Y �nder th�s contract befo�a a�y part thereof is paid to the Cor�pany� or i�ts agents or assigns; ars� the Company s,ri11. indeumi.fp the City against a11 cla.ims� charges or liens of any lfl.nd for labor or matex°ia3s furn.ished as aforesaid� �and . against aIl loss by reason of the failure of the Compa�y in any respect - to flil.],y patip any of said chaxges9 or to flx7ly perform a'll, obl�.gations �,fi" under t�his contracto • : 4 ��� � . � � � � � � • Z � . . , " • " . . . � � , . , . ,' . � . � • ' . , . ' _ • . . ' - ' . , . j :, • ' ' " . � , � � . � • ; ' 1.5. . The Company agrees that� during the life of this contract� 3.t ti,ri1S not, • � ` .' ., . .• � ., � wi.thin the Sfi.af,e of Mirmesota.� d.iscriminate against any employee or �� ' �' �. • '. � � . , applicant for employment because of race, color, creed� nationat origin '�. " � ' _�. , � • . - or ancestry, and will include a sitnilar prov3.sion in a11 subcontracts =. , ;';� . entered into for the performance hereofe This contract may be cancel.3.od �.•�,'.�;�� _;;�;?=. or tezminated by the City� and a11 money dus or to become due hereimder , � may be forfeited for a second or subseqtzent �.olat3on of the terms or conditions of this Section 15e This Section is inserted 3.n this contract to comply with -the provisions of Section 181e59 of the 19l�5 Minnesota Sta�utes Annotated. � 16. The Compar�y agrees that it �rill be available to accompliah the closed • • circtait televison survey and tai7.3. carr�mce work wit�hin ten (10) days after execut3.on of this contract. This contract embodies the s�ole agreement of the parties, there being ao promises, terms, conditions or obligations referring to the srlbject matter other than herein contained. Ild WITNESS WHEFtEOF, t,he parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf respectively by their proper off`icials theraunto duly author�zed by their respective gove*��ro bali.es� and their corpora.te seals .to be hereto aff'iged, the day and year f�rst above written. • In Presence Of CITY OF SAIlJT PAUL' � � Mayor Commissioner of Pub 'c Works City C e . ' Coun'tersig�ed: . ;� Comp ro r . In Presence Of AMERTCAN PIl'E SERVICES, INC. ; . � Appro as to fo • - � � , Ass . rporat o o e � Appraved as to form and executed th3.s day ' , ' ' of � 1968. ' � � ss . Corpora on Counsel ' ,,�� ' . �r �� • . �� ' - 5 - , � � . � . � '. . � � °�Q . PROF^rSSIC�VI�L SERVICE AGFt�•II�I'I' . • THIS AC�t..�'�''i' raado as of the � �� da of ����� 1968� , y 9 by and botwoen t�e City of Sairit Paul� a m�v..cipal corporatio:�� hez�inafter ' � desi�nat,ed as the �rCityt� and Amoric3n Pipc3 Sez�ricos� Inc.9 a Minnosota corpo- � ration, hor�insf`tc�r desi�atod as the t�Compar��; ' ZdITIJ::SS:.�"'i'H e • Z�hIII�EAS, 2n consideration of the covenan�s and ag�roements of t�he pa:c�ies, horoinaft.er set forth, the CampanJ agraes t.o peri"orm and conduc� an underground closed circuit television survey and pr�para and fus�ish an anaZ,ys3.s and tech- ' • nical report on -Ehe condition of t�he sanitary and storm sewer s�s�eras of the City, and the Cit� hires the servi.ces of the Comp�ny for such purposes as • � hereinaf`ter set forth. 1. Tho Company has it ii:s employ a n��i.s�ercd professiona7, e���.noer, � ' 1ice�sed in the State of 2�nr:eso�a, �d -trainod and qu21.�.f:i.ed �o p1an� _ • or�anize� supervi.so, admini.sto3• and camplo�t.e tho wos:t described i.n this contract, as troll as �,o inspec� and t,est a11 equipmen� as z�e- ' - quent�y as m�y be necessary, to ensun: t1za� sams is in praper ti7or''�c�rzj ' cor.di-L-ion to �i.vo accurate aad re3iable �su7.�s; and t,o supex�.se the � proparation of the inspec�ion s�udy and roport showing the �indings .' and analysis and recommendation of �ha ComparW. , ' Sucii s��s�ered professional enginoer �a11 have super�i.sion o� par- for�anco of this contract by the Compa�-�p9 and sha11. bo responsiblo as a professional engineer to'the City thon3�or, s.'�all be a� fo11c�;�rs: , • � � Years of oxperi.ence in �he t•POr� , Narr:e •r,o b3 �r�o�ed hereur_d�r ' � Zeland E. Gottstein 10 years this �:or:ti� and ' � ��8�9 22 years sewor and �ra��r t•ror.�t 2. Tho services to bo perfor�c� by -�ho Co:npany s�a11, consist of a cc.�p1$�t,e ' closed circuit televi�.on surv�ey, co�pilation9 anzl,ysis a�d t��i��e� � re�,ort upon the condition of the s�orm and sanitary se:•:�r facilities� in fo .� b�st sui.ted to enable i�e Cicy zo prap�n� pla�s� spocif`i.ca�ions and estimates fo��necessary replacem�n�s or �pairs. 3o Tho Conpany shall furni.sli �.he services o� the 'regi.stered p�ressiona3 � . engineor above specif`ied� toge�her t•;�.th one opera�tions fo���,:Lz, anc - q��al.ified elec-tronics �ec'nnicial9 o:�e camp7..e�el.y equipped mooi.le '.,; television trai.ler or tri:ck, one au:�.lia��,� u�i�.��- trucic, ��•ro s�ci;? � � poi�able winczos� �-.hree-�•ra.y rad.io co:�..�nu��.ica�ion, one �olevisio�. cwn����� and such g�zotographic equi.pmsn� for pr�viding blaclt ar.d T•ini�c Pol:ro�d ' pictu�s iron, the television monitor� one video ��ao r�cor�ler capa'o�o of racordir_� a11 defects no�cd on video -�u�e CCilp].O�Q i•Zi'LYl :aur_d r_4xi- -'' ration� gonoraLOrs� z•7ork signs� tr�.ft`ic conos� tcchnical rrpor� fo-r:.��� and o khor equi.praent �nd facili.�ies �ha� �Yio Ci�y or ��e Co:r.pa� may ° deo�a r.ec�ssa�-,� and incide�'cal t,o tho s�r�vicos �o be �r�o?:�ed h���:unc�cro • ' ina Co�npar� shall also havo avai.l4blo a pa:•;ar ro�der spccial?;� de:,i.��d • for throadin� tho sot•r�rs to bo s�u�.ed a:c�a �or pu1'li.n� a 1J c0.e_�. ' . �hrou� tho sot�r�r�o Thi� eq�.p�nen�, co:nnlflf,Q Z•rii;h opez�.tor, wi11 �bQ f`us�ni;hod in the event that fho Citp so z�equo3t� this adcli.t�.on�3. • s�-rvi.co. , . r� , • '. ' -` • , n ., , '� . `•, . , ' • . , . y ' . , , ..1. . . " ], -� . ` , '" . ` . • . � • . . , . ` l�. llie Company- s�all pr�vida �:�ro (2) tyo�t•:ri.tt�n and bound copias of tk�o find.in�s and anal,�sis of �e televisioa ins�ection stuc�y� inclu�.n� ' lo��ing sheo�s indicating t��e location and descrip�io�1 0� a?7. de.iects� . s�ructural iailures, serTri�e connections, �y abnormal conditions, �nd aL otho r da�a deeMed pertinen� by -cho Ci��y or t�o Conpa��fo S�rLm:Mf tables of a11 de�ects and failtLr.:s, as t•:eZl as othor portinent tables ��d da�a, t•ri11 also bo incl�:ded and CI�UJJ°�;icrenced in �::e n:j�ort, `i'he ori.ginal n�po� sha71 contai.n black ar.d t•?nite Po].aroid pictur�s o�C eacz t;�pical pox-tion of the pig�s fo•ar.d by �hs Corapax�y to bo defec�iva� as t�;a11 as one black and t,rhite Pola�id pictu�a of each section of sc�vror bott•reen m�riholes which wi.11 t i tho nara�„ condition of tho r� YP�fY � pipo3 found to bo frco of defoct�, ' . � , ' , 5. The City, t,�.th its a�,m forces,� �ri11. px��-claan and pn:-thxvad, at its , • oi•m �rpenso� a7�. �ot•;ers to bo vi.c�:•.�d undei• t�iis l��r�^emento 1TC�iCEJJ��..x^f � • � � re7airs -to �ot�rers to pmvide for pn�pQ� vie:sin� of �io set:ers ta-i11 b3 ••• � accomplishad by tho Cityo Tn the ovent �that the Ci�y selocts tho � ' ' " option under this contract t•�hcroUy the C�nna,:�,y tiriLl furni��i tho spocial � . ;. pot•ror roddor and opor��or for pulling tho c:mara, t,hcn in �hat ova:�t, , ' � � t��o Combany shatl, be responsibl� for tho pre-thi�ad.i� of ths scwexs t,o �� � � bo s�udied. The City tri.11, in tu.ra, be respons:ible for on1� the pzUper �'� ,� , • . ," � ' pra-cleanin� of T,he se�rers to be studiedo ' � � �. •y�. , � ' � . , 6. The City� a-t its o�rn expen�e9 tsill. provi.do t;•ro (2) me� �o �ssist in the . ' �' '-�-... vio:•ring operations under �ho super�rision of the Cc;;�pa�e `i'he Ciiy t�ri11.• '� �t� • " 'also� at its o:•m expensQ� pro�ide one addition2l per�on fl°om its City ' IIz�..neer4 s Office, to be desigr_a�ed as a moni�CO�, and t�,hose f1�nc�ions . ' sh�1,1. ba to obsorvo a11. op�ru�ions of �h� survoy �nd act as � lzai.son batt�•een the City En�.neero s O�I�.c� and the Compa..n�r, Ir� thQ ev�n� a' qaostion or cli.sagra�nent shoul.d ariso a� �o the in�zner o�� nal�od •of • porformin� this contract� �ucn parson so dosig�ated sha1.�, havo the rir,�t to su.��-pend oporations oP �he survoy �or a period not to axeeed ' ono hour for the pur�oose of info:c�r,ing t'r_� City En�ineer and gi.ving hira . tha opportunity to viez� tho condi�ion aa-�d c'riscuss thQ sa*r.� tiri.�h th� ' Compar�y, In the event �that icho Ciiy rcques�s tl�a� iho Co:np�y� do �? � pr�-ic;ix��.ciiz�, and fuxnish �ho pa;•7ar ralder and r�anpo��7er for put7 zn� �ho c�.�nora, thon tho City vill no� prov�do tho -t:•ro (2) rr:�n to a�sist in tho viewin� operations. 7n eith�r ovc�n�, hc;•:aver, �lie City wi]1 p•rovidQ one n�prosen-E�,a.t3.ve from �he City II�.gineert s OffS.cQ to servo as �`�he � ' Cityis rapresentative, as descri�d aboveo • • 7. The t�o��dng hours for the perforr,��nco o� 1�his con�:ract invol�rsng t•ra�s uz�on the City stree�s sha11 bo esf�ablished by the Ci�y, znd sna13, no� �; includo ar�V hours o-ther �han the norrcal t�7or�an� sc'aedule of �he �etaar . Division of the Public Work;. Depa�cr:e�t oi" �hQ Ci�J� ur�Zess sp�ci�i= ' � cal�y' aut,horized by the Commi.ssioner of Pub7ic Tr7orks of 1�he Cityo � . 8. The City may order extra z7or� ovar �n3 abov� tha� speeif`ie3o S�.:rh � � e�.-tra t•roz�c and the pxice "�he�of shaZ1, be �gr,:ed i�o3 in zmi�in�� bofoi^e perfox���nce of such t•rorkm 9. The Co:�pany a�rees �ha� i� �:i17. pl�ce in force �nd furn�.�'n� prior �F,o ths c .o�m��cemer.� of � T�ror� herannder� aL of �he 3.nsu-r�nc� re�ui�d - under t,his Section 99 filed 2nd app�.�vcd as herein speciri�3o �a.s�� enc3 of su:,h insurance sh�.L, be a3i:a'o3is�ed Uy -�he flirnishir_; oi � ,•- execut,ed o�r cer�i�.ed cop� o�5ars in�ax�.�ce p�lic�,� or po3ici.es (Ce-�ci�-� ic:z�e� of Insucance ^�-_�acc�p�able} :�.ss�.�d by insu_.��s du'�.y • , lic�s:sed and operatin� 4zithin the S�:ate of Minnoso'ca., in fo�.;o dur�g any a��zd all porieds du�-•ing tho perfo'r�ee of -this contra.c�, ar:d pn�- vicling thQ followi.ng coverag�s: � • A. PubLc liabili�� insura�zco, t:�:�.ch shz71 �e in y�he ce:�prahensiv� gQnera? liabiLty for�9 inclu3ir�, ge*��^�1. liabi5�.-i;f, au�omdu:,1.� liabili.ty, loading �nd u.�oa�� o�e=u�ions� e�:cava�ions9 �w:der- ' � grotmd ac�ivities ar.d col3.apsa, ar.cl s'aaL sprcif�: � • (1) Bodil,y ir�jzz.-� 1�.abi�.i.cJ e_ce;�� autc:�o'ai.�o� in �cha a.4o-�t of at le�.st �25o,C�0oC0 for o�� it�jury or dea�ii oi any ane ' •person in a�z� ons cccu�•�i���; ' _ .�r� (2) ^ ; � =njury ��.-^�bi?�.ty e-ics�'c autcraobile, in trs �JLTMlv oi" „�' az least �2 � 'r�.?l.ion� fo� ir�juries or dea�hs arisin; out oz' 7 az�y onc3 occurranc�; , - 2 - . , (3) Proper�y da�►aga ?iabilizy oxcEp� au�o, in tho amount of'at loas� �500,OOOo00; for ��y one occurrei�.co� and in �ho �encurabored a�gragata arnount of at :Least ;?l r�.i.11ion; . , . �:' J (}�) Boclily ir�ury liability� automobile, in the amoun� of at - leas� ;�100,0�v00 for �ny onc it�jury or de2th of nnl one � � ,• � porson i.n �y one occurr�ncc; • ' � (5) Bodily ir�jury 13ability� auf.o:�obil.o, in �ho a�noun� of at • lo�st �500,OOOo00 for any injuri.es or deaths ar3.sing out of ar�y ono occuriLnco; . . (6) Property dama� liability, automobile, in the amount of ' �100�000.00. Such public ]�.abil.i.ty insurar:ce policy or policios shz7.1 provide � contractual liability insura�co specix'Y.call.y s�zer�in� ��o and _ cover�in� the obli�ation of �e Comp�siy to def�nd,, indemn�.� and . savo harn�].ess the City and its on�inoer�� o�ficors� employees and • agonts� as contained under Soc�3.on 109 heroin, Such policy or policies may contain provisi.ons declaring such insurance to be excess coveraga ►•ri.th respect to �y loss or clazm ' • for which there is other valid and enforceable insurance in �' - � e�dstence. � B. j•Jorl�nent s Compensation Insurance covering alI employces of �h3 ' ' Camp�n,y z•rc�king on or in co:�nection t•rith the operatio�s to bo ' performed by tY:e CoMpany under tlzj.s contrac�t� in aceordanco wi� , the lti.nnesota Z�Jorlane�ps Campe�nsatian, Zati•t9 and carrying an t�k1,3.- . ' St.a�ets Endorsementn. S�i.d policy or policies of insurance shall ba f`+irnished by the Co�rrp�ny to the City on or bofos� the co;rnencement of ar� t�ork hes�u�der, togo�her trith a certif`ica�o or certi�.ca�os of insurGr:�o e�ecuted by an authorized representa�cive of tho insuror� cer��i�'yin.g to the exis�- ' enco in force of the insuranco coverzges herein raquir�d� and s�ipu- � latino that �t;he polj.cy or policies tiri11, not be cance11ed9 no-r �� �aterial change eftected� wi�hou� f�.�-�s'c giving ten (10) days� Urszitcr� � no�`�,ica to the Cityo Af�er exa�►inaticn and approval of s�id polic� or • policies by the Ci�y, they Vri11 b� re��ned to 1�he Cc:�p�-�y� but the . . certifica��e or cerLifS.ca�es o� insuranco t�Ti17, be ratai.�ed bJ th3 Cit�o No t•rork sha7.l commenc� undet this contrac� until said insurar_�o po7.icy or policies have bee� so f`iled and so approv�d by the City ktzorr_ayo . Upon request by �tho Ci�y, the Comp�y sha11 prorr.��ly ftu�.ish -�o �Yie � Ci�cy for axaminatian at any tir.ie aL1 con�racts o�' insurance �qtai�ed � . herein. 10. The Co:npany assumes full responsibiliiy to thA Ci� for the ch2r�c�or, acts and eonduc� of itselt� and of �1.1 of i�s e.*�ployees,�n;przse�-�a- , , tivos or agents, and at1 persons admit�c,ed to �h8 470T'k1ri� a.�a of the , �rojec-t on or benoath tho ground surface.with the consen� og � Corapar�y. ' Tho Co;npas�y a�r,:es to defend, indcm�v.f�, and save haxraloss th� City� ,-•: i-t� en.gineors,, officers� emplo�ces �nd a�onts fro:n ;�y ana ��1. CZ.a.lt'1S�`, suits, losse3, dama�es or e�•pen�c� on accoun•t of bcdiJ,y in�u.ry� sicic- nes�, disoas�, death� or px�p�r�y darna��� as a xLSUlt of, or �1.1.eg�d _ to be tho resulic of, t�he act or c:ni.ssion oi �he Compar.y or ar.y ag�:�•c or e,mployeo of the Company� or mernb�rs of the �ublic a.dmiic-ted to sa.._�d z•rorlan� areas by eit,he� or any an� of Lhe abo� par-�ies, ir_ connec�ior� iriyuh �he operations to bs perfo�ned b;�r �he C��pany under 'chis co���ac�, 110 Should w�e Company be delay8d i31 7.'LS o�era�cior_ du3 �o condi�ior_s o�� • � or e_�s�in� in, th3 sEt�rar mzin� and b�yand �ha con�r�? oz" �he C��.''.":t�c'��'1a9 . and no� ca�:sc3 by i�s a•m �auZ� or ne�.ig�nce o-r equi�����c i�re�lcdo��r� �he t�.t3r agi�es to cc:�pensate �he Cfl;a��~iy o�z 2.�2 hotLY'1�' baLis �s ��:li- caf,ed in Section 12 harao�o Stc_Z 3.oss or del�od �tims'sha13. �.nclt::?e9 . bu� sha11 no� be 1�mi�e3 to, �ir:le 3os� due �o '-�e �elay or T zil;��s o� �, the Cit� to �rnish px�per personnel.� or d�:e �o an� b��e:� or so��z ed �'� s��•;ar pipe9 or o�her st�-L:ctu,,�;:�t. fai.Izrre o� se*�'r 3in�s� or iF �.o Ci�y � �j. fails to perz�o� proper pra-cleaning and prz-'t�a�adir.g, • _ 3 _ , , , � . . � � 12. lne fees to b3 paid to `�'r.o Cc^:�an;� oy �he Ci�y ior the engineeriri� ser,r-icos above described il� ccr�ductin;� s�pervising, e�ce, of thc sur�ey, .::nd the comnila�ion, s�uqy and an�.�sis of tho data, tha.pre�- ara�ioa of tho rapor t, T,oget�er y�.th all cechnical and o�her service� �o bc3 ner�orr�.ed by the Co�pany here�der� sha11 be i.n accorclanco t•ri-th the z�ollowin� sc.hodule: g.• ' Televi.sion stuc�y of approx�snatoly 189527 feet of,sani.f.ary and • s�orm setti�ers: � ' � (1) Ser�rice charge� for the �elev.i.sion stuc�y �a�r�a'��� �'� � �9�t g 4 a�P�'�e�m��9�-_y �?�9�54•�0 (�secl on estab�.].shect r�t� o� ��.�0�0 per ' � , hour, t:hich covers aL1. t•ror�c up to 10 hours " . per da;r, I�Ionday through Fridafo) � (2) Preparation of tt•ro (2) copies of technieal engineering r�po� and �ina7. �ap overlaJ @ 7p of servi.ce cha2°ges. Estiraated cos� �31�6.�0. (3) Ar�y additional black and t�hi.te Polaroid � pictures � �.30 eacho As Ordered , (All pictures for ora.�ir►�1. r�po� included ' in cos� for technical �e�o�o k�ny- pic-tures . duplicated, as o�ered, for seconc� copy of - � report, �to be charged at �030 eacho) (It) Standby or dolay �ime Q ��,9050 per houro B. For flzr�v.shing specially dosi�ed power rodder, moun"�ed in van . ' truck, co:nple�e wi.th all accessories and ski].led operator� a� requested by the City: ,�, (1) Estima�ed cost o� appro�mately �19800o0J (Based on �18000 per hou�� up to 10 hours per day, Monday 1�rou�h Fridayo) ' (2) S�.andby or del�,y time Q �18000 per hour. C. Tho C�roarry sha11 prcvi�.e vid�o �apa racorclin� equip:��nt, co:�plcze ' ' i•rith ln tapes, as a �ea.ns o� racorcL.ng ��y serious def�cts found. , Sound narration shall al:,o be mado incLica�i,-�� date, �imo ar_d natUre of defec� bein; s�cos�edo Th�ra shauld b� no additiicna3 � costfo�' this service o�her �-,h.an t�e cos� of tha l�� tapeso Iz" �ha , � City requests such roco�ings to be mz.d.e, the Ci.tf sha13. p�' ior _ - the tapes on],p at a cost of u60o0J por one-lio-a-r reolo The �tapes shall become the prope�ty of �he City uoon ccmpletion of ths pivj ect. . . Such sees sha71 be paid 'oy tho City to the Compaay t•ri�hin �•renty (20) d�rs a.�`tior p�sen�ation of no�ice oi" ca:ipletion of the trork� invoico� and approval and accep�anco of sam� b� -�he Ci� Eno nee-r, , 13. It is tre intent of t�o par�iES that �his A���anen� sr�a,�. i�a fo� -cho poriod �o�n the effec�iv� date of fi,he Cou���ersi�3�un: f,o ��cer:��r l�� �g58, and tha� t.he m��imu.�'n charge for a13 projects co�.�rac�ed .io� by the City horeunder sha13 not e�ceed �he s�n of Ei�� '1'housar:d Do11�rs (�8,000oC0). . ].l�. Thz CoMpany a�es tha� it Z.n�I1 proyp�l�' pag a31 p�?^sons e�.oa.�ed bf it for �he �urn3.shi,�� o� ?abor or ma���ia3.� �o� vr for �.y p4r� of, �he pn�ject or in ccnnec�ion :•ri�ch a�-�p pa.�� o� �he perforr��nce o� this contract, and that char�s for sLCIz services or matori^1� �,��11 f`i_rs� . be paid ou� of tho a5:ou,�t du� tho Company under ��i.s con�r�ac� i�eio'to ar�y part thor�of is paid to �he Ccnvan;�9 or ��s a�en�� or assi�s; ar�d t,he Co:�nany z,riL1. in�err�v.f�r �he Ci�y a�ai�st a17. c1.�� cha��;�s oi° . liens of �y ldnd ior labor or �.ter�.z�s ��a.rni.shec? �s �:0�.��2id, ;�n� a�;ai..-:s� all loss by reascz o� the f,�i3.u� oi the Cor.ip�zy in ��y r�s��c'c. to zlzl.�y pa,y ��y of said cnarg3s9 or �o � perfox�n .�,�. abli�tio�s � % unc3er this con�racto • • .r{ , �r• ' .•7 . . . - • � � � • • . � � � y � r 1.5. �'.:c Coz;r�a�-� a�rees tl:at, duri.ng tho life of tr.is con��c�, it ti ��riL not, ' wi�.�in '��he St�te of Mirmeso-�� discri,�ina�e aga.insti any emnlo3*eQ or . ap??ic�n� for ernployraent becakse oi race, coior, es�ed, na�ion�? GY"i�1T1 or a.�c�stry, and zvzu. include a si��:�i.la.r ps�vision in a71 suhcontr�c-t� entcax�d into for �ha p�rfornaneQ he�o�o This contrac� may bo cancel3ed or t�a:�inated by ��ho Ci�y, and �Z1. monoy d�s or ��o bacono duc here�dor . may b� �orfeited for a second or suUsequon� viola;,ion oF �ho terms or conditions oi this Section 15o This Sec-t�.on is inserted 3.n this ccn-tract - to CCT1D�i' kL1't�'1 tYlo provisions of Section 1810�9 of the 19li5 �Zinnosota Statutes Annotated. � 16. ihQ Compar{y a�z�ees that it tri1�. b3 available to acconpli:,n �he closed • cirr.ui.t -tolevison surv-ey and i�-i].3. CO'7II�1QC� SJ02I{ Wl'�Y1122 'tPdl (10) day� � , after executa.on of t3�is contrac�o This contract or�bodies the wholA a�err�n� of -�he pa-rties, there being no prorai�s, terms, concli-tions or obligations roforring to the szzbject mattor othor than horein contained. IN WITNESS Z�iEREOF, the parties herato h�re cau:ed this Agreemen� to be . e�QCUted in their beh�� respectivoly by their proper off`icial� thereunt,o duly . authori.zed by their respectivo governing bodies9 and the3r corpora.te seals to b� - hereto af,f�.xed, the d�p and ysar f�rst above written. ' • . In Presence Of . CI'PY 0 SAIIJT PAiJL :r � � � � � ' � M�,yo . . . ��'� ��� � - - � . �z�a.ssio:�er o P�ub -'� Tdor2cs . � � . ' • i�-�'.iJ _ ./� .�ZL�i�. • City Cler . Coun�.ersigied: . ' .• . � � 1 'Y �.,�1� j ".F_��'�. , . �j•' , omptro r , � . • , � . � '. . , . � " . � I r ence ' ,'. ' ' • ArrIERTCAN PIpE SER�Ci,:�, ?s��. � • � � • � - -� , � �'. � � ` � L-�,�� ���,_�, . c�•nI � � � ,. . . � 1r"V�li!�,..� ,�,�� 1 . ' ' - + , , . • - �/►c�. ��. ��.d0., � � , . . . • .. � • , . , . i . � • . • . �.�..; �,�� .i,;,;.. , � ' „ . _ Appro as to fo ' ,:� r. , � ; .. � '���.. ., , . � . ., . ��,� ` . ;. . t . • • �. . kss , rporatio s 1 • A�proved as to and� ' � • e.tiECUte this � day � • • • of � �58. • , � Ass�o orporati� C 1 ; � . .r • . .! — 5 — • ,